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When Passions Flare, Lines Are Crossed [UPDATED]

One player's heated rhetoric about sexual harassment in the fighting community causes a furious debate, one that has Capcom apologizing.

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UPDATE: Bakhtanians has issued a statement in the wake of today's coverage. Read it here.


“This is a community that’s, you know, 15 or 20-years-old and the sexual harassment is part of a culture,” said competitive fighting game player Aris "Aris" Bakhtanians on a recent live stream for Capcom's Cross Assault show, “and if you remove that from the fighting game community, it’s not the fighting game community.”

Capcom has since apologized for comments made during a conversation on sexual harassment in the fighting game community, which that quote was pulled from. It was a discussion focused on Bakhtanians, and took place during a recent episode of the company’s Cross Assault reality show. It’s part of a promotion for Street Fighter X Tekken.

Cross Assault started with 10 contestants divided into two teams, Team Tekken and Team Street Fighter. The final four contestants will be determined today, and the last matches begin March 3.

A reader initially pointed out the inflammatory commentary, which took place during day five.

Bakhtanians is the head of Team Tekken, and was engaged in a conversation that chiefly involved community manager Jared Rea. is hosting the daily streaming of the day-long Cross Assault episodes.

“The views and opinions expressed by cast members in the live internet program 'Cross Assault' do not reflect those of Capcom,” said a Capcom spokesperson in a statement issued to me last night. “As a company, Capcom believes that everyone should be treated with respect. This particular issue was brought to our attention and has been addressed. We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by any comments expressed during the show.”

You can listen to the conversation by fast forwarding to one hour and 45 minutes into the following video. A user on YouTube also collected a series of comments made by Bakhtanians on day one.

For example: "Miranda, I wanna know your bra size."

Tensions were immediately raised over Rea's suggestion the fighting game community, once insular and limited but now steadily growing year-over-year, was potentially alienating outsiders from becoming fans of fighting games or the competitive scene because of inappropriate sexual language. Bakhtanians took issue with Rea's criticism.

Here’s a lengthy transcript of their exchange:

Rea: You know what it is, to be honest with you? We’re getting older. Do you really want to keep hanging around with a bunch of [guys in their] early 20s who don’t know how to treat one another with respect? That’s what it is.

Bakhtanians: Alright, man. The thing is...if you don’t like the scene, how it is right now, it just seems like you’re trying to create...turn it into something that it’s not, and it’s never going to be. You know what I mean?

Rea: That’s really unfortunate [inaudible]...the way it is right now, they want to enjoy fighting games, but they’re so incredibly turned off by [the language].

Bakhtanians: This doesn’t involve me, Jared, I don’t know if you can hear me--this is Aris. This doesn’t really involve me, but if you don’t like onions, you get your sandwich without onions, man. I mean, this is the fighting game community.

Rea: Can I get my Street Fighter without sexual harassment?

Bakhtanians: You can’t. You can’t because they’re one and the same thing. This is a community that’s, you know, 15 or 20 years old, and the sexual harassment is part of a culture, and if you remove that from the fighting game community, it’s not the fighting game community--it’s StarCraft. There’s nothing wrong with StarCraft if you enjoy it, and there’s nothing wrong with anything about eSports, but why would you want just one flavor of ice cream, you know? There’s eSports for people who like eSports, and there’s fighting games for people who like spicy food and like to have fun. There’s no reason to turn them into the same thing, you know?

You can’t go to the NBA and say “hey, I like basketball, but I don’t want them to play with a basketball, I want them to play with a football.” It just doesn’ doesn’t make sense to have that attitude, you know? These things are established for years. That would be like someone from the fighting game community going over to StarCraft and trying to say “hey, StarCraft, you guys are too soft, let’s start making sexual harassment jokes to each other on StarCraft.” That’s not cool, people wouldn’t like that. StarCraft isn’t like that. People would get defensive, and that’s what you’re trying to do the fighting game community, and it’s not right. It’s ethically wrong.

I know that you’re thinking “what do you know about ethics? You say racial stuff and sexist stuff.” But those are jokes and if you were really a member of the fighting game community, you would know that. You would know that these are jokes.

