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The Emo Kid, Troll, and Hacker in All of Us

Forumwarz writer and producer Mike Drach reflects on a game that turned into a massive critique of the Internet, even if nobody who plays it seems to care.

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Filmmaker Joss Whedon conducted an Ask Me Anything yesterday on Reddit, and was asked about fandom.

“All worthy work is open to interpretations the author did not intend,” he said. “Art isn't your pet--it's your kid. It grows up and talks back to you.”

When Mike Drach started Forumwarz with Robin Ward and Jason Kogan, conceptualized and developed in 2007 but launched in February 2008, they weren’t quite sure what they were making. It was, and still mostly is, an online video game about participating in online message boards. It's a concept that still makes me cross-eyed thinking about it.

Drach, writer and producer on Forumwarz, gave a talk at the Game Developers Conference this year called “Like Herding LOLcats: Managing the Internet's Most Unruly Gaming Communities.” After my experience with the fighting game community, I was curious. His talk suggested a man who was beaten and bruised from the last few years.

My barely played character, who just so happens to have my original Internet screen name. Ugh.
My barely played character, who just so happens to have my original Internet screen name. Ugh.

Forumwarz is currently in what Drach calls “maintenance mode.” The game hasn’t received any content updates since early 2011, and nobody works on Forumwarz full-time anymore. The servers are still running, though, which means people can still play the game and participate in the forums for the time being.

Every few weeks, Drach logs into his creation and, well, sighs.

“It's something nobody could prepare for career wise, you know?” he said. “Especially if they turn against you.”

Drach was recently monitoring a situation where one forum moderator banned a user for a series of inappropriate comments--standard procedure. One day later, another moderator unceremoniously unbanned them. Drama ensues. It's a familiar story.

“It's like a police force,” he said. "You are the commissioner in Batman or something, and this is all for things that, when you really break it down, seem really inconsequential."

The message boards are just one piece of Forumwarz, and a small one, too. The vast majority visit the Forumwarz website to play the game, then leave. Only a small percentage venture to the boards, and an even smaller number posts regularly. Those that do, however, post all the time. The moment a new thread pops up, it’s the same names.

Even though Forumwarz is in “maintenance mode,” someone has to maintain it. At times, that's Drach.

“It's still like being the mayor of a very small village,” said Drach. “The things I identify in my talk--they were kind of shallow. I didn't have much more than ‘this is how we coped.’ I didn't come up to any solutions to what's wrong with the culture itself, though I think that's a much bigger talk.”

I'll come back to that in a minute.

Forumwarz is surreal. The game is structured like any traditional message board, though Drach said his team’s specific influence was Something Awful’s infamous forums. On Something Awful, when you’re banned, you can come back but you have to pay. Users can even fork over cash to have your tagline changed. It’s a rough and tumble place, but Something Awful continues to exist, despite the harsh treatment, because it’s a good forum.

Drach believes Forumwarz resonates because parts of the game's
Drach believes Forumwarz resonates because parts of the game's "classes" are in all of us.

Players choose from one of four classes--Emo Kid, Troll, Camwhore, Hacker--and engage with fake instant message clients, boards, and shopping sites. The influence of traditional role-playing-games is immediately evident, as players earn experience points, gain levels, and employ different tactics in order to progress.

All the while, it’s incredibly easy, seemingly too easy, to be a troll.

The people aren’t real, so...why not? The game feels rigged to push people into trolling. Maybe that’s because of what happened halfway through development, when Drach realized he had a chance to try and say something with Forumwarz.

“What a lot of people don't get about Forumwarz,” said Drach, “is [thinking] ‘This is a game about trolling, I can't believe you're banning me for being a troll lol that's so stupid.’ Actually, when it's all said and done, this is a statement about Internet culture, and it's a critique.”

We’ve all been there once. Or twice. We’ve all been that guy (or girl!), and I can’t help but be thankful the current Internet didn’t exist when I was young enough to not really know any better. I’d like to think I wouldn’t be as bad as some of the people on the Internet that I encounter on a daily basis, but who’s to say? It seems like I dodged a bullet.

