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Playing My First Final Fantasy Game - Parts 1-8: Getting Use to Final Fantasy VIII

Parts 9-20 ----->

Part 1: Introductions – Or Why Am I Doing This

As mentioned before I have the noted distinction of having never played a Final Fantasy game before. For this introductory paragraph, I will go ahead and explain why I selected Final Fantasy VIII to end that horrible pox. Firstly, I do not own any Sony based platforms at all which seriously limited my choices. This also meant that I was stuck with whatever games were available on the PC. Luckily for me Steam had its Summer Sale and Final Fantasy VII and VIII where both half off. Now why I selected VIII over VII falls squarely on the shoulders of my “Final Fantasy Sherpa@thatpinguino who rope-a-doped me into doing this. Firstly he indicated that VIII was easier than VII, and secondly he felt it would be funnier to see me react to VIII rather than VII. I guess I have to discover what he means by that latter fact as I play more of this game.

Part 2: Everything I Know About Final Fantasy (the Franchise) Before Starting This

Now of course I have talked to people that have actually played Final Fantasy games before. Surprise suprise wink wink nudge nudge. I have no idea where I was going with that. Not knowing even an infinitesimal amount of Final Fantasy trivia or nomenclature is all but impossible in this day and age. However, I’m not starting out with a lot. So to show you how “dire” my understanding of the beloved Final Fantasy franchise is here’s a list of everything I already know about it:

  • Final Fantasy VIII stars Squall.
  • Final Fantasy VII stars Cloud
  • The villain of Final Fantasy VIII is Ultimecia.
  • Aeries dies in Final Fantasy VII.
  • Kafka is not a modernist author, but an evil clown.
  • Ozma is a really hard boss.
  • I will be using Phoenix Down.
  • Spoony Bard
  • Son of a submariner.
  • People love Final Fantasy Tactics.
  • Cast life on Sin.

List of proper nouns that I know come from Final Fantasy: Golbez, Cid, Aeries, Kafka, Shinra Corp., Tidus, Barrett, Lightning, Squall, Vanilla, and Noel.

Yup that’s it! I am so doomed.

Part 3: First Impressions are Everything – Or I Don't Understand the First Ten Minutes of This Game

Why are the introductory credits introduced with a montage of black and white stock photos of characters I have never seen before? This introductory montage is baffling and incredibly weird especially considering that all of the photos appear to be sequences that I will latter experience in the game. What's the purpose of this, and why would you include this? Worse yet is how most of the photos have been hilarious cropped to remove the faces of the characters in them. If you really needed and introductory credit sequence then just have white text on a black background with orchestral music.

What is the purpose of this?
What is the purpose of this?

Then we have our introductory cutscene which already plows the seeds of confusion into my skull. Firstly, I have to give the game credit where credit is due. The character designs and cut scenes do not look as outdated as I had originally anticipated. This cold open however, featuring who I can only assume is Squall with a yet unnamed antagonist, is a bit too cold for my tastes. Not only do I not have any idea why these two are fighting, or what they are fighting for, but there are these sudden smash cuts to this dark haired female character with zero proper juxtapositioning. This introduction is a rather dizzying ordeal and it is further compounded by the fact that there is no dialogue. Yes I understand what the technological limitations of 1999 are, but holy crap I have no idea what is going on right now. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? WHO AM I? WHY ARE WE FIGHTING? WHERE ARE MY PANTS?

We then transition to Squall waking up in a hospital bed. It is there that the game makes the horrible mistake of allowing me to name Squall to whatever I please. Now I have to let you in on an odd gaming habit that I have. Ever since I started playing games I have always named my characters after California politicians from the 1990s to early 2000s. You can blame SimCity 2000 and 3000 for starting that habit. Anyways the result of this is that Squall is now named “Jerry B,” after California’s most famous octogenarian, and current governor, Jerry Brown. This taskmaster isn’t just going to solve California’s water crisis, but he is also going defeat all of the evil of the world of Final Fantasy VIII. Wait a minute...where is this game taking place?

I'm not joking about how I named Squall
I'm not joking about how I named Squall

Once I’m done naming Squall I am already asking myself a myriad of question like the one above. Most of them are absolutely inane. Like, what is going on in this world where teenagers are trusted with giant swords with guns on them? That and if the introductory cutscene is to believed then I got into a huge fight with giant swords, why have I not been suspended.? What’s up with the discipline in this school?

