What if paper money is going to go all digital? will u support it

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#201  Edited By mfpantst
@HitmanAgent47:  So I'm going to go out on a limb and just say I don't think that FEMA can be used for the type of circumstances in which you think they could be.  However, I don't know.  And while I consider myself a little less conspiratorial about this than yourself, I am intrigued, and doing my best to read through real executive orders via the national archives.  And if what you described (1984 style martial law in the US imposed by the govt) I'm sure at least some of us wouldn't idly sit by.  But maybe it would be more like the crazies than not...  In which case we're all fucked.
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#202  Edited By mfpantst
@HitmanAgent47:  Ok so I'm going through the EO's listed in the link you sent, and here:


I have read EO 12919 at least twice now.  They say in the article you posted the following:
" These E.O.'s signed by Kennedy would give authority to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to control: communications, energy, food, fuel, farms, transportation, highways, railroads, inland waterways and seaports, health, education and welfare, drafts citizens into work forces under government supervision; relocation of populations, designates areas to be abandoned as 'unsafe'; relocates communities, and controls all public storage facilities.  "

They further do say (correctly) that clinton's 12919 supercedes those EO's.  First, they are plain wrong.  Section 201 article a establishes 6 different emergency management functions to 6 different heads of government organizations other than FEMA.  So they are simply misstating the orders.  Further, I think you are misreading them.  Even the article you linked makes it clear that since the president cannot declare a "National Emergency" and enact these orders, there must be legislation to do so.  No legislation has been passed, which means this still cannot happen.

So I see what you're saying, that FEMA could be used to quell civil unrest, but I'm sorry, I'm a realist.  If you tell me that this is all documented by an executive order, and it's there, I'll believe ya.  But I've sat down now and read through them and there's no way in which civil unrest could fall under the scope of the items mentioned.  It's simply not there.  And sure I'll believe in secrets and all that, but the articles you are linking me to all list out available executive orders and all of the articles incorrectly sum up the executive orders they list.
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#203  Edited By super_machine

Just try putting a damn micro chip in a strippers panties. That just isn't the American way.

On second thought, someone needs to make the Eazy Pass panties. Swipe your card for a lap dance... Brilliant!

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#204  Edited By MisterMollusk

I refuse to give up my dream of having a briefcase full of 100 dollar bills.

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#205  Edited By HitmanAgent47

National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (Introduced in House)

HR 645 IH


1st Session

H. R. 645 To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations.


January 22, 2009 Mr. HASTINGS of Florida introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

A BILL To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `National Emergency Centers Establishment Act’.


(a) In General- In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations.

(b) Purpose of National Emergency Centers- The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure–

(1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;

(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;

(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and

(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

They never really talked about what is the appropriate needs, determined by secretary of homeland security. It's vague, but it's right there in the bill, he doesn't even need congress. In my scenario, the RFID riots, but in reality, I say it's a false flag biological attack the u.s will unlease on it's citizens or something like that from my sources. But that's for a different discussion altogether.

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#206  Edited By Goly

Why do they need to insert a chip inside of me in order for me to pay with digital money? What the fuck is this non sense thread? Do banks ask you to accept this chip inside you in order to have a credit card? WTF?!

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#207  Edited By Goly

And fuck Zeitgeist

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#208  Edited By mfpantst
@HitmanAgent47:  Right.  HOWEVER- this is my point.  that bill is not law.  It did not go through in the 111th congress.  The same bill did not go through in the 110th or 109th congress (when it was first introduced).  In order to go through now, it would have to be re-introduced and go through all the introductory steps AGAIN.  So sure, the bill is suspect- and I would suppose it was introduced 6 years ago in the height of post 9/11 national security times, and I would be fairly surprised if you see this bill even introduced in the 112th congress.  Therefore, who cares, it has not made it to law status for 6 years now.  Please, if you can show me evidence in something that is law that the powers to control individual citizen's lives including:
closing of state borders
drafting of citizens into labor forces for government work
establishment of actual centers described above

And if the definition of national emergency was somehow expanded to mean civil/economic unrest (which in nowhere is this done) I'd think you have a point.  The EO for the first 2 of the three above do not state any of those items.  It's actually pretty egregious to me that people are telling you EO 11000 is authorizing the drafting of citizens into labor posts, as it pretty clearly is talking about existing govt employees and recruiting efforts (recruiting is different than drafting).

That's why I tend to look at some of this as a little far fetched.  The documents you are sourcing are real, but this main document evidencing the creation of 'internment' camps was first introduced 6 years ago, and no lawmakers have seen fit to pass the thing.  Which tells you, the bill is bad.  and which tells you it hasn't happened yet, and most likely won't.  In 6 years, we've had 3 different congresses, and all of them have killed this bill.
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#209  Edited By HitmanAgent47
@mfpantst: well, look we still have 800 fema camps today, so they have to be used for something eventually. It's all empty right now. Do you want to see a fema camp? I mean do you want to see a real one even if you claim it's not into law? Go to 29:00 in the video and watch for a few minutes, you got your fema camps, there are 800 of them right now in the u.s and many in canada.


Besides who cares, these built FEMA camps are part of my fictional scenario, they serve their purpose. But they still exist and even if it's not put into law yet, there are 800 of them in the u.s right now so I think it would fit very well with my thread. I used the term civil unrest, but martial law should be the better term. I"m sure they can pass it though the house of congress later on if they needed to by creating a false flag attack and tells congress to act. But the FEMA camps are already built.
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#210  Edited By frankxiv

only if all money is then called CREDS

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#211  Edited By mfpantst
@HitmanAgent47:  Alright- so I found somewhere that listed the 800 camps.  I can confirm that if their list is accurate there are 798 camps, because in my state they are simply listing military installations.  If you can find something where someone did reliable research (and backed it up) on how each of the 800 sites is not just what it otherwise is - in my case one is a major research center and the other is an intelligence gathering, analysis, and marine barracks site - I suppose you'd have a point, but being I can find noone listing credible research into the topic other than just listing military bases, the 800 camps thing sounds silly.
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#212  Edited By HitmanAgent47
@mfpantst: Look you can believe whatever you want. I was discussing this thread in alot of detail with someone else, I told him I only use these things in my thread as fiction. I hope you saw the video with the fema camps I posted, but you are free to believe whatever you want. But I just want to say fema camps are real, call it military installations if you want. If you studied history, the u.s put japanese ppl into concentration camps after pearl harbour, they sure didn't need no bill to do that. Yes they can turn old military bases into fema camps and also old buildings too. Besides, most of the fema camps has a guard post, barb wires, that's no military camp. What will you do if the whole country rebels? It might also be used for disasters too, but I doubt it. Beyond that, believe whatever you want, I don't want to discuss it futher. It's like arguing a science fiction movie isn't real enough, it's pointless since this is a fictional scenario I am using for my thread. If you seen that video I posted, then you seen a fema camp, or what they call residential center. But it was fun talking about the economy, just remember this thread is fictional, but I take real things like RFID chips and stuff to create this scenario. Just keep the thread simple I suppose, obviously no one is going to get RFID chips into their arms for credit. But we are saying what if.

Remember, this thread is fictional, a what if scenario. I see no need to discuss it futher if it's fictional