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The Community Spotlight - 05/03/2013

Still a King of Kings
Still a King of Kings

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight, and I am your host as always. Rorie now has his first week on his belt and talks about how he's feeling over here where he's taking your questions. Good news everybody! Matt plans on bringing back his Ramblin' Rorie video series. The High Times magazine announce that it think Jeff is the "Blazingest Bombcaster," I shit you not. Have you ever wondered what Drew looks like when on a motorcycle? Baddass, that's what. Bio2hazard has created a website that help you figure out which games on your Steam account you have never played, and Chaser324 created a Tumblr showcasing animated .gifs of people doing stupid stuff with the Oculus Rift. Here's some featuring our very own staff looking like crazy people:

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Community Activities

  • Official Giant Bomb Community Neverwinter Guild - Join the Guild and Get the Details Over Here!
  • Giant Bomb Community Neverwinter Friendlist Thread - Add Fellow Users to your Friendlist By Heading Over Here!
  • Giant Bomb Community Soul Sacrifice Co-Op Hookup Thread- Find a Co-Op Partner Over Here!

Wonderful Wikis

Starseed Pilgrim, Star Command, Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine are recent releases that have had good work done on them this week. With the release of Zeno Clash II check out the character pages for Ghat and Golem and realize how crazy the story is for Zeno Clash really is.

Best of Blogs

Aquacat has done the impossible...he's turned a shoe into a Divkick controller. Marvel at his creation, MARVEL I SAY! Chaser324 played a myriad of games from the most recent Ludum Dare game jam and talks about the ones you should possibly check out. Video_Game_King descended into the visually wonderful world of Alone in the Dark and the maddening atrocity that is Rez, wait, I may have gotten those in reverse but whatever. It's a new month which means that BlackLagoon has a list of games and upcoming releases for the PlayStallion Vita; Fattony12000 ponder upon the addition of Rorie as well as BioShock and other recent releases; and Mento continues to try and convince you that there may just be "good" games on the TurboGrafx-16. Mento also wrote three additions of his May Madness blog series worth checking out. takashichea shares a case of ridiculous censorship and king9999 has written a surprisingly coherent and reasonable rant about fighting games. Speaking of fighting games wumbo3000 defends his love for e-sports and fighting game streams. MajorMitch wrote a passionate blog about why immersion, and not story are more important to him when playing video game. Continual friend of the site EpicSteve shares how important video games have been in his life and how they have changed him as a person. Inflammatory Youtube personalities may have already informed about how bad Fester's Quest is on the NES but that didn't stop theuselessgod from writing a blog about it and Faxanadu. Mrcraggle explains why Game Dev Tycoon on Widnows 8 is a fine addition to the Game Dev series, whereas resident old school PC game expert ArbitraryWater talks about a slew of PC games that he played recently. thephantomstranger compares and contrasts Batman: Arkham City to Metal Gear Solid 4 and writes about which game he though had a better ending, and finally maestro Hamst3r has a bunch of music he's made that you can listen to.

Fantastic Forums

With the recent release of Fez for the PC join the newcomers discussion and help thread if the PC version is the first time you have played the game. If you are in the Neverwinter beta discuss what you have played on the official discussion thread for the game. Was someone a dick to you while you were playing Dota 2? Don;t fret, we have a community Dota 2 venting thread where you can feel free to describe your less than fantastic experiences in the game. GoranP is planning on starting a Giant Bomb "Video Hall of Fame" and wants to see if your are interested in this feature happening. Finally take pictures of your video game collection and post them on the collection bragging thread.

Lovable Lists

The lone list for the week comes from patanu who examines recent video game franchises that could have been big or interesting, but didn't make it.

Useful User Reviews

User Created Podcasts