You want to know which post-apocalyptic future I wouldn’t want to be in? The one where teenagers are smacking each other in the face with giant swords with guns built into them. That’s even bellow Fallout 3 for me.

Part 5: The Moment I Realized I Was in Trouble

Alright, let’s roll this one back because I can already anticipate what one of the biggest issues with this game is going to be. The default keyboard controls for this game are MAD WHACK! Sorry that was my attempt to try and talk like it was 1999. Anyways take a gander at the default key bindings for Final Fantasy VIII on the PC:

[insert fart sound noises]
[insert fart sound noises]

No WASD, no mouse control, and I still have no idea what the “HOME” button is. Oh, and by the way you have to use the arrow keys to move around in the world. I am going to have to change these key bindings or else I am going to die.

Anyways at this point Squall is now under the careful ward of Quistis, who I assume is a teacher otherwise Squall’s permissiveness with how he follows her without question is rather troubling. In fact before this I took a deck of playing cards from a random dude so maybe abductions and kidnappings aren't a thing in this world. Anyways let’s talk about the importance of “place.” So this is like a school for teenagers that can cast magic? It’s kind of like Starfleet Academy but Final Fantasy? Even if you responded with “no” in regards to that last analogy I’m still going to pretend that this game is secretly set in the Star Trek universe otherwise I will lose my fleeting grasp over what is going on right now. Rather than hit me up with tutorial after tutorial the game should have just paused for a bit and explain what is going on with the world, even if that meant a ten minute talking sequence with no gameplay.

I like the look of the world which is why I wished the game actually took the time to establish the importance of "the Garden". It is a fantastical and beautiful environment to look at even today, but I wanted it to be a character in and of itself earlier. I guess what I am trying to get at is that I hope that the designer’s intent was to have me, the player, feel as out of water and bewildered as Squall. If not then I find it hard already to be enamored with this world.


I mean don’t even understand how to "junction" abilities to my command list. Here’s the screen when I junction:

OH GOD what is this screen?
OH GOD what is this screen?

You see that “Command” list where I am supposed to assign abilities like draw or summon? How do I put stuff in that? I finally was able to put stuff into that list after randomly hitting buttons on my keyboard, but I don’t actually understand how I did that. In conjunction with that, do you want to know what I think is a major jerk move? Having a tutorial that shows you how to junction abilities and not have any of the junctions shown during that tutorial stick permanently. Here I was thinking that Squall was all set up for battle when a neon rib cage decided to attack me only to discover that the only thing I can do is "attack".

I didn't actually realize that something was wrong until I reached the “Educational Lava Cave of Doom.” Which I might say I couldn’t find because the game didn’t give me a way point and I accidentally went to the town with the train station instead. Thanks game. Anyways I finally realized the importance of having actual junctions while in the Educational Lava Cave of Doom, but only after I had engaged the first timed mission. One more thing and ties into the fact that Squall is named "Jerry B." I have named have named all of the junctions after political terms. Right now Quistis has been junctioned with “Veto,” and Squall has been junctioned with “Fillibust-(er).”

This is not a place for a field trip!
This is not a place for a field trip!

Don’t actually answer this question, but why are all of the summons in this game named after major and minor deities in Western and Eastern religions? I get that it is kind of awesome to be able to summon “Shiva” to fight for you, but why are Hindu based Gods in a world that, at least from inference, is not on Earth? I guess I can chalk that one up as an anachronism.

Part 7: Victory Amidst Despair - Beating My First Final Fantasy Boss

Or how I used spam to defeat the first boss. I completely forgot that you want to grind in JRPGs, so when Quistis told me that I had to report to the Educational Lava Cave of Doom I interpreted that literally. I booked it to the cave, and the game decided to let me set my own countdown for defeating the first boss. After consulting my Final Fantasy Sherpa I elected to go with thirty minutes in hopes that I can use the extra time to finally figure out how to junction my executive powers.



I managed to junction Quistis and Squall, but only as a result of me randomly pressing all of the buttons on my keyboard. Anyways at this point the timer ticked down to the eighteen minute mark and I had not even made any progress whatsoever with the Educational Lava Cave of Doom. Now about that, I just want to say that as a high school teacher that I would revoke the accreditation of this school for having this be a required field trip for their students. Firstly it’s a FREAKING LAVA CAVE! Secondly, what happens when you have a student accidentally trip? They fall into a pit of lava. HOw do you insure that? Alternatively, what if you have a tenured teacher that does not give a shit because they are only two years away from retirement? All I am saying is that this looks like a school designed by assholes that want to see fewer teenagers in the world.

