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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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Chronicling my life so I can remember I was once a human being; pay it no mind unless you're curious. 
I made a bunch of new entries or additions for older games here.  The bounty system is a bit wonky but I've managed to get a few extra points out of it, and now my ranking is lower than my age, at least for the time being.   I would love the title of historian here, even if that meant nothing beyond the title. Of course there are better writers and historians here than me, but it might help justify the time I take on these entries.  Eventually I'm not going to be able to climb past the people at the top of the list, however they got their damned points. 
Played through the first level of MDK (that game is rough on me).  Gave up trying to play it on Hard and switched to Normal.  Still didn't save Laguna Beach but at least cleared it.  Pretty funny in places, but the controls are very pre-mouselook and a bit hard to wrestle with.  I'm amazed at the sprite animation in this thing, and it explains why I thought it was just a really advanced game back when I saw screenshots of it during its release.  It looks damned slick for a polygons-with-textures game.  Reminds me of a lot of French game designs I've seen, with its emphasis on style, as well as biomechanoid stuff by Giger.
Been thinking about my prior essay a lot.  Was rewarding to get so many positive responses, thanks.  I've been thinking about making a game, just a simple illustration of the points I was trying to make, something with RenPy probably and public domain pictures or maybe Inform 7, just so I can model what I'm thinking of. This may go the way of the rest of my ideas (i.e. Limbo), so I don't want to say anything more than: "I wish I had my own gaming empire, with coders I could treat reasonably fairly by industry standards."
Beyond Good and Evil is, for the second time, mine.  My first version was for the Gamecube and that's completed, but since my Gamecube is all but dead and forgotten it was necessary to get different software if my partner-in-game was going to get to check it out.  I think it'll work on what we have.  At least it will when Gladius ceases to be the game of choice here ;)
Some projects on the horizon, if I can figure out how to work them into my life.  I'll tell you all about them if they start going anywhere.  Nothing too fancy, but youse takes what youse can gets. 



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Edited By ahoodedfigure
@Sparky_Buzzsaw:  You know what, though, just saying that a gritty police crime solving game could look anything like MDK gave my creativity a workout, so I consider that mistake completely worth it :)
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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
You know, for some reason I thought that as a teenager about Police Quest 4 and MDK, but now comparing the screenshots, I think I might have been nipping on some cough medicine or something.  Forget I ever said that, huh?  Blech.
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Edited By ahoodedfigure
What I love about Gladius is that you can really put your stamp on your school.  Your choices for equipment and gladiators is varied so you can play the game multiple times and try out all sorts of combinations.  There are some unfortunate balance problems...  yeah, the game is full of annoying flaws, but it's still fun, especially if you limit yourself from having some of the more game-breaking ability/extra item combinations.
I keep meaning to get into Syberia, but I usually only run into its sequel.  I have a long history with being a fan of French design houses and should probably write about it some day. I'm pretty sure people would be surprised how many games they happen to like originated in France.
Police Quest looked like MDK?  Was this some sort of extended dream sequence? :)
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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

First, Gladius was the shit.  That was the game that broke my original Xbox and caused me to have to choose between college books or a new Xbox.  I made the wrong decision there and ended up pouring more hours into that damn game when I should have been reading up on Chaucer and studying Latin.  Oh well. 
Second, if you enjoy the artistic French look to games, you might want to check out Syberia and its sequel if you haven't already.  Some stunning art and designs in there, even if the game worlds feel a little lifeless at times.  You might also want to check out the last Police Quest game (4?).  Had graphics very similar to those in MDK, even if they're worlds apart gameplay-wise. 
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Reviews: 6

User Lists: 64

Edited By ahoodedfigure

Chronicling my life so I can remember I was once a human being; pay it no mind unless you're curious. 
I made a bunch of new entries or additions for older games here.  The bounty system is a bit wonky but I've managed to get a few extra points out of it, and now my ranking is lower than my age, at least for the time being.   I would love the title of historian here, even if that meant nothing beyond the title. Of course there are better writers and historians here than me, but it might help justify the time I take on these entries.  Eventually I'm not going to be able to climb past the people at the top of the list, however they got their damned points. 
Played through the first level of MDK (that game is rough on me).  Gave up trying to play it on Hard and switched to Normal.  Still didn't save Laguna Beach but at least cleared it.  Pretty funny in places, but the controls are very pre-mouselook and a bit hard to wrestle with.  I'm amazed at the sprite animation in this thing, and it explains why I thought it was just a really advanced game back when I saw screenshots of it during its release.  It looks damned slick for a polygons-with-textures game.  Reminds me of a lot of French game designs I've seen, with its emphasis on style, as well as biomechanoid stuff by Giger.
Been thinking about my prior essay a lot.  Was rewarding to get so many positive responses, thanks.  I've been thinking about making a game, just a simple illustration of the points I was trying to make, something with RenPy probably and public domain pictures or maybe Inform 7, just so I can model what I'm thinking of. This may go the way of the rest of my ideas (i.e. Limbo), so I don't want to say anything more than: "I wish I had my own gaming empire, with coders I could treat reasonably fairly by industry standards."
Beyond Good and Evil is, for the second time, mine.  My first version was for the Gamecube and that's completed, but since my Gamecube is all but dead and forgotten it was necessary to get different software if my partner-in-game was going to get to check it out.  I think it'll work on what we have.  At least it will when Gladius ceases to be the game of choice here ;)
Some projects on the horizon, if I can figure out how to work them into my life.  I'll tell you all about them if they start going anywhere.  Nothing too fancy, but youse takes what youse can gets.