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On the Recent Porn Policy Implementation

As you may or may not be aware of the Giant Bomb moderation team and myself have been embarking on a policy of removing all images on this site which contain act of sex, rape, molestation, and general nudity. This policy in particular has been directed towards Japanese hentai and eroge games. So far we have been ambiguous as to how this policy is being implemented and have not been disclosed the new official new rules to the users of this site. This will be remedied soon. Not only that but due to the surprisingly comprehensive nature of pornographic images on adult games we will soon be asking for the Giant Bomb Community's help in seeking out inappropriate images.

Now on the issue as to why we are doing this some of you may be aware of the new "No Hentai" rule on our sister site Anime Vice. After being contacted by Ethan to spread this rule to the public so is that more users would be aware of it I asked him if such a rule could be implemented on Giant Bomb. Perplexed he informed me that such a rule should have always existed. After directing him to the old Help and Forum Rules of this site which permitted many of the images we of the mod team are now deleting he realized that the former rules were accidentally copied and pasted from Anime Vice when they had hosts that felt comfortable covering hentai on their site. From this he indicated that Giant Bomb was never envisioned covering these games or hosting pornographic images in the first place. His exact word in a thread about questionable fan art was:

I feel I need to take some responsibility for this.  The rule about hentai above [old Forum Rules/Help] is actually a mistake.  That text was written specifically for the Anime Vice help page and accidentally got merged into the GB help page.  There is no hentai allowed on GB.  Also, Hentai images are no longer allowed on Anime Vice.   The text of our help page will be updated next code deploy.

As such the current activities of the mod team and myself are not a policy change. It is a rectification of a misunderstanding. This rectification is not an arbitrary decision made by a few moderators but instead a rule that is being mandated by the staff and enforced by the moderation team. However users that uploaded these images which are now banned will not be punished nor will they have their points reset. What is going to happen is that many of the images they have uploaded to the site will be deleted. Until the reformed rules are publish we ask that no users add new games that are pornographic to the site.

Hopefully this has cleared things up for some of you and I appreciate your time.