Wherein I List the Ten Best Soundtracks of 2013 and Determine GOTY.

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Edited By donchipotle

With everyone focused on what the best game of the year is based on such silly concepts as fun or interesting mechanics or gameplay or emotional investment or lack of ludonarrative dissonance or whatever people judge games on I opted instead to judge the games I played in 2013 based on the only criteria that really mattered. Their music.

I don't pretend to be some kind of musical expert and my tastes in music are probably far too eclectic to make this an accurate list, but that's the joy of opinion, right? Let me preface this by saying that I am limiting my options to games I actually played, so even if something like, say, A Link Between Worlds has a great soundtrack, I can't put it on this list because I haven't played it. Sorry. Them's the breaks.

So join me on yet another topic about GOTY 2013. There will be music involved!

10. Anarchy Reigns

Yeah, starting things off with a technicality. This game was released outside of Japan in January this year so as far as I'm concerned it totally counts. If this was a list of games that made me sad, this'd be on there because I was so sad that I didn't like it more and that the small community kind of fizzled out. But one thing going for it was its music and the various character themes.

I could sit on the main menu screen for hours, though my record is thirty minutes. It's the perfect introduction to the style and overall mood of the game. Funky.

The character themes range from loud, blaring electro affairs to dumb rap beats that end up getting stuck in your head by accident. But damn if it doesn't make for appropriate fighting music. Even the annoying Bandy Leggz songs. Especially those.

9. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies

While my thoughts on the game itself wasn't as positive as others (I liked SOME of it) I can't tell you how thrilled I was to hear remixed versions of some of the old Ace Attorney tunes right alongside some new material. The Pursuit theme in particular is like the perfect punctuation in a trial, it's when you know that the shit has officially gotten real.

If only real world litigation was this exciting.

8. Guacamelee!

Guacamelee might be the most fun game involving wrestling I've played recently, but it might be my love of those 'Metroidvania' type of games that has me saying this. As someone with no real history with lucha libre, I still couldn't help but love the theme and setting of the game, and that extends to the music. Sometimes it sounded like the music I would hear at my local Mexican diner but I mean that in a good way. Either way, the various songs made elbow dropping skeletons a fucking blast.

7. Ni no Kuni

The best thing Ni no Kuni has going for it is its soundtrack. Then comes its visual style. And then the accents. That's all. There's a pattern brewing where games on this list are ones I didn't much like but still had great music. While it isn't my favorite overworld theme, the one in Ni no Kuni really nailed the whole adventure feel of just wandering around a world map and exploring the world. Few games do that for me, scratch that adventure itch. But man, Joe Hisaishi can do that like no other. I'm actually putting this game on the list just because I love the world map music that much.

6. Contrast

Here is a game where I was sold based purely on the aesthetics and boy did I pay the price. You give me an art deco noir aesthetic and I will give you fifteen American dollars to play it. Fortunately I had an alright time with Contrast and the music helped considerably with that; it sold the setting better than the visuals did. Seriously, once I hear swing jazzy instruments in a game I can't help but love it. And boy, did Contrast have that.

5. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

I just have to say Rules of Nature and people in the know already know, you know? MGR was insane and I think I liked it? I played that game way back when it came out and I'm still not sure what I thought about it, other than that I played it and that I loved it every single time I did damage to a boss and the music intensified. You know you're doing well when the vocalist comes in screaming about whatever the fuck they sing about in this game and every single time this happens it is incredible. This is dynamic music done right.

4. The Last of Us

One word describes Gustavo Santoalla's work on The Last of Us and by extension Naughty Dog's use of his work: effective. The music in this game is both beautiful and disturbing and it is used perfectly, to punctuate scenes and to build anticipation for coming moments by knowing just when to stop. The relative slow pace of some of the songs really lets the score shine. Seriously, just sit on the main menu for a while and listen to the way the ambient noises mix with the soft score, it is unnerving listening to that guitar while also being somehow calming, as if setting the stage for the gut wrenching adventure that is to follow.

