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The Guns of Navarro: Reality Bites

Alex sifts through the rubble of Aliens: Colonial Marines' disastrous launch to try and piece together just what the hell happened.

"Where did Gearbox go wrong?"

Aliens: Colonial Marines was, at least in theory, supposed to look something like this.
Aliens: Colonial Marines was, at least in theory, supposed to look something like this.

This has been the prevailing question of the week. As many undoubtedly already are aware, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox's long-delayed homage to all things Alien, released this week to reviews that largely ranged from tepid to outright savagery, including one from yours truly. The occasional baffling outlier not withstanding, people hated Aliens: Colonial Marines, and they did so with good reason.

Despite having purportedly been in at least pre-production stages all the way back in 2006, Colonial Marines is a staggering mess of a game. In rare moments, you can see a glimmer of a good Aliens game, one built on tension, dread, and the overwhelming sense of impending doom every character in the film series has felt since 1979. But those moments are fleeting, too often caked in dingy visuals, broken artificial intelligence, and plotting that recalls some of the dumbest Alien fan fiction one might find when stumbling into a particularly dark and nerdy corner of the Internet. It's the worst, and when games this big are this bad, the immediate reaction is to try to understand how and why this came to be.

Answers, interestingly enough, have seemingly come fast and furious since the game's launch. Granted, much of the talking has been done via anonymity. The juiciest tidbits came by way of this reddit posting from an alleged Gearbox employee. His story was a fascinating one, telling of numerous starts and stops, content dumps, as well as wholesale outsourcing of the game's abysmal single-player campaign to Houston developer TimeGate Studios. His claims echo those of another alleged former Gearbox staffer, dug up by noted video game internet sleuth Superannuation. That poster offered up back in late 2012 a warning regarding the game's development that proved prophetic.

A TimeGate employee (again, anonymously) did reply to that first reddit posting claiming that all of the game's oversight snafus were expressly under the purview of Gearbox. Thus far, however, that's the closest we've come to a proper refutation of the current rumors. Sega as an entity has yet to respond to any of this, though one Sega producer did deny the notion that any major chunks of the game had been outsourced. As for Gearbox, its only acknowledgment of any of this came from studio head Randy Pitchford. He told IGN shortly before release that TimeGate's contribution amounted to maybe 25% of the total game, while also citing other outside collaborators like Demiurge, who worked on the game's network code and is (or had been) reportedly working on the Wii U version. I suppose you could also count Pitchford's recent tweeting regarding people's assertions that Gearbox may have willfully deceived people when making promises it couldn't, or wouldn't, keep.

While no side of the story is likely to be completely accurate, the combination of statements from all sides paints at least a somewhat clear picture of a game badly mishandled. It shows a game announced too early, started and stopped too often, and finished too late. Unfortunately, it also paints a rather ugly picture of Gearbox itself, a studio that definitely spent a lot of time talking up the love and reverence it had for the source material, and allegedly a considerable amount more time putting the project off in favor of others.

In the time since Aliens: Colonial Marines was announced, Gearbox has released two games in the very successful Borderlands franchise, as well as the misguided rescue project that was Duke Nukem Forever. In between all of that, varying numbers of Gearbox staffers and other outsourcing studios were presumably plugging away at inconsistent intervals on Aliens, a game that had been talked up at no less than four E3s, several PAXes, and god only knows how many other various press events. For a game that seemed to be a long way off from completion, it sure did spend a lot of time promoting it.

Instead, we got something that looked like this...
Instead, we got something that looked like this...

I sat in on at least four separate Aliens demos over the years. In no less than three of them, I watched as Pitchford introduced us to what was supposed to be his team's game by explaining in bountiful detail about how much he, and those around him at Gearbox, loved Aliens. To hear him tell it, it was akin to a childhood dream being realized when the project became his. He giddily told of the time he was able to meet with Ridley Scott in his office, and Ridley did him the pleasure of showing him his many saved concept art sketches from the original film. The first time I heard that story, I was enraptured. The second time, still interested. By the third, I was starting to wonder if that meeting had been the only truly fruitful moment of that game's development.

I say that because each time I watched Aliens being demoed, I saw the same basic chunks of footage. Early scenes in the game set aboard the Sulaco and another colonial marine ship were played out in front of me with only small variances each time. Sure, they were different level sections, but the key jumps, scares, and moments of cinematic drama were all pretty much the same thing. It all looked very polished; maybe too polished, really.

