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What totally baffles me about Battlefield

Since mid-2008, ive been playing Battlefield 2 nonstop.  
I play on version 1.0, which has mods 
Now the word 'mods' seems to have two meanings :  

  1. the mods i personally care about, which give you infinite sprint, endless vehicles, atleast 10 jets and 10 helicopters running at the same time, powerful jet afterburner and helicopter torque, etc...  call them gameplay pills if you will 
  2. the mods i keep hearing about which i have no interest in, like Project Reality etc... all the community-made modified versions of the game 

Though i knew patches existed for the game, i stuck to the 1.0 version (along with the few hundred people who did) and will always do as long as my favorite modded servers exist, because the game is only great when it has so many vehicles spawns and enhanced sprint times, etc.. 
The other mods, the ones that change core elements and have big cult followings, i dont care about, yet i see how they keep the community enthusiasm fueled and its sad that they're getting taken away 

Since i started organizing Battlefield bombing runs on the PC 2 months ago, i had to upgrade to BF2 1.5 because thats what everyone else has, and.... it stinks ! 
your sprint bar keeps expiring so you'd need like 5 minutes to run across a desert. there's only two jets on the entire map which makes flying a plane a legendary dream that most of us peasant on the ground dare not experience.. (whereas in 1.0 you could hop into a jet whenever you wanted, and it didnt break the game one bit)
vehicles take ages to spawn, are very slow, in addition to a hundred primitive characteristics that make the game totally die  
So what im asking here is, since BF3 wont have any mod tools, are you all expecting a similar experience to 1.5 ? such constricted slow-paced retarded action that makes it feel like a resource-less 90s game ? 
Or will BF3 break those stale rules and have lots of vehicles (especially jets) which are fast, and infinite (or near-infinite) sprint, etc.. ? 
I mean i cant imagine myself playing a 2011 Battlefield game with such a sexy engine and groundbreaking action with just 2 jets in the air and people standing in line waiting for a car to spawn ! 
P.S. im sure most of you thought "BUNNY HOPPERS AND DOLPHIN DIVERS, GLITCHERS AND HACKERS" when u heard me say v1.0, but it was nothing like that.
You combine the superman elements of the game-enhancing mods, with a powerful team of moderators and server regulars who make sure the game is played fair, and you get yourself the most fast and intense Battlefield experience you could get 

Sadly, most BF2 players do not really know what a balanced moderated BF2 v1.0 is. its really, really sad that only a few hundred people play on those superb servers while the rest of the world have this idea about it that it's 'flawed and hacked' as they play their 1.41 or 1.5 versions which compared to 1.0 are like a snail compared to a rocket ..  

Just watch this modded balanced action, something most Battlefield veterans never experienced : 



I had a special Battlefield experience for the 2-3 years i played it on enhanced 1.0 (modded) servers that gave you alot of vehicles, fast vehicles, jets at your disposal, crazy C4, infinite sprint etc.. which didnt break the game but only accelerated it while still being balanced and highly moderated and fair, and then i patched my BF2 and 2142 recently and found that the popular Battlefield that the millions play is a slow primitive retarded version of the crazy action i had with the few hundred people who looked past v1.0's few design flaws.  
And im wondering whether BF3 will be as slow and pathetic, or action packed with alot of jets and resources. 

However, BC2 did fix all those game-slowing aspects, gave us fast vehicles that spawn frequently, and infinite sprint. so thats the only thing i want BF3 to take from BC2.. 
And no, this isnt just about fast frequently-spawning vehicles and infinite sprint, there's alot more to it, those 2 things are just the most important !


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Edited By DonPixel

that´s why i switched to PS3 .. mods and comunity to much of a hassle for me. 

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Edited By snufkinn415

How about they just put "ADD Mode" servers in BF3? Oh wait, that was the only mode BC2 had. But seriously, there are pills for your condition. Maybe you could enjoy good games at a slower pace if you took them?

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Edited By Twisted_Scot

Loved BF 1942 to 2142. Hated BC 1 & 2. Hope BF3 stops overpowering some classes to make people play a more varied game than just a team of snipers calling in air-strikes and camping (not attacking people who snipe but just felt like in BC there was less of a reason to play another role when you could take out troops and vehicles fairly easily). Just hold back on the amount of players unlock-able abilities like mortar strikes being a rechargeable device and aim for a more skill / team based idea (like player kill-streaks or a "commander").  Would like a couple more vehicles to be fair. even if its for support like a transport helicopter or something not aimed at pure destruction. Just don't feel  the need 12 dune buggies and 1 crappy APC per map.
Perhaps they'll have a similar play-list system to COD or Halo where you have your basic rooms as well as a "Big team battle" or "Ground War" scenario with more vehicles.  Looking forward to it but we shall see.

