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#1  Edited By AceBlack19

I'd just make use of the User Review tool and write my own counter. It's not difficult for me to see how people might not enjoy a game I'm playing. Alpha Protocol for example, is a game that I loved, but it was very obvious to me as I played it that most people would not call it "good." Bullets don't land where you want them to, the AI acts like someone gave an 8 year old crack, and textures sometimes take excessively long to appear. However, I absolutely loved it. I was a sucker for the story, and the way all my actions impacted subsequent missions kept me riveted the whole way through. I was playing through the game as a stealthy character, and I kind of enjoyed the fact I couldn't rely on my guns.
When Jeff gave it three out of five stars, I completely understood. Honestly, given the frustration I had trying to play the game like a run and gun soldier the second time around, I think it was generous. 
Ultimately, the quality of the review is what would influence me here. Jeff made his points well, and every single gripe he had was well justified and backed up with evidence. It was an honest analysis, and as long as Giantbomb can give me that I leave it up to myself to decide if a low scoring game is worth the risk.

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#2  Edited By AceBlack19

I take back my old vote for the Penny Arcade Adventures. I instead replace it with:
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity.
I keep trying to figure out if there might be sanity in that chaotic capitalization.

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#3  Edited By AceBlack19
@Gamer_152 said:
" Oh dear God, it's like this thread was specifically engineered to produce hate comments. On the whole I like the Giant Bomb community, and I don't think I know enough about the NeoGAF community to have a proper opinion on them. Throwing insults and unfounded criticism, no matter who does it, and no matter who it's directed at is just immature and is only going to lead to bad things. "
This is what I wish I'd said about a half hour ago.
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#4  Edited By AceBlack19
@fallaciousPsychologist:  Same here, never heard of 'em. I had no idea NeoGAF even existed until right now. Judging from the screen cap though, I'm not sure its the communities fault so much as it is a few users who needed to do some, "othering." In fact I followed the link to the GB threads on the site left earlier and it looked like most of them were having a perfectly rational conversation about quick looks back in 2009.
'Course that was back in 2009, and my work ethic kicked in before I started trolling the forums forward in time. Also I don't really care enough to go back and look. That came out meaner then it was supposed to... and trolling was bad word choice there. But you get the idea I'm goin' for here. As the Jackson 5 would say, "One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch" (Girl!).
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#5  Edited By AceBlack19

I'll cast a vote for Mass Effect 2, easily. I dropped 40 hours into that game, and I wouldn't hesitate to drop another 40. In fact, I probably will shortly before ME3 comes out. Hell, maybe now.
I won't go as far as to discredit Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, Starcraft 2 or Mario Galaxy 2 as potential winners as well. In fact I think RDR and Starcraft 2 might have a good chance at seizing the title  from the rest when multiplayer is taken into consideration.
Edit: Its also worth mentioning I loved Bayonetta, but I can't bring myself to put it in the running due to its sales figures and limited appeal.  I would be willing to call it one of the most under-appreciated games of the year. Does the phrase, "sleeper hit" still work in our day and age of internet o' clock?

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#6  Edited By AceBlack19

The Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. I might have a longer title somewhere in my library amongst the telltale games, but I think they've got the long name market covered well enough.

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#7  Edited By AceBlack19

Its hard to put into words all the times GFWL has screwed me. I too have had the resource hog problem, but it has never been a consistent problem for me. Sometimes it occurs, and other times I forget its even an issue.
A particular nuance that drives me crazy about GFWL is when a game on Steam also requires GFWL. Doesn't steam already act as something of an anti-piracy measure? Why do I need to validate a game validated to my steam account that has a digital receipt of purchase? Furthermore, any game I play on steam that requires GFWL also has two dashboards running at a time. Two! GFWL's dashboard is loaded, and the functionally superior steam dashboard is loaded. Its an unnecessary use of resources, and the entire need for GFWL on steam just adds a redundant step to playing a game.
I'm making this out to be a larger problem then it is, but that's what a pet peeve is I suppose.  Like I said, its a nuance, an irritant. I've never had an issue as horrible as yours, but I do comprehend your frustrations, Hedgehog. 

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#8  Edited By AceBlack19

If your goal was to amass lol's, you have succeeded with me sir.

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#9  Edited By AceBlack19

It looks like you're already taken care of JoeyRavn, long before I dropped in. You'll enjoy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, its one of my favorite games on XBLA. Someday down the line, definitely consider Shadow Complex. 
As for Meat Boy, i think the Steam version is the way for you to go. If you end up getting a wired 360 controller someday, there won't even be much a difference in how you play it, and you'll have those extra characters you mentioned enticing you.

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#10  Edited By AceBlack19

Don't even know where to start. I'd love to recommend H.P. Lovecraft like so many before me, but most of his works are better classified as short stories. I suppose Shadow over Innsmouth might count as a novel, or Mountains of Madness like fox suggested above me. In all honesty though, as much as I love Lovecraft (...oh god, pun definitely not intended. I hate myself), his writing can be something you really have to pace yourself on and take it slow to fully understand.
If you want to impress your teacher, go with Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Talk about something you'd have to read slow, though. For the record, I think this book has the best first sentence of all time.
If you want something that reads like a Hollywood thriller, I recommend Jack Wakes Up by Seth Harwood.
For a murder mystery set in modern day and an easier read, A King of Infinite Space by Tyler Dilts is one of my favorites. In fact, I highly recommend this one due to your initial comment on wanting a story about a normal person who loses his shit. The main character here is one disillusioned dude.
For a darker fantasy story, I have two recommendations. A Thief of Always by Clive Barker is a great young adult novel and really quick read if time is a factor. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman is much more adult, but a fantastic read about a normal man dragged into a haunting and unfamiliar world underneath London.
For other characters that lose their shit, I suppose I could recommend The Luzhin Defense (sometimes just The Defense) by Nabokov. I don't know that the main character here could ever be classified as normal though, he's pretty weird from the start. There's also The Natural by Bernard Malamud. If you're thinking of the Robert Redford movie, don't- while based on it, this book goes to a much darker place.

Finally, for a great coming-of-age mystery story set in Barcelona, Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is one of my all-time favorites. Its all about a boy named Daniel and his search for the history of a mysterious author who attempted to burn all his books except for the one copy Daniel holds.
Hopefully one of those jumped out at you as interesting.