This seems to be the biggest sticking point people have with Aliens. Namely, the notion that what Gearbox demoed over the years didn't come close to lining up with the finished product. Scenes that moved with a smooth efficiency in the demos were haggard messes in reality, filled with glitchy enemies and visuals that looked like they hadn't been updated since the game's initial development cycle. Any number of YouTube videos have documented this with ample bluntness, though on some level, I can't help but wonder if we should even be surprised by this.

After all, it's not as if unrealistic tech demonstrations haven't become the de rigeur method of early promotion during this generation. I don't imagine I need to take you all back to 2005, when Sony unveiled the PlayStation 3, and along with it, the now infamous Killzone 2 tech demo that proved, well, perhaps somewhat dubious in comparison with the product that made it to shelves. For a more recent example, one need only look to BioShock Infinite. That demo that took every E3 award in 2011 was a masterwork of pacing, action, and tension, a sequence of events so seemingly effortless in its flow, that of course it proved to be anything but. As numerous previewers have noted since actually sitting down to play the BioShock Infinite demo late last year--and I will do in my own write-up of the game later this week--that sequence no longer quite resembles itself in the final game. The action is more mechanical, not as pristinely paced as we saw when it was shown to us just a year and a half prior. In its place was a segment of gameplay that was still breathtaking and exciting, but in a way that felt much more traditional to the mechanics of gameplay we generally know and understand, versus something overtly revolutionary.

In this regard, BioShock is perhaps the best case scenario for such marketing tactics, and Aliens is perhaps the worst. BioShock at least still looked tremendously good, and still played like a game that had been the sole focus of its developers for quite some time. Aliens, on the other hand, played like cast-off licensed junk, the worst kind of cynical cash-in that Randy Pitchford had spent years swearing up and down he'd been actively working to avoid when making his stamp on the Aliens franchise. In effect, Gearbox made literally the opposite game that it had intended to. I don't know if I can recall many instances of that happening in the 25 years or so that I have been playing and following video games.

Someone, I expect, will write a very fascinating long-form feature about Aliens' protracted and tragic development history. This will, of course, be years from now, long past the sting of the biting criticism and social media mockery of this week, and whatever worst-of lists Colonial Marines is sure to make come this holiday season. It will come when Gearbox has gone comfortably past the point of having to worry about Aliens and those who despised it. And that time will come. After all, Borderlands continues to be a major cash cow for the studio, and should spawn many more sequels over the course of the next generation. Plus, it's not as though the team is devoid of talent. Its Brothers in Arms series has, when active, been generally praised by the media and players alike, and while Duke Nukem makes for a particularly ugly blemish on its record, Gearbox can at least pretend it just finished someone else's mess, as opposed to making one themselves.

This blemish is solely the property of Gearbox and its direct collaborators. Aliens' disastrous launch and subsequent response is directly the result of the words said and the images shown by Gearbox, which proved to be anything but accurate. The game industry has a short memory for average failures, but the big ones? The ones that really resonate? They never go away. They cling to your name and your brand in a way that might not always be totally fair or appropriate, but nonetheless tends to smother out whatever else it is you might be looking to promote. Randy Pitchford is going to get a lot of Aliens questions over the next year or so, and rightfully so. How he handles those questions, and frankly how he and his team choose to promote their products from here on out will go a long way toward determining how people view them in the long-run. People are going to scrutinize every demo Gearbox delivers, every trailer it chooses to put out, every statement made about their future games looking for discrepancies, embellishments, or outright bullshit. Put out a bunch of great games, and people will generally take you at your word. Make a bunch of big promises and fail to deliver on them? It only takes one of those situations for your credibility to fly right out the window.

I'm still a fan of Gearbox and what it does, and I still look forward to whatever it has cooked up next. I guess all I'm saying is that now, whatever that turns out to be, I'll be a bit more careful when considering the things it tells me about it. No matter how cool what it shows next may be, Aliens will be sitting there in the back of my mind, reminding me that this studio is just as capable of dropping the ball as any other.


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@mnzy said:

@oldirtybearon said:

@paindamnation said:

@freedomtown said:

Did you really think this game needed another negative article written about it? Geez, someone didn't pay off the media enough with this one.

Did we really need another comment about it? Probably not.

Freedomtown is right though. Alex isn't saying anything new nor has he dug up any info on what the hell happened to the game. It's just whinging for the sake of whinging.

I like Alex and I like this feature, but this article doesn't do anything but state the obvious.