Rea: So, ensuring that we alienate any and all female viewers...that’s the ethical thing to do?

Bakhtanians: Well, you know, there are layers here, if you think about this. There are layers of ethics. There are people who are racist and commit hate crimes, right? And then there are people who are racist but they have tons of friends of all colors and they have deep love for those friends. Do you think those people are one and the same? Absolutely not.

StarCraft was brought up several times during the discussion of fighting games role in the larger eSports movement, specifically in regards to what lessons the community should and should not learn from its popularity.

I reached out to Bakhtanians to discuss his comments on Cross Assault, but he didn't respond.

When I contacted Capcom, I included a transcript of the relevant conversation. The company told me the cast and crew had been informed that “any inappropriate or disrespectful comments will not be tolerated during filming.”

Upon receiving the statement from Capcom, I forwarded it in full to Bakhtanians. No response.

And there is one very important fact about this whole story: Cross Assault is not a male-only event. There are two females: Team Street Fighter’s Sherry “Sherryjenix” Nhan and Team Tekken’s Miranda “Super_Yan” Pakozdi.

During the exchange, as matches raged in the background, Pakozdi chimed in about Bakhtanians’ explanation for the pervasiveness of inappropriate sexual language within fighting game culture.

“It hurts the community,” she said.

Everyone in the stream made reference to Keystone events at the San Jose Bar & Grill in San Jose, California, a spot that’s reportedly known for its more crass comments about during play. Pakozdi acknowledged it was an issue during Keystone events, but that it never went, from her perspective, over the line.

“You don’t know where the line is,” she declared.

“My point is is where I’m from, in our arcade, our line may be different than yours,” responded Bakhtanians, “but the point is that fighting games are never gonna be the same as StarCraft, it’s never gonna be the same. You can’t turn basketball into baseball, no matter what you do.”

Rea said sexual harassment was less of an issue in the StarCraft community, a point that others, including Bakhtanians, pushed back on. He conceded. Regardless, he argued, private matches can’t be controlled, but the actions of the participants and audience members raised the real concern.

Again, here’s a snippet:

Rea: When I go to MSL or MLG and someone blows up a ghost [Starcraft], does someone go “Yeah, rape that bitch!”?

[group laughter]

Bakhtanians: But, you know, Jared, you’re right. But if there was that much money being spent on Street Fighter, it wouldn’t be happening here, either, you know. There would be more rules, there would be security here, it’s not the same thing. It’s not the same thing.

Rea: When I go to SoCal regionals and I see a Phoenix [from Marvel vs. Capcom 3] on main stage getting blown up and there’s some dude in the audience just yelling “Bitch! Bitch!” every time she gets hit and then she killed and goes “Yeah, rape that bitch!” Yeah, that’s totally acceptable! Really? Really? You’re going to tell me that’s acceptable?

Bakhtanians: Look, man. What is unacceptable about that? There’s nothing unacceptable about that. These are people, we’re in America, man, this isn’t North Korea. We can say what we want. People get emotional.

There was some light discussion after this, but it mostly trailed off.

Pakozdi, who was assigned to work with Bakhtanians as part of Team Tekken, did not simply blow things off. Like many people, she signed onto Twitter and expressed disappointment over the day’s events. She eventually deleted much of her commentary, but it was captured by the same reader who tipped me off to this in the first place.

“I hope my mom isn’t disappointed with all of this shit,” reads one tweet.

“Capcom and the stream teams know and they don’t care. I just gotta wait 2 more days,” reads another.

“I’m not leaving because by contract I have to stay here 2 more days. If it were up to me I would have left long ago," she said.

Bakhtanians is a well known in the community, explaining his Cross Assault involvement.
Bakhtanians is a well known in the community, explaining his Cross Assault involvement.

I reached out to Pakozdi, but she did not respond.

Day six of Cross Assault took place yesterday. Pakozdi played, but if you start watching around eight hours and 32 minutes into the stream, where she's playing as Balrog, she doesn't even attack. She just pushes forward on the stick. This continues in the next matches, where she plays as Ken using the same "strategy."

Essentially, she's given up.

Per the rules of the show, she would then have to face off against John "Dr. Sub-Zero" Rockafeller, who was already eliminated. If he beat her in three out of five matches, he would be "revived."

