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Giant Bomb Review


Ryse: Son of Rome Review

  • XONE

Ryse leans too heavily on its merely decent combat, but at least it looks really, really nice doing so.

You'll be doing a whoooooole lot of this.
You'll be doing a whoooooole lot of this.

Ryse: Son of Rome is the Xbox One's premiere launch game, in the sense that a console launch game plays like something that could have been made on the previous hardware, if it weren't for the fact that it looks way, way better. It's a simple, straightforward hack-and-slash revenge tale that sends you traipsing through a historically fuzzy version of the Roman Empire, gutting and dismembering hundreds of enemies along the way. The game's core fighting mechanics are solid enough, but the lack of much else to do makes all that combat repetititve as the story wears on. At least it looks really pretty.

You're in the role of Marius Titus, son of a prominent senator and a newly anointed soldier in the Roman army. Well, Marius is actually old and grizzled at Ryse's outset, but after a brief tutorial set during a barbarian sack of the capital city, the game flashes back to the beginning of Marius' career, when his family is murdered unexpectedly by a group of assassins. From there, each chapter jumps from one highlight of Marius' military experience to the next, until you finally catch back up to the present day and the story threads, simple as they are, start weaving together. The game's villains twirl their mustaches a bit too obviously, but it's still easy to get caught up in Marius' burning desire to avenge his family and defend the honor of Rome, possibly because his character model's face has such a convincing grimace every time he slashes an enemy's throat or bangs his sword and shield together. The character performances are adequate to make it worth watching the tale play out, even if it seems obvious where it's going to end up about halfway through.

To get to that ending, you will fight. You will fight a lot. Ryse's arena-like combat, which pits you against anywhere from two to six enemies at a time, must comprise at least 90 percent of the story campaign, so it's a good thing the combat isn't half bad. It's not quite as exacting or varied as something like Arkham Asylum, but the concept is similar. You've got a basic sword slash and a shield bash that will break burlier enemies' guard, a dodge roll, and a block that leaves attacking enemies open to a counter. Managing the combat in larger groups becomes a fairly satisfying exercise in whittling down one specific enemy while dodging and countering other enemies when necessary. Once an enemy is near death, you can start an execution move that makes you hit the sword and shield buttons based on the colors the enemy is flashing during the animation, of which there are dozens.

The game is certainly doing a lot with the new hardware.
The game is certainly doing a lot with the new hardware.

There's a decent carrot-on-a-stick upgrade system at work in Ryse that makes it appealing to do more than mash your way through the combat. (Actually, you can't really mash at all, since enemies will start dodging your attacks if you use the same kind of attack too long.) Timing your blocks and combo hits precisely will break enemies' guard more readily, and increase your combo multiplier in order to put you into a "burning eagle" mode that makes your regular attacks more powerful. And you can select one of four perks that your executions will feed into: experience gain, health recovery, damage boost, or focus (which lets you slow down time and stun enemies around you for a short period). You can pick which of these categories you want your executions to buff at any time, so while I typically left the XP boost on so I could level faster, it was useful to swap over to health once in a while when I was almost dead. Hitting the attack prompts in an execution turns into a sort of minigame, since the faster and more accurately you hit the required attacks, the bigger the bonus at the end of the execution. Microsoft is selling experience to unlock the various combat upgrades for real money, which is patently absurd, but also hard to get upset about because leaving your XP boost enabled and doing a decent job of pulling off the executions will cause you to level extremely quickly. I had unlocked every character upgrade and almost all of the alternate execution animations by the end of the game, purely by playing it as normal.

Ryse's combat would be an effective component of a broader, more robust game, but unfortunately there's not a lot else here to occupy your attention. You'll occasionally be asked to jump onto a giant crossbow turret and take down enemies from afar, and once in a while you'll join ranks with your soldiers and advance on a position of archers, marching forward in formation until you hunker down behind your shields to withstand the rain of arrows. This looks cool but is extremely simplistic, perhaps owing to Ryse's former incarnation as a Kinect game. A few of the levels have basic branching points where you pick one of two similar paths or decide whether you want to man one of those turrets versus remaining on the ground and brawling it out. There are quite a few very impressive set pieces that have you fighting amidst gigantic battles with a realistically shaking camera and calamity all around you. Those moments are exciting from a cinematic standpoint, though at the end of the day you're mostly just performing the same combat routines in the middle of them. But they do look very impressive.