Not everybody follows every site and every detail about certain events. He puts it together nicely for people like me who haven't heard of this.

I had no real interest in this game so what he's saying is still fresh to me. Also it's another important lesson to fans and press of video games. Don't judge a game based on it's sales pitch or carefully orchestrated previews.

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Ok, the game is apparently a mess. The more concerning thing about the article was how Bioshock Infinite may not be the game that we were shown and hoping for. I did think all those videos looked a bit too good and wondered how anyone would actually play it. Also, how did the game win soapy E3 awards for never being playable?

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At some level, this sort of thing is bound to happen even to the best of developers. Not all artistic projects succeed, and game development has demonstrated itself to be difficult to pull off, even in the best of circumstances. There's pressure to create a mass-pleasing product, pressure to please fans of the series, pressure to get things done on time and on budget. Not all of those pressure are compatible with each other. And when things break down, sometimes it's impossible to pick them up and put them back together again. Nevertheless, developers are expected to do just that. It's no surprise that the game was delivered broken. It's real life--failure does happen, even after what some might consider heroic efforts.

I do appreciate the attempt at trying to figure out what exactly went wrong--looking back, all the signs are obvious. So when we start seeing these same signals again, we'll be better able to make a judgment about the potential quality issues with games, and developers might have a better idea of when to just stop and reconsider before shipping a reputation-killing mess.

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Edited By Bourbon_Warrior

@phished0ne said:

@aiurflux said:

Some of you people are fucking morons. People were LIED to, that's why they're pissed off. When you call a demo actual in game footage and none of that footage ends up in the fucking game that's a lie. When you say you're a massive fan of the series and it's a dream project then pawn it off on 3 other studios that's a lie. When you pass something off as one thing when in reality it's something entirely different, as seen in the demo to retail comparison video, that's a lie. Then to call that "story", if it can be called that, canon is a fucking insult to each and every single person that worked on any of those films. Even the shitty ones.

Loading Video...

Watch that. That's what people were basing purchases off of. NONE of that shit ended up in the game. Do not for one fucking second tell anybody that spent 50-60 bucks they have no reason to be pissed off. This should be the fucking poster boy for false advertising. Because, and I'll be honest, if that was the game I got I'd be happy. But that wasn't the game I got. It wasn't even in the same galaxy much less neighborhood.

Gearbox fucking stinks and I can say with absolute certainty I won't be playing any of their games anytime soon. I wouldn't even waste bandwidth and torrent the shit they shovel. But I did learn one thing, never ever pre-order. I typically never do but my inner fanboy got the better of me.

To imply that gearbox "shovels shit" just because YOU got burned on a shitty product is a bit presumptive. Because YOU were the dummy that bought a game where all signs pointed to it sucking. Because YOU didnt wait for reviews. Guess what, it's Pitchford's job to talk up his games, just like its any product creator's job to talk their product up. If someone wants to sue pitchford or gearbox(be it a class action lawsuit or sega suing because they were mislead by gearbox) that is different. But to just run around the internet and slander a company that makes good product normally , just because YOU are the dummy that ate the shit?

Thats an asshole thing to do, because in the end you dont know the story behind what happened at Gearbox that made the game come out like that. I bought Street Fighter X Tekken and it was probably the worst game i played. The online was trash, no one was playing, the mechanics were broken, and the characters were out of balance. But i didnt go online and bitch about how "i got mislead by capcom" and how Ono should lose his job for misleading fans. I understand that it is their job to hype up their game. I got burned, i moved on and dealt with it. I'm not telling you that you shouldnt be pissed, im telling you you shouldnt be an asshole.

How is he the "Dummy", they released this as a game play demo and none of it was in the game.

Randy Pitchford lost my respect for this, he made a fake game play demo and lied to everyone that this was the game and people pre-ordered it because the game play in this looks great, especially the Alien AI and movement, none of which made it into the game. Your Street Fighter X Tekken analogy is invalid as it was exactly what they advertised, you seem to be confusing people complaining about a bad game with Gearbox blatantly lying to people to sell units with false game play videos.

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@bourbon_warrior: What disturbs me is that a lot of people even on this forum thinks this is a hazard we have to accept as video gamers. By accepting this, we're basically giving all PR folks a free pass to make up any story or content they'd like about a game in order to create hype without ever having to stand accountable. I believe that any product, video game or not, should function/and have the properties as was advertised. If they at any point released information, and it currently is invalid because of changes in development, my opinion is that it is the developer/publisher's responsibility to inform the market of these downgrades/changes in product quality so that people can be given an opportunity to reconsider their pre-orders.