Instead, she forfeited. Moments after she bowed out, Rockafeller looked over and handed his prizes over to her.

“I would like to donate everything to Super_Yan for being an angel,” he said.

Bakhtanians also contributes the website Avoiding the Puddle and the site’s associated Twitter account.

“esports,” he wrote last night.

Previously, however, he did have his own personal Twitter account. What’s listed in his bio?

“Fuck you.”

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By Pinworm45

Pretty fucking hilarious that after all this white knighting, the girl you're all defending is now literally considering sueing for libel (if the above is to be believed - at worst she's still against these articles) because of how she was portrayed as against this culture.

I'm sorry, continue your tyrade against what other groups of people enjoy.

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Edited By Tennmuerti

I find it kind of funny that we are on a site where of of the biggest peronalities is Ryan, a dude who's m.o. is basically being a complete dick to everyone, say nasty shit, make digs at interns, etc etc. And a lot of people love him for it. Because most of us realise he does it as a joke, to entertain us.

All I had to do was to watch 1 one, EVO broadcast last year with Bakhtanians to realise he was pretty much behaving exactly like Ryan. He gave shit to everyone for everything, dudes, ladies no matter.

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Edited By NancyDrewFan123
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Edited By MethodMan008

@BlazeHedgehog said:

@Nefarious_Al said:

The FGC is not for the faint of heart. Some of us like that.

This to me reads like "We have our own little club house, don't mind the 'no girls allowed' sign, some of us don't take it seriously."

It's not like that all. Everyone gets jokes, white people, black people, asian people, chicks, dudes, etc.. Two of the most famous people in the FGC are transgender or homosexual. And they get tons of jokes thrown there way. And they are just jokes.

When Miranda asked him to stopped, he stopped.

If Ricky Ortiz was offended by the gay jokes he gets, he would tell people to stop, and they would stop.

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Edited By Phatmac

Well Dtoid removed their article, won't be long until this is taken down too.. Damn, people be crazy.

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Edited By Ett


The show is still on. he is busy 18 hours a day . Also he has a NDA till the end of the show. If Patrick Klepek wait one day before posting this he would have the whole story not just from Aris but also from Haunts and spooky and al the contested if he wanted. But now that his found out he get a whole community mad he is looking for comments from people who are in the FGC. Patrick Klepek made a halve assed article on a sub culture he didn't take a look at before posting this.

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Edited By IamAwesome

@mrfluke said:

@IamAwesome said:

Yoooo shots fired

Miranda PakozdiSuper__Yan
lol fuck Destructoid. They tried to get me to talk to them several times and I ignored it so they made a post anyway.. jerkoffs.
DAMMM and if u looked at patricks twitter she gave him the story and talked to her THE SCOOPZ MAN STRIKES BACK AT THE NEW COMPETITION

Oh you mean this?

@Super__Yan: because GiantBomb specifically said "she tweeted" or "on her twitter" from parts they got, since I didn't speak to them either.
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Edited By hermes

I don't know whats more depressing: his skills to interact with adults, even outside of matches; his justification of personal attacks as part of the game and the great community environment (the basketball quote is golden); or the amount of people defending him because he is a charismatic guy.

Seriously, his whole argument sounds like a manchild being defensive because he got called out on his treehouse club.

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Edited By mrfluke
@UnAbel said:

@MisuseOfLasers said:

@Nefarious_Al said:

Is Aris a dickhead? Yeah, but he is like that to everyone Miranda was not getting special treatment.

I didn't see him asking sexual questions to the male team members, or threatening to smell them if they lost a match. Being a dickhead, even if it's to everyone, should not be acceptable behavior anywhere. There's a difference between trash talk and being an asshole. One is okay, one isn't.

Except he literally told Ricky Ortiz he would rape him--he also actually DID smell Mike Ross while he was playing the game. You didn't watch shit. You read this article and posted just like the rest of these Giant Bomb sheep.