Don't think those metal pasties are doing much to protect you there, dude.
Don't think those metal pasties are doing much to protect you there, dude.

As a launch game on a new console, looks really are Ryse's biggest selling point. This is arguably the most graphically intense game of the entire launch. The game is absolutely gorgeous in almost all cases, with a level of high-contrast lighting, particle effects, and general fidelity that gives a good early indication of how far developers can take games on these new consoles. Even when the combat starts to wear out its welcome later in the game, seeing each new area and the over-the-top action sequences that occur within them is fairly appealing in a "wow, I haven't seen something look that good in a game before" sort of way. If you're really hungry for more Ryse, there's a two-player co-op mode that recreates many of these sorts of scenarios, and some new ones, in a theatrical arena format, though once the credits had rolled on the story I can't say I was immediately ready to cut down dozens more enemies in the same way I'd just spent the last six or eight hours doing. If you really enjoy the combat, there's a separate character level and discrete equipment to unlock in the multiplayer that should add a few more hours to your time with the game.

If you're going to play Ryse, you'd be best served playing it in smaller bursts rather than trying to tackle all of it at once. What's here is reasonably well produced--and would serve as a sturdy foundation for a sequel, should one ever materialize--but there's not nearly as much depth and variety as you've come to expect from the best games of the last few years on the old consoles. Ryse makes a good showpiece if you've bought into the Xbox One early, but at full price it feels a little thin.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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To be fair to the man, the browns do really look very nice indeed.

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@pj said:

@joshwent said:

@turboman said:


If Alex reviewed this one instead of Brad, I think it would easily be Ryse=Knack. Not that Brad isn't entitled to his own opinion, but he did seem to dig parts of this game despite the flaws that others may have focused on more.

I think it's more to do with that Knack is bad for an incredably long time while Ryse is bad for a, let's say, manageable amount of time. If Ryse was twice as long then I'd think it would get a lower score as well.

Both games seem like bad games(havn't played them), but I would probebly pick up Ryse instead of Knack if I had to choose going by the QL's and Reviews. But not for $60.

I think the scores are pretty appropriate. In extremely simple terms, Ryse is just more fun. They are both pretty damn repetitive but Knack is just intolerably boring, which is maybe the worst criticism you can give to a game.

All and all, neither one is particularly impressive; Ryse is just a little less mediocre.

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I'd like to point out to everyone saying that Crytek merely makes good tech demos that Crysis does exist and has brilliant gameplay.

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@krabboss: I don't have an Xbox one but it doesn't take much to notice it looks nice, let alone know that it's not just a brown mess like you said initially.

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After the long, seemingly grueling, development of this game it's probably amazing that it's being regarded as an average game. I am curious how Ryse would've looked as a Kinect-only game.

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Edited By nutter

To each their own. I spent about $1300 on video games and consoles this month. Ryse is the standout "THIS is why we new hardware" game for me. I find it fun and to be a decent bit of storytelling, to boot.

It's that sort of unbelievably good looking game like Gears 1 was last gen. Both games are so damned pretty and technically stunning that it's hard to believe you're controlling them.

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Not only is it historically fuzzy, but it seems to play fast and loose with physics as well. That moment in the Quick Look where he throws a pilum at a red barrel and makes it explode was just fucking ridiculous on so many levels. Not to mention the fact that this game seems to think that the invasion of Britannia looked like an ancient Roman D-day landing compete with soldiers falling out of boats and complaining about missing "rally points."

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So many reviews!!!!!

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Brad's too nice to pretty bad games.

Like Rage and Far Cry 2.

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~5 enemy types. $60. 3/5.

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This game just seems gross. I don't think violent games actually make people violent or anything stupid like that, but I just can't relate to anyone who enjoys this amount of constant horrible violence.

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That's an extremely generous score for a game that's as mind-numbingly boring to play as this one.

But hey, at least it looks good, right? Who cares about gameplay. (above average/10)

1.) "That's an extremely generous score" - 3/5 is generous?

2.) "mind-numbingly boring to play" - you haven't played the game

3.) "But hey, at least it looks good, right?" - Why is this even a question, are you blind?

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Edited By trucksimulator

dudes getting mad he thought a game was alright. way to go

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Some people just can't deal with the strengths of Ryse. Can't tell if it's system fans or just the always in fashion, disdain for everything.

Anyone can see the game is stunning visually and the combat has fantastic animations. These things look next gen to me, for consoles at least. The combat, admittedly, looks repetitive and way too combo heavy, and that is the main problem with the game. Could be a big one but apparently Brad thought there were enough positives to balance it. By several accounts I've read and heard the story is pretty good actually.

