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Can a Swedish User Explain This US "Swedish Diet" Commercial?

Or anyone of Scandinavian descent I'll take any help I can get for this. So watching basic cable television is already a sketchy proposition but something almost never disappoints in the United States are the commercials for gadgets, get rich quick schemes, or herbal medicine. Chalk this commercial up for herbal medicine I guess. Now before you watch this video I want to remind anyone who is Swedish that this is not fake. This is in fact the exact commercial I saw on television, and even I'm still not sure what in the world I saw. So here it is:

Now unfortunately the fine folks of the Swedish diet have disabled comments for any of their videos. But what you can do is go to their YouTube page which is already filled with angry comments from Swedish people who say they find the commercials "offensive." Me? has electrolytes.

It Has Electrolytes! But Remember to Drink Water....
It Has Electrolytes! But Remember to Drink Water....