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Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, Sept. 13th 2015

Here we go again, another Sunday means it is time for another weekly wiki update. This week should be a much shorter post than last time considering this one actually only covers a week and not many months.

The Pages

I kept the hidden object train rolling this week starting out with a licensed mobile game in Dexter: Hidden Darkness. I created the page (along with its developer BlooBuzz), filled in the side bar info as well as creating an overview, story, and gameplay section.

Then as a sharp 180 turn from hidden object games I did some things to the Battlefield: Hardline page. I didn't do too much work, but I ended up playing through this game over the course of a couple of days so I added a bunch of associations such as locations, objects, and concepts to it as I was playing.

Back to the hidden object games I go with Small Town Terrors: Galdor's Bluff. I pretty much filled in the page, including credits.

You know what, I think it might be time to just toss the rest of these hidden object games that I completely filled in the pages for into a list, so here it is:

Now there were also a couple of other things I worked on that weren't hidden object games, such as 16-bit Trader. I downloaded this game randomly from my Steam library, so naturally I took a bunch of screenshots while I was playing it. When I went to upload them, I realized there was no page for the game yet. I ended up filling in the page with all the main sections, although it could use some more detailed work I think.

Another non-hidden object game I worked on was yet another random Steam game. This time it was a gem of a game in Veteran Combat. This is a terrible 2D fighting game that uses digitized sprites and does not go into full screen. I created the page and filled in pretty basic information, but could use more info for sure.

A super quick update was removed the iPod platform from the Pokemon Shuffle page, remember folks that platform is only for the classic click wheel style, not iPod Touch.

Ghost in the Machine was another game I had to create a page for from my Steam library. Ghost in the Machine is a Virtual Boy inspired 2D platformer. I added an overview, basic info, and information about its Kickstarter. I only played it for about 3 or 4 levels, so if any of you have played it more than that it could use a gameplay section.

One page that I created as a result of hidden object games was a concept for the Gear Puzzle. I noticed while playing these games that this specific puzzle type kept popping up. Basically you put a bunch of gears in between the start gear and end gear in order to get the mechanism to work. If you guys can think of any other games with these puzzles please add them to the page.

And lastly I decided to work on the pages for a bunch of people that have worked on these hidden object games as well as the page for Artifex Mundi, which is a company that makes a lot of these.

Wrap Up

Well that ended up still being a lot longer than I thought. I have to say that since I have started working on the pages for these hidden object games I have actually started to have fun with some of these. The voice acting is often terrible, the animations just as bad, and use the same types of tropes over and over again. One thing that is really interesting about them is just how many of them include strong female protagonists. Far more of these games use a female protagonist than a male, which seems opposite of most genres.

Now I don't know if I am making it up in my own head or not, but I do believe I have been seeing more folks out there working on wiki pages. If you have been working on some stuff let us all know!