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Edited By Oy

I've been playing the game and I agree with this review. Co-op is more fun than single player, but the cutscenes make up for it.

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The animations are fairly decent on their own, but there were a great number of times during the Quick Look where the transitions between animations looked, to put it rather bluntly, fucking terrible. Terrible even by the last generation's standards. Meh.

Also, I think the game is technically good-looking but artistically pretty mediocre and soulless.

This game just seems gross. I don't think violent games actually make people violent or anything stupid like that, but I just can't relate to anyone who enjoys this amount of constant horrible violence.

I agree with you here.

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Graphically, this does scream next gen for me. At least as a jumping off point. We'll see where we are in 10 years.

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At least it is better than knack.

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Edited By AV_Gamer

Everybody knows Ryse is the same as Knack. Brad just liked the visuals of Ryse, which resulted in an extra star.

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Edited By smcn
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Did anyone even read the text of the review? Here's the last line in case there were too many words to parse : "Ryse makes a good showpiece if you've bought into the Xbox One early, but at full price it feels a little thin."

The stars are meaningless without the context of the argument he's making.

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It's the only game that looks obviously better than any previous game on XBox

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Edited By HS_Alpha_Wolf

I am not questioning brads integrity but did he forget this is a 60$ game on top of the 500$ for the console? if a game is boring at that cost that seems kinda damning to me but thats just my opinion

"Ryse makes a good showpiece if you've bought into the Xbox One early, but at full price it feels a little thin."

Did you read the review?

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@pj said:

@joshwent said:

@turboman said:


If Alex reviewed this one instead of Brad, I think it would easily be Ryse=Knack. Not that Brad isn't entitled to his own opinion, but he did seem to dig parts of this game despite the flaws that others may have focused on more.

I think it's more to do with that Knack is bad for an incredably long time while Ryse is bad for a, let's say, manageable amount of time. If Ryse was twice as long then I'd think it would get a lower score as well.

Both games seem like bad games(havn't played them), but I would probebly pick up Ryse instead of Knack if I had to choose going by the QL's and Reviews. But not for $60.

I think the scores are pretty appropriate. In extremely simple terms, Ryse is just more fun. They are both pretty damn repetitive but Knack is just intolerably boring, which is maybe the worst criticism you can give to a game.

All and all, neither one is particularly impressive; Ryse is just a little less mediocre.

I think if Knack had been marketed as a kids/family fun game it would not have received so much criticism. Knack is a good game to play with your kids or significant other if they are a non gamer. My wife is really enjoying Knack because of the simplified gameplay.

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Edited By ei8htbit
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But rippin' throats is my main move!

Seriously though, I had a blast playing through this game. The chapters are short burst, which is the best way to play this game for sure. Definitely not as much depth as similar games like Batman Arkham for example, but to be honest my favourite part of Batman is just the combat stuff, I don't care for the tedious detective "move the camera around until you see what's highlighted" stuff or running around the city for hours just to get back to the combat stuff that I love. This game gives me what I want and doesn't apologize for being all action, all the time. The cinematics are seamless and this experience is produced at the level of a polished Hollywood movie, it feels next-gen in terms of power and shows a real sense of potential in terms of gameplay on this console in the future which is all that I expected for a new IP launch title.

I totally agree with Brad's assessment here, I wish there was at least some equivalent for me to play on my PS4 because Knack and Killzone just let me down. Right now PS4 is relegated to being my NBA2K14 machine and nothing else. On to Dead Rising 3 and Forza next for Xbox One for me, and maybe some throat ripping in Ryse if I feel like mixing it up a bit..

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"...Ryse's combat would be an effective component of a broader, more robust game, but unfortunately there's not a lot else here to occupy your attention."

This is what I don't understand about modern games, why is combat the only game play some of these game provide. Combat, cut scene, combat, ballista, cut scene, combat seen and played Ad nauseam is not fun for long. What about dialogue trees that determine the next mission, who fights by your side, what type of mission you will be on, etc What about entering a city where youf side has been massacred, but now you need talk to the wounded to figure out what went wrong. What about anything else beside the dreary cycle of combat leading into cut scene.

All Beat'um ups and TPS/FPS should be trying to make broader more robust game that include more types of game play. There are reason why Mass Effect, Skyrim, and Assassins Creed are popular and it is not because the 'graphics are wicked', its because they offer a breadth of play options and ask players to CHOOSE, THINK, and EXPLORE.

