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EA Finally Stops Pretending it Isn't Remaking Syndicate, Announces Syndicate Remake

Starbreeze is handling the development duties on this first-person shooter reboot of EA's classic strategy franchise.

As worst-kept secrets in the industry go, few secrets have been worse-kept than that of EA's upcoming Syndicate remake. Between leaked copyright filings, constant rumors of Swedish developer Starbreeze handling the project, and EA actually leaking the project's existence over the weekend by accidentally posting details to its own Origin service, it's safe to say that everyone saw this one coming.

Cyberpunk? Human augmentation? Nope, it's not Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC. It's Syndicate!
Cyberpunk? Human augmentation? Nope, it's not Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC. It's Syndicate!

But much as one might feign shock during a spoiled surprise birthday party, just so as not to disappoint their significant other who spent so much time putting this whole thing together and then just inadvertently left one of the party invites sitting around on the kitchen table for you to find, let's all sit here and pretend we're really surprised and shocked that EA today announced that it is, in fact, remaking Syndicate, with developer Starbreeze on board to turn the former tactical-strategy franchise into a first-person shooter. Seriously, look surprised, or EA's PR people are going to start sobbing again.

According to the press release, this new Syndicate doesn't sound too far off from its cyberpunk predecessors, taking place in a "Machiavellian society" in the year 2069 full of corporations running rampant over a government-less landscape. The three dominant corporations--Eurocorp, Cayman Global, and Aspari--are constantly jockeying for control of a world where everything is digitally interconnected, including its people.

Players will be able to take advantage of a specialized microchip technology that allows them to slow down time and "breach the digital world around them to take down their foes using a variety of upgradable hacking mechanics." As an added bonus, Syndicate will also feature a four-player co-op mode, with reworked versions of missions from the original Syndicate.

If there is one detail of some surprise to be found in this announcement, it's that Syndicate is currently set for release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC in early 2012. That is, as you may know, soon.

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Edited By Shaanyboi
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
Wow... didn't take long for people to automatically start bitching about it being an FPS without any slight hint that this will be either good or bad. "Oh no! A PC game I played 20 years ago is being changed to maintain a level of relevancy with the times??? NOOO!" I loved Syndicate, just as I loved X-Com, but come on... have a little objectivity instead of being a bunch of uptight overnostalgic dipshits for fuck's sake...
Whether it's good or not doesn't really matter. The point is: Will it be a good Syndicate game? Well, no, because it's not a Syndicate game in the first place. It's just called that.
Whether or not it's a "good Syndicate game" kinda is irrelevant.  that game is 20 years old, and the number of people that that's relevant to is miniscule now.  Fallout 2 wasn't first-person, but that didn't illegitimize Fallout 3 for anyone with a level of reason.  Frankly, for a LOT MORE people now, the latter is what Fallout is, not the decade old games.   The number of people who'd care to play an old-style Syndicate or X-Com is barely anything now.  Call that selling out, or whatever you want, but really, the number of people that are offended by this compared to the number of people that could see this and just be like "Oh hey, this could be totally rad" is a huge fucking difference.
If those games are irrelevant and no one cares about them, then why make another one in the first place? If you're a fan and you want to revitalize an old franchise like Syndicate, wouldn't you want to reintroduce it to people the way you remember it? It's like taking an old game like Sinistar and reinvisioning it as an anime bullet hell shooter. The shooter may be great, but there's no reason it needs to be called Sinistar. And guess what, the whole "these genres are dead" argument falls apart if they just made it a downloadable game.

