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#1  Edited By Atrithau

I'm not tired of gray modern shooters because I wasn't dumb enough to play any before a decent one released this generation.  
Good to see EA still cares about the PC market. Sure, they're trying to deceive us into switching to Origin, but it's okay. Battlefield 3 looks great, and it has no regenerating health, or other casual bullshit. I think the majority of serious FPS players have been waiting for this game for years now. The only thing that could beat this for me is a good Republic Commando sequel, and that's never going to happen.

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#2  Edited By Atrithau

Wow, what shit. Was actually thinking of giving Nintendo a chance. Once again, they failed. 

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#3  Edited By Atrithau

This is fan-fucking-tastic. Loved the whole thing, from the alien designs, to the space cowboys. Fuck yeah bounty hunting!

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#4  Edited By Atrithau
I'd recommend you read Blood Meridian. As I recall, Cormack is pretty dry and to the point, even though it's been a while since I've read him. It's also hands down the best historical novel I've ever read, so that adds to my recommendation, if the style doesn't fit exactly. 
@Deeveeus said:
Pillars of the Earth. Hands down may favorite book! So amazingly epic without being fantasy. Just an amazing historical fiction novel
I tried to read that. How can you seriously compare it to fantasy, which is built on scale, sex and blood? I remember getting to about page 300 and all there was for me to enjoy was some boring intrigue and bride-building. I'm not saying it was terrible or anything, but it's definitely not as exciting as fantasy. 
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#5  Edited By Atrithau
@mmzOne: Hmm, I think you may be right about the European servers. I'm also European, but I started off on the American ones from the get go. 
I think the worse thing is how the game fluctuates from being totally fine in general, to being completely broken for a few days after an update. 
Just now they released an update that completely broke the game for everyone, and I think it was just so they could add in some guns or something. Good stuff.  
@President_Barackbar said:

You are really selling it to me by saying the driving feels bad when about half of what you do in the game is drive.

Pretty much. You get the hang of it eventually.  SPOILER WARNING: Click here to reveal hidden content.
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#6  Edited By Atrithau
@FirePrince said:

It's an MMO my computer can't run.And I have a decent rig.
It expects you to sit through a fucking line just to play it now. Loading times are a joke. None of my friends have good enough PC's or laptops to play it. It lags.Dear god it lags. It gets repetitive 5 hours in, and no amount of customization saves it. I know these things are partly because my PC is far from high-end, but if I can play the latest games 1980x1080 on relatively high settings, and the game is around 1 year old, we have a problem.

There are virtually no queues on some of the servers, and the game works fine for me and all of my buds. I'm also playing it on a laptop. Nor does it lag, generally speaking, unless you specifically go into some terribly overpopulated district which is bad for you to begin with.  I don't know when you played it, but everyone I know (even off other forums) have none of these issues. 
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#7  Edited By Atrithau
@Doctorchimp said:
Because in the end there are better 3rd person shooters multiplayer games you could waste your time with.  I'm glad you liked it, none of that game looks appealing to me. Please don't take it the wrong way.
But this is free, and the customization plays a big part in it. Also, driving about and jumping onto buildings is pretty fun.  
You can't compare it to something like Uncharted, that has refined controls while taking place in a small arena. 
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#8  Edited By Atrithau

Why did people give the original APB so much fucking crap? I don't know how many of you have tried Reloaded (same game, but it was bought off by a different company and made entirely free), since this game is a fucking blast. Seriously, the game has its problems, but it's in no way the stinking pile of shit most media websites have made it out to be. When people kept tugging on me to play it, I thought to myself that it must be horrible, but I was pleasantly surprised.
The customization is probably the best I've seen in any video game; you can literally dye your clothes and cars in myriad ways, and make your own symbols (pretty complex system for a video game) and then apply them. I won't even get into how fun this game is in co-op. I mean, you can literally start the game up, make a character, and then start doing missions with one of your bros, since the entirety of the game is based on PvP, so you're pretty much facing an open-world matchmaking system without actively having to go back and forth to quest-givers, or whatever. The community is pretty good as well. Sure, a lot of the people playing it are just fucking around and trolling, but it's still a significant step-up from the disgusting player-base of something like World of Warcraft, and the general chats are pretty libertine.  
Now, the game does have a fuckload of problems, I'm not saying it doesn't: the matchmaking can put you against unbeatable players, there's definitely an amount of hackers in the game, driving cars feels like sailing, there's not much else to do except grind in order to unlock clothes and weapons, and I can't really think of any reason to play after that, since the gameplay isn't really that outstanding. 
In fine, it's a pretty unique little game,which tried to merge GTA's gameplay with MMOs in a cool way. It has its faults, and it's definitely not worth the subscribtion they initially planned on - but it's seriously disheartening to see how nobody knows of this game, and how journalists trashed it to no end despite the fact that it actually tried doing something different.  

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#9  Edited By Atrithau

Sometimes, I understand why religions in the past banned tattooing. While in certain cases it can signify something meaningful, most of them are just cringe-worthy; the ideas are momentary glitches, the execution is poor, and the nature of the human skin makes the majority of them look horribly sooner rather than later . I will never understand why people would go through physical pain to brand themselves, especially with something as trivial and regretful as a video game icon (and this is coming from someone whose entire life revolves around video games).   
I know, haters gonna hate.

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#10  Edited By Atrithau

Honestly, I've enjoyed most of the TV Shows I watched, and beyond Seinfeld and Curb (both of which are sitcoms), I have no desire to revisit the others. I've been most emotionally attached to Lost... and it was a great disappointment to see it end the way it did and morph itself into the garbage latter seasons.  So, I guess my top would be: 
1. Seinfeld  
2. Curb Your Enthusiasm 
3. Lost 
4. The Sopranos 
5. Rome 
I feel bad for leaving out Six Feet Under, because it has an amazing finale, but the series can get very boring at times. Game Of Thrones I enjoy, but I've already read the books so I don't really have much of an interest in it. Dexter has had way, way too many ups and downs to be considered in a top five. Carnivale was pretty swell, but it's incomplete and that shows in its inconclusive ending.  Battlestar Galactica was pretty good, but some of the characters were annoying and the ending was once again, completely stupid.
I really wish there were more fantasy/historical series. It's a damn shame that so few good fantasy series exist, while people make sci-fi trash like Firefly, Stargate, Terminator and all the other crap on television.

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