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I won't lie, sometimes Brad does my head in with his "glass half empty" stuff, but that's just my opinion obviously. Still love all the stuff he puts out.

This was a refreshing change for me and commend him for not "following the trend" so to speak and putting his honest thoughts into words.

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"...Ryse's combat would be an effective component of a broader, more robust game, but unfortunately there's not a lot else here to occupy your attention."

This is what I don't understand about modern games, why is combat the only game play some of these game provide. Combat, cut scene, combat, ballista, cut scene, combat seen and played Ad nauseam is not fun for long. What about dialogue trees that determine the next mission, who fights by your side, what type of mission you will be on, etc What about entering a city where youf side has been massacred, but now you need talk to the wounded to figure out what went wrong. What about

anything else

beside the dreary cycle of combat leading into cut scene.

All Beat'um ups and TPS/FPS should be trying to make broader more robust game that include more types of game play. There are reason why Mass Effect, Skyrim, and Assassins Creed are popular and it is not because the 'graphics are wicked', its because they offer a breadth of play options and ask players to CHOOSE, THINK, and EXPLORE.

I definitely agree. Being good at one thing and only one thing is something that only works for the indie/arcade scene. If these bigger games are trying to hold our attention for more than five hours, they really aught to shake things up now and then.

I always felt that classic JRPG's were so popular because they used to always give you so much stuff to do beyond the bare combat mechanics (compared to other games of their time for the most part). There's something to be learned from that.

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@brad I've gotta get this off my chest: the expression is "carrot and stick" or "carrot or stick", and refers to a method of promoting behavior that involves both positive and negative reinforcement. The carrot being the reward (for a horse or mule), and the stick being the punishment (getting beaten with the stick).

The expression you use in this article, and have used repeatedly on the podcast, "carrot on a stick", is a malapropism.

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@torus: he is not trying to say "carrot and stick" he is talking about "carrot on a stick" as in hanging a carrot on a stick and attaching it to a horse's head to get it to walk forward. In video game terms he means that the next upgrade always seems so close that you keep playing to get it. These two phrases are often confused with each other.

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@chronox said:

I honestly enjoyed Ryse.

While I found the combat did become rather repetitive, the story and graphics kept me going.

Yeah, I really enjoyed it. I think it could use a bit more fleshing out, it felt a bit like Assassin's Creed did to me. I'm hoping we get a sequel out of it but we'll see, I think the story progressed pretty well and I didn't regret my time spent with it at all.

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I just finished up the game last night and I genuinely enjoyed it. If they make a bigger, better sequel count me in.

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Call me crazy, but I really enjoyed this game. Played it through twice to completion and I actually want to play it a third time. There is something about the straight forward mechanics of the game and the timing required to maximize the execution reward. Also, the story was good and man is it pretty.

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I'm just finishing up the game now and, honestly, I loved it. It is absolutely beautiful and the combat is enjoyable. As many have said before, it gets a little repetitive, but I've never played an action game where that wasn't the case (I'm looking at you God of War). It actually makes me a little sad that this game got such a bum rap on release as I genuinely believe most people would enjoy it.

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Edited By NTM

I liked this game. I really only got it because I wanted to have more One games when I bought the console, and I was surprised by how enjoyable it was, so it's really just a good game in my opinion. I think to make it a superb experience, it would have had to have some more variety in terms of your move set (even though I actually didn't really get sick of seeing the same move over and over), and stuff you do in the game instead of hack n' slash and then get in formation to throw spears, which is largely what it consists of. It could have also been a bit longer.

The QTE button prompts during combat is pointless, so they should have just thrown those out. It made it a bit confusing since the only time you had to use them was at the very end, otherwise when it shows the color glow around the enemies, you just press whatever button you'd like to execute, and playing on hard doesn't fix it. Anyone that says the game is made up of QTE's had never played it, because that's not its problem, it's actually the fact that it's not implemented in when it's there, as if Crytek took it out in the last minute.

The sound and visuals are top notch. Some of the voice work/writing early on from the father was laughable though. I thought the bosses were also laughably easy, though I didn't figure that out until I played it on hard. I really liked the level design, and the visuals just helped to make them more appealing to immerse myself in. Some interesting set up as well, like in the coliseum. The last problem I can think of is that it was overly linear. I hope there's a sequel, one that can perhaps fix the problems.