Because the name sounds cool lol.  Because they can atleast ring some sort of nostalgia or interest out of the name, and get some frame of reference as to what the game is about.  It's so that they can act like they were the REAL pioneers, and that the branding makes them legit.  It's a marketing ploy, and yeah, there are probably afew people on that team that want elements of it to still take cues from the original.   It's not like Shadowrun where there are little to no connections to the orgiinal concept.  It's not like they're actively TRYING to take a piss on your memories. 
Getting all pissed off and rejecting this game immediately without any sign that this game will be good or bad based off of 3 or 4 screenshots is a far bigger dick move than a company in the entertainment business doing what companies in the entertainment business do.  If the game turns out bad, well fine, it turns out bad.  Then don't buy it.  But nothing about this has earned the immediate black-listing nostalgic fanboys (and some people who never played the original, but want to act all offended beause it makes them sound cool) are treating it with.
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Edited By prestonhedges
@Shaanyboi said:
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
Wow... didn't take long for people to automatically start bitching about it being an FPS without any slight hint that this will be either good or bad. "Oh no! A PC game I played 20 years ago is being changed to maintain a level of relevancy with the times??? NOOO!" I loved Syndicate, just as I loved X-Com, but come on... have a little objectivity instead of being a bunch of uptight overnostalgic dipshits for fuck's sake...
Whether it's good or not doesn't really matter. The point is: Will it be a good Syndicate game? Well, no, because it's not a Syndicate game in the first place. It's just called that.
Whether or not it's a "good Syndicate game" kinda is irrelevant.  that game is 20 years old, and the number of people that that's relevant to is miniscule now.  Fallout 2 wasn't first-person, but that didn't illegitimize Fallout 3 for anyone with a level of reason.  Frankly, for a LOT MORE people now, the latter is what Fallout is, not the decade old games.   The number of people who'd care to play an old-style Syndicate or X-Com is barely anything now.  Call that selling out, or whatever you want, but really, the number of people that are offended by this compared to the number of people that could see this and just be like "Oh hey, this could be totally rad" is a huge fucking difference.
If those games are irrelevant and no one cares about them, then why make another one in the first place? If you're a fan and you want to revitalize an old franchise like Syndicate, wouldn't you want to reintroduce it to people the way you remember it? It's like taking an old game like Sinistar and reinvisioning it as an anime bullet hell shooter. The shooter may be great, but there's no reason it needs to be called Sinistar. And guess what, the whole "these genres are dead" argument falls apart if they just made it a downloadable game.
Because the name sounds cool lol.  Because they can atleast ring some sort of nostalgia or interest out of the name, and get some frame of reference as to what the game is about.  It's so that they can act like they were the REAL pioneers, and that the branding makes them legit.  It's a marketing ploy, and yeah, there are probably afew people on that team that want elements of it to still take cues from the original.   It's not like Shadowrun where there are little to no connections to the orgiinal concept.  It's not like they're actively TRYING to take a piss on your memories.  Getting all pissed off and rejecting this game immediately without any sign that this game will be good or bad based off of 3 or 4 screenshots is a far bigger dick move than a company in the entertainment business doing what companies in the entertainment business do.  If the game turns out bad, well fine, it turns out bad.  Then don't buy it.  But nothing about this has earned the immediate black-listing nostalgic fanboys (and some people who never played the original, but want to act all offended beause it makes them sound cool) are treating it with.
Clearly that nostalgia ploy is working out for them in spades. And no one is writing this game off. They're just writing the name off. Also, what are you talking about? That Shadowrun game totally had elves and deckers in it. You're just being a dick for thinking those developers were trying to piss on the legacy of Shadowrun. Won't you please think of their marketing division?!??!??
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Edited By ChaosDent

@gladspooky said:

Yes, but "Oblivion with guns" is at least the modern equivalent of a computer RPG. Tactical games have no modern equivalent apart from RTSs (which these games were not) and squad-based first-person shooters (which are clunky at best and barely contain tactics at all beyond "go over there").

I think what you mean is, "tactical games have no modern equivalent on consoles." (And that's not exactly true, given the tradition of Japanese tactical RPG games, which still have a fairly healthy life on handhelds). There are tactical RPGs and turn based tactics games, especially in the indie scene. I just think it's a shame that these franchises are being scooped up to give attention to a me-too game rather than to try to make a high profile evolution of the original genre.