“We're giving people an outlet to virtually [troll],” he said, “but in the end, we're trying to say that this is something that all of us have done and all of us have witnessed or some of us have subjected to, but I think it's something that people should try to keep under wraps or maybe think twice about.”

There is an ending to Forumwarz, too, unlike arguments on the Internet. There are nine endings, and Drach admitted most players have not and will not see them. The endings are blocks of text, and much of the community doesn’t care for their inclusion. Users might roll their eyes at the chunk of moralistic script, but it’s part of Drach's vision.

“I knew people [that] would use the game in a certain way are more likely to do the evil thing,” he said, “but as a result, their ending was vicious. That was me trying to get the message across.”

Here’s the kind of vicious Drach is talking about, an excerpt from one of the game’s “evil” endings:

You become destitute, suicidal. In your depressed state, you start wondering if any of this really happened. You try to do some research, but all the records are gone. You post about your experience on message boards. People just think you're insane.

And perhaps you are. You start to commit petty crimes just to get attention. You damage property at random. You assault people on the street, shaking them, yelling about "the machine." Somehow, you can't help yourself.

You're arrested and tried, but found not guilty by reason of insanity.

You're eventually taken to a mental institution and kept on a steady regimen of pills, gradually losing what's left of your individuality as you absorb the debilitating insanity of the empty shells living--if you could call it that--in this sterile habitat. No more internet access for you; you're far too dangerous for that.

You lose all contact with the outside world, other than the occasional visit from your long-suffering mother, who just cries when she sees you.

Maybe it's for the best.

Drach figures (hopes) the Internet's problems get better with time. As a culture, we’re basically new to the Internet, and coming to grips with how to act around one another is a process. When we start to figure out how that works, maybe we'll teach our children how to be civilized, and everyone benefits. There is that whole anonymity thing, though, and Forumwarz is a clever encapsulation of that touchy issue, a trap that can get even the best of us.

“We took a snapshot of Internet culture when we started doing this in 2007,” he said. “Things have changed a little bit, but not entirely.”

Because let's face it, it’s still easier to be a troll.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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@Shaanyboi: How's posting straight outta reddit going for you?

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

@JarretttheGuy: Agreed. Having a very real punishment for banning is harsh, but it would be a good lesson to learn fast.

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Edited By Animasta

@Shaanyboi said:

@Animasta said:

@Shaanyboi said:

@martyarf said:

@Lokishot said:

People are insulted by the word "whore"? Are you new to the internet or just a home schooled kid?

Or maybe you're a woman who doesn't like to see gendered insults in a totally inappropriate context?

Right, because the use of the word "whore" (especially considering the context of the article, and that it's in conjunction to form the word camwhore) is obviously directed at all women, everywhere.

Just like if I call someone a "dick", all men everywhere may feel offended because I'm OBVIOUSLY talking about them.

Grow up.

yes because whore and dick have the same connotations.

Well they're both "gendered insults". No, actually not really. Whore can apply to both a male AND female, so there goes Martyarf's argument.

And again, we're not even talking about the word "whore". It's not like Patrick's title was "Yo! This one person is a real whore!" No, the word was 'camwhore', which is a word with its OWN connotations (as opposed to someone who is either sexually premiscuous, or is a prostitute), and its own context considering that he's talking about the game Forumwarz where that is the name of a "character class".

If you're getting all upset about something that CLEARLY has its own context, then you need to rethink your priorities. Hell, let's get all upset about the word 'Emo Kid' which demeans all the sad, whiny teenagers out there while we're at it?

so? just because it's the name of a character class doesn't mean it needs to be in the article header.

Also dick can apply to both as well, but manwhore is usually used for a whore who is a man so I don't know where you are they just use whore for both sexes interchangeably.