By the time I reach what I can only assume is the boss I am down to the sixteen-minute mark. During that battle I realized that my lack of grinding really is coming to bite me in the ass as my regular attacks are only doing maybe thirty points of damage each. After consulting my Sherpa, I decided to employ my only reliable weapon against this boss…summoning spam.

Have fun back in committee!
Have fun back in committee!

I just started spamming my summons repeatedly until the boss was defeated, and this strategy worked perfectly. On one hand I beat my first Final Fantasy boss; on the other hand, I got some BIG ISSUES to deal with if I want to survive battles that are more difficult in the future. Also, after getting back to the Garden rather than call it a day Quistis decides to teach me another important and convoluted game mechanic, “elemental junction abilities.” I have to be honest…I totally blew through this tutorial and did not pay attention to what she was saying. I was exhausted and wanted to call it a day, and can you blame me? That and I should probably figure out how to junction stuff into my command list first.

Lastly, can I just say that this boss battle makes no thematic sense whatsoever? So if going into the Educational Lava Cave of Doom is a required rite of passage for all students at the Garden then does that mean that everyone experiences this exact boss battle and has Ifrit as a possible junction? On the flipside, is there a rotating cast of minor deities that have been given the shitty job of eventually being enslaved by plucky teenagers? Like if I encountered another student would they have Ifrit as a junction, or a completely different deity from the lava cave? I think I’m asking way too many questions at this point, but I’m a nitpicker at heart and what can I say?

Part 8: Finishing My First Hour - I HAVE SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Alright so when you attack with Squall you can actually time your physical attacks in order to maximize damage when attacking. So far I have been just mashing on “G” in order to activate the Gunblade. Unless one of you can inform me why I should not do this I am going to stick with this strategy. If there’s one thing I lack it giving a damn right now.
  • One other thing, while I was conducting the journey back to the Garden Squall ended up with low health and started crouching on the ground like he was constipated. It is at this point that I discovered what a “Limit Break” was. As an outsider let me just provide my possibly incorrect opinion pertaining to Limit Breaks…these seem totally broken. Not only do they deal a ridiculous amount of damage they appear to encourage players to get down to low health rather than defend their health. Secondly, why does the game never take the time to explain what a limit break is if it is huge damage dealer? I would have preferred learning about Limit Breaks, which are tangible and easy to understand, than freaking elemental junctions!

Anyways I have completed the first hour to my first Final Fantasy game. So far so good. While I do recognize that I have a long way to go before I even veer close to being competent at the game it still feels doable to see through it all the way. That said if there is one thing I really hope for it is that that was the last timed mission that I will have to experience. The last thing I need while dealing with crippling key bindings is a time limit.



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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

I love this. I love that literally every problem you have with the game is solved by paying attention. This is going to be one,of my favorite blog series on Giant Bomb. You are a glorious madman.

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Edited By Haruko

As someone who adores FF8 in its sheer strangeness this was a blast to read.

A few things for Junctioning. In order to junction you need to assign or "junction" a GF to a character once you've done that you get to select moves to put in under command. The elemental junction are completely and totally broken to the point that if you grind on the beach in the first area to get 100 water spells you can basically one hit anything in the game for the next 4-5 hours. So once you have a GF junctioned to you you can add spell stock (the dumbest system in the world) to an attribute. Like adding water to your attack and cure to your hp slot.

As for the using the gunblade "pressing g" thing it does increase your damage slightly but its frame perfect so eh.

Yes Limit breaks are BROKEN. Like really thats how most people beat the last boss is get a certain character you can attack near infinitely if they're in a limit break state.

Also note you cannot actually grind in this game the enemies scale to you. If you want to make the game easier fight less and just get better spells and equipment.

PS. Xpadder is your friend on these half assed FF rereleases on steam and ho boy the twist in this game is close to the dumbest in all FF history. Enjoy the game duder its a hell of a ride. Also get used to "..." as the main response Squall gives.

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Oh man. That's a heck of a FF game to pick as your first! If you had any recent Nintendo platforms, you can play many of the earlier ones on Virtual Console. But I think @thatpinguino was right-- this is gonna be great! Good luck!

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There are a ton of ways to break the ever living hell out of this game. There is a Blue Magic technique that Quistis can learn that is basically a big "I Win" button.