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Edited By baron_calamity

You know what would be awesome? When they announce these first person revisions of beloved iso turn based games, they should also announce an updated version of the originals for Xbox Live/PSN/Steam. Fans would get what they want, companies would get some good will promotion for their re imagined games, and if the remakes are cheap enough, some minor income from the XBLA release. I think some TLC and fan service would go a long way. It didn't hurt Bionic Commander. Sure the new Bionic Commando was terrible but the updated original was well received and it probably made Capcom some money and additional sales.

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Edited By teh_destroyer

Can always tell when Alex is writing articles :).

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Edited By prestonhedges
@baron_calamity said:

You know what would be awesome? When they announce these first person revisions of beloved iso turn based games, they should also announce an updated version of the originals for Xbox Live/PSN/Steam. Fans would get what they want, companies would get some good will promotion for their re imagined games, and if the remakes are cheap enough, some minor income from the XBLA release. I think some TLC and fan service would go a long way. It didn't hurt Bionic Commander. Sure the new Bionic Commando was terrible but the updated original was well received and it probably made Capcom some money and additional sales.

See, now this would be totally reasonable. I'm still holding out for an HD, bug-free, slightly optimized X-Com remake for Steam.
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Edited By MisterMouse

why 2069...

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Edited By koobz

@gladspooky said:

@Koobz said:

I am a nerd whining about something. Someone validate my existence by arguing with me about it. Please be a kawaii girl.

I am going to complain about the fact that you are whining. When people whine about something it destroys my ability to get an erection. Please stop whining.

Finally, the futa woman of my dreams! I will never whine again!

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Edited By Zabant
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Taking bets that this won't be that good.

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Edited By NTM

It's Starbreeze, stop worrying about someone ruining your beloved Syndicate. It'll be great. Those that complain, I wonder if they've even played a Starbreeze game.

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Edited By PJ

@plaintomato said:

@Shuborno said:

@PJ said:

@Shuborno said:

Don't know what the point in resurrecting old forgotten IP...

A perk with using an old ass IP is that not only do you get the old fans thanks to nostalgia but you can market it as a whole new game for a new audience so...

I question how big that existing audience is with that old IP...

I'd agree with Shuborno on that one. Syndicate pulled you in because it was dark and different in a world of mostly games for kids, but relative to the sales that will be expected in order for the remake to be counted a success...the size of the original fan base has to be just a drop in the bucket. What using the old IP gets them is street cred - it changes the game from a Deus Ex inspired new IP into something that was around long before Deus Ex. Now even if they end up imitating [Deus Ex, Bladerunner, any RTS/FPS Hybrid], their PR can drop hints that these other IP's were inspired by Syndicate instead of vice versa. But I'm willing to hope it's not a Deus Ex cash-in and really is a worthy Syndicate reboot.

Like you said, they get street cred when using an old IP. I didn't really mean that the old fans would buy the game, but more that it gets more buzz on the internet by being a reboot of an old IP opposed to a new IP that you have to put alot of money behind to get the buzz going. Its a double edged sword of course but on some level even bad publicity is publicity since you get the game out there through no real effort.

I'm not necessarily saying its a good thing to take old IPs and and make a completly different game out of it but it is a money saving way since you can ride the buzz from the old game and just focus on pushing the game mainstream instead of both the enthusiast press and the mainstream. Marketing is a huge part of a games budget these days and if you can cut it in any way is a win.

It's more marketing driven then anything to do with them loving the old IP so much that they want to bring it back.

This will be a bad example since the games are pretty much the same unlike XCOM and Syndicate. But Bioshock owes most of its success to System Shock. After they first showed it, it was called a spiritual successor to System Shock and that created a huge hype for the game that most likely wouldn't have been there if it had no connection to System Shock at all. Granted the developers behind it were a source for the hype as well but System Shock is pretty much loved by everyone and has a rabid fanbase. And if im not totally missremembering most of the marketing for that game was thowards the massmarket and didn't really create big events around the game for the gaming press.

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Edited By Jeaz

I actually just live a block or two from where Starbreeze is based, so gonna have to get myself into their office and make sure this is done the right way :-)

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Edited By Jeaz

@ChaosDent: Very well put, couldn't agree more.

