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My DS Games

The DS is my favorite platform. These are all the games I own.

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  • I really enjoyed this game on two separate levels. On one level, there were almost 200 little brainteasers that were a lot of fun to complete (although some were frustratingly difficult), and on another, there was a very enjoyable point-and-click adventure game with great production values. The cutscenes were very entertaining... I've watched them all many times. At the time of this writing, it's been about a year since the game was released and I haven't heard anything at all about the other two games in the series coming state-side. I really hope they release them though, I really liked this game!

  • Despite this fourth game in the series being developed exclusively for the Nintendo DS (as opposed to the first three, which were GBA ports), this title plays almost exactly like its predecessors. I certainly don't mind that, because I really like this series, but I'm not too keen on the new cast of characters. They're certainly well-written (as always), but I spent so much time getting to know Phoenix, Edgeworth, Maya, and Pearl in the last three games that I just wasn't ready to let them go.

  • I thought it was really well-made for the DS. The touch screen commands always worked without any problems, and the prerendered backgrounds were stunning. Some complained that the game used a lot of recycled material from the Xbox version, but that didn't make a difference to me because... I never played that game!

  • This is the only Rougelike game I ever played. Although I never even finished it, I enjoyed it a great deal and would like to play more of the Shiren the Wanderer series. I was always frustrated when I'd die and get sent back to the beginning of the game with no items or money, but I got over it quickly because I only spent, like, thirty minutes playing each time before I croaked. It's like... "Contra: the RPG."

  • I rather enjoyed this game, but I didn't like it as much as I feel everyone else did. My favorite parts were the stylized visuals and the surprisingly good story, while my least favorite part was the unecessary amount of depth. Even though the game was only ~16 or so hours long, there were literally hundreds of "weapons" and "armor" that either hardly differed from others, or did almost nothing useful at all. The battles are usually pretty easy, but can certainly be difficult at times (especially the final boss...yeesh).

  • For months, I heard Shane B. and many others from EGM talk about this game like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I picked it up and hated it. But to be fair, I don't think I get it. The game seems to be less about simply matching three at a time and more about planning ahead and causing chain reactions. I was able to pull off a chain of five... I thought that was pretty impressive until I saw a you-tube video of a guy who pulled off a chain of... like, 164.

  • Thinking this game was actually a sequel to something, I purchased the "first" title (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) and played through it in anticipation for this game. The two games actually have next to nothing to do with eachother, instead feeling like knock-offs of the same, stupid plot. To my horror, both titles ackowledged Final Fantasy as a game within the game, having each of the protagonists taken from their real-world, modern lives and sucked into a fantasy world via a magical tome. And to get back, they have to yadda, yadda, yadda... whatever... the story doesn't matter here; the core game is great, the hand-drawn backrounds and flashy spells look fantastic, and the ~200 missions within will last you hours upon hours. The only thing that really bothered me about the game was a lack of progress in some of the missions. The only other turn-based strategy games that I play and really enjoy are Fire Emblem and Advance wars; two games that offer not only tons of backstory between each mission, but also bookend each mission with story explaining the reason for that particular mission and how it's relevant to the overall plot. Final Fantasy Tactics A2's missions consist mainly of side-quests, with very little (maybe ten) missions that actually matter. Once again, however, the core game is still great.

  • My experience with the tower-defense genre begins and ends with this game. I really enjoyed it. About a hundred or so intense battles, ranging from two to three minutes each, with a pretty interesting story. Well written, well animated, and very polished. Picked it up after reading a glowing review on Destructoid.

  • I had never liked Dragon Ball (Z or otherwise) before this game. The whole series just looked like poorly animated battles that went on for episodes at a time, with cheesy and melodramatic dialogue sprinkled in for good measure. I was really surprised at how much fun I ended up having... Bookending each level (of which there are about 32) are some really fantastic, in-engine cutscenes that take you through the first two sagas of the Dragon Ball franchise. They were all really funny, and at times even perversely so. Unfortunately, the worst thing about this game is... everything else! The level design is really simplistic, usually consisting of an area to run through with a few enemies scattered about and a few other obstacles, and the boss battles didn't require any strategy at all to dispatch. Worse yet, there was no variation at all... just a series of bland, plain-jane areas followed by a rather generic boss fight. Still, and I know this sounds weird, I really liked the game because of the story it told and I still recommend it to anyone. Contrary to most other reviews, however, I'd recommend this title most to people who aren't interested in Dragon Ball. Why? Because if you like this series, you've already seen it and you've got no reason to play this game for its gameplay. If not, you'd be surprised by how much you enjoyed it.

