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Problems with my video game consoles, that is... not of the mental variety...

well, maybe a few of those, too...
anyways, take a look at these videos, and tell me if you guys know the problem with any of the consoles in them...






Okay guys... so, I've tried everything I could... but I can't seem to download the XNA Game Studio 3.0 off of the Microsoft Download Center.

I've tried the following browsers, and it still won't work:
- Internet Explorer 7.6001.18000
- Firefox 3.0.8
- Google Chrome

Here's a video:


Can anybody help me?!  :-O

QotW 4/6/2009 Answer

so, this is my first video in widescreen... I don't have an HD camera yet... but that aspect ratio is just oh so sweet. enjoy, guys!

Q: "What's your best peice of video game swag?"


QotW 3/30/2009 Answer

so, I figure besides just sending my videos in through email, I'll also start posting my answers for the question of the week early... right here on my blog! If anybody cares to watch them...
here's this week's:
"Pitch us a zombie game in 30 seconds"



"For every ten years you've been a junkie..."

"...You'll have spent seven of them waiting."

If you don't recognize that quote, it's from the 2006 movie Candy, which I've seen recently.  I've been on a sort of Heath Ledger trip.  I suddenly want to watch all of his movies.  He's a really great actor, I never heard of him before The Dark Knight, and it's a shame that he's no longer with us.

So, let me go on to the...

Question of the Day

Which characters would you like to see added to Street Fighter IV?

Well, I've still yet to pick up SFIV, simply because of a lack of money for the game, and an arcade stick, which is basically necessary to play the game correctly, but there's a few characters that I think would be a cool addition to the game.

1. R. Mika - Rainbow Mika has always been one of my fav. street fighter characters.  She's not only in a crazy-hot scantily-clad wrestling outfit, but she is also just allover crazy, which makes her an awesome character, in my opinion.

2. Mega Man X - With the return of old skool Mega Man, I think it'd be cool to see Mega Man as DLC for SFIV.  I say Mega Man X, simply because he's taller and would fit the profile of other Street Fighter characters better.

3. Blue Mary - Once again, not from Street Fighter, and not even from Capcom this time. In fact, this'll probobly never happen, but Blue Mary as DLC would be so cool.  She's got a style that most other fighter chicks don't have, and has probobly always been my fav. fighting game chick.

"You're givin' me a shotty?"

"Yeah... what, you don't like shotguns?"

"No, yeah, shotty's a'right"

"Yeah, shottys are good mate"

     So, as you guys might be able to tell from the movie quotes, I watched Two Hands recently.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's a 1999 pulp action movie starring Heath Ledger about a man named Jimmy and his involvement with a big-time crime lord known only as "Panda".  Overall, I really enjoyed it, it was funny but not too funny, so it could still have some serious appeal, definitely a classic movie.

Anyways, this is a blog about video games, so let me get to...

The Question of the Day

Are you out looking for new 2009 games or are you still playing game you picked up last year?

Well, I guess technically I'm still playing games from last year, but my holiday season wasn't exactly filled with games.  See, due to lack of funds from this shitty economy I didn't buy any games from october straight through december. In fact, just the other day I picked up Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, and it was the first game I bought since september.  I suppose since my financial situation is looking up i'll be getting back to playing more games, but this time of year is always slow for new game releases, anyway.

So, I guess my answer is technically, "Yes, I am still playing games from 2008"  But it's really just cause I haven't had a chance to.

What I've Been Playing

     Well, like I said, I picked up Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts the other day.  So far, the game seems great, but it can also wear a little thin at times.  After playing for a couple hours, I kinda get sick of it and I want to do something else.  That's not nessicarilly saying the game is bad, I'm having a lot of fun with it... but I just don't think it's game of the year like Brad does.