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Edited By Shaanyboi
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
@gladspooky said:
@Shaanyboi said:
Wow... didn't take long for people to automatically start bitching about it being an FPS without any slight hint that this will be either good or bad. "Oh no! A PC game I played 20 years ago is being changed to maintain a level of relevancy with the times??? NOOO!" I loved Syndicate, just as I loved X-Com, but come on... have a little objectivity instead of being a bunch of uptight overnostalgic dipshits for fuck's sake...
Whether it's good or not doesn't really matter. The point is: Will it be a good Syndicate game? Well, no, because it's not a Syndicate game in the first place. It's just called that.
Whether or not it's a "good Syndicate game" kinda is irrelevant.  that game is 20 years old, and the number of people that that's relevant to is miniscule now.  Fallout 2 wasn't first-person, but that didn't illegitimize Fallout 3 for anyone with a level of reason.  Frankly, for a LOT MORE people now, the latter is what Fallout is, not the decade old games.   The number of people who'd care to play an old-style Syndicate or X-Com is barely anything now.  Call that selling out, or whatever you want, but really, the number of people that are offended by this compared to the number of people that could see this and just be like "Oh hey, this could be totally rad" is a huge fucking difference.
If those games are irrelevant and no one cares about them, then why make another one in the first place? If you're a fan and you want to revitalize an old franchise like Syndicate, wouldn't you want to reintroduce it to people the way you remember it? It's like taking an old game like Sinistar and reinvisioning it as an anime bullet hell shooter. The shooter may be great, but there's no reason it needs to be called Sinistar. And guess what, the whole "these genres are dead" argument falls apart if they just made it a downloadable game.
Because the name sounds cool lol.  Because they can atleast ring some sort of nostalgia or interest out of the name, and get some frame of reference as to what the game is about.  It's so that they can act like they were the REAL pioneers, and that the branding makes them legit.  It's a marketing ploy, and yeah, there are probably afew people on that team that want elements of it to still take cues from the original.   It's not like Shadowrun where there are little to no connections to the orgiinal concept.  It's not like they're actively TRYING to take a piss on your memories.  Getting all pissed off and rejecting this game immediately without any sign that this game will be good or bad based off of 3 or 4 screenshots is a far bigger dick move than a company in the entertainment business doing what companies in the entertainment business do.  If the game turns out bad, well fine, it turns out bad.  Then don't buy it.  But nothing about this has earned the immediate black-listing nostalgic fanboys (and some people who never played the original, but want to act all offended beause it makes them sound cool) are treating it with.
Clearly that nostalgia ploy is working out for them in spades. And no one is writing this game off. They're just writing the name off. Also, what are you talking about? That Shadowrun game totally had elves and deckers in it. You're just being a dick for thinking those developers were trying to piss on the legacy of Shadowrun. Won't you please think of their marketing division?!??!??

And if they had decided to make this a new IP, in this industry, a bunch more people would've cared?  Atleast saying they're bringing something back, no matter what it is gives the headline some weight.  And I'd say with all the people going  "a Syndicate FPS?? WHAAAA?  FUCK THIS GAME", I wouldn't say that's them  just writing off the name.  That's them just jumping to fucking conclusions.
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Edited By Bombzinski

Is Deus Ex really doing so good as to make companies start working on knockoffs like some people are suggesting?

I hope it's doing all right.

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Edited By Little_Socrates

Surprised this is coming out soon.

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Edited By prestonhedges
@NTM said:
It's Starbreeze, stop worrying about someone ruining your beloved Syndicate. It'll be great. Those that complain, I wonder if they've even played a Starbreeze game.
No. No I have not.
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Edited By tebbit

So long as they make an introduction sequence as bad-ass as the PC version of Syndicate Wars, Starbreeze have my money.