I have said it like three times in a short time but I want to urge fellow gamers to stop pre-ordering games; and most importantly that requires patience and the power to resist hype created by pre-release PR campaigns.

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@funkydupe: Maybe for anything apart from proven developers, there is something to be said about when I picked up GTA IV at midnight and played it for 8 hours straight and that was before any gameplay videos had been released or I saw any reviews, it was just such a fresh experience full of wonder that hadn't been spoiled, I don't want that to go away in favour of reading reviews and pretty much having every mechanic of the game spoiled.

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Another bad piece of media from a terrible IP? Oh no! What a shocker!

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Want an 'Aliens' game thats good, then get someone do a re-skin for x-com (that also forces iron man), thats likely the only way to get a faithful experience to the movie. The 'Aliens', aliens are just never going to work for a mainstream action shooter, as an enemy, if you want any resemblance to the movie.

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I hate alex's attitude, i dont think he even should be working for this site one on the gb crew even talk about him much nor does he show up in any videos....and when he does show his face it aint good..attacking aliens...sure these games have problems but i dont need to hear it from him.

iam just tired of his s**t.

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I hate alex's attitude, i dont think he even should be working for this site one on the gb crew even talk about him much nor does he show up in any videos....and when he does show his face it aint good..attacking aliens...sure these games have problems but i dont need to hear it from him.

iam just tired of his s**t.

I'm no fan of Alex Navarro, but come the fuck on. Everyone, in GB and out, has attacked RE6, and Aliens has fared no better. The man may not rub a lot of people the right way, and he may revel in being a snarky ass, but in this case, he's just not wrong. Aliens: Colonial Marines is a trainwreck.

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I don't know how you can criticize Alex Navarro especially in the review/article related to A:CM. He brings up a lot of good points and I like that he allows himself to show his personal disappointment instead of being just a neutral faceless video game reviewer.

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Edited By warmonked

Meh. This blame game is pointless. Even if the whole campaign was outsourced, doesn't the buck stop at Gearbox?

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I think what happened is fairly clear: Gearbox took on the project, but had too much on its plate already. As Gearbox started to make Borderlands, it became clear that Aliens Colonial Marines was falling behind schedule and probably wouldn't be that good a game, so they asked for an extension from Sega, who agreed. As the years went by, Gearbox focused more and more on its own games which it felt had a better chance of being good, and let ACM slowly drift to the background of their concerns. Eventually, they lost so much interest in it, they outsourced it to other studios to finish. Those studios did a bad job, and Gearbox didn't care enough about the project (or couldn't due to a lack of resources) to fix it in time.

In short, I think this is a story of Gearbox, still a relatively small studio, biting off more than it could chew, developing more games than it could competently finish.

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@yukoasho said:

@cronoxtream said:

I hate alex's attitude, i dont think he even should be working for this site one on the gb crew even talk about him much nor does he show up in any videos....and when he does show his face it aint good..attacking aliens...sure these games have problems but i dont need to hear it from him.

iam just tired of his s**t.

I'm no fan of Alex Navarro, but come the fuck on. Everyone, in GB and out, has attacked RE6, and Aliens has fared no better. The man may not rub a lot of people the right way, and he may revel in being a snarky ass, but in this case, he's just not wrong. Aliens: Colonial Marines is a trainwreck.

Never said he was wrong, A:CM may be a trainwreck but Alien is a franchise i hold dear to my self...i aint gona go around saying A:CM is the best game ever made cause it cleary hurts a lil to see Gearbox take a big shit on something i love and then also have the media bash the shit out of it..i dont defend this game but a part of me still feels for it.

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@funkydupe: It's the same people who see pricks and trolls overrunning forums and, instead of hitting "Flag" or holding them accountable for decent, human interaction, it's all "throw up your hands, HEY! It's the internet, whattya gonna do???" And then they'll post massive, long-winded posts about how "the community" has gone to crap because of new users, or some ridiculousness.

I hate alex's attitude, i dont think he even should be working for this site one on the gb crew even talk about him much nor does he show up in any videos....and when he does show his face it aint good..attacking aliens...sure these games have problems but i dont need to hear it from him.

iam just tired of his s**t.

He's not in videos because he lives in New York. When he comes to visit, then he's in videos. And what "shit" would that be? His reporting on actual facts? His insane review output?

