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Looking Back on 2011 so far - Music

I'm still a huge sucker for 90's sounding grunge.

Two albums that jumped out at me immediately is Yuck's self titled album and Smith Westerns "Dye It Blonde". Scratching that underbelly itch of dudes playing guitars and not caring that it sounds exactly like The Pixies.

I still enjoy me some hipster bullshit.

I don't like Panda Bear's solo efforts as much as I enjoy Animal Collective albums, but Tomboy is a very solid record. Another album that falls in this catagory is Battles "Gloss Drop", though I get tired of the eight minute instrumental tracks very quickly. They need to get that dude that hooks up his microphone to an octave pedal back... that guy was great.

The mighty have fallen.

Boy, that Radiohead album came and went, didn't it? Other disappointing albums that pop in my head from huge bands are The Stokes and TV On The Radio. I understand the The Strokes haven't had a good album in 10 years, but TV On The Radio's album was a complete whiff compared to their first two great albums.

Only one stands above the rest.

In terms of something being called a "Great Album", 2011 has been a lousy year for me personally. Most of the times when picking what I wanna hear from my collection, I stay pretty clear from anything that's came out from this year. Is Bon Iver boring for most? I guess so... but there's nothing like listening to this guy's album, driving through the country, and appreciating nature.

Other Stuff I Dig:


Duke Nukem in one minute. (video)

Just testing out ideas and seeing what sticks... I could have tried a couple of more times at recording the VO, since my ass is hard to understand at some points in the video... so here's a transcript:

Duke Nukem Forever starts out with you drawing cocks and smearing shit all over the wall. Soon enough, you'll play an updated boss fight from Duke Nukem 3D, only to find out that you're just playing a video game inside of a video game. The alien race decides that they haven't had their asses handed over to them enough yet, so they'll give it another go at taking over the world. From here, we get a smattering of old pop culture references so irrelevant today that you might have missed out on them the first time you saw them. Did you catch that Christian Bale reference that was three years too late? Duke is told not to engage with the alien race, but shit gets personal when they start "Taking all of his babes". The game becomes really repetitive and stretched out for about eight hours until we come to the final boss battle. And guess what, it's the same exact boss you fought at the beginning of the game. I'd like to think of it as a really poetic way of saying that you wasted 14 hours of your life playing this game, the same way metacritic poetically told the developers that they wasted 14 years of their life making the game.


Community Project for Trenched. I need your salutes! LAST DAY!

Look, Giant Bomb... we've had an enormous amount of coverage for Double Fine's muscled men game, Trenched. It would be awesome for us as a community to pay back the Double Fine people with an awesome community video. How, you might ask? With a crazy fucking community trailer for the game, that's how.

So I'm asking you folks to contribute. Make a video of yourself, and put it up on youtube or give it to me directly(or however else you wanna do it.)

The video is open to you to do whatever you want... Doing saluting, a short skit, stand in front of green screen, cosplay... whatever!

I'll probably let everything glide for two weeks before putting together the final product (if this catches on, hopefully). Have fun, soldiers!

Community Project Regiment.Have they submitted anything yet?

LTTP Impressions on E3 2011 + The Worst of E3

I made a video!


No bombshells were dropped, but Sony showed off a good smattering of their exclusive software. Uncharted didn't really amaze as much as the Uncharted 2 demo did, but that franchise is pretty much set in stone right now on how those games are going to be when they come out. Resistance looks really bland, you can tell that Insomniac is ready to move away from that franchise. The crazy 3D TV that removes split screen is insane in my opinion, can't wait for that to come out... might end up being my first jump into 3D.

I was very disappointed in the lack of major software to support the Move. As an early adopter, I feel that I need something better than NBA 2k12 dumbing down controls, and bullshit shovelware. Ken Levine saying something about move makes me hopeful, but not seeing anything was a huge disappointment. The announcement of Sly 4 proved that Sony still has its head in the right place.

The Playstation Vita price announcement just about steals E3 for me. Uncharted PSVita and whatever that other game that was shown doesn't look impressive to me at all, but the promise of that machine at $249 puts me on board that bandwagon.


Damnit, Microsoft, I tried. Sony let me down this year, and I was yours for the picking. You didn't have much exclusive titles going into this, so I was prepared to have my socks knocked off... but I got nothing in return except a bunch of poor looking Kinect games. I'm going to let you in on a secret: showing off third-party games doesn't make your console look any good. Oh, you have Kinect support for Ghost Recon? I'm sure the six people that use that are thrilled.

The Kinect Fun Labs is a refreshing idea... that technology needs to be spread to as many people as possible.


Wow. What a lifeless company nintendo is. Oh, you have a touring Orchestra that's touring this fall? Fantastic. Another Zelda game is coming out? Cool. Another Zelda game is coming out after this Zelda game on your new console? Incredible. You're remaking a Zelda 64 and Starfox 64 game? Edgy.

Wii U? Fuck U.

When the only exciting announcement to me is that your making a sequel to Luigi's Mansion, then you need to go back to the drawing board.


EA: Solid lineup of games

Ubisoft: Maybe the best conference....Rayman:Origins looks incredible, and Far Cry 3 is a nice surprise... host was terrible.

Konami: Absolutely Awful.


Konami's Conference in 3 minutes / Hype Trailer (updated)

Updated to add Konami e3 in 3 minutes.      


Will we get to see the return of the greatest hype man of all time? 
Will we see more creepy staring?
Will the crowd not give a shit at all?
Find out tomorrow on at 5 P.M. PST!!!
</end shill>

(Made by billnyethesciencepie)