3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Now I might be cheating but fuck it, it counts. The Wind Waker is the second best Zelda game (the best is clearly Majora's Mask and you're all wrong if you disagree!) but it has the best soundtrack and that holds up with the HD version. Much like with Ni no Kuni, Wind Waker's ocean theme hits that adventure vibe something fierce. It is, by far, my favorite Zelda overworld music and I was ten years younger when I heard it in the HD version for the first time. Giddy, wide eyed, and excited to just be out on the sea again, sailing and seeing what new islands had in store for me.

2. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn

Say what you will about newer Final Fantasy games, the one thing they always have going for them is their music and FF14 is no exception. From the redone crystal theme in the main menus to the nautical sounds of Limsa Lominsa, to the boss fights, to my personal favorite Ul'Dah night theme, the music in FF14:ARR is absolutely phenomenal. Beautiful when it needs to be, intense at the right times, and chock full of backing tunes that you'll probably be humming as you wander around killing cactuars and shit. Seriously, though, I can idle in Ul'Dah for hours and just listen to the beautiful music that plays. It is that good.

1. Remember Me

I'm going to be totally honest with you, I only made this blog to inform people just how fucking great the music is in Remember Me, a game that got middle-of-the-road reviews but one I absolutely loved. I loved the setting, the visuals, the underused memory hacking mechanic, the combat, Nilin, but above all I loved the music. It kills me that this game's soundtrack didn't get more recognition, but I guess it's because no one remembered Remember Me. I did. I sure did. Olivier Deriviere did an amazing job making the soundtrack this blend of electronic and symphonic that is mixed in such a way as to give everything this glitchy/techno feel in keeping with the abilities of the protagonist and her techno-based memory remixing ability. It's a soundtrack that enhances the game and just feels like a natural fit. Seriously, even if you have no interest in playing the game, just listen to the soundtrack. It is fantastic. There isn't a bad song to be found.

And there you have it. The ten games that I felt had the best music in 2013. It is thus safe to conclude that 2013's overall game of the year is Remember Me. At least in my mind it is.

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#1  Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx


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#3  Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx
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@donchipotle said:

@xalienxgreyx said:


Always nice to hear your input.

Sim City is Game of The Year because sounds


I can't comment because I didn't play Sim City, but if that's your opinion that's yours to keep.

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interesting list. i am currently playing Ni no Kuni, and have mixed feelings on the soundtrack. It has an all-encompassing and overly dramatic feel that doesn't appeal to me, but is of undeniable quality. Also, I played through the entirety of Remember Me several months ago and don't remember a single thing about its soundtrack. I will have to try out some of the videos you posted.

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#6  Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx

@donchipotle: My opinion is No, no more no less, and according to your logic it's mine to keep.

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@donchipotle: My opinion is No, no more no less, and according to your logic it's mine to keep.

No on its own isn't much of an opinion. But if your opinion on Sim City being game of the year because of sounds is 'No' well then all you've done is contradict yourself.

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#8  Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx

@donchipotle: Obvious sarcasm seems to escape you, as well as the irony of claiming a mediocre title that received universally mixed reviews GOTY due to a questionably good soundtrack.

My opinion is No, I don't agree that Remember Me is GOTY, and I wouldn't even go as far as to call it, or its soundtrack a game of decent quality. Just as he is entitled to claim RM is the GOTY due to its soundtrack.

I hope that clears things up for you so you can move on because this seems to be quite troubling and confusing for you.

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I do agree, those are all very good soundtracks. I do find it a little weird about having Wind Waker on there because it is an HD remake, it did come out this year though, so I guess you can totally put it on your list. I will recommend you listen to the Payday 2 soundtrack if you appreciate a good video game soundtrack. It had a similar effect Hotline Miami had on me where I felt PUMPED to do ANYTHING after listening to anything relating to that game.