@markwahlberg That wasn't directed at you, per se, much more toward whoever was the first poster in that thread. You I like. But yeah, this is a bigger deal than the usual shovelware, licensed game BS we've come to expect.

@phished0ne Just because it's a tough sell, doesn't mean it's not worth bringing up/reporting on. Even without that, this is a pretty big debacle. Sony may have shown an up-res version of Killzone 2 for the PS3 launch, but they didn't completely mislead consumers about the content and tone of the game.

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@funkydupe: It's the same people who see pricks and trolls overrunning forums and, instead of hitting "Flag" or holding them accountable for decent, human interaction, it's all "throw up your hands, HEY! It's the internet, whattya gonna do???" And then they'll post massive, long-winded posts about how "the community" has gone to crap because of new users, or some ridiculousness.

@cronoxtream said:

I hate alex's attitude, i dont think he even should be working for this site one on the gb crew even talk about him much nor does he show up in any videos....and when he does show his face it aint good..attacking aliens...sure these games have problems but i dont need to hear it from him.

iam just tired of his s**t.

He's not in videos because he lives in New York. When he comes to visit, then he's in videos. And what "shit" would that be? His reporting on actual facts? His insane review output?

@markwahlberg That wasn't directed at you, per se, much more toward whoever was the first poster in that thread. You I like. But yeah, this is a bigger deal than the usual shovelware, licensed game BS we've come to expect.

@phished0ne Just because it's a tough sell, doesn't mean it's not worth bringing up/reporting on. Even without that, this is a pretty big debacle. Sony may have shown an up-res version of Killzone 2 for the PS3 launch, but they didn't completely mislead consumers about the content and tone of the game.

all in all iam just upset this game ive been looking forward to playing came out in such a bad way..

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@cronoxtream: You know what? Fair dues, it IS an absolutely crap outcome for a game with so much potential.

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Everything about this just bums me the fuck out. I really, really wanted this game to be awesome, and fully believed it would be until just before it came out, but sure as hell ain't awesome. I also really want to like Randy Pitchford. His apparently genuine enthusiasm and passion for what he does was always refreshing to me, and he seems like a good enough dude, but everything he sold this game as is simply not true. Regardless of who made what exactly, Gearbox still put this out under their own name and is ultimately responsible for the outcome. I really hope they knew what the hell this game really was.

I'm still a fan of Gearbox, though. Borderlands is undeniably great and my love for that series is too great. I seriously hope that they have learned some kind of lesson from all this.

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It's hard to believe that these were the people responsible for the awesome PS2 port of Half-Life.

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As a side note, I don't agree with people comparing this to situations like Killzone 2. Yes, KZ2 had a per-rendered demo when it was first announced. However, the other trailers and footage they released from the game was indeed actually from it, and it was clear the first video was just a target from that point on. When the game came out, it was as advertised from the more recent trailers. Most games operate like that.

A:CM failed, because up until it was out, people still thought those demos would more or less be in the game, and that was representative of the final product, when in fact it wasn't even close. As sensational as it sounds, this really is more of a lie. I hate saying something like that, but the whole thing just feels dishonest, like something is clearly being hidden.

I in no way wanted this game to fail. I, like many others, thought the demos and trailers looked great. Now, after having just finished the game, I'm just gob-smacked. This is a colossal mistake. Is it the worst game ever? Of course not. It's just extremely mediocre, and feels like a borderline launch game for the PS3 and 360(both in graphics and gameplay). Just depressing, all of it.

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@jrock3x8: I could make a bunch of assumptions why you fail to see the problem, but I won't.

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@rudecubes: How does that work? The producer is the one that defines the quality of the product and approves the work of the developer before going to market. It's not like Gearbox hid this game from SEGA and released it under Segas name without their knowledge.

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Everything about this just bums me the fuck out. I really, really wanted this game to be awesome, and fully believed it would be until just before it came out, but sure as hell ain't awesome. I also really want to like Randy Pitchford. His apparently genuine enthusiasm and passion for what he does was always refreshing to me, and he seems like a good enough dude, but everything he sold this game as is simply not true. Regardless of who made what exactly, Gearbox still put this out under their own name and is ultimately responsible for the outcome. I really hope they knew what the hell this game really was.

I'm still a fan of Gearbox, though. Borderlands is undeniably great and my love for that series is too great. I seriously hope that they have learned some kind of lesson from all this.

