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    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    Game » consists of 17 releases. Released Oct 11, 2001

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney follows a young attorney as he struggles to find his footing and live up to the legacy his mentor left him. Along the way, he encounters a cast of eccentric characters and tough cases.

    spunkyhepanda's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Nintendo DS) review

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    The world today is in a sorry state. The badassery of law has been ruined by local commercials everywhere. You know, the ones with those mopey lawyers who want to get you fifty bucks because you got bit by a Schnauzer. You wanna know what law was like back in the good old days, you talk to this guy: Check out that glorious coif. Marvel at that monster finger that appears to be longer than his head. Behold the wonder of those impossible eyebrows. Now listen. Really listen. You can hear his shout, can't you? Make no mistake, this is merely a picture for your eyeballs. But the rules of sight and sound do not apply to Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney). Nothing can contain or suppress the passion that flows forth from that purple abyss of a mouth. Go ahead and guess how many Schnauzer's are in this g--ZERO! Sorry, I couldn't wait. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) doesn't mess around with dog bites or slips in a neighbor's shower (it happens). Every single case he takes is a murder case. And every single case he takes has killer SNES boss music.
    And Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) doesn't face off against any old Barry Feinstein or Todd Frampton who comes in off the street. They aren't capable of prompting such phat beats. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) throws down with only the most kick-assly named prosecutors in the land. Check it:
    He's kind of a dick, but those ruffles are exquisite.
    In this world of extreme lawyerage, all prosecutors are assholes for prosecuting. And yet Phoenix Wright's (Ace Attorney...'s) main method of defending his client involves accusing someone else of murder. Because he just doesn't give a fuck. RATING: 5 out of 5

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      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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