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GOTY 2014

best nongames:

muramasa dlc 1, muramasa dlc 2, muramasa dlc 3, muramasa dlc 4. (44:27+18:15+1:45 v. main game's 30:04+16:05+2:21).

this year did not deliver on the promise of spring.

List items

  • not a good game game, not a great story game. most of my 2013 was holy shit they're making a drakengard 3. most of my 2014 was holy shit they made a drakengard 3. credits were unexpectedly emotional.

  • might be better than graces f, and graces f was a really good game. got p. deep into 5 characters which is much more than any other tales game. story is very much graces f's f to xillia. presentation of a playable character is v. important and asbel milla should really get a statue.

  • faults real, still a cool game (competition not terribly fierce). soured because ~ultra late game int ~primary becomes pretty unviable.

  • that game again (good), lot of the old tracks (good/neutral), increased focus on/variety of star notes (neutral/bad). sounds like thumb rotational scratches are a thing that some vitas can do, mine is not one of them. having to pull back to the bottom third and do left/right swipes makes some charts fucking impossible.

  • good fun playing healer until it wasn't. high end targetting felt v. underwater playing on ds4. also seems like scholar penalized more than the others in terms of hybrid. this game does a lot of what killed/is further killing wow for me so I'm never going to dive deep but it was p. fun for a month.

  • good fun until postgame, then frustration at clawing interface/numbers targetting mp. sickle was a much better experience than freedom wars.

  • did not like turn() stuff fullstop. not enough options to make the tactical side interesting and every turn commits you to an extended period of running away. also whereas the idols in bastion all added at least something a lot of the skulls here amounted to purely avoidable frustration rather than difficulty.

    eventually found a few fun builds for realtime that completely broke the second halfish and ng+.

  • pretty much same as first. one plot hole (intent thrown out the fucking window) that irks me still despite being eventually made ~irrelevant and a bit of a leap at the end (no clue), but still thinking slightly better than 1.

  • (ps4) as much as I liked the story/corridor stuff I wish they cut some of it to be more environmenty. second clearly fell out of the first and there was very little work put into making it fit.

  • dislike fake big boss, regenerating health, and lack of roll, but peace walker 2 so excite.