By the way, Giant Bomb, I'd like to point out that Miranda herself, you know, the guy you guys are white knighting so hard for? Yeah, she spoke out against these articles. There was a reason she turned you AND Destructoid down, Patrick:!/Super__Yan/status/174601661401149440


yea she turned him down but check her twitter again  she has no problem with giantbombs article!/Super__Yan/status/174604445349445633!/Super__Yan/status/174605375788695552!/Super__Yan/status/174605263393923073 
and patrick even responded back to her!/patrickklepek/status/174605378712125441 
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Edited By frankxiv

@BlazeHedgehog said:

Like it or not, by Fighting Games are nearing that point where they can either be respected and professional and move on to the "big leagues" of popularity and mainstream entertainment, or they can stay a small-time clubhouse. That's the crossroads that's happening right now. Do you want to scare away sponsors (such as the very people who produce the games you are playing) just so you and your friends can continue to be "uncensored" in your little tree house, or do you want to ride this train all the way up to the possibility of potential TV coverage? One involves continuing to be crass assholes, and the other involves booting out those who are hurting the reputation of you, your community, and its sponsors.

the sad truth is most people would pick the treehouse. the fgc has a very "accept us at our worst or not at all, we don't need you" mentality to it.

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Edited By rmanthorp  Moderator  Online
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Edited By Huey2k2

@Turambar said:

@Huey2k2 said:

As someone who knows nothing about the fighting game community, or the people in it. I must say, this article is rather silly. Anytime you have any sort of serious competitive atmosphere there is going to be trash talking, and nothing in this article is especially over the top as far as trash talking goes. Go play some COD on Xbox Live and tell me that anything in this is crossing the line, because the shit you hear on there is about 100 times worse than this.

Trash talking is part of competition, ask any kind of professional athlete, they all do it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the metaphorical kitchen.

If you don't like being forced to sit in the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, get out of the South. Oh wait.

Except playing video games in a competitive environment (especially for money) is a choice, you don't have to do it. Being born into a segregated community and not being able to move is definitely not your choice.

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Edited By MethodMan008

@Phatmac: She is cool with this article. She is just made at Dtoid for not citing her tweets (that were out of context) and making it look like an actual interview.

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Edited By Maluvin

@Skogen said:

The bottom line is people don't understand the culture. Most people left the arcades when they stopped being casual, while people playing fighting games stayed in the trenches. It is very much so a hardened culture, one not easily tamed by the sudden comeuppance of the Street Fighter name in recent years. A majority of people like to forget the fact that fighting games were produced between Street Fighter II and Street Fighter IV and most importantly that there were people actively playing the games between then. Do you really expect the community to be the same after it was abandoned 15 some-odd years ago?

Oh please. That makes it sound like they were abandoned on a hostile planet with no hope of rescue where they had to turn into survivalists just to find the next day's meal. Gaming tastes just changed, people moved on from the scene, then came back later to check it out again.

Even if abandoned it's not like they were isolated on an island ignorant of what's good and bad behavior. This kind of bad behavior isn't just ignorance and bad manners, it's willful ignorance because they know it bothers people. It's a choice and we know this because there's people within these communities who don't act this way.

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Edited By Brenderous

Wait, so there's people who think this kind of talk in acceptable?

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Edited By actionTACO

you can't do a hadouken without quartercircle + rapejoke. commonsense, people. jeeezz

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Edited By UnAbel

By the way, Patrick, don't think we don't see what you're trying to do. Sorry, but we'd rather everyone hate us because of your sensationalistic and wrong article about the fighting game community than sell-out the way StarCaraft II did. We're not eSports, we're the FGC. We're a fun, friendly REAL community, full of real personalities. Some of us are dickheads. Funny dickheads, but yes, still dickheads. I would advise one to grow up and stop trying to profit off of a situation that literally had nothing to do with them, or their website.

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Edited By Vexxan

@Shun_Akiyama said:

@AnEternalEnigma said:

This Aris guy sounds like a gigantic idiot that needs to be slapped in the face repeatedly.

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Edited By curious_george

Rea: You know what it is, to be honest with you? We’re getting older. Do you really want to keep hanging around with a bunch of [guys in their] early 20s who don’t know how to treat one another with respect? That’s what it is.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older as well, but this sentiment rings true with me. There are a lot of gaming communities that could benefit from a little more mutual respect and less trash talk. Trash talk between friends is fine, but too often in gaming it crosses the line. Animosity does not create a fun or enjoyable environment to game in.