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@donchipotle: Obvious sarcasm seems to escape you, as well as the irony of claiming a mediocre title that received universally mixed reviews GOTY due to a questionably good soundtrack.

My opinion is No, I don't agree that Remember Me is GOTY, and I wouldn't even go as far as to call it, or its soundtrack a game of decent quality.

I hope that clears things up for you so you can move on because this seems to be quite troubling and confusing for you.

You know, you don't have to be an ass about it. But I guess that's your thing. Being an ass. For someone so hung up on sarcasm you sure do think that my responses to you were made out of sincerity.

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#11  Edited By donchipotle

@solidfox said:

I do agree, those are all very good soundtracks. I do find it a little weird about having Wind Waker on there because it is an HD remake, it did come out this year though, so I guess you can totally put it on your list. I will recommend you listen to the Payday 2 soundtrack if you appreciate a good video game soundtrack. It had a similar effect Hotline Miami had on me where I felt PUMPED to do ANYTHING after listening to anything relating to that game.

I've listened to the Payday 2 soundtrack but I haven't played it so by my own rules I couldn't put it on the list.

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Yeah, Remember me has beautiful music. It's probably one of the best soundtracks this year.

The game itself is ok I suppose. Full of fancy visuals and interesting ideas, but has some atrocious voice acting and really linear levels.

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#13  Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx

@donchipotle: I was under the impression that you were trying to start things, if that wasn't your intention then I apologize.

PS - I'm not serious about anything I say, unless I'm defending Final Fantasy IX.

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my top soundtrack of the year is... probably zeno clash 2. It wasn't a particularly good year for soundtracks to be honest

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@donchipotle: I was under the impression that you were trying to start things, if that wasn't your intention then I apologize.

PS - I'm not serious about anything I say, unless I'm defending Final Fantasy IX.

Then you and I can get along because I defend that game on pain of death.

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#18  Edited By Wampa1

@donchipotle: The lyrics in the MGR songs are the best kind of goofy, the soundtrack (along with DmC's) have been on my gym playlist all year. It's embarrassing to admit but whenever I hear the "RULES OF NATUUUUURE" vocal's kick in a get a little adrenalin surge, shame I can't get into the game itself. Though I prefer the original "Locked n' Loaded" version of that track.

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The theme of The Last of Us continues to haunt my waking hours. Love that soundtrack.

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@ramone said:


This fellow knows what's up.

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@xalienxgreyx said:

@donchipotle: My opinion is No, no more no less, and according to your logic it's mine to keep.

No on its own isn't much of an opinion. But if your opinion on Sim City being game of the year because of sounds is 'No' well then all you've done is contradict yourself.

You honestly can't gather from context at the very least what his 'No" means? Really? He Disagrees.

And my opinion is this:


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@crazybagman: "No" may mean disagreement, but it also doesn't mean much on its own, particularly on the internet where short and snarky comments are the order of the day.

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#24  Edited By csl316

I'm sitting here on the Contrast title screen at the moment and I came in to post "Hey, where's Contrast?" Thanks for not disappointing.

The Revengeance boss fight with Mistral... when the vocal part hit, that's when I realized the "Rules of Nature!!" moment wasn't a fluke.

And I really gotta play Remember Me. Enough good things have been said about it that I should just give it a shot at this point.

Edit: Hey, here's Brothers? In a game with no dialogue, the soundtrack plays a huge role in establishing the mood and emotion. Within 10 seconds of the main theme, you know exactly what kind of world this will be.

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@csl316 said:

I'm sitting here on the Contrast title screen at the moment and I came in to post "Hey, where's Contrast?" Thanks for not disappointing.

The Revengeance boss fight with Mistral... when the vocal part hit, that's when I realized the "Rules of Nature!!" moment wasn't a fluke.

And I really gotta play Remember Me. Enough good things have been said about it that I should just give it a shot at this point.

