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    Star Wars Battlefront

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Nov 17, 2015

    Large-scale infantry Star Wars battles return in this reboot of the Star Wars: Battlefront series (from the studio behind the Battlefield series).

    [PC Beta Impression] Shockingly shallow?

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    Sli GTX 770 2gb and 4790k on ultra felt smooth, didn't run frame rate monitor, but seemed to be at least 50 fps consistently. Also 16 gb ram. Boring as shit though, imo.

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    #52 FinalDasa  Moderator

    I wanna say they've been saying all along this wouldn't be like a typical Battlefield game and they would stick more with the original Battlefront formula.

    I get why someone would be disappointed going into this assuming a more complicated, sim-like, game. But it's based on an immensely popular film franchise and in order to really bank on that they made the game more approachable to an average player.

    It may not be what you want/expect but that doesn't make this game bad. It looks amazing and plays pretty smoothly. Maybe try it a bit longer and try and have fun with it.

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    #53  Edited By Immunity

    I've played about 4 hours so far. I wouldn't call it a "smoking pile of garbage", but it's not perfect by any means. They've accomplished the bare minimum that a game with the Star Wars name on it needs, which is to make it look, sound, and feel like Star Wars. However, there are some issues, especially when it comes to balance.

    The walker assault map is horribly unbalanced in the imperial's favor. I've played at least 15-20 matches and the rebels have never won. The spawn points are absolutely dreadful. I've watched a handful rebels spawn right in front of half my team just to get completely slaughtered. There is absolutely no restriction on where teams can go on the map which leads to a lot of people running passed spawn points, hopping into turrets, and mowing down the enemy team as they spawn.

    These kinds of issues along with the fact that the default blasters are deadly accurate from incredibly long range and grenades are on a (10 second?) cool down rather than limited quantity leads to a lot of very short lives and frustrating deaths. I will say that the spawn times are incredibly short so at least you aren't spending very much time waiting to spawn. Other people may not have any issues with these, but I've found them to be very frustrating. At this point I spend most of the game trying to get into a ship or AT-ST, which has been quite a lot of fun as the vehicles are pretty enjoyable to play around with. If you get into an AT-AT at the right time you can easily rack up 20 kills in less than a minute. Which is a lot of fun if you're the one killing everyone, but not so much if you're the ones getting killed.

    I'm sure some of these issues will get fixed, but from what I've seen so far, I don't see any compelling reason to pick this game up, especially not at full price. Anyways, that's just some of my thoughts on the game so far from what I've played.

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    #54  Edited By flasaltine

    My only real issue with the game so far is the UI and HUD. It is fine but it just looks to clean and doesn't match the look of Star Wars at all. I like a UI with a bit of style.

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    I wanna say they've been saying all along this wouldn't be like a typical Battlefield game and they would stick more with the original Battlefront formula.

    I was just thinking the same thing. Seeing so many complaints from people that either this game isn't enough like Battlefield, or is too much like Battlefield, or isn't enough like Battlefront 2, and on and on. Personally, I'm just taking this to be it's own game, and so far I think it's pretty good.

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    @ds9143: A friend of mine is running the game on a single overclocked 770 at 1080p and getting 60 FPS. Everything on Ultra/maxed except he has motion blur turned all the way off.

    I'm running the beta on two 980s, and SLI seems to be working just fine. Not seeing any weird stuttering or frame drops, and GPU load seems to be spread just about evenly across both cards. At least performance and visual quality aren't a problem.

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    it just seems ok to me, the expectations on a new battlefront were very high. It's shaping up to be a serviceable shooter in a market with many.

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    #58  Edited By triumvir

    Well, at least you guys have been able to play. I've been almost totally unable to join online lobbies because of a server issues even after hours of attempting to get into a match off and on. I managed to join one drop pod matc, but that lobby crapped the bed after three minutes.

    Yeah, it's a beta, so whatever, but my impression so far has been that this game is completely broken and on fire. Given DICE's track record, this does not fill me with confidence.

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    How long is the beta open?

    It looks like until the 12th.

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    @wacomole said:

    I played a few rotations of the single-player survival and a few rounds of the smaller scale multiplayer mode on the PS4. It took very little to get used to it and I really liked what I played.

    It was fast and snappy and the sound design was excellent. Then again that's only to be expected, given the pedigree of the parties involved..

    Also, man is it satisfying taking out a bunch of people huddled around an objective with the meaty-sounding implosion detonator.

    I can't wait 'til I have more free time to take a crack at the 40-player multiplayer. From what I saw of the Vinny quick vid, It looks just my cup of strange blue liquid.

    Haven't had a chance to download it yet, but what kind of single player content is there anyway?

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    @alexw00d said:
    @adequatelyprepared said:

    infinite (or very long) range, no-drop off, and very minimal recoil/aiming shake or

    You do realise you're shooting beams of light at other people right?

    I'm not arguing that it's a bad choice. It's a Star Wars game after all. My point was just to comment on how this changes the dynamic of the game, as opposed to something like Battlefield.