I still stand by my opinion that the first three discs of this game is the best Final Fantasy game ever.

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...probably should have started with IV if you wanted something clear cut and easy to understand. But yeah, even as someone who never played VIII, I'm looking forward to this.

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ZombiePie  Staff

...probably should have started with IV if you wanted something clear cut and easy to understand. But yeah, even as someone who never played VIII, I'm looking forward to this.

I do not own a single handheld device and haven't since the GameBoy Advance.

There are a ton of ways to break the ever living hell out of this game. There is a Blue Magic technique that Quistis can learn that is basically a big "I Win" button.

I still stand by my opinion that the first three discs of this game is the best Final Fantasy game ever.

I have been informed by @thatpinguino that I should play Triple Triad when I have the chance as well.

@haruko said:

A few things for Junctioning. In order to junction you need to assign or "junction" a GF to a character once you've done that you get to select moves to put in under command. The elemental junction are completely and totally broken to the point that if you grind on the beach in the first area to get 100 water spells you can basically one hit anything in the game for the next 4-5 hours. So once you have a GF junctioned to you you can add spell stock (the dumbest system in the world) to an attribute. Like adding water to your attack and cure to your hp slot.

PS. Xpadder is your friend on these half assed FF rereleases on steam and ho boy the twist in this game is close to the dumbest in all FF history. Enjoy the game duder its a hell of a ride. Also get used to "..." as the main response Squall gives.


To the second paragraph: no spoilers please.

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@zombiepie: Understood I felt that saying theres a twist was vague enough if you want me to edit it out just say so.

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@zombiepie: FFIV is from the SNES, and it runs fine on emulators if you need to. Though, I guess jumping right into the deep of FF VIII is an option. heh

FFIV is one of the most ported and re-released games of all time alongside DOOM for a reason. It also includes my namesake, Tellah. So, I look forward to you getting around to it. :D

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I played VIII when I was much younger....I don't even know how I got past the lava place. Not much later I got to a boss that kept kicking my ass and I ended up giving up and returning the game to blockbuster. I hadn't touched a FF game until since then until yesterday when I decided to get FFXIII on steam and play it. I'm sure I'll end up returning to 8 at some point and giving it a fair shot.

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This blog series is ALREADY exactly what I want it to be. Are you ready for the madhouse that is PS1-era JRPG game mechanics? Don't worry. Like a lot of systems from that era, junctioning is way less complex than it pretends to be and way more exploitable.

@believer258 said:

...probably should have started with IV if you wanted something clear cut and easy to understand. But yeah, even as someone who never played VIII, I'm looking forward to this.

I do not own a single handheld device and haven't since the GameBoy Advance.

The DS remakes of III and IV are totally on steam, but starting with this is a much better idea.

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@arbitrarywater: No no no way I love FF3 like intensely but man the end of that game is FUCKED difficult even with 4 level capped characters and jobs maxed I couldn't beat that last dungeon. Like my god I've never givin up on a game in the last act before but I sure as hell dropped that like a sack of bricks.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

@haruko said:

@arbitrarywater: No no no way I love FF3 like intensely but man the end of that game is FUCKED difficult even with 4 level capped characters and jobs maxed I couldn't beat that last dungeon. Like my god I've never givin up on a game in the last act before but I sure as hell dropped that like a sack of bricks.

I was more talking about IV than III. I am well aware of how fuuuuuuuuucked the DS version of FF III gets in terms of difficulty by the end. Or really, the start. That game is sort of mean and demanding.

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*adjusts glasses* It's uh... kEfka, not kAfka.

I know this blog is made for entertainment, so I like the exaggerated reactions, but I would really advise to go with the flow. You won't understand this clusterfuck of a story man. It's better to give up now. Let it go. It doesn't make sense.

Side note: Brad saying that FF VIII is better than VII on twitter hurt me. The very core of my being shook, because EVERYTHING in FF VIII is bad. The junction system, the drawing system, the characters, the dialogue, the story. Jesus. Does he even remember this game? Fuck this game.

...Good luck ZombiePie. You'll need it.

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Wow. I can't imagine never having played a FF and then starting with VIII. At least your expectations for the rest of the franchise won't be too high.

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Starting with FF8.

I mean... at least it can only get better from here?

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Why not? 8's systems make it very gamey. Just make the numbers go up to 255.