Edit: Hey, here's Brothers? In a game with no dialogue, the soundtrack plays a huge role in establishing the mood and emotion. Within 10 seconds of the main theme, you know exactly what kind of world this will be.

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I haven't played Brothers. I didn't want to experience the pressure of finding ten games better than it so I just didn't play it.

@donchipotle said:

@xalienxgreyx said:

@donchipotle: My opinion is No, no more no less, and according to your logic it's mine to keep.

No on its own isn't much of an opinion. But if your opinion on Sim City being game of the year because of sounds is 'No' well then all you've done is contradict yourself.

You honestly can't gather from context at the very least what his 'No" means? Really? He Disagrees.

And my opinion is this:


Please, sir, Alien and I have worked through our differences on the matter of the word no.

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I might have to give Best Licensed Soundtrack and Best Original Score both to GTA5. The radio stations are excellently curated, and the style of the original ambient symphonic stuff is right up my alley.

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Objection! Oh wait, Phoenix is there. Carry on people, nothin' to see here!

I've not played a lot of games that you've got on your list, so can't comment too much on it. It's a shame you didn't play Link Between Worlds, as it really does have some great music. I've been playing a ton of Risk of Rain since I bought it yesterday and I gotta say it's got some pretty awesome tracks.

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#28  Edited By jacdg

Remember Me has an amazing soundtrack, totally agree with you on that one. The aesthetics (The visuals and the soundtrack) really made that game what it was.

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Have you played The Wolf Among Us, @donchipotle?

'Just finished the first episode earlier today, and I'm loving the soundtrack. It's right up my ally, at least.

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Have you played The Wolf Among Us, @donchipotle?

'Just finished the first episode earlier today, and I'm loving the soundtrack. It's right up my ally, at least.

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I have! I only remember the opening credits song which was nice.

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Also really liked the soundtrack to Remember me, my favorite was probably this one:

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I might have to give Best Licensed Soundtrack and Best Original Score both to GTA5. The radio stations are excellently curated, and the style of the original ambient symphonic stuff is right up my alley.

Here is my rebuttal.

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Saints Row IV is the best licensed soundtrack of the year. This is not up for debate.

If we don't want to talk licensed than it's Bioshock Infinite by a mile. Remember all the crazy anachronistic remixes? Was there anything wilder than that in soundtracks throughout the year? Answer is no.

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#33  Edited By flasaltine

@csl316: No. Brothers has one of the worst soundtracks of all time. Just at the saddest moment in the game that woman just comes wailing through stabbing knives in my ears with those stupid fucking vocals. Ruined the whole game pretty much for me. This right here:

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@hailinel said:

@crazybagman: "No" may mean disagreement, but it also doesn't mean much on its own, particularly on the internet where short and snarky comments are the order of the day.

I'm not sure there's even snark in a one-word "no" response. A put-down without a reason is just kind of dickish.

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@donchipotle: Could not applaud your top two choices more. FFXIV has some of the best fight music I've heard in an RPG in years, especially the final few dungeons and boss encounters. It's telling that in a genre that I rarely play with sound (MMOs), I always had the music cranked during my time with FFXIV. I am dying for a full soundtrack.

Remember Me is exactly what I would choose for the best soundtrack of the year. I LOVE the way each track perfectly fits the scene it is matched to. I LOVE LOVE the distortion effects and glitchy vocalization layered over everything. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that battle theme and the way it dynamically changes with the fight. The soundtrack is a HUGE reason why I included the game on my Top 10 list of games for the year (along with the visual style).

The rest of the list is pretty good too, although I would have substituted new 3DS Zelda music in place of WW. A truly nice list!

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You get my love for Anarchy Reigns. I believe this is the second time that someone has mentioned Remember Me's soundtrack, so I'll be sure to check it out later.

Nice list!

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@sunbrozak: Wolf Among Us had some great music. When trying to convince my buddy to try it, "damn good music" was one of my reasons.