  • I never played the GameCube original, and I didn't play this game with any friends... I only played through the single-player campaign. The voice acting is often grating, and the story is... not the best, but It's a pretty fun dungeon crawler with cool level design. I found myself pretty addicted to the looting aspects; whenever you killed a boss, it would explode into dozens of items like a pinata. One thing I found to be pretty odd is that everything, including people and even your items, can be walked on. When you drop items from your inventory, they fall from your person and right onto the floor. So, whenever I got to a spot where I couldn't find a switch to unlock a bridge or something above me, I'd simply drop two or three of my items, stack them on top of each other and use them as a step ladder that led right to the end of the dungeon.

  • Before Final Fantasy IV came out, I pretty much remember only two things about it. The first was how good the game looked. I'd drool over every screen shot and video, desparate to sink my teeth into it and experience a story that was apparently fantastic (I never played the SNES version). The second was how hard everyone said it was. I mean, it even broke Giant Bomb's own Brad Shoemaker, who had said on the BombCast that he was playing it for review for a few weeks before... never mentioning it again. When the game finally did release, I was surprised by my opinion of it; Maybe I was just really mentally prepared because of everyone lamenting the game's difficulty for so long (and I do mean everyone... like, the entire internet. Destructoid, GameSpot, Giant Bomb, 1up, IGN... seriously, everyone), but I actually found the game to be pretty easy going. I'd move through the game at a decent pace, and if I got to a spot that was a little too hard, I'd grind for maybe 30 minutes before being able to continue. I didn't die very often, and if I did, it was always right after a save, so I didn't have to repeat a lot of work. As a side-note, near the end of the game, I attempted to acquire all of the onion armor (the strongest armor in the game). To do this, you had to battle a group of dragons located beneath the earth until one of them dropped a tail as a spoil. Depending on what color tail you had, you could exchange it for a peice of onion armor. So, I bought 99 sirens (an item that will initiate battle immidiately) and went to the place where these dragons were most common. While I sat in astronomy class, I kept the DS in my backpack and just spammed sirens until I ran out. I did this THREE TIMES (using a total of 297 sirens) and unfortunately only got two of the different dragons to drop tails. While I was kinda bummed that the tails were that rare of a drop, I was delighted to see that I had maxed out my characters' stats. So, yes, long story short, I accidentally brought my characters to level 99 in the course of a three-and-a-half hour class period. After that, I did a short quest to get an item that turned off all random battles, and I simply walked to the last boss and killed him. It was literally that easy. Back on track, though, I was a little dissapointed with the story and, worse yet, I think the voice acting was a prime reason. Maybe it would have turned out differently if the dialogie wasn't spoken out loud, but, because it was, the whole thing just came out like a fantasy soap opera, with twists of a Shyamalan proportion--"I... am... your BROTHER!"--and a general lack of finesse in the execution. That said, many of the characters were at times still interesting, and ,more importantly, the core game was immensely fun and addictive. I think I squeezed about forty or so hours out of it.

  • I bought this game for the DS back when there were'nt a lot of games being released for it. It wasn't necessarily very good thanks to its poor controls, but under that was an enjoyable Mario 64 clone. When I beat it, I put in up on my shelf... I don't think I'll ever take it back down again, but it was somewhat entertaining while it lasted.

    Just to be clear, every single problem this game had came from control issues. I could tell that it must've been a fantastic game when it first came out on the N64, but controlling Rayman with a d-pad (as opposed to an analog stick), and having some of the buttons moved around really dampened the experience. Aside from that though, the game was still very pretty, and had a few really funny characters. If you think you can get past the control issues, I'd recommend it to you.

  • One of the early games I bought for DS. It wasn't terribly spectacular, but it was a decent and unique puzzle game.