Also who said anyone was upset? Removing it has no affect on you, so I don't know why you're getting upset :)

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Edited By stryker1121

@rebgav said:

@Make_Me_Mad said:

@sephirm87 said:


In a way, you're right, but the anonymity of the internet allows people to see how shitty people really are at their core. It is more honest, but it is also more shitty, which says very bad things about our culture.

Exactly. If we're all this shitty and displeased and downright angry with each other when we can be honest, why do we keep up the facade that we're all civil and reasonable?

People are mostly civil and reasonable when they aren't being reactive and willfully ignorant. The nature of the internet promotes the latter so everyone chooses to indulge at some point because there are no meaningful consequences for that behavior. The extrapolation that everyone is walking around barely containing their inner savage-malcontent is really silly.

The Internet is designed to draw the angry, willfully ignorant, reactive people of the world. The fucked in the head folks who got a brutal pounding from life and want to vent their rage anonymously. IMO they're a minority but they speak w/ the loudest voice. People w/ their shit together generally don't troll online, i'd wager. My point is that message boards and the comments found under news stories are not some reflection of society.

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Tricky "eXtremer" Klepek.

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Edited By Thejugglingbum

Thanks Tricky. I'm enjoying this kind of content.

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Edited By OmegaPirate

If i pay for a monthly subscription does this give me access to the true article beginning that has whore in it?

Wait a minute, it was on the site already? just locked behind a paywall? fuck this shit!

Kidding aside, i think the comment's stating that there's nothing you can gather about people from the forumwarz game that can not be simply gathered from visiting an actual forum (giantbomb included) are mostly true, i guess this just gives people that want to act out their retarded whorish/trollish natures out behind the safety of it being their 'mission'.

Though i believe system wars covers that aspect of it in the video game corner, just more depressing cos its real

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Edited By Deusoma

Joss Whedon has a very strange idea of what art means, apparently. Would have thought he of all people would know better than that.

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Edited By Lokishot

@Tennmuerti said:

@Lokishot: Not really appropriate in this particular case, since several people have seen the originator of the "whore" comment for a pretty obvious light hearted trolling it was. As well as the success of the troll not only being determined by the replies taking it seriously but also an actual eventual caving in of the OP and changing of content. Cheer up mate :)

Its seems more like one person made a sarcastic comment and everyone else jump in showing their true colors.

@martyarf said:

@TyCobb said:

@Kixxi said:

@DaveC524 said:

Why use the word "whore" Patrick? Phh... misogynistic male privilege.

Really inappropriate for a front page headline, at least to anyone not knowing what the article is about. Felt insulting.

I agree "whore" is a horrible word and should never be used. There are much better words like "slut", "bitch", "twat", and every woman's favorite, "cunt".

Hilarious! Not at all creepy, weird and hateful.

Because if stuff like that is trolling... Man! What is the truth? Am I real? Have I been trolled all my life by Youtube comments?

@Animasta said:

@Shaanyboi said:

yes because whore and dick have the same connotations.

@martyarf said:

People are insulted by the word "whore"? Are you new to the internet or just a home schooled kid?

@Lokishot said:

Or maybe you're a woman who doesn't like to see gendered insults in a totally inappropriate context?

Right, because the use of the word "whore" (especially considering the context of the article, and that it's in conjunction to form the word camwhore) is obviously directed at all women, everywhere.

Just like if I call someone a "dick", all men everywhere may feel offended because I'm OBVIOUSLY talking about them.

Grow up.

I have a hard time believing that everyone insulted by the word "whore" are trolling.

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette

These comments are the fucking worst sort of pseudo-intellectual "I art more emotionally detached than thou" crap. I NEED A HERO!

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Edited By Tennmuerti
@Lokishot said:

Because if stuff like that is trolling... Man! What is the truth? Am I real? Have I been trolled all my life by Youtube comments?

I have a hard time believing that everyone insulted by the word "whore" are trolling.

