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    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Aug 06, 2008

    Manipulate time to complete puzzles in this 2D platform game made by indie developer Jonathan Blow.

    crack_rabbit's Braid (Xbox 360 Games Store) review

    Avatar image for crack_rabbit

    Bloody good game (that would be Braid)

    From initial visual impressions you'd be tempted to dismiss Braid as some sort of 16-bit Mario clone that 'does a bit wif time and dat'. But this is part of Braid's charm in that beneath the old school sprites lies a highly evolved and thoughtful game.

    Starting off with teaching you very basic platform mechanics, with the ability to rewind time available from the start, Braid quickly moves into its realm of time puzzles. Each world has different rules with items, enemies and you behaving in different ways. One world goes forward or backwards in time as you move right or left, another gives you the ability to slow down time in a small circle of the world with the help of your now defunct wedding ring. And finally, the most complicated of all sees a shadow of yourself appear after you rewind time repeating what you just rewound yourself doing. (eh?)

    All these unusual mechanics are poured into a world where your sole aim is to collect parts of a jigsaw puzzle. And at first glance it would appear improbable to get some these given their position in the world.

    Improbable but not impossible as Braid gives you all the tools you need to get these pieces and as you strive to complete each world it really stretches your mind in new ways. Not since Portal has my mind been put through the wringer so much and also like Portal, it never felt punishing. After all, there is no death and no penalty for failure because there is no failure. You simply rewind time to any point you like and start again.

    The story wrapped over these beautiful mechanics can be taken or left as much as you want. You could easily see the Pretension-o-meter going to maximum with Braid, but because you can run through the game to its end without seeing any of it - it's hard to push the 'shoot Jonathon Blow with gunge' button.

    With the game divided into 6 worlds and each world divided into many more levels, this is a game that's easy to dip in and out of. The puzzles get progressively harder and require more lateral thinking towards the later stages, yet it never reaches the point of controller throwing or swear-a-thon moments.


    It's not often a game like Braid comes out with such unique mechanics and individual style and it makes for an instance purchase if you don't mind the 1200 Microsoft points price tag. Despite it being considered overpriced by the majority of forumites, it's simply the best thing on XBLA at the moment and stands head and shoulders above most of the tat that costs 800. Whether it is or isn't overpriced shouldn't be the issue here - Braid is a masterful game and needs playing and embracing for the genius it is.

    Other reviews for Braid (Xbox 360 Games Store)

      You are your own Castle. 0

      I want to rewind time. I want to be able to go back to this morning, to forget everything that happened in the past 12 hours. I want to play Braid again, to have those same revelations, those same discoveries all over again. I want to find the solutions to those devious puzzles, to see the bizarre creatures, to delve into every unique mechanic the game has to offer. Just once more, from the top. But I can't. The least I can do, however, is to help you see those revelations for yourself. Braid is...

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      A haunting, memorable, interpretative piece of art. 0

      I don’t know where to begin. I guess I’ll start at the beginning. Or at least the beginning of my experience with Braid. I didn’t know anything about this title when I downloaded the demo off of live arcade. I never followed a single preview. I was completely in the dark all things Braid, but five minutes in to the demo I realized that this was something amazing. At first I thought I understood Braid. A simple platformer with a fantastically implemented time mechanic. In Braid you play as Tim,...

      9 out of 9 found this review helpful.

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