     Since my last blog i've played a lot of different stuff, my buddy Matt was in town, and we played a bunch of games on his PC.  Mostly LAN stuff, with me using his laptop.  To name a few, Sins of a Solar Empire, Diablo II, Titan Quest, Dungeon Keeper 2, Warcraft III, Battle for Middle Earth, Battle For Middle Earth II, and some others.
     We also got in some Team Fortress 2, Age of Chivalry, Zombie Panic: Source, and some other Half-Life 2 mods, just playing online on each computer, which I guess doesn't technically count as LAN.
     Also, I started playing some more PC games with the lack of games being bought for my 360.  I played some Zuma, some Puzzle Quest, but not nearly enough to talk about it.  Overall, I've been gaming a lot, especially with my budget, but I haven't posted that many blogs on here.... hell, my last blog was in September!  I feel as though I should post more, though, and you can definitely expect more from me as the months go on.  2009 feels like it will be a good year for gaming.

"That's Bullshit! You Ain't Afraid of No Man"

"There's something out there waiting for us... and it ain't no man"

    So, yeah, I watched The Predator again recently... Good movie. I've been in an Arnold mood ever since, and I've also watched The Terminator, and Terminator 2.

    On to other matters, I've received a bit of flack from my last blog about how a Pulp Fiction game wouldn't work.  Well, I think I should explain myself a little further here... I am not a fan of the Reservoir Dogs game.  I don't think that game worked AT ALL, but that's because it was primarily an action game.

    I think a Pulp Fiction game would work as an adventure game, with some action elements thrown in.  If anybody has ever played Indigo Prophecy, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about.  You go around, play as one of the characters, and follow their story.  The stories would overlap, as well, kinda like in Sonic Adventure.  The adventure portion of the game would be kind of tame, and you would go around interacting with lots of different stuff, or even just driving around, but then the action portions of the game would be badass! They could even have a bit of backstory kind of like The Warriors video game had, and have some new storylines for the characters before all of this stuff.  I'd only want backstory if Quienten Tarrentino was on board, though.  Tell me if you guys still think this is a bad idea.

"Know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?"

"Royale with cheese. They use the metric system, they don't know what the fuck a quater pounder is."

So, yeah, as you may have all noticed, that quote is from Pulp Fiction. I watched it again recently... really great movie... I think if they tried to make a game based on it nowadays it might actually work... I dunno about 1997, when the movie came out, but nowadays seems entirely plausible...

They could do it half-adventure game, half-action/shooter...
What do you guys think? would a Pulp Fiction video game work or not?

Anyways, let me respond to...

The Question of the Day

Does Nintendo's Statement in Edge Magazine about it's new "Core" games being two to three years away make you want to sell your Wii, or are you going to wait and see how this all pans out?

I'm gonna wait... My Wii has been collecting dust for a while now... the last game I played on it was Boom Blox, and that was around mid-June... I think there's still gonna be some interesting third party titles coming out... but the biggest reason is... I don't feel like having to re-buy my Wii again 2-3 years down the road... I'm content with it as it is, and I can keep playing my 360 until these "core" games come out.

That leads me onto my next topic...

What i've Been Playing

So, I downloaded Castle Crashers and I've been playing that all day... Definitely my top pick out of all the games released this month on XBLA... The game is just so excellently structured... you've got your standard overworld map, you've got hidden characters, your light RPG elements. and then you have the wonderful art style... all the subtle references to other classic brawlers, like the fight for the princess after a boss fight when playing co-op... totally Double Dragon. All of the rideable creatures... totally Golden Axe. Really, the entire game feels like is should have came out mid-90's, and that's not a bad thing... Actually, it feels a lot like Medieval River City Ransom.  I think I might make Castle Crashers the first game I'll do a User Review for on Giant Bomb.  So look forward to that once I finish the game.

So, speaking of the 90's, I've also recently found out about DOSBox.  What a wonderful emulator.  I managed to play Shadow Warrior with sound! And Duke3D ran like a charm!  Oh, and now I can load up Wolfenstein 3D. Ah, it feels so nice to be able to play Wolf3d again. Ever since WinXP came out, I thought I wouldn't be able to play any Build Engine games ever again! Fortunately, now I can, and many other fine DOS games.

Well, before I leave, I just want to ask you guys what you think of my new format... do you guys think I should continue to seperate things with titles like this, or do you think I should just write it up like I have been?  Post some responses in the comments.
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