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    My only complains would be how vehicles and heroes are just power ups that you pick up. It just doesn't feel right, especially when you look at the past games where you could literally blast out of the hanger in the ships that are parked there. Also sometimes it's really awkward when I'm the only one in the air killing anything that manages to come near me because people are really, really, bad at flying. Not to mention it's really cringe when I see a Snowspeeder trying to dogfight with a TIE Interceptor.

    I do however, really love how easy this is just to pick up and play. I feel like this is something I could easily hand over the controller to a friend and they can immediately start racking up kills. It's really amazing at how simplified this game is and I love it. Perfect couch shooter in my opinion that looks absolutely stunning with the amount of detail on the characters and vehicles. I'm just worried about how long is this going to last though... Besides customizing characters, are there going to be ALOT more weapons and cards to unlock or just a handful? Walker Assault is fun, but I can't see myself playing more than 2 sessions of that before I get bored in the full release version, as it is, I'm kind of upset that it's the meat of the beta and I really hope that is not the case with the full release. With the exception of seeing what the other game modes are like, I'm thinking I will more than likely get this at launch just because how stupidly fun this game is.

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    The shooting just....doesn't feel good. It's a gorgeous game and I love the look of the maps, particularly Hoth. It's just some combination of having no recoil, no accuracy penalty for movement, and no reason to even aim down the sights that just makes the shooting feel awkward.

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    Haven't had a chance to download it yet, but what kind of single player content is there anyway?

    There's a small demo of the wave-based survival mode where you're up against small groups of varying enemies including the odd AT-ST walker. It's worth a try.

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    Seems pretty well optimized. Some dude on Youtube was playing with a Pentium G3258 and 750ti and got like 40-60 fps on all high settings.

    By the time I finish downloading it the beta will likely be over, so I'm not gonna bother. But how is the single player survival thing? Does it seem like something that will get really boring really fast? Is it co-op as well?

    Probably gonna wait until this is either $20 or I can get it with all the DLC. I don't even know if my connection is good enough to play online.

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    Dice seemed to have nailed the look and sound of the original trilogy so well, but the feel as a shooter is off to me. Maybe its because I tend to shy away from sci fi shooters because everything feels like laser tag with no impact.

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    I had the exact same initial impression, tbh. I went in kind of thinking it would be very Battlefield. It feels like a very very simple Battlefield. I didn't play the snow map with the vehicles though, only the other one. Still, you first start out just a rifle and nothing else and, from using that, it felt very simplistic. I guess the no recoil, no reloading just makes the game feel too basic.

    But, damn, if it isn't extremely pretty.

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    #71  Edited By ds9143

    @mike: cool beans. Yeah, DiCE seem to optimize games well on pc with solid multicard scaling. I've been pleased with the performance of my aging 770s this year. After the wife and kids go to sleep, I'll probably fire up dxtory and come back here with some numbers. Cheers :)

    Dxtory says between 70 and 110 frames per second on Ultra with 2x sli 770s. Can't complain, for sure. Wish the game was better though.

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    #72  Edited By Nime

    Played about 4 hours so far. It's fun for what it is but didn't impress me enough for me to buy it. This is one of those games I'll play the beta a handful and then that will probably be my fill of the game. In the end this just isn't my thing. In the end the shooting just doesn't feel that tight or impactful to me, which is the same problem I had with Battlefield 3 and 4.

    Back to CSGO and hoping one of the arena shooters or Overwatch turns out well I think.

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    #73  Edited By Sarnecki

    My expectations were low...

    I was SO stoked for a Star Wars skinned Battlefield 4. So so so stoked. Then I realized no, they're literally harkening back to the old Battlefront games... Which seemed, odd... Those games designs are. Well. Old! I guess my real dissipointment comes from the fact that I'm deep into Heroes of the Storm, and played Diablo 3, and Evolve and these games will these cool, unique heroes who have interesting abilities that drastically extend the gameplay possibilities to insanely customizable heights. The name of the game is unique gameplay situations and lots of cool personalities. Look at Overwatch. Battleborn. That is where games are at in 2015...

    So to give me a game with four or five generally samey blasters, no classes... I mean it's not just that it doesn't have tons of abilities and unique gameplay stuff, it's that it doesn't have BATTLEFIELD 2's unique gameplay... It's THAT simple...

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    @alexw00d: I just realised that the ultimate weapon in the star wars universe would be a mirror.

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    Ok, looking at this as a person that doesn't play battlefield games, but did quite like the first two Battlefront games, I can definitely think this plays like a modern Battlefront game, if you're in third person. The problem is that this game is just so dull. Hopefully the final game is better, but really, this beta feels like the type of demo that should have come out a year ago, with plenty of time to tweak and expand on the basic gameplay. This honestly just doesn't have anything to it. It's not like the game needs to be super complicated or tactical, the first 2 were just as easy to pick up and play, but it needs something other than running around shooting samey assault rifles.

    The lack of a class based system, and reliance on power ups is really crippling in terms of depth.You can't count on people having anti-vehicle weaponry, so all the vehicles and turrets are highly vulnerable to small arms fire, and the game is designed around everything being doable if you just have a bunch of guys with assault rifles and a few grenades.