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Edited By DystopiaX

Sounds like the best solution isn't mods but instead that dice balance the game better- a few more jets and a slightly longer sprint time. No cheaters, no dumb shit, games still fun, everyone wins.

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Edited By Tordah

I've never played Battlefield but it sounds to me like you're describing an "ADHD version" of the game.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@easthill: hmm.. i guess you do have a point.  
for the game itself to be that accelerated and crazy, it would be hell to play because of the masses playing and how it could get out of hand.. 
I guess it was fun while it lasted, and i was fortunate enough to be one of the few hundred people who frequented 1.0 servers until they found the few that dominated that version with their splendid game-empowering mods and fair admins who kept the game going right 
back to the real Battlefield world, i guess.
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Edited By buft

multiple Jets sounds horrible, i love the pace of the battlefield franchise, unlimited sprint is a great idea and i figure they wil keep that from bad company but i want people on the ground to shoot at not everyone flying about like retarded supermen.

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Edited By easthill
@Ahmad_Metallic said:
" the teams never get unbalanced. the servers either have auto balance, or have admin observation 24/7 making sure they're balanced "
Sure, when there's only tightly moderated servers. This wouldn't be the case with more mainstream appeal. 2 great pilots will have no problem bringing down 5 good pilots in BF2, especially with a J-10. One J-10 equals 3 F-35b's, sadly.  
And with 10-12 jets the choppers will have hell staying alive, so to make choppers useful you'd need more choppers too. Meaning 1/3 of the servers population in the air. No thank you - the air-vehicles in Battlefield have always been power tools, I don't want want every other guy using one. The jets isn't supposed to be just another vehicle.
Just to be clear, I have no doubts it could be cool having a niche servers with this kind of mayhem, but thats just what it is - niche.  
First it would be a hell to balance it, maybe impossible. In a public server not every round will be balanced and moderated. One side will sometimes dominate, this happens in every game. And I would never want to be infantry versus 10 jets and choppers.
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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@easthill said:
" as soon as you add mods the game is not vanilla BF2 "
then im a proud not-so-vanilla-BF2 veteran, because when a few modifications change (more like slightly amplify) certain aspects that cripple the original game, i personally consider them secondary changes that didnt really essentially alter the gameplay and graphics etc... so what i played was vanilla BF2 with a few things sped up, thats my personal definition  

@easthill said:
"  But what happens when the teams become unbalanced and you have 5 jets harassing you team instead of 2? Fun, fun & fun? "
the teams never get unbalanced. the servers either have auto balance, or have admin observation 24/7 making sure they're balanced, with balanced jet power and amount on both teams 
Like i said, this is Battlefield, the air combat is one of the biggest unique characteristics of this game, and it only makes sense that anyone who wants to try their luck with jets, or wanna shoot down a certain bomber who's been getting kills left and right, or just wanting to fly under bridges and have the fun they deserve to have, be able to get into a jet and not wish for it upon a star 
and like i said, when you have around 10-12 people flying, they distort each other's bombing heavens and allow us infantry to survive more.. it's a mistake that Battlefield 2 only gave the players a taste of air combat during big maps, and the mods im talking about turned the jet into just another vehicle, allowing it to be truly and widely used and disallowing it to be that one god-like force that only 4-5 people are fortunate enough to spawn quick and use.
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Edited By easthill
@Ahmad_Metallic said:
" no, what im saying is, vanilla BF2 is no longer the mayhem it used to be. there are several clans with populated servers who enforce the rules while still condoning crazy action and multiple jets and a few game enhancing mods.. so what im saying is, BF2 vanilla has changed, but im sure your impression is still the same. "
Then I'm sure you'll understand that this is severely in the minority? And not possible on a grand scale? A couple hundred players is easier to manage than a couple of millions.   
And as soon as you add mods the game is not vanilla BF2 - what you want have never been a part of Battlefield, though I understand why you want it. But what happens when the teams become unbalanced and you have 5 jets harassing you team instead of 2? Fun, fun & fun?
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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@easthill said:
" @Ahmad_Metallic said: 