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I'm really surprised you picked this one to start with.

I really like FF VIII as well.

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Edited By Mento  Moderator

In retrospect, this was the perfect Final Fantasy game to start you off with. I'd love to hear more about how your real-life experience as a teacher relates to the Gardens and SeeD. What kind of academy puts T-Rexes in their gymnasium?

Junctioning's easier to comprehend if you think of spells being like armor/weapons you equip to stats rather than body parts. More of that spell you have, the better the effect. Definitely get used to drawing a lot of magic from enemies whenever you meet a new one with new spells (and it's vital you do this with bosses! They have high-level spells and occasionally new GFs to siphon!). I went most of the game only using heal spells (and attack spells drawn from the monsters I was using them on, since they were replenishable resources) and the rest I kept attached to my stats where they could do the most good.

Continue being perplexed by the overall plot and other set-pieces. You're definitely not alone in that regard. Vent as necessary. (I'm just sad I can no longer do a FF8 "observations" blog similar to my Metal Gear Solid coverage.)

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This is going to be a decent into madness faster than any Lovecraft novel. Grabbing the popcorn.

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@zombiepie: I mean, Final Fantasy IV is available on something you own in some form. The PSP and PSVita can play the PSP remake of the game (probably the best version if you ask me), the PC, 3DS, and DS can play the DS remake, the PS3, PSP, and PSVita can play the PS1 version, there's a phone version, a GBA version, and the SNES version is available on the Wii U if I'm not mistaken. I might be missing a version, but that's a lot to choose from, and none of them are hard to find these days.

But yeah, I'm with everyone else, keep playing VIII. Just remember that not liking this one doesn't mean that you won't like any of the others, they are all vastly different games.

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Edited By TheBlue

You might want to look over those tutorials again or you won't be making it very far. You certainly picked a hell of a one to start with, probably the least intuitive FF both mechanics and story wise. Though I shed a tear for the state of video game when you mentioned needing a waypoint. I know it's a struggle to pay attention to what teenagers with guns, blades, whips, and boomerang...shooters tell you, but you can do it!

I've never played this game without breaking it in half with Triple Triad so good luck with that! Oh, and remember that the random enemies level with you in this game.

One more thing, when you get the option to name a dog, be sure to name it something funny.

Enjoy one of Brad's favorite Final Fantasies!

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Heh, this was a real fun read. I'm not one who's really all that enamoured with Final Fantasy (I've always leaned more towards the side of the Tales games... and even then only, like, two of 'em) but I have played the PS1 trilogy of 7, 8, and 9. And I undoubtedly found 8 to be the worst. I can distinctly remember beating every boss by just summoning the... summons over and over again, with their painfully long attack animations. That and the story was mega bunk. Music's pretty great, though, and despite playing it for the first time in about... 2005 maybe? I was still thoroughly impressed with its visuals. Though I'm also someone that has a soft spot for PS1 graphics.

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If you're playing the Steam release you should use this Mod to remove the Midi music files and replace them with the PSX's. Or you could do what I did and replace every song with "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta"

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Edited By Hunter5024

Well this is everything I hoped it would be.

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FF8 is my personal favorite FF game, so it's cool to see someone who's never even played one jump into it with this game. Keep going!

I'm also curious if my memories hold up to the reality of the game.

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This is glorious, I hope you keep going!

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Limit Breaks are indeed very powerful, especially in FFVIII, because the way the operate makes it possible to be in everlasting "limit break mode" and just use the constantly. But trust me when I say that Junctioning is crucial and if you figure out how to do it right you can bend this game over your knee and break it in half. Also, play the card game because good cards give you good items. I dunno, you'll probably figure it out yourself.

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Edited By Yummylee

Wait a mo, you're a school teacher? Interesting.

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Really enjoyed reading this and looking forward to the next Zombie. Most important tip: this game is from the late 90s... that means YOU NEED TO READ A MANUAL. How limits work, how junctioning work, who the characters are, how the flow of battle is, most everything is in the manual.

When I first played FFVIII I found all that black & white credits and intro scene very confusing too. But I did also find it mysterious and interesting, which I gather you didn't based on this write up. I think for me that came from the music in both cases (credits and opening). Having played and liked Final Fantasies (definitely a fan) before VIII what helps with that is both the legacy of the music but also knowing your going to have party members, and so you wonder who from what you've seen could be a party member, what their story is, etc.