    Also, who thought it was a good idea to have the cliffside AT-AT be so close to the cliff? You can't use the tow cable on it, if you try you just auto crash.

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    #76  Edited By Spitznock

    Being one of the 5 or fewer people in the modern world who isn't at all into Star Wars, I downloaded the beta expecting to be bored to death with it (thinking it would just be a lame sci-fi reskin for a proper Battlefield game), but they might've actually sold me on it instead.
    The game types are a lot of fun, and yeah it might feel like a weird throwback to have power-ups floating around and such, but who said that's a bad thing?

    Most of the OP's gripes are sort of silly. iPad game? Emulating a ps2 game? Go back and play Battlefront on PS2 and tell me this doesn't feel better.
    If you had a bad experience and it has colored your opinion of the game I can understand the annoyance with it, but from where I'm sitting the game seems fun. I'm actually far more interested in buying the full version now than I was prior to the beta.

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    #77  Edited By ripelivejam

    I think considering its lineage people are expecting a bit too much from this maybe? I'm guessing they could have cut from whole cloth more fiction-wise to fill in features or something, and the powerup system makes the experience a little disjointed even as it's meant to fix some issues. At the same time it's also freaking Battlefront to me, and it seems like the experience should be a more lighthearted and (maybe for lack of a better word) arcadey experience. Playing it last night albeit for one round I was actually really feeling the Hoth map; it could have been the graphical prowness and audio that went a long way towards that, though.

    My experience is limited but to me it actually felt quite different from a Battlefield game. Can't quite put my finger on it except that it felt more fast paced, maybe.

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    #79  Edited By Vash108

    This game is not for me.

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    #80  Edited By chilibean_3

    Yeah, this game looks like it'll be fun for a few minutes to do Star Wars stuff with your friends but not something I would take seriously or think is actually good. If that makes sense.

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    I've played for most of the afternoon and this game is fun and quite the looker but I feel as though I'm going to get my fill of if during this beta phase and won't end up buying it on release.

    Agree, it looks fantastic and sounds great. But i'm not really feeling the stuff the put in the Beta.

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    @mike said:

    Has anyone tried playing with a controller? I did for a single survival match, and holy crap, it was hard to manage. I immediately went back to mouse & keyboard.

    that sucks, i've been playing on ps4 but wanted to check out the pc version for the visuals. I can't handle M/Kb at all.

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    This makes me look forward to bf5, nothing more.

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    @believer258 said:

    It's fine, although I'm no more interested in it now than I was before.

    Make Star Wars Battlefront II this pretty and re-balance it and I will throw my money away. When I say "I want to play on Hoth", I mean that I want to play on that Hoth. Again.

    I think this is going to be my (and most people's) biggest sticking point. I haven't played it yet, as I'm still waiting for the dang download to finish, but it doesn't seem like a gussied-up version of Battlefront II. Remember when you could get on board the enemies ships in space and dismantle them from the inside. None of that here.

    I guess I should just suck it up and accept that this is what "Battlefront" is now, but damn if I don't want to just play those old games again.

    Dice have stated that they would like to do that in the future but were more focused on getting the look and feel of the game established first. They definitely have the look and feel right and as for the "shallowness" of the game I kind of don't know what people were expecting from a Battlefront game. Battlefront has never been about its complexity but its simplicity. Maybe a simplistic shooter doesn't work in the modern shooter world but for what I played I certainly had a ton of fun.

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    I played the Beta last night with a bunch of friends for about 3 hours and had a blast. AT STs are kind of crap though, seems like most of the time I'm just shooting the ground. Air stuff took a while to get used to but I really enjoy it now that I've got the hang of it. My biggest problem is people seem to not know what the rebels are supposed to be doing and even if you get 5 Y wing strikes, nobody uses the turrets, missiles, or A wings to actually damage the AT ATs.

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    #86  Edited By Deathstriker

    Going by the gunplay/gameplay and overall design the past few Battlefields are way better (even Hardline) and I'd play Planetside 2 over this - a game that I don't love at all. I think the people loving this game might be blinded by Star Wars or maybe don't have much experience with these types of shooters. BF4 feels more epic, even with Vader and Luke running around.

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    #87  Edited By GaspoweR

    I actually had a lot of fun with it. Also it's been confirmed for months that the game won't have classes or iron sights. I believe canonically in Star Wars most (or if not all) of the blasters didn't have iron sights but some of them have scopes. I also like the fact that it constantly has the reticle and I've also been playing the new Unreal Tournament alpha and realized how much I really liked shooters that had a reticle on screen that was stable or rather it's mostly fixed.

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    #88  Edited By Hayt

    I don't know what it says about me that after months of following it and being highly critical of how much simpler it is than Battlefield as soon as I hear people making the same arguments as me I feel compelled to defend it here haha.

    I've had good fun in the beta despite my gameplay gripes and now I actually am much more interested in possible issues like how shitty the matchmaking seems and whether there will be a mixed mode queue.

    The core of the game is great, I hope they give it tools for it to be a long lasting cool game. I guess I've also just come to terms with the game they are making rather than the one I imagined.

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