A. That "cunt" at the end is a reference to a notable occurence on this site
B. People on Giant Bomb are pretty free in their use of swearwords as long as it is not directed at other users or directly insulting actual people. Hence, yes people being offended on GB are often just fucking with you, especially if it is done in an over the top fasion. Everyone is of course not trolling. Some people took that initial post  in a serious direction. Read what i wrote properly next time.
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Edited By Humanity

It's nice hearing someone talk about their creation, but I just don't see a logical middle or end of this article. What was the point? What happened to the two moderators that argued about banning a user? Am I really sleepy or was thus just all over the place..

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Reading all the comments on this post made my day. lol

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I played a little bit of forumwarz, but I didn't get to the real part I guess. I think it's a really cool experiment and I can't wait to hear what's going to happen next.

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Edited By sickVisionz

That's an awesome ending for a video game.

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Edited By Dan_CiTi

@Damian said:

Emo Kid, Troll, Hacker, and ________ in all of us.

- Cards Against Humanity

9/10 - submit it

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Edited By Patman99

This seems like a fairly interesting game. But I sometimes question if the message it is supposedly trying to push actually gets heard. I mean, yeah, people who read this article understand because of Patrick's interview with the creator but if we were to never read this article, would we still get the message? Personally, if I were to play the game I would just think it is a silly commentary/characterisation of the internet, not a critique of the mindless trolling that goes on.

I can confidently say that I have never knowingly trolled anonymously on the internet. I've made jokes but never in a way (at least I hope) that would be considered "trolling". I think the only way for the internet to rid itself of the majority of the trolls is to make their actions actually mean something. Why dont we steal in real life? Because of moral values. How did we acquire those? Through long enculturating processes of that action being punished through socio-cultural means (shunning, or jail time), and economic means (fines). Im not proposing we send internet trolls to jail but I do think to get over this disease, we have to make other people's actions actually mean something to them.

There are lots of people, however, that do already take their actions seriously even if there are no repercussions. I feel that I am one of those people, and probably many other people from the Giant Bomb community also fit this bill. Unfortunately, there are others that are not like this. If it means making life a little harder for the whole to get rid of a few bugs, I totally agree. I feel like it is also the only way to make the internet "better".

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

I'm about as insulted that the title was changed as most of you idiots seem to be that someone else's words were used. People who dress like skanks and do nothing but show off are camera whores. You know who can be a whore? JUST ABOUT ANYONE. Stop with the bullshit fem movement, I actually KNOW a male whore, where as I do not know a female whore. Whore has fucking nothing to do with women unless you want to whine and bitch about it having anything to do with women. being a cam whore is equally without gender rolls. So fuck off and let the news be the news. If a piece is about something that uses camwhore, that should absolutely be in the title, and removing it is the kind of bowing to idiots that ruins proper journalism. Journalism isn't supposed to be in the comfort zone. This is giantbomb, not CNN. There is profanity to be had. It isn't Patrick saying "haha, fuck women, dirty whores" it's him using something that has context and happens to have a word that insults you even though you have no right to be insulted. Whores are whores, sluts are sluts, and sometimes when I roleplay with my lady, that's me. So stop with the bullshit and get some logic going before you expect journalistic quality to come second to your fucking comfort zone.

I am all for women being strong and dependent and equal. But fuck the brat that says using the word whore is inappropriate just because a lady might read it. That would be like me getting pissed because a site had an article titled "God Hates Fags, at it again." It's ridiculous. If there were no context, fine, using the word whore would be a poor choice, but only because of PROFANITY. Not some bullshit victimization of women. You're not lesser beings, you aren't being insulted constantly. You are treated fairly, kindly, hell some of us even look up to you. So stop trying to make it out like we are out for your head, or worse your dignity, because that simply isn't the case. This is a story written by a journalist, nothing more.

Come to me again when you stop having the choice to marry who you want because of your gender.

And I'm sure I'll come off as a huge prick and sexist for suggesting you idiots aren't victims, but I don't honestly care. It's pathetic, and you people are better than letting a word with context in a journalistic piece of writing to insult you.

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Edited By FacelessVixen

I registered...

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Edited By Slab64

Man, that Whedon quote at the beginning is so good. I have to steal that and claim it as my own.

