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Expect more.

I just got a brand new HP laptop with a great built-in webcam, so expect a lot more video blogs/reviews from me in the near future.


The wonders of Taylor Town, USA.

My final retro console purchase.
My final retro console purchase.

I went back to the flea market (also known as Taylor Town Trade Center, named for the hillbilly-tastic town it's in) and picked up a Dreamcast, 1 controller, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Jet Grind Radio, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, and Mega Man 1 &2, all for the tidy sum of $90. My retro game console collection is now complete!

Starring Sinbad as: a condom.

Well, me and MaypoMan went to the flea market today, but the guy who has like 1000 old games wasn't there today, so I couldn't buy that Dreamcast I was hoping for. On the plus side, we did find a portrait of the surliest old guy ever, a bottle of Teddy Roosevelt Aftershave, and an 80's public service announcement VHS about AIDS starring Paula Abdul, Tom Cruise, and Sinbad dressed up as a condom. So that wasn't a total loss. We might do a video blog from there on Saturday, for the sole reason of sharing the insanity of the place with the general public.


Is it just me...

Or can anyone else not see comments or make them at all? Although, I guess I won't be able to know the answer to that question since I can't see the comments.


Will we recover from the blast?

Hi all, I kept my name from the "Site-that-shall-not-be-named" so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out who I am. I'm really excited for the future of the site, and can't wait to see what's in store.

By the way, anybody else see this? Fricking awesome.