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Games Played: 2016

Thanks to Destiny, I can scarcely remember what else I played in 2015. I'd like to have a better record for 2016. Initially started this as a strictly "Finished" list, but after seeing a couple other members put up games played lists, decided to follow in their foot steps.

List items

  • First time I ever played this! Started late 2015, finished Saturday, Jan 16 2016. Totally holds up, easy to see why this title means so much to so many. Loved how atmospheric this game is!

  • Playing the Wii Virtual Console version. Started in mid-January. Prior to this, I'd only ever played the PSP remake and even then, only enough to unlock the original and Symphony of the Night. At the time, I'd found the remake extremely brutal; but playing the original now, I'm finding the game far less difficult. At least in so far as just blazing through it, not looking for alternate paths, secrets, or unlocks.

  • Resident Evil's younger less-famous sibling. Started mid-January. Yo. You wanna open this door? Find me two keys, then solve a cross-word puzzle!

    Am I gonna search for Dr. Kirk? No. Screw that guy. Finished January 30, 2016.

  • Sitting at the crossroads of Dynasty Warriors and The Legend of Zelda. I don't normally go in for Dynasty Warriors unless its under the guise of a franchse I care about, like Gundam, or Zelda. Finished Legend Mode January 30, 2016. ...trying to wrap my head around Adventure Mode.

  • Started January 31, 2016.

    Man... that... that poor rat.

    Currently on day six after being stalled out on the final boss of day five for weeks due a combination of illness and getting my ass kicked by the boss.

  • Gravity Rush: Remastered, specifically. Started February 8, 2016.

    Played around up to the point Kat starts squatting in the sewers. Great looking port, gonna get into this for realzies after I clear a few other things off my plate.

  • Started February 15, 2016

    Just goin' for a routine brain scan, then everything turned all Dead Space up ins!

  • Played through the XBLA version on February 19, 2016

    First thing you do after getting back on Xbox Live after not touching your Xbox 360 in ...two years?

  • Played through Arcade Mode with Eileen on February 19, 2016

    ...Jeff's right. We're never getting another Virtua Fighter, are we?

  • Started February 23, 2016 -- finished Campaign Normal February 28, 2016.

    I've got some thoughts about this game, its a strange one. Smart-link is a strange ADS compromise, the campaign is largely devoid of Halo's signature combat playgrounds in service of funneling you down a murder chute -- even most of the vehicle sequences are down narrow corridors! I hate the new BR. ...and I find it odd that a game that made you fight the same boss over and over again at every opportunity, did not deploy that boss for the final encounter.

  • Assume subsequent Halo entries to follow are done so via the MCC!

  • Started and Finished Campaign Normal February 28, 2016.

    Part of the way through Halo 5, I thought it might be neat to experience The Master Chief's journey in reverse. So here we are. I'll say this for Halo 5, at least it made the Promethean weapons fun to use... hoo boy.

    Okay so... hmm.

  • Started Campaign Normal February 28, 2016. Finished the fight March 1, 2016.

    Man. Halo 3. The idea that its been nearly ten years since its original release kinda makes me want to scream. This was the game I bought a 360 for, fully invested in the Xbox infrastructure and sunk probably hundreds of hours into the multiplayer suite. part of an HD collection.

    Going back to finish the fight was entertaining, to say the least. Where Halo 4 and 5 had me playing fairly cautiously, in Halo 3 you are every bit the unstoppable murder machine the Spartan IIs were publicized to be. Which was glorious!

    But there were some sour notes in there, too. Up front and center is the dramatic change done to the controls to better accommodate dual-wielding. Going back to Halo 3 always makes my brain skip a beat trying to constantly remember to use RB rather than X for reloading and context interaction and playing through again through the MCC was no different. Also wasn't doing myself any favours by bopping back and forth between this and Halo 5 multiplayer.

    This is getting long in the tooth, so lemme finish with Halo 3 AR sucks. Flood pure forms suck. ...and either the port work or the bump to 60 FPS screwed with the enemy AI routines. Maybe I should write a blog post?

  • Started Campaign Normal March 02, 2016. Finished Sunday March 06, 2016.

    Smokey jazz and exploring the city at night are still super rad. Discovered that the Brute Plasma Rifle is secretly OP, paired with a Carbine or Sniper/Beam Rifle, you might as well be Master Chief. ...which is a shame because the new-for-ODST Suppressed SMG and Pistol have really sharp designs, but aren't worth spit when the heat is on, especially the SMG and its limited ammo reserve. Glad Buck returned for 5, but he really put in his best work here.

    "Take my advice, Rookie. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls."

  • Anniversary Edition. Started Sunday March 06, 2016. Finished Tuesday March 08, 2016.

    Maaan... those cutscenes are pretty. Maybe *too* pretty. They kinda really take the wind out of the sails of the updated visuals. Damn good to be playing as my boy, Keith David again!

    ...aaand done. Ugh. Not that I'd forgotten, but everything after the Arbiter's debut level is such a tedious slog and playing through it again only further cements what a crappy time the back half of this game is. It did a ton to expand the scope of the world of Halo, but boy oh boy are some of those levels and encounters poopy. Like from a butt.