P.S. im sure most of you thought "BUNNY HOPPERS AND DOLPHIN DIVERS, GLITCHERS AND HACKERS" when u heard me say v1.0, but it was nothing like that. "

Then you didn't play 1.0 when 1.0 was new. Hell, doesn't sound like you played vanilla BF2 at all. The reason DICE removed Bunny Hoppers and Dolphin Divers was because it was abused to death. I'm no fan of all the changes DICE made with patches, they pretty much managed to kill the clan community every time a new patch was released, but I can understand them.  "
no, what im saying is, vanilla BF2 is no longer the mayhem it used to be. there are several clans with populated servers who enforce the rules while still condoning crazy action and multiple jets and a few game enhancing mods.. so what im saying is, BF2 vanilla has changed, but im sure your impression is still the same. 
@easthill said:
" And btw, there's no map with only 2 jets.  "
fine, four, whatever, same thing :P  
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Edited By easthill
@Ahmad_Metallic said: 

P.S. im sure most of you thought "BUNNY HOPPERS AND DOLPHIN DIVERS, GLITCHERS AND HACKERS" when u heard me say v1.0, but it was nothing like that. "

Then you didn't play 1.0 when 1.0 was new. Hell, doesn't sound like you played vanilla BF2 at all. The reason DICE removed Bunny Hoppers and Dolphin Divers was because it was abused to death. I'm no fan of all the changes DICE made with patches, they pretty much managed to kill the clan community every time a new patch was released, but I can understand them. 
And btw, there's no map with only 2 jets. 
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Edited By FireBurger
@Havox:  I know, I just mean Frostbite in general. Technical aspects aside, it just has a certain "feel" to it. Though the new ANT animation system should give BF3 its own unique feel as well. 
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Edited By noremnants
@FireBurger said:
" DICE seems to be going for a very "real" depiction of war with BF3. I assume it will be a combination of the tone of BF2 with the engine and gameplay of BC. Basically, it will be what the core BF franchise has always been; open to craziness, but not over-the-top with 6000 jets or inifite C4. "
It is actually an entirely new engine. The Frostbite 2.0 title is a bit misleading but they have been working on this engine since BC1 was in production.
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Edited By Raven10

I never really played enough B2 to have a major opinion, but increasing the speed of vehicles, lowering respawn time, increasing the number of vehicles, and giving you endless sprint seem like something that is much more arcade like than Battlefield, which is supposed to fall a bit more on the sim side of things. On the same token, I think part of the problem is that back in 2005 having ten jets per team and a dozen tanks, and so forth, was more than both the computers and networks of the time could handle. Battlefield was a pretty intense workout for 2005 PC's and the slower data transfer rates of the time. So what you are describing wasn't really possible. Whether the modded version is better I can't really comment on as I haven't played the game since 2005, but I would argue that it was the technical limitations of the time that kept the game from being what you describe, more than DICE feeling that the game was better with fewer and slower vehicles. I'll be interested in seeing what they do on the plane front for B3. Obviously computers are a lot more powerful now, but the 360 is still essentially a 2005 computer, so how much more they can have going on is questionable. I would argue that we'll see infinite sprint, though. That has become standard in most games today.

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Edited By FireBurger

DICE seems to be going for a very "real" depiction of war with BF3. I assume it will be a combination of the tone of BF2 with the engine and gameplay of BC. Basically, it will be what the core BF franchise has always been; open to craziness, but not over-the-top with 6000 jets or inifite C4.
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Edited By buzz_clik

I'm not helping, I know. Sorry.

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Edited By noremnants

Nobody is saying we don't want jets. We just don't want 400 jets on a single map. For huge maps like wake island ~3 jets per faction would be my ideal amount.
The modded BF2 that you have been playing is not the same battlefield that 99% of battlefield players know and love.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@Havox said:
" @Ahmad_Metallic:  I agree with you that having one person bombing the shit out of one team is a design flaw. But giving 10 guys on each team jets just turns it into ace combat instead of Battlefield 3.  "
have you tried playing on a balanced, well-moderated modded server with 5-10 jets in the air ? 
No sir, it doesnt turn into ace combat, it allows you to survive on the land more because somebody somewhere is tailing the enemy pilot with a J10 and keeping him off your ass 
Also, why is everyone so repulsed by Battlefield having an ace combat aspect of it ? you all sound like you want the air front to be stripped off the game, like you want a BC3 ! 
jets and airfights are a corner stone in a Battlefield 2 experience.. hello ? just like you have a bunch of boats on the sea, a bunch of tanks and APCs shooting at each other, helicopters fighting in the air and infantry combat around flags, there's also one very important aspect that makes Battlefield own any other FPS game, which is the pilots in their fighter jets and bomber jets filling the sky and having their own action..  

cant believe so many bf2 players are so jet-o-phobic.. 
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Op is an elitist, lul.

