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    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Aug 06, 2008

    Manipulate time to complete puzzles in this 2D platform game made by indie developer Jonathan Blow.

    malxmusician212's Braid (Xbox 360 Games Store) review

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    Personal Thoughts: Fantastic game.  Wow, came out of nowhere, blew me away.  I looked at this game and said 'wow, totally copied Mario' but after thinking about it i thought to myself, 'since when has that been a bad thing?'.  So i downloaded the trial, wasn't too fond of it, but something about it made me want to play it, so i bought it, and going through the game i found out why, there's a charm to it, they way it uses time travel and the music puts you in the mood.

    The Good:
    • Great Gameplay
    • Great Ending
    • Great Music/Sound Design, puts you in the mood
    • Great use of Time Travel
    • Puzzles
    • Mario Feel (since when has it been a bad thing?)
        I paid little attention to this game, but when some websites started giving it awards over games i thought would get an award right of the bat, i knew i had to try this thing out, and i don't regret that decision one bit.  The gameplay is so great because of the classic platform feel, where you're just running through the world and getting to the end of the level.  The ending makes you say stuff like, 'dude, are you serious?' or like, 'they have to make another one, because this doesn't seem right' and the level of intensity is not something you'd expect in a platformer.  The music is purely classical but that's proper for a puzzle game and puts you in the mood for a puzzle game.  The use of time travel was used perfectly and made you frustrated, usually this would be a bad thing but when you complete the puzzles, time travel is mandatory in all puzzles, you feel smart as hell!  Also, no spoilers, but the time travel at the end of the game was used perfectly.  The puzzles are entertaining and make you think, something uncommon for most popular games.
    The Bad:
    • Story mode was too short
        They better come out with a sequel or some DLC because after getting into the game, you'll find that it's far too short.
    This game should be a 5/5 but due to the amount of frustration due to how short the game is, the rating is cut short.
    No doubt, if you have 1200 points, or can get it, and if you have a 360 you MUST get this game, it's innovative and extremely fun.

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