  • Started Campaign Normal Tuesday March 08, 2016. Finished Thursday March 10, 2016.

    I can't tell if its because the back-end of Halo 2 bummed me out so bad, or if its from having played this game so many times over the years. ...but I'm finding my enthusiasm for this Halo retrospective at an all-time low. The 343 Terminals sprinkled into the Anniversary release offer a real stark contrast to the tone of the game they've been inserted into. You've got these extremely lore-heavy deep dives into the furthest reaches of Halo's universe in-between segments of what was, and still remains a fun, campy sci-fi shooter romp.

    Did the Master Chief always sound like a trotting horse while walking around?

    Phew. Thank crumb that's over. I know the big weapon talking point is the Pistol and how over-powered it is ...and it is, no question. But dude, have you gone back and used the H1 Plasma Pistol? That is a hell of a workman's weapon in this game, cuts through Grunts, Jackals, and Elites like nobody's business. Which is a real shame given that the plasma pistol from H2 onward is only good for draining shields and shutting down vehicles. My hat's off to you, H1 Plasma Pistol!

  • Thursday March 10, 2016. My training has begun.

    Literally. Like, learnin' the combo system over here.

  • Played some casual local Horde Mode with friends the week of March 13th, 2016

  • Started the PS Plus version on Saturday March 19, 2016.

    Its awesome to see just how much more work has gone into this incredibly dumb game. But by the same token, the PS4 version still needs a little work. There's a slight pause about 4 seconds into the start of every level that can be detrimental to play on certain levels. ...and the load times are out of control.

  • Started Saturday March 26, 2016.

    Dynasty Warriors. With boobs, magical girl transformation sequences, exploding clothes, aerial raves, moe, and boobs. Weren't all these rival dojos trying to kill each other in Shinovi Versus? They start this game seemingly cool with each other, but now they're gonna fight because of contrived circumstances. Anime gotta anime.


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Mid-Late February Check-in: I actually got pretty deep into Parasite Eve, or at least, I'm assuming 2nd disc counts as pretty deep? I'm presently on day five, banging my head against the first boss fight in the game that's given me any real difficulty. ...but before getting there, I came down with some pretty gnarly sickness that kept me from doing little besides finally watching Daredevil on Netflix and a whole bunch of speedruns. Even lately I haven't been playing much and oddly finding myself filled with a little trepidation about getting back to Parasite Eve.

To top it off, I now find myself with an Xbox One Halo 5 bundle incoming any day now, and Twilight Princess HD coming in the week afterward. I would dearly like to finish Parasite Eve and SOMA before the influx of new games and hardware and I'm hoping for success. I've truly enjoyed PE up until now, its been nice playing a (somewhat) traditional JRPG again and I'd hate for it to be left unfinished and lost in the shuffle.

...but I suppose that is all left up to me now, isn't it?

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Early March Check-in: So all that stuff about finishing Parasite Eve and SOMA before the Xbox One arrived? ...didn't happen. I finished the Day Five boss fight against Eve, but still have to close out the ending of that game, doubt I'll make time for the Chrysler Building post-game stuff but we'll see ...and I haven't even been back to SOMA.

So what have I been doing? Pretty much all the Halo. Started with 5, since it came with the system and started working my way backwards through everything on the Master Chief collection. Except for Spartan Ops, which I didn't realize was included and only found after the fact, buried deep in the multiplayer menus. Figure I'll swing back 'round to Spartan Ops after I finish CE. While hardly 'mission critical', playing through Halo 4 again, the game finally clicked with me on a mechanical level and I wanna get back to some of that. Rounding all that out, I've also been dipping into Halo 5's multiplayer pretty much every day since finishing the campaign. On a conscious level, I hate the micro-transaction solution that's been latched to cosmetic unlocks and items for Warzone, but they're doing their damn job in motivating my lizard brain to keep coming back to earn duckets for them REQ packs...

Once I wrest myself free of the Master Chief's firm grip, I'm finally gonna sink my teeth into Dave Lang's Killer Instinct. I'd also really, really like to clean Parasite Eve and SOMA off my plate. ...and I've also got Twilight Princess HD happening in between all of that...

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Late March Check-In: Tried the final boss of Parasite Eve a few times. Its hard. Again wondering if I should keep pounding my head against it or start over. Tinkering away here and there at Killer Instinct, picking things back up with my boy Spinal. Took quite a while to realize the CPU starts off at hella and quite a while longer to figure out how to adjust that. Finished the Temple of Time in Twilight Princess and put that down for a while -- that game takes it out of you and that last dungeon felt like a burden to finish. Gonna get back to that one in due course.

My day to day is largely Halo 5's Warzone mode. I just can't stop playing it, and I've sunk more money into stupid REQ packs than should be acceptable in polite society. But they're really onto something with that mode, its way more fun than the competitive multiplayer, except the odd match when your team gets completely steam-rolled by the other guys. Firefight needs to hurry up and get here.

Lately though, been feelin' a real powerful urge to play me some Persona 4 again...