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Edited By admanb
@UnAbel said:

By the way, Giant Bomb, I'd like to point out that Miranda herself, you know, the guy you guys are white knighting so hard for? Yeah, she spoke out against these articles. There was a reason she turned you AND Destructoid down, Patrick:!/Super__Yan/status/174601661401149440


That's not true. She spoke out against Destructoid's because it was written as if she had spoken to them. She liked GiantBomb's article. 
And just because Aris is a general shitstain doesn't mean he's not also a sexist shitstain.
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Edited By MudMan

@Tennmuerti said:

I find it kind of funny that we are on a site where of of the biggest peronalities is Ryan, a dude who's m.o. is basically being a complete dick to everyone, say nasty shit, make digs at interns, etc etc. And a lot of people love him for it. Because most of us realise he does it as a joke, to entertain us.

All I had to do was to watch 1 one, EVO broadcast last year with Bakhtanians to realise he was pretty much behaving exactly like Ryan. He gave shit to everyone for everything, dudes, ladies no matter.

I have never ONCE seen Ryan make a sexist joke on air. I've never seen him make a joke about raping a character, or ask anybody about their boobs. The times I've heard him joke about characters being oversexualized it's been to point out that somebody went and put big jiggly boobs on a character, not to drool over said boobies. In fact, I sort of remember some mild, amused negativity over DoA Extreme from all of the guys. They've never seemed to feel anything but uncomfortable about that sort of thing. Hell, even a few times both him and Jeff have criticised games for generic unnecessary cursing.

I'm done being outraged at people defending this shit, but I've entered a phase of strong surprise at just how fucking tone deaf people are. If this guy sounds and feels like Ryan to you there's not a sexism problem here, there's a problem with basic communication. I'm starting to honestly believe that this is not about people being hateful and hurtful, it's about some form of light autism syndrome preventing some people from being able to predict what others will find funny or annoying.

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Edited By darkdragonmage99
@UnAbel:  Maybe she should have not ignored them chances are not knowing the standers of the publication if she would have replied back with something along the lines of I don't want a story about me they would have you know known that and maybe not made one. 
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Edited By mfpantst
@Pinworm45: @Phatmac: @soramimicry
I'd just like to comment to you guys, I went and read her twitter thread, she says she's ok with the GB article, not with what sterling wrote.  She elaborates that both parties asked to speak with her and she declined, but Sterling wrote things quoting her anyways (as if she spoke with him).  And she was cool with Patrick writing things from her twitter and being specific like that.  I have a feeling this article stays up.  What she's looking to sue for is mis-attribution in the Destructiod article. Which is more or less quoting someone as if you talked to them when you didn't. 
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Edited By Dallas_Raines

@Pinworm45 said:

Pretty fucking hilarious that after all this white knighting, the girl you're all defending is now literally considering sueing for libel (if the above is to be believed - at worst she's still against these articles) because of how she was portrayed as against this culture.

I'm sorry, continue your tyrade against what other groups of people enjoy.

She just said she doesn't mind Patrick's article.

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Edited By AxleBro

some people in these comments could stand to hop off that high horse and realize this is one person in the fgc.

a person popular in videos because of his "antics"

i wont defend him, i don't care enough to. but seeing people on here bash the community as a whole, that offends me. every group has bad apples. we have done far more good than bad.

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Edited By I_smell

Wow, this is all a weird conversation.
I think everyone would benefit if a few dudes just tried to be a bit less creepy, and said "Hey, it's cool, we're all still friends, I'll be less weird." 
and if they learned when to say "hey shut up, Chat" like the GiantBomb guys would.

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Edited By UnAbel

@mrfluke: Read again, she has a problem with sensationalism of the article, of which she didn't know would be present when she commented.


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Edited By algertman
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Edited By Turambar
@Pinworm45 said:

@Turambar said:

@Huey2k2 said:

As someone who knows nothing about the fighting game community, or the people in it. I must say, this article is rather silly. Anytime you have any sort of serious competitive atmosphere there is going to be trash talking, and nothing in this article is especially over the top as far as trash talking goes. Go play some COD on Xbox Live and tell me that anything in this is crossing the line, because the shit you hear on there is about 100 times worse than this.

