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New Video Review: Trick or Treat 2012 Feature!


New video review, y’all! This is something I’ve actually mulled over doing literally for years, and never have gotten around to it. Basically, I pick a selection of free (or at least cheap) horror games you can play for Halloween and talk about them. I can't post it as a formal review here on GiantBomb for obvious reasons. The idea started as a blog series I wanted to write three or four years ago, but it’s one of those things I just never got around to doing. 

I almost didn’t do the video review - I had the idea to do it in September, with the intent on getting it out by the first or second week of October. But then I had to write reviews for Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS, and Sonic Adventure 2, and on top of that I did the Goosebumps livestream. And since nobody really cared all too much about Goosebumps, I was not feeling too terribly motivated.

But of course, I always go overboard for Halloween, so I decided “Eh, why not”. Because of that, this might’ve been the shortest turn around time for a video review since Sonic Unleashed. Sonic Unleashed was literally me going “I should do a video review!” at like, noon on a Monday, and by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning being finished. That means in around 48 hours I wrote a script, recorded VO, captured 4+ hours of gameplay footage, created intro and outro bumpers, and edited the whole mess together. When inspiration strikes, I am a mad man.

After talking it over with a friend, I made the decision to go ahead and make it on Wednesday or Thursday of last week. The original September rough outline of the video review was to feature ten games, but because of the tighter deadline, I cut it half. It’s a good thing, too - the video review as it stands now is 14 minutes long. Had I gone all the way with the full ten games, it probably would’ve been closer to 20-30 minutes, which would’ve been sort of insane.

So yeah. Go watch it. I’m super proud of how it turned out - and if you could, spread the word. I’m not quite sure how to advertise myself out there, so every little bit helps.
Happy Halloween!