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Edited By Robo

Are you cry babies seriously that offended by "camwhore?" It's a specific class in this "game" based on a particular type of individual that *gasp* exists in reality.

Nobody is calling you a whore. Nobody is calling all women whores. Jesus. Grow the fuck up already and perhaps try to wrap your simple minds around the concept of context before getting all bent out of shape for no God damned reason.

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Edited By Elazul

I give this article a 6.8.

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

Also censorship is the literal worst thing you can do in journalism, please don't. It may seem like video games aren't important enough to hold true to that, but they do.

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Edited By Animasta

@MordeaniisChaos said:

I'm about as insulted that the title was changed as most of you idiots seem to be that someone else's words were used. People who dress like skanks and do nothing but show off are camera whores. You know who can be a whore? JUST ABOUT ANYONE. Stop with the bullshit fem movement, I actually KNOW a male whore, where as I do not know a female whore. Whore has fucking nothing to do with women unless you want to whine and bitch about it having anything to do with women. being a cam whore is equally without gender rolls. So fuck off and let the news be the news. If a piece is about something that uses camwhore, that should absolutely be in the title, and removing it is the kind of bowing to idiots that ruins proper journalism. Journalism isn't supposed to be in the comfort zone. This is giantbomb, not CNN. There is profanity to be had. It isn't Patrick saying "haha, fuck women, dirty whores" it's him using something that has context and happens to have a word that insults you even though you have no right to be insulted. Whores are whores, sluts are sluts, and sometimes when I roleplay with my lady, that's me. So stop with the bullshit and get some logic going before you expect journalistic quality to come second to your fucking comfort zone.

I am all for women being strong and dependent and equal. But fuck the brat that says using the word whore is inappropriate just because a lady might read it. That would be like me getting pissed because a site had an article titled "God Hates Fags, at it again." It's ridiculous. If there were no context, fine, using the word whore would be a poor choice, but only because of PROFANITY. Not some bullshit victimization of women. You're not lesser beings, you aren't being insulted constantly. You are treated fairly, kindly, hell some of us even look up to you. So stop trying to make it out like we are out for your head, or worse your dignity, because that simply isn't the case. This is a story written by a journalist, nothing more.

Come to me again when you stop having the choice to marry who you want because of your gender.

And I'm sure I'll come off as a huge prick and sexist for suggesting you idiots aren't victims, but I don't honestly care. It's pathetic, and you people are better than letting a word with context in a journalistic piece of writing to insult you.

lolol do you really want to play the oppression olympics?

also we aren't the ones make 3 paragraph long rants about not having a single word on the title of an article, just sayin

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Edited By Myomoto

He changed the title because people were crying about him using the word 'whore' in context of a 'camwhore'? Give me a break.

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Edited By Slab64

He changed the title, but the main thing that bothers me is he didn't even acknowledge the fact that those pictures clearly show 5 character classes...guess he was already trying to avoid a shitstorm from the beginning.

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Edited By DougQuaid

Forumwarz is really still a thing? I can't help but thinking I remember this game being talked about during an episode of GFW Radio.

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Edited By Animasta

@Slab64 said:

He changed the title, but the main thing that bothers me is he didn't even acknowledge the fact that those pictures clearly show 5 character classes...guess he was already trying to avoid a shitstorm from the beginning.

to be fair there are 5 classes, one he left out (permanoob) so it's not even that the disinclusion of the camwhore class is relevant

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Ahahahhah loving the comments

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Edited By Slab64

@Animasta said:

@Slab64 said:

He changed the title, but the main thing that bothers me is he didn't even acknowledge the fact that those pictures clearly show 5 character classes...guess he was already trying to avoid a shitstorm from the beginning.

to be fair there are 5 classes, one he left out (permanoob) so it's not even that the disinclusion of the camwhore class is relevant

Well, in the picture Patrick posted of his own character, his portrait showed the unmentioned 5th class, and it listed his class as "Re-Re" so that's what I was getting at...if the last class is a retard that was SURE to offend way more people than the camwhore thing (where half of the offended parties were only trolling anyway).