  • A great game. You know, I've always found traditional Kirby games to be petty boring; they're insanely easy, and if you want, you can just fly right through most of the levels. It's games like Kirby: Canvas Curse that are great because they step outside of the normal Kirby mold. It's fun & creative, and you can't really pull it off without touch controls. Another Kirby favorite of mine is Kirby's Dream Course for the Super Nintendo.

  • A great game, but one I never finished. As with most Advance Wars games, It got really difficult and I eventually gave up. I tried to back to it two years later and I was unfortunately worse than before. At that point I shelved it for good. Great game though!

  • It was Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow that made me go out and buy a GameBoy Advance. I was really happy to see a direct sequel to it. I really enjoyed this game.

  • I remember groaning when I heard that this game was coming out. I never thought Metroid should be subjected to spin-offs. Fortunately, this is a great game and a unique adaption of the Metroid Prime story. The only lame aspect was the rumble pack, but hey, the price was right (free).

  • Even almost four years after the release of the DS, I still believe that this the one and only must-have game. It's the only game on the system that just about anybody can pick up and play, and the depth buried in its mechanics mean that hardcore players can dump hours of time into it.

  • I don't play a lot of Sonic games, so I'll never know what makes this one so much better than all the rest of them. It's a great game, but it felt like most of the other Sonic games I played back in the day. Maybe that's what's so great about; the best thing about is that it's a return to form?

  • Before Resident Evil 4 came out, I remember buying a double pack for the GameCube (Included RE0 and REmake) because it included a free demo of the reinvented horror series. I loved the demo, but prompty sold the two traditional RE games back; for whatever reason, they just weren't for me. I told myself that until this Resident Evil DS came out, which I bought only because I wanted a new DS game. I don't know why, but that's when it clicked. I loved it. Now, I own and have completed every RE game in the series. I loved 'em all!

  • I'm the kind of gamer who likes to preorder. I do it so that I always know when my game is coming out (thanks to that handy telephone call), and I always get some sort of worthless-yet-fantastic preorder gift whenever available. But I didn't preorder Phoenix Wright, mainly because I'd written it off the moment I'd heard about it. How much fun could hot, text-driven, litigous action be anyway? But after all the great reviews poured in, I figured it'd be silly not to at least give it a try. So I finally picked it up about three months after its release...and I'm really happy I did, because the Ace Attorney series has turned into one of my most favorite. Charming characters, well-written dialogue, clever pop-culture references, and a genuinely interesting story had me on the edge of whatever it was I was sitting the whole time. Great game.

  • Building up to its release in March of 2006, I remember reading developer interviews for this game that talked about their development process. The biggest point that they were trying to drive home was that Hunters was a "console experience on a handheld." Unfortunately, it seems like that was their priority, as Metroid Prime: Hunters is--for all intents and purposes--a generic first person shooter with little-to-no resemblence to Metroid, save for a couple of power-ups. Easily the black sheep of the series as far as I'm concerned, Hunters puts its emphasis on combat and superfluous weaponry.

    Essentially, a fantastic license wrapped around generic enemies, poor level design, and bad music. The Metroid series is my absolute favorite, and that's the only reason this generic FPS remains on my shelf.

  • A great puzzle game, with some of the best eye-candy I've ever seen. I hear this one's a rarity now, so pick it up if you find it.

  • About three months after the DS Lite was announced, I sold my old DS so that I could still get a lot of money for it. So, I was without a DS for about two months. This game came out somewhere in the middle of that, and the wait was torture. I picked it up the day I picked up a DS Lite, and I didn't take it out of my DS until I'd done every thing I could possibly do. This game is fantastic.

  • When I bought my DS in May of 2005 (about seven months after its release), this was one of the only decent games for it. It's pretty shallow, but it can be pretty fun and addictive.

  • I view this game through rose-tinted glasses. It's not really that great, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. It has a pretty interesting premise, and some great characters. Also, GHM did a great job of mixing two art styles together via the top and bottom screens. The problems with this game are pretty big though; the combat is boring and repetitive, the game occasionaly lacks focus, and the difficulty is a bit uneven. I can tell that I enjoy this game more for its premise than its gameplay, because I've lent to to several RPG fans who all hated it. Still, whatever, I liked it.

  • I liked this game much more than I thought I would. It's boss battles were pretty bland (read: lame), but all of the levels in between were fantastic. It really reminded me of Lemmings...