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Halo Reach Extended Beta Impressions

As somebody who only owned Halo 3 for the first time as of three weeks ago, but has been playing multiplayer shooters on the PC for nearly a decade...

Reach makes me want to never touch Xbox Live ever again. I don't care about all the little technical discussions people are having about grenades being overpowered or how much this is like Shadowrun (though, for the record, I enjoyed the Shadowrun demo, whatever that means), Halo Reach seems to be designed to allow existing Halo players to capitalize on their existing skills while scrubs like me get left in the dust and splattered on the walls.

It's rare that I get frustrated by losing. I remember playing a few rounds of the Halo 3 Beta with my cousin (at his place), and while he was raging and getting angry, I was simply enjoying the ride. But something about these weapons, these maps, these abilities, seems to go over my head in such a way that I can't even really grasp. I think I know how to play the game. But how can I compete with a 12 year old who spins 180 to headshot me in a single bullet for an instant kill? Halo Reach incites a rage in me I haven't felt in a videogame in a long time.

With Counter-Strike on the PC, for almost a solid year - maybe even two - I played with a one or two friends in private servers with bots. I completely avoided public servers because, like in Halo Reach, I was only embarrassing myself. Nowadays, public servers aren't that big of a deal for Counter-Strike (though I primarily stick to private servers with friends, most of the time). I'm not granted the luxury of multiplayer bots in Halo Reach (or any Halo game, period), so it's basically been "walk out and die instantly" with some rare exceptions
The worst part? I'm not actually so bad at Halo 3 multiplayer. I don't blow the doors off or anything, but I can certainly hold my own, and it doesn't make me want to chuck my controller through a window. But Reach? I think I'm done with the Reach beta.