This sums up my feelings as well. As a huge Alien fan I went in hoping for the best, and got the worst.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@bourbon_warrior said:

@phished0ne said:

@aiurflux said:

Some of you people are fucking morons. People were LIED to, that's why they're pissed off. When you call a demo actual in game footage and none of that footage ends up in the fucking game that's a lie. When you say you're a massive fan of the series and it's a dream project then pawn it off on 3 other studios that's a lie. When you pass something off as one thing when in reality it's something entirely different, as seen in the demo to retail comparison video, that's a lie. Then to call that "story", if it can be called that, canon is a fucking insult to each and every single person that worked on any of those films. Even the shitty ones.

Loading Video...

Watch that. That's what people were basing purchases off of. NONE of that shit ended up in the game. Do not for one fucking second tell anybody that spent 50-60 bucks they have no reason to be pissed off. This should be the fucking poster boy for false advertising. Because, and I'll be honest, if that was the game I got I'd be happy. But that wasn't the game I got. It wasn't even in the same galaxy much less neighborhood.

Gearbox fucking stinks and I can say with absolute certainty I won't be playing any of their games anytime soon. I wouldn't even waste bandwidth and torrent the shit they shovel. But I did learn one thing, never ever pre-order. I typically never do but my inner fanboy got the better of me.

To imply that gearbox "shovels shit" just because YOU got burned on a shitty product is a bit presumptive. Because YOU were the dummy that bought a game where all signs pointed to it sucking. Because YOU didnt wait for reviews. Guess what, it's Pitchford's job to talk up his games, just like its any product creator's job to talk their product up. If someone wants to sue pitchford or gearbox(be it a class action lawsuit or sega suing because they were mislead by gearbox) that is different. But to just run around the internet and slander a company that makes good product normally , just because YOU are the dummy that ate the shit?

Thats an asshole thing to do, because in the end you dont know the story behind what happened at Gearbox that made the game come out like that. I bought Street Fighter X Tekken and it was probably the worst game i played. The online was trash, no one was playing, the mechanics were broken, and the characters were out of balance. But i didnt go online and bitch about how "i got mislead by capcom" and how Ono should lose his job for misleading fans. I understand that it is their job to hype up their game. I got burned, i moved on and dealt with it. I'm not telling you that you shouldnt be pissed, im telling you you shouldnt be an asshole.

How is he the "Dummy", they released this as a game play demo and none of it was in the game.

Randy Pitchford lost my respect for this, he made a fake game play demo and lied to everyone that this was the game and people pre-ordered it because the game play in this looks great, especially the Alien AI and movement, none of which made it into the game. Your Street Fighter X Tekken analogy is invalid as it was exactly what they advertised, you seem to be confusing people complaining about a bad game with Gearbox blatantly lying to people to sell units with false game play videos.

Just like i cant prove those things were ever in the game, you cant prove they weren't taken out for some reason. Hell you cant even prove GEARBOX took them out. Sega might have had it taken out for some reason. Prove to me there weren't extenuating circumstances that made them have to take out their ai system and totally re-work it, maybe a major pathing issue that caused the aliens to spin on their heads when they placed them in environments larger than that demo space.

My point is that everyone is piling on Gearbox, when they dont know jack shit about what ACTUALLY went on with the development of this game. All they know is what some anonymous people(we know how trustworthy they are) who claim they work at gearbox said happened. we dont know jack about what happened to this game, and unless someone brings forth a lawsuit, we wont ever know what happened. I just was saying i think its shitty to completely blame Randy/Gearbox when you really just know what some dude in a guy fawkes mask said happened.

Also, about SFxT, was it really what they claimed it would be? I dont know, when i get a Fighting game i expect the characters to be balanced and the online not to be so broken its unplayable. There were numerous articles written about how the SFxT netcode was a flaming pile of feces, so im pretty sure I could argue i was pretty misled by Capcom.

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@cronoxtream: You know what? Fair dues, it IS an absolutely crap outcome for a game with so much potential.

Sounds like Daikatana.

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Reading this article felt very surreal to me, because all this controversy is exactly how I felt about Duke Nukem Forever, right down to Randy Pitchford lying out his ass beforehand about how much he loved the Duke Nukem franchise, having worked on Duke Nukem 3-D back in the day himself. In that case, he went as far as continuing to insist it was an amazing product after it launched and proved to be anything but, insisting that all the negativity and accusations of serious misogyny were just the work of "butthurt haters".