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Edited By noremnants
@Ahmad_Metallic:  I agree with you that having one person bombing the shit out of one team is a design flaw. But giving 10 guys on each team jets just turns it into ace combat instead of Battlefield 3. What they need to do is give Engineers a choice between Anti-Tank rockets or Anti-Air Stinger Missiles. As for the sprint point. I already posted and said that there will more than likely be infinite sprint. And spawn on squad members also helps with the 5 minute sprint across the desert.
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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@Havox:  once again, i want the same BF2 experience, only with a few more jets in the air to throw bombers off their throne and make them vulnerable, and make you able to fly once in a while rather than craving it and almost never being able to do it 
in addition to faster cars and sprint times that dont make 20 tickets drop while you move from one flag to another 
i dont want a mutant Bf2 offspring, i want the same beautiful game, only a tad bit accelerated. 
Did you not read my rock-paper-scissor analysis of having only 2 jets? tell me if THAT made or didnt make sense..
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Edited By christ0phe

Those videos weren't cool at all

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Edited By noremnants

Wait wait wait. Aren't you the one who was in the middle of the having 4 kits controversy saying that giving less kits more flexible and useful gadgets and whatnot was a terrible idea? And now you reveal that you have been playing on modded 1.0 servers where everyone gets jets? It boggles my mind how you want tons of jets for everybody but being able to snipe and throw motion mines is the worst idea you have ever heard of. Not sure how that makes sense but alright.

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Edited By mikemcn

I don't want more jets... those sons of bitches are really annoying. 1 per team is even pushing it.  
@S0ndor said:

" Because a good player flying a jet was able to completely rape an entire team all on his own. I really liked patched BF2 and also played quite a bit of the mods. Point of Existence in particular was very good, significantly better than the original game in fact. "
So yep. 
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Those mods don't sound like anything I'd want out of my BF2 experience. Then again people have different tastes, so who am I to judge?

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@B0nd07: @Havox: @Agent47: @floodiastus: @XII_Sniper:  
You guys got me all wrong.. i dont want crazy call-of-dutiness, thats disgusting, i want the same crazy BF action, only a liiiittle more souped up..  
Also, i dont know why your idea of multiple jets = assholes hopping in jets trying to get kills 
The way i see it, when you only have two jets flying, you give only 2 players the power to be death from above, and all they do throughout the round is bombing you on the ground. that has been my 1.5 experience. you look at that bomber fly over you and you cant do anything about it.
whereas when you have around 10 jets in the air, you create a whole new front, the air front. you'd have jets dog fighting and taking each other down, you'd having the assholes who want bomb kills UNABLE to have them because there's a J-10 on their ass, which is the true rock-paper-scissor BF experience 
where's the rock-paper-scissor concept in you owning the only jet on your team and bombing the other team senseless, being untouchable and mighty? where's the bigger fish in that?  who does the mighty Bomber fear when he's one of two pilots on the map ? 
my modded BF2 experience had that amount of jets, and it only balanced the power pilots have because they were busy with each other. 
Also, what kind of game is this when you crave flying in a plane yet you always spawn a little late and therefore have never flown one? what is this shit ?
FYI, when my favorite BF2 server [281] Gaming tried to turn into a Call of Duty server, with ridiculous artillery radius and frag radius and one-shot-kill M249 SAWs and 5 claymores for each sniper, i quit the clan and stopped playing on that server 
So, again, i dont want that exaggerated action that totally sucks the hard work out of the game, i want the exact game you guys play, only a LITTLE more enhanced. 
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Edited By MikkaQ

Sounds like you don't really like what Battlefield is, just this modded version of it. 

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Edited By floodiastus

I like slow action im my BF games, that CoD crap doesnt appeal to me.