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Edited By the_dudefather
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Theme Hospital: 9mm prescription

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Edited By Cubical

Fuck this game  they turned syndicate into a console noob FPS for call of crap  noobs who don't even know what a fucking decent FPS even is. 
syndicate is not a fucking FPS  and this lame act of turning everything into a console noob FPS is getting fucking lame, it was fucking lame the first time they did it. fuck that xcom FPS too.

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Edited By huser
@MisterMouse: Gotta have a reason for the escalating tensions that lead to the bombs dropping in Fallout of course.
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Edited By LisaFurioso

It costs a hell of a lot less to take an old IP then it does to make a new one, duders.

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Edited By huser
@Shaanyboi said:

Whether or not it's a "good Syndicate game" kinda is irrelevant.  that game is 20 years old, and the number of people that that's relevant to is miniscule now.  Fallout 2 wasn't first-person, but that didn't illegitimize Fallout 3 for anyone with a level of reason.  Frankly, for a LOT MORE people now, the latter is what Fallout is, not the decade old games.   The number of people who'd care to play an old-style Syndicate or X-Com is barely anything now.  Call that selling out, or whatever you want, but really, the number of people that are offended by this compared to the number of people that could see this and just be like "Oh hey, this could be totally rad" is a huge fucking difference. 

As a big budget title, probably. But the various Advance/Super Robot Wars, Fire Emblems, etc keep getting made and those games would probably fit the original's gameplay a lot more. I'm not specifically against this game or anything, as you said it's been 20 years so whatever, but yeah that kinda goes to the point. Either it's a 20 year old niche IP such that radical changes can't be knocked or are even warranted to justifiy making it, in which case WHY bother to dredge such an IP up, or it has some cachet in which case, again maybe keep it closer to how the fans remember because of that influence.
The 4 player co-op however does intrigue me if some open Deus Ex type levels exist where you can go all Mission Impossible and have a Face man with high persuasion (or Persuadotron), a hacker, a ninja, and a guy that's blowing up the block.
EDIT - And in regards to Fallout, New Vegas is a lot more Fallout than least if you bust out the Weird Wasteland perk.
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Edited By Humanity

Time to turn on the perusadertron and amass an army of civilians to fight for me

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Edited By Arc209

This seems interesting since it's being made by the people who developed The Darkness but if it is going to be released early next year I kind of doubt it :/

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Edited By prestonhedges
@ZackHoagie said:

It costs a hell of a lot less to take an old IP then it does to make a new one, duders.

You should work for Starbreeze's PR firm. "We're lazy and don't like spending money on games. What, Syndicate? No, we're just using the name because we had it and didn't feel like spending advertising dollars on a new IP. It's gonna be good, though. You should totally buy it, maybe."
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Edited By niacin

bullet-time and hacking mini games, ea is really pushing boundaries with this one. To be honest I don't really see the point of doing a syndicate game that isn't a rts, i mean it's just a generic future dystopia setting why not create a new ip or make an rts.  
Ach guess i'll never understand the guys in marketing.

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Edited By deSadist

@gladspooky@ZackHoagie: Not to mention, 80% of the people they're marketing to won't remember the first one.

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Edited By Shabs

@Danda said:

@A lot of people said:

Starbreeze is alright

Yes, but New Starbreeze is no Old Starbreeze. And this New Syndicate is no Old Syndicate.

+1 to this article. It's a good one.

I remember being surprised to see this article because for some reason I'd thought Starbreeze had folded after Riddick 2.

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Edited By Shabs

@PJ said:

@plaintomato said:

@Shuborno said:

@PJ said:

@Shuborno said:

Don't know what the point in resurrecting old forgotten IP...

A perk with using an old ass IP is that not only do you get the old fans thanks to nostalgia but you can market it as a whole new game for a new audience so...

I question how big that existing audience is with that old IP...

I'd agree with Shuborno on that one. Syndicate pulled you in because it was dark and different in a world of mostly games for kids, but relative to the sales that will be expected in order for the remake to be counted a success...the size of the original fan base has to be just a drop in the bucket. What using the old IP gets them is street cred - it changes the game from a Deus Ex inspired new IP into something that was around long before Deus Ex. Now even if they end up imitating [Deus Ex, Bladerunner, any RTS/FPS Hybrid], their PR can drop hints that these other IP's were inspired by Syndicate instead of vice versa. But I'm willing to hope it's not a Deus Ex cash-in and really is a worthy Syndicate reboot.