After that serious shake-up of trust, I haven't had any faith in Randy Pitchford whatsoever, but I was willing to give Gearbox in general the benefit of the doubt; I waited for the reviews for Borderlands 2, and was pleased to see that they hadn't just suddenly lost the ability to make a good game. After seeing it happen a second time, though... I don't know that I want to support a company that deliberately neglects one project in favour of another, so I might just have to wash my hands of Gearbox all together.

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I wonder how the reception of Colonial Marines will impact on their next game's performance sales wise?

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Edited By Funkydupe
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Great article Alex. I never thought that this game looked good but it had potential if you look back at early screenshots and videos. It just makes me think that Gearbox only care about their own IP. Although this is sure to make selling their next Borderlands more difficult than it should be

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I certainly don't share all the views presented here but that doesn't take anything away from a quality kind of read for my lunch break today.

On the contrary - thanks again, Alex. Quality content FTW :>

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Edited By Thiefsie

Everyone fucking knows that this means sweet fuck all for Gearbox - you suckers are still gonna eat Borderlands 3-10 shit up on a plate and hell... even the next Duke Nukem when it comes around to release time. (next 3 years at most).

All this shit slinging at gearbox will slide right off when the next fanboygasm game that seems to be Borderlands (which I thought was a rather shit update to that Diablo FPS that failed majorly as well) get's released to epic reviews and stellar sales.

Gearbox are laughing all the way to the bank.

edit: got mixed up and realised that they had nothing to do with gunman chronicles.. ahaha

Let's just say the last decent thing they did was Op For, as Blue Shift was pretty average...

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Edited By Bourbon_Warrior

@phished0ne said

Just like i cant prove those things were ever in the game, you cant prove they weren't taken out for some reason. Hell you cant even prove GEARBOX took them out. Sega might have had it taken out for some reason. Prove to me there weren't extenuating circumstances that made them have to take out their ai system and totally re-work it, maybe a major pathing issue that caused the aliens to spin on their heads when they placed them in environments larger than that demo space.

My point is that everyone is piling on Gearbox, when they dont know jack shit about what ACTUALLY went on with the development of this game. All they know is what some anonymous people(we know how trustworthy they are) who claim they work at gearbox said happened. we dont know jack about what happened to this game, and unless someone brings forth a lawsuit, we wont ever know what happened. I just was saying i think its shitty to completely blame Randy/Gearbox when you really just know what some dude in a guy fawkes mask said happened.

Also, about SFxT, was it really what they claimed it would be? I dont know, when i get a Fighting game i expect the characters to be balanced and the online not to be so broken its unplayable. There were numerous articles written about how the SFxT netcode was a flaming pile of feces, so im pretty sure I could argue i was pretty misled by Capcom.

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This has nothing to do what people have said or what not, this is quite simply down to Gearbox has their name on the box, Gearbox showed off the "Gameplay" video. Gearbox shipped a broken game.

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Edited By AiurFlux

@phished0ne said:

To imply that gearbox "shovels shit" just because YOU got burned on a shitty product is a bit presumptive. Because YOU were the dummy that bought a game where all signs pointed to it sucking. Because YOU didnt wait for reviews. Guess what, it's Pitchford's job to talk up his games, just like its any product creator's job to talk their product up. If someone wants to sue pitchford or gearbox(be it a class action lawsuit or sega suing because they were mislead by gearbox) that is different. But to just run around the internet and slander a company that makes good product normally , just because YOU are the dummy that ate the shit?

Thats an asshole thing to do, because in the end you dont know the story behind what happened at Gearbox that made the game come out like that. I bought Street Fighter X Tekken and it was probably the worst game i played. The online was trash, no one was playing, the mechanics were broken, and the characters were out of balance. But i didnt go online and bitch about how "i got mislead by capcom" and how Ono should lose his job for misleading fans. I understand that it is their job to hype up their game. I got burned, i moved on and dealt with it. I'm not telling you that you shouldnt be pissed, im telling you you shouldnt be an asshole.

It's Pitchford's job to talk up his game, however it is not Pitchford's job to blatantly lie about the vast majority of the content. That's false advertising and is illegal, demo or no demo. As for not waiting for reviews? Yeah. I fucked up on that. But I guarantee you that they put review embargoes in place to prevent negative press because they knew the game stunk. If word got out that it was terrible pre-orders would have been cancelled and sales would have tanked.