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Edited By Agent47
@Ahmad_Metallic: Well the I am sorry to disappoint but I highly doubt BF3 will have this insane level of call of dutyness.The game usually strides to at least obtain some balance of realism and fun.Though it would be cool if they had some crazy over top "arcade" mode with this kind of stuff.Something that hasn't been done before.
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Edited By noremnants

To answer one of your questions. Yes there will more than likely be unlimited sprint just like there is in BC2. As for having shitloads of jets and choppers. That just seems like a terrible way to play. Everyone would just be flying trying to get as many kills as possible and not actually trying to capture flags like they should be.

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Edited By Jayross

Don't be crazy.

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Edited By B0nd07

So all your professions of love for BF2 have come from playing on modded servers that add things that break the game.  Sorry, but you just lost some BF2 vet cred.  There was nothing slow, primative, or retarded about the vanilla BF2 experience.  Those mods you love are not what cemented BF2 as one of if not the best PC shooter of the last decade.
Will BF3 be faster paced?  Probably.  It's essentially sounding like Bad Company 3.  Will there be plenty of vehicles?  Probably, but not the 10 aircraft per side you want.  Will the vehicles have instant respawn?  Highly doubt it.  It'll probably be comparable to BC2's vehicle respawn time.



" So the millions that enjoyed regular BF2 can fuck off as long as the tiny minority who used mods are happy? "


"And on a side note, I fucking hate jets and the utter cocks who spent most of the game flying in them and doing nothing more that getting a huge k/d ratio"

Yeah, I absolutely hated the people that memorized the layout of the map so they could take out the AA emplacements from a stupid long distance, making them completely useless.
@PrimeSynergy said:
"Although, I must say that I actually enjoyed jets, just not most of the people who used them... "
 @S0ndor said:
" Because a good player flying a jet was able to completely rape an entire team all on his own. I really liked patched BF2 and also played quite a bit of the mods. Point of Existence in particular was very good, significantly better than the original game in fact. "
Indeed, PoE is a good mod.  Still have it installed as a matter of fact.
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Because a good player flying a jet was able to completely rape an entire team all on his own. I really liked patched BF2 and also played quite a bit of the mods. Point of Existence in particular was very good, significantly better than the original game in fact.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@ViciousReiven said:

" @PrimeSynergy said:

" @Buck_Sexington said:

" So the millions that enjoyed regular BF2 can fuck off as long as the tiny minority who used mods are happy?   And on a side note, I fucking hate jets and the utter cocks who spent most of the game flying in them and doing nothing more that getting a huge k/d ratio "
I'm with this. Although, I must say that I actually enjoyed jets, just not most of the people who used them... "
I feel the same way about snipers and shotguns in every modern multiplayer game. "
It's not that the millions who play BF2 1.5 CHOOSE 1.5 over 1.0 because its more fun to them, its because 1.5 is just 'whats new' and no one is bothered to try the 1.0 action.. 
we've been having bombing runs with up to 20 people, and when i tell them about how much more fast-paced and fun 1.0 is, they dont say "hey keep your 1.0 preference to yourself, we want this version!" they go "wow that sounds sweet. too bad it's buried in the 1.0 version and its too late for anyone to venture through it now" 
The only thing i want changed is that your sprint wouldnt expire and your cars would spawn a bit quicker and go a bit faster, its not like im suggesting extreme alienating game-changing mechanics ..  its the same game you play and love, exactly the same, except with enhanced sprinting and vehicle speed, and more jets so we dont have 2 jet dictators busting our balls 

"  And on a side note, I fucking hate jets and the utter cocks who spent most of the game flying in them and doing nothing more that getting a huge k/d ratio "

what you just said actually shows that you're pro-1.0, because in 1.0, unlike 1.5, you dont get just TWO pilots dominating the sky and harvesting kills from above, you get JETS FOR EVERYONE which enables you to hop into a jet of your own and shoot that kill harvester down .... 
the jet system BF2 has now is like giving tanks to only 2 people out of the 64 and making them invincible. you're against that. then you're pro 1.0 where everyone gets a tank ! (in 1.5 the tanks arent an issue, that was just an example)    
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Edited By ViciousReiven
@PrimeSynergy said:
" @Buck_Sexington said:
" So the millions that enjoyed regular BF2 can fuck off as long as the tiny minority who used mods are happy?   And on a side note, I fucking hate jets and the utter cocks who spent most of the game flying in them and doing nothing more that getting a huge k/d ratio "
I'm with this. Although, I must say that I actually enjoyed jets, just not most of the people who used them... "
I feel the same way about snipers and shotguns in every modern multiplayer game.
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Edited By BabyChooChoo
@Buck_Sexington said:
" So the millions that enjoyed regular BF2 can fuck off as long as the tiny minority who used mods are happy?   And on a side note, I fucking hate jets and the utter cocks who spent most of the game flying in them and doing nothing more that getting a huge k/d ratio "
I'm with this. Although, I must say that I actually enjoyed jets, just not most of the people who used them...
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Edited By Extreme_Popcorn