Trash talking is part of competition, ask any kind of professional athlete, they all do it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the metaphorical kitchen.

If you don't like being forced to sit in the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, get out of the South. Oh wait.

Do you actually think that mutual trash talk in a competitive gaming culture that embraces trash talk is at all comparable to the legal and willful physical oppression of a race on public property?

That's so incredibly insulting and ignorant of an actual plight it's pathetic.

A subculture that willfully embraces derogative speech based on racial, gender, and sexual orientation lines.  This is what you are defending.  What the fuck is wrong with you.
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Edited By TadThuggish

@UnAbel said:

@mrfluke: Read again, she has a problem with sensationalism of the article, of which she didn't know would be present when she commented.


I just had a test in PSYC 101 that included confirmation bias.

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Edited By Slaker117
Miranda Pakozdi

I read [the Giant Bomb article] and I don't have much of a problem with it. They STATED that things were from my twitter, whereas destructoid made it sound like I talked to them and said those things (which were awkwardly out of context)

 So there. The problem wasn't with the nature of Destructoid's article, just the context in which she was quoted.
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Thank you for this article Patrick.

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Edited By actionTACO

everyone knows its impossible to trash talk without making racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks. its like if you were trying to surf and someone took away the ocean. literally the same thing.

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Edited By TadThuggish

@algertman said:

@rmanthorp said:!/Super__Yan/status/174601661401149440

This makes me sick. Fuck sake...

Then Sterling had to take the article down and fix it. How does that man still have a job? Game journalism is a joke.

Because being a decent human being doesn't matter when you have a HOT NEW LOOK AT MASS EFFECT 3!!!

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Edited By madlaughter


You're proud of being a dickhead and telling HIM to grow up? You need a reality check, dude.

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Edited By UnAbel

@Turambar said:

@Pinworm45 said:

@Turambar said:

@Huey2k2 said:

As someone who knows nothing about the fighting game community, or the people in it. I must say, this article is rather silly. Anytime you have any sort of serious competitive atmosphere there is going to be trash talking, and nothing in this article is especially over the top as far as trash talking goes. Go play some COD on Xbox Live and tell me that anything in this is crossing the line, because the shit you hear on there is about 100 times worse than this.

Trash talking is part of competition, ask any kind of professional athlete, they all do it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the metaphorical kitchen.

If you don't like being forced to sit in the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, get out of the South. Oh wait.

Do you actually think that mutual trash talk in a competitive gaming culture that embraces trash talk is at all comparable to the legal and willful physical oppression of a race on public property?

That's so incredibly insulting and ignorant of an actual plight it's pathetic.

A subculture that willfully embraces derogative speech based on racial, gender, and sexual orientation lines. This is what you are defending. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Nothing. Get outside and talk to real people.

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Edited By sissylion

People in the comments of an article about misogyny on a video game website are being super defensive of a misogynist and trying to paint someone who attacked him in a negative light?

Yep, sounds about right.

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Edited By MudMan

@AxleFGK: I don't think people are assuming that every single participant is like this. It's a discussion about whether this is tolerated at the more institutional level or not.

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Edited By clutch414

@darkdragonmage99: You clearly don't understand the First Amendment. The First Amendment only protects you from GOVERNMENT sanction for your speech; it doesn't protect you from other people calling you an asshole for acting like an asshole.

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Edited By DjDonFrancisco

The guy in question seems like a child who wouldn't know respect if It hit him in the face. You can't relate sexual harassment to Starcraft. Sadly, this guy isn't the only immature gamer in the world. Plenty of people hop online everyday and yell absurdities at others, just because they can. Then they go about it as if their words are harmless. It's sad when you'd rather play a game with everyone's mic's muted because you don't want to hear crazy amounts of harassment, racism, and other ignorance.

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Edited By Huey2k2

@Turambar said:

@Pinworm45 said:

@Turambar said:

@Huey2k2 said:

As someone who knows nothing about the fighting game community, or the people in it. I must say, this article is rather silly. Anytime you have any sort of serious competitive atmosphere there is going to be trash talking, and nothing in this article is especially over the top as far as trash talking goes. Go play some COD on Xbox Live and tell me that anything in this is crossing the line, because the shit you hear on there is about 100 times worse than this.