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Edited By Animasta

@Slab64 said:

@Animasta said:

@Slab64 said:

He changed the title, but the main thing that bothers me is he didn't even acknowledge the fact that those pictures clearly show 5 character classes...guess he was already trying to avoid a shitstorm from the beginning.

to be fair there are 5 classes, one he left out (permanoob) so it's not even that the disinclusion of the camwhore class is relevant

Well, in the picture Patrick posted of his own character, his portrait showed the unmentioned 5th class, and it listed his class as "Re-Re" so that's what I was getting at...if the last class is a retard that was SURE to offend way more people than the camwhore thing (where half of the offended parties were only trolling anyway).

You could probably read into that class that way to be fair... his 'attacks' are banging his head against the keyboard and drooling on it. but no, he's just supposed to symbolize shit posters.

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Edited By bvilleneuve

Stewart Lee has said that the last great taboo in comedy is doing something sincerely and well. I think that's the case in online forums, as well. After you spend enough time on any forum every time you show an honest piece of yourself just starts to feel like an opportunity for another anonymous troll to tear you down. least that's what I would have said fifteen minutes ago. Now it seems clear that the last great taboo of online forums is to suggest that disparaging women as camwhores if they show off their bodies might not be a totally well-balanced and mature and unproblematic thing to do.

God damn it, Giant Bomb community.

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Edited By EndlessLotus

That text... is a bit heavier than I would have expected from a game....

"Maybe it's for the best."


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Edited By metal_mills

Anybody upset by the use of "whore" in the title is an idiot. This is why you're still a virgin.

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Edited By ChrisTaran

Holy crap, I forgot I used to know Patrick as eXxy on irc back in the late 90's. Also really enjoyed the article! My only knowledge of forumwarz prior to this article was the random banner ad I'd see on occasion.

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Edited By hughesman

I'm always nice to people on the interwebz. Of course, I'm also the type of person that holds the door for strangers and says hello or smiles at people. It's probably why no one ever talks to me.

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Edited By BitterAlmond

I can't help but feel there's some sort of meta-joke going on with the people complaining about the title of an article about trolling.

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Edited By Soral

I can't tell who is being facetious in this comments section. Are people really upset over the name of a video game class being mentioned in a list of video game classes? Do people really think the word whore is not offensive to some? Who is the troll here? Is it you? Is it me?!?

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Edited By Nayson

Bloody hell, there is a blast from the past. I remember this being covered by GFW Radio back in the day, it was great fun for a while. Glad to see it is still going strong. :)

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Edited By Y2Ken

I played Forumwarz for a while (Camwhore obviously :p), it was pretty cool but didn't hold me for long. Then again not many browser games do so it managed a fairly good run considering that.

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Edited By BlackHeronBlue

Pimp Wars!

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Edited By eccentrix

@patrickklepek said:

I removed "Camwhore" from the headline. It's not important. Moving on!

I was going to call you a sell-out, but then I realised you're probably trolling too.

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Edited By Grimluck343

Tricky still seems a little bitter about the FGC stuff.

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Edited By falling_fast

didn't "camwhore" use to be in this article title? I swear I remember raising my eyebrow at that.

edit after reading more: oh. well, I'm glad it's gone, personally.

also, if anyone is seriously getting angry over this, they need to chill the fuck out.

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Edited By Bocam

Yo, Adachi what do think about all this?

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Edited By MisterMouse

Trick son, spilling dem beans on forumWarz man... mad rare.

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Edited By redgonzo

I'm a lurker :)

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Edited By Aegeri

@patrickklepek said:

I removed "Camwhore" from the headline. It's not important. Moving on!

Way to destroy your artistic integrity by changing the article Patrick. Do you feel terrible about what you have done to your art? Do you?

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Edited By goatmilk

"Ugh just because a woman decides to display herself on camera it doesn't make her a whore. Stop objectifying women! *jacks off to porn*"