So the millions that enjoyed regular BF2 can fuck off as long as the tiny minority who used mods are happy?  
And on a side note, I fucking hate jets and the utter cocks who spent most of the game flying in them and doing nothing more that getting a huge k/d ratio

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Edited By AhmadMetallic

Since mid-2008, ive been playing Battlefield 2 nonstop.  
I play on version 1.0, which has mods 
Now the word 'mods' seems to have two meanings :  

  1. the mods i personally care about, which give you infinite sprint, endless vehicles, atleast 10 jets and 10 helicopters running at the same time, powerful jet afterburner and helicopter torque, etc...  call them gameplay pills if you will 
  2. the mods i keep hearing about which i have no interest in, like Project Reality etc... all the community-made modified versions of the game 

Though i knew patches existed for the game, i stuck to the 1.0 version (along with the few hundred people who did) and will always do as long as my favorite modded servers exist, because the game is only great when it has so many vehicles spawns and enhanced sprint times, etc.. 
The other mods, the ones that change core elements and have big cult followings, i dont care about, yet i see how they keep the community enthusiasm fueled and its sad that they're getting taken away 

Since i started organizing Battlefield bombing runs on the PC 2 months ago, i had to upgrade to BF2 1.5 because thats what everyone else has, and.... it stinks ! 
your sprint bar keeps expiring so you'd need like 5 minutes to run across a desert. there's only two jets on the entire map which makes flying a plane a legendary dream that most of us peasant on the ground dare not experience.. (whereas in 1.0 you could hop into a jet whenever you wanted, and it didnt break the game one bit)
vehicles take ages to spawn, are very slow, in addition to a hundred primitive characteristics that make the game totally die  
So what im asking here is, since BF3 wont have any mod tools, are you all expecting a similar experience to 1.5 ? such constricted slow-paced retarded action that makes it feel like a resource-less 90s game ? 
Or will BF3 break those stale rules and have lots of vehicles (especially jets) which are fast, and infinite (or near-infinite) sprint, etc.. ? 
I mean i cant imagine myself playing a 2011 Battlefield game with such a sexy engine and groundbreaking action with just 2 jets in the air and people standing in line waiting for a car to spawn ! 
P.S. im sure most of you thought "BUNNY HOPPERS AND DOLPHIN DIVERS, GLITCHERS AND HACKERS" when u heard me say v1.0, but it was nothing like that.
You combine the superman elements of the game-enhancing mods, with a powerful team of moderators and server regulars who make sure the game is played fair, and you get yourself the most fast and intense Battlefield experience you could get 

Sadly, most BF2 players do not really know what a balanced moderated BF2 v1.0 is. its really, really sad that only a few hundred people play on those superb servers while the rest of the world have this idea about it that it's 'flawed and hacked' as they play their 1.41 or 1.5 versions which compared to 1.0 are like a snail compared to a rocket ..  

Just watch this modded balanced action, something most Battlefield veterans never experienced : 



I had a special Battlefield experience for the 2-3 years i played it on enhanced 1.0 (modded) servers that gave you alot of vehicles, fast vehicles, jets at your disposal, crazy C4, infinite sprint etc.. which didnt break the game but only accelerated it while still being balanced and highly moderated and fair, and then i patched my BF2 and 2142 recently and found that the popular Battlefield that the millions play is a slow primitive retarded version of the crazy action i had with the few hundred people who looked past v1.0's few design flaws.  
And im wondering whether BF3 will be as slow and pathetic, or action packed with alot of jets and resources. 

However, BC2 did fix all those game-slowing aspects, gave us fast vehicles that spawn frequently, and infinite sprint. so thats the only thing i want BF3 to take from BC2.. 
And no, this isnt just about fast frequently-spawning vehicles and infinite sprint, there's alot more to it, those 2 things are just the most important !