Like you said, they get street cred when using an old IP[...]

It's more marketing driven then anything to do with them loving the old IP so much that they want to bring it back.

I can buy this reasoning. I mean, we're here talking about it instead of not talking about it which must be worth something.

I've seen no reason to care about XCOM other than it being called XCOM but at least I know what it is.

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Edited By Ninja_Welshman

I have serious doubts about how good this can be. It's just not Syndicate anymore. FPS balls!!!

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Edited By ajamafalous

I love you, Alex.

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Edited By prestonhedges
@deSadist said:

@gladspooky@ZackHoagie: Not to mention, 80% of the people they're marketing to won't remember the first one.

Basically. If they just want easy name recognition and heaps of controversy, call it Deus Ex Machina: Human Augmentation.
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Edited By plaintomato

If you can shoot bullets from your augmented butt it'll be one up on Deus Ex. Oh, wait, nevermind, Deus Ex  already let you swirl your paisley coat and shoot bullets out of your arse. That's been done to break new ground?

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Edited By Tordah

I never was much into Syndicate back in the day, but I'm still disappointed to hear that this will be an FPS. Why hate on the isometric perspective?

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Edited By abrasion
@Bombzinski said:

I don't get this. I have no nostalgia for either Syndicate or X-Com, but what is the point of it? What is the advantage to slapping old licences on these generic shooters? Anyone who still remembers and has fondness for those games will only get angry at you for shitting on their memories, and those who don't just won't care either way.

Exactly this.
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Edited By dvorak

Anyone who cares about the license is going to know better or be disappointed. And the people who don't know, don't give a shit.

My only guess is that they are trying to emulate the movie industry in that way. But even then, less remakes pay-off than do, so...?

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Edited By abrasion

Is this one of those sites where you don't get notification of deleted posts? I made one last night and can't see it. I'm probably not looking hard enough but I have no indication in my message box the post is gone.

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Edited By Jeaz

@the_dudefather said:

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Theme Hospital: 9mm prescription

LOL, yeah, lets remake all of Bullfrogs old games as FPS games.

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Edited By GreggD

@heatDrive88 said:

I will only accept this release if they include Miniguns, Gauss Rifles, and the Persuader. It's not a Syndicate game unless these things exist.

The Persuader was confirmed, if Shacknews is to be believed.

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Edited By Branthog

I've wanted this for years, but have no interest now that it sounds like it's so co-op focused. I'm a grown ass man; I don't have play dates.

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Edited By xpgamer7

So they're pulling a Hard Reset-esque release.

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Edited By alphanull

Words cannot express the unbridled rage that flows through every vein in my body over this.


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Edited By DonPixel

Looks good, I can't get enough CyberPunk

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Edited By MrKlorox

I'm more surprised that people are surprised that this is first person. What the fuck is wrong with you people and your expectations? Fallout 3 should have been the game that showed you that devs don't give two shits about the source material or original style.

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Edited By sthusby

I don't get it. Why are people complaing that it is first person? For me, a game is more than just it's point of view. You need to learn to look past if games are first person, third person or isometric, and instead appriciate it for it's main component, which is the quality of the content.

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Edited By ryanwho

That thing you like because of its unique tactical gameplay is coming back as an FPS with RPG elements!!

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Edited By welshguy

Not sure if I'm looking forward to this. Maybe its the first person shooter angle and that pretty much killed my interest in the new XCOM. Still, I'll keep an eye on it. Fond memories of playing syndicate and having one of my guys piss off a bunch of enemies, cheese it around a corner and then have another of my guys torch the crap out of the bastards as they came around the corner in single file. Ah, good times.

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Edited By Disobedience
I miss Bullfrog.
I miss Bullfrog.
@Nocall Too right, man