Trash talking is part of competition, ask any kind of professional athlete, they all do it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the metaphorical kitchen.

If you don't like being forced to sit in the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, get out of the South. Oh wait.

Do you actually think that mutual trash talk in a competitive gaming culture that embraces trash talk is at all comparable to the legal and willful physical oppression of a race on public property?

That's so incredibly insulting and ignorant of an actual plight it's pathetic.

A subculture that willfully embraces derogative speech based on racial, gender, and sexual orientation lines. This is what you are defending. What the fuck is wrong with you.

You are treating this like it is the equivalent of the KKK.

The only people who are being trash talked in this are people who choose to go and play these games there, if you go to play games in competitive environments you probably already know that trash talking goes on, and if that trash talking bothers you, you can simply choose not to do it and never once be exposed to it.

It's not like these people are coming to your house and saying these things to you, they aren't marching down the streets. They quite simply are not hurting anyone but themselves, and they seem to like it that way, so who fucking cares?

I don't come to your LAN party with your friends and tell you what you can and cannot say.

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Edited By bluefoxxy

Patrick, let me start by saying that I love what you do. You've become someone I've admired for quite a while ever since the 1up days.

But this article kinda touched a nerve with me. I've never payed too much attention to the "FGC" fighting scene, but I know that boys will be boys, camera or not. This does NOT excuse their actions. Yes what they said was unprofessional and terrible in nature. And they said it under the flag of Capcom. Ergo, Capcom should apologize.

But lets cut the shit. There are PLENTY of streams gone up by Giant Bomb that include, "risque" and sexual annotations that could be EASILY defined as derogatory or sexually abusive. Yet there is no speak of this. No news stories. No apologies. Imagine for one minute that you brought on a key contributor to GB onto a live feed of anything and he spouted off something sexual towards babs or will or ANYONE. How fast would everyone acknowledge it and move on?

This is a terrible fluff story, and I'm genuinely ashamed that an article like this was posted here. I know its a dead gaming news week n all, but we should be focusing on how big of emotional babies everyone is in the FGC. Or how "salty" gamers can get on the cross assault show. Hell, even an article on how terrible the show is would suffice.

The reality show is based on gamers competing for 25 large. Not FGC and the sexual pillaging that happens there.

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Edited By darkjester74

*opens door*


*Internet explodes*

*closes door*

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Edited By Fuga

Rea: Can I get my Street Fighter without sexual harassment?

Bakhtanians: You can’t. You can’t because they’re one and the same thing.

hahaha gamers

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Edited By UnAbel

It makes me sad how people will believe anything if it's written by some guy on a website.

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Edited By mrfluke
@DjDonFrancisco said:

The guy in question seems like a child who wouldn't know respect if It hit him in the face. You can't relate sexual harassment to Starcraft. Sadly, this guy isn't the only immature gamer in the world. Plenty of people hop online everyday and yell absurdities at others, just because they can. Then they go about it as if their words are harmless. It's sad when you'd rather play a game with everyone's mic's muted because you don't want to hear crazy amounts of harassment, racism, and other ignorance.

this definitely, an for fighting games, i know there is legit people that want to be a good face for fighting games, but this asshole does not do you guys any favors at all makes them look much worse 
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Edited By Gargantuan

Thanks for posting this article Patrick!

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 It's depressing that people actually defend that Bakhtanians scumbag.
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Edited By MudMan

@bluefoxxy said:

But lets cut the shit. There are PLENTY of streams gone up by Giant Bomb that include, "risque" and sexual annotations that could be EASILY defined as derogatory or sexually abusive. Yet there is no speak of this. No news stories. No apologies. Imagine for one minute that you brought on a key contributor to GB onto a live feed of anything and he spouted off something sexual towards babs or will or ANYONE. How fast would everyone acknowledge it and move on?

I'd love to see a link to one of those derogatory, sexually abusive Giant Bomb streams. I honestly can't think of one off the top of my head. Them joking about a game being sexist, sure. Them joking about rape or sex with female characters of people? Nope.