I don't give a fuck about the story as to WHY or HOW it came out like that, fact is that it came out like that and they misrepresented EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING when it came to pre-release footage. As for your "analogy", if it can be called that, about Street Fighter X Tekken you still got a game that was previewed and released in relatively the same state. I'm certainly not playing favorites given how terrible the online code was in that game and the absolutely disgusting on-disc "DLC", and Capcom/Ono deserve all the shit they get for that trainwreck. But fact is they didn't show things at conventions like E3 or PAX that never made it into the game. In that video that I posted about 90% of the shit in that video isn't in the game. And he calls it a "vertical slice" that was neither "vertical" nor a "slice".

And calling me a dummy? Really? That's the best you can do? Get the fuck out of here. I don't give a fuck if Gearbox released Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, which was the best game in that series. I don't give a fuck if Gearbox released Borderlands 1 and 2, which are fun although chores to play at times. The fact is they released a shitty game and LIED about it, blatantly misrepresenting the product they'd release. And it's not just Gearbox that should take our ire and fury over this, it's every single company out there that misrepresents their product. If I'm a dummy for expecting and demanding more, fine. But fuck you.

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Edited By dr_mantas

First rule of not getting burned - don't have expectations.

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I'll be honest Gearbox have delivered more than they've dropped the ball in my experience, so there simply as to be another factor we don't know about, possible Sega related. However you look at this, Gearbox Software have come across atrociously and the fact that they're not exactly defending themselves tells us they're as much to blame as any of them. It's sad, unfortunate and honestly, depressing. That said, part of me felt this was inevitable, we'd heard enough lacklustre opinions on the game beforehand from event demos and such.

It'll be fascinating to see what happens next, but it looks bad all round.

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Expanding a bit on the points made in the article, as a studio exec, would you rather not release the game and tell the truth to your fans. For example that the game does not meet the standards of the other games of the studio. This would put the whole project as a sunk cost project and probably end in the courts, or would you release the game, take the flak, and cut the losses on the project?

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Sad thing is, I think Gearbox was fully capable of delivering the game that they showed in their demos, a game that looked really fucking promising, and now we'll never get it. I'm sure their next game will be quality, but god-fucking-dammit did they drop the ball on this, and they deserve all the shit they get for it.

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Nicely put Alex.

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Edited By MikeyA

I'm a little suspicious that people weren't worried after Borderlands 2. For a game that was well received, it is shockingly boring and unoriginal. Brad recently handed Dead Space a (well deserved) 3 stars, and since they are so temporally distant it isn't a big deal or anything, but Borderlands 2 was lazier and less compelling than Dead Space 3, and I don't know it reviewed so well. If anything, ACM feels like vindication for me. Gearbox has produced a few excellent things (all their Half-Life stuff, Borderlands 1), but it's just about split 50/50 between that and garbage.

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Edited By yukoasho

@godlyawesomeguy: Yeah. This game is the poserboy for too many chefs up in the soup.

@hailinel: Yeah, that kinda stands out. At this point, it seems like you're more special if you DIDN'T work on this game at some point.

The game's reception saddens me. Gearbox is clearly capable of awesome (Brothers in Arms, Borderlands) but they need to stop picking up trainwrecks. They need to stick to their own fucking games.

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Gearbox comes across bad after this whole mess, but ultimately, its Sega's responsibility to put out a quality game, if they expect it to sell. Sega should've stripped them of the title, and passed it on to another developer.

As it stands, one of Sega's "pillars" has completely crumbled. And I don't think they can release enough Sega Vintage collections to compensate for how much Aliens cost them. Though I'd appreciate a Shining Force III port to XBLA.

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Sega's mistake in this was that they jumped on the deal without looking into the state of things deeper than basically the speech and demo Randy provided the press with, and Gearbox will get taken to court in one way or another, deservingly so.

Sega also made a mistake in saying "ok we're only going to do these IPs from now" but that's another story for their inevitable post-mortem.

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Great write up Alex. Glad I traded this in while it still had some value.

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A very good read Alex. Very insightful. Gearbox to you is what Bioware is to me after last year. I'm more careful before falling for a game before it comes out. There are of course exceptions but even the best studio can fail. A good option for gamers to do for themselves is to at best be cautiously optimistic. And when things fall apart, you won't be too disappointed. Like me with Dead Space 3. It's also good for the industry to hold studios and publishers accountable. Speak on the internet but also with your wallet.

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Anyone who expected the game to be good and pre-ordered after 7 years of it being kicked around deserves to have their 60 dollars away. I'm tired of consumers rewarding ridiculous marketing with blind faith. It just encourages them to do it again.