I don't think the junction system is bad though it certainly isn't popular. Some ruin it for themselves by trying their damnedest to break it. Easy to forget nearly any game's system can be broken, but FFVIII's numbers are so exposed and transparent it's nearly a tease. I'd recommend not spending too much time drawing magic from enemies and just level up when you need to, maybe have 1 character focus on drawing constantly when fighting to get you stocked up. You can trade magic from them to other characters later. Playing like this you shouldn't need to grind too much in this game and it'll be obvious when you need to. Just go to the GF menu, and make sure they are learning abilities that look like STR-J, MAG-J, then do the ones that give you % bonuses. Junctioning magic to any statistic just increases the value of that stat. That's the whole thing in a nutshell.

About those keyboard controls... LOL. Can't you plug in a controller somewhow? Holy moly that is gaaaaarbage.

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The opening movie probably makes more sense when played in an era of attract screens. Or anime intros.

Figuring out how Junctioning works and what spells are most effective applied to which stats and the way to refine powerful spells early is only half the battle. Enemies scale to the level of the party, and naturally Squall is always there, meaning when I got to the end boss in my first game, Squall was level 41 while everyone else was 22 or so, making every fight that much harder. I had to restart from THE END BOSS and do a much more clean playthrough where I controlled Squall's level by casting Break on him.

The Steam version will take a 360 controller, but you have to use the keyboard to bypass the keyboard controls screen.

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Edited By Steadying

VIII is not a good starting point imo, easily the worst leveling and magic system in the series.

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FinalDasa  Moderator

I know for me this game runs mostly on nostalgia. I can't wait for you so go through the next few sections of the game which kind of act like bigger and harder versions of the tutorial. Luckily I do think the writing, keeping in mind this is a Final Fantasy game, gets better and the characters are interesting.

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ZombiePie  Staff

@steadying: @truthtellah: @believer258: I would like to direct all complaints about the selected game to my Final Fantasy Sherpa @thatpinguino. There's no stopping this and I have no desire to revisit this decision.

Also this is it. I'm most likely never playing another one of these games again.

@bocam said:

If you're playing the Steam release you should use this Mod to remove the Midi music files and replace them with the PSX's. Or you could do what I did and replace every song with "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta"

I have indeed already downloaded the music mod.

@yummylee said:

Wait a mo, you're a school teacher? Interesting.

Not just that, but I am a high school teacher. In theory I should be able to handle Squall and his vagabond attitude.

The DS remakes of III and IV are totally on steam, but starting with this is a much better idea.

I'm just going to go ahead and say that when I looked at the screenshots for the DS remakes on Steam I thought the new graphics looked really stupid. I also wanted to have a more "authentic" experience for the purposes of this blog series.

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Do you have many students who scar each other up in sword battles?

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@zombiepie: Can I suggest something that is only applicable to a blog-writing FF neophyte? Do a blog feature where you play one hour of each Final Fantasy and give your impressions based off the first hour. I would be interested in reading those pure reactions. Might get expensive.

There's actually a lot of series that I might be interested in seeing someone demo the entire franchise. It would be interesting to see someone who never played Resident Evil demo them in order and comment on the changes in feel.

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Edited By TwoLines

@zombiepie said:

@arbitrarywater said:

The DS remakes of III and IV are totally on steam, but starting with this is a much better idea.

I'm just going to go ahead and say that when I looked at the screenshots for the DS remakes on Steam I thought the new graphics looked really stupid. I also wanted to have a more "authentic" experience for the purposes of this blog series.

Not only does it look stupid, it's also capped at 15 frames. It runs like poop.

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Great read! You really put a new perspective on my nostalgic rose colored view of this game. I played this when it originally came out on the PC and I loved every minute of it but after reading this I'm not sure I could go back to it without completely ruining my memory of it.

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Edited By Corvak

If I were to suggest a first FF, i'd probably pick IV. But regardless, VIII it is, there ain't no stopping this train we on.

- the ingame tutorial is awful. Highly suggest finding yourself a guide for mechanics. I'd look if I had more time.

- Don't use magic offensively, it usually sucks unless you can target a weakness. Save it for junctioning.

- Remember, Squall literally cannot miss on an attack. Even while blinded.

- Minor Spoiler, but it involves missables that can heavily affect your playthrough: Check what you can draw from enemies, especially bosses.

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Edited By hassun

Oh boy I've been waiting for this one ever since you talked about it in the chat.

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