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Evidence that I may be psychic?

Okay so a strange thing has been happening to me lately, nothing major. But it seems that either the planets are aligned or some serious freakin' coincidences have occurred. But for the past couple of weeks I have, to put it bluntly, unintentionally predicted the future! 
I'm sure we've all had instances where this has happened. A single stray thought crosses your mind for only a moment and then quickly discarded, only to be reminded of that thought again from another party shortly after. This has happened to be before, quite frequently back in high school. When my friends and I would talk about random stuff from video games to movies to TV shows. We would jump to topics so quickly and randomly that you would need to write it all down in order to know how one topic segued into another. What would often happen is I would bring up a scene from a TV show, likely The Simpsons at that time, into the conversation.  
"Hey that reminds me of that time where Homer did this..."
And then we would segue into another topic. 
Well, often times, that very episode of which I just mentioned would appear on TV within the week! And Fox rarely pushes advertisement for The Simpsons because it's already so popular so there's no real need, especially when they are reruns. So it was highly unlikely that I saw a commercial which could have put it in my mind subconsciously.  
But after I left for college such things stopped happening all together. Until now, we're not talking about TV now, we're talking about some really weird things.
One thing that happened two weeks ago, I was thinking to myself that I should go give blood. I used to give blood back in high school, and I've always wanted to go back and do it again. Well the very next morning, I'll say that again, the very next morning, I get a call from the American Red Cross asking me if I was interested in giving blood. I was shocked, they haven't called me in years. I took this as a sign, maybe God was saying, "Yo dude you totally should!" So I go and gave blood. End of story. 
Well just now, I went to bed, lights off, computer off. I was trying to get some sleep, listenig to podcasts and music on my iPod as I normally do, when the most peculiar thought creeped into my head. "I wonder when my GoDaddy domain name will come up for renewal?" 
I got the domain name for my webcomic, but have never used it. There's a two year long ownership of GoDaddy domains, in which you will be asked to renew it. I have forgotten about that domain since I first bought it.
But for no real reason, I got up from the bed and turned on my computer and opened up my email, where sure enough I had just gotten an email from GoDaddy about renewing my domain. wow. Minutes after I had thought of it, I get an email? And I check my email all the time, many times a day. So my inbox was empty when I went to bed.
What the hell is going on? Have you guys had strange instances where something has happened after you thought of it, but had no reason to think of it in the first place? 



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@nail1080: Maybe you should have kept reading as well as read my later posts, as I flat out acknowledge that these are coincidences, rare though they may be. 
And I don't know what your beliefs are, but I can guarantee that I would never call you delusional.
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Edited By fwylo
@DCFGS3:  Kind of crazy man who knows.
I have really life-like dreams every so often, with people I know or don't know, in situations I have no idea why I'm in.  I feel like I'm in full control of myself and what I'm doing/thinking.  It'll play through about a 15 minutes time-frame and then I'll wake up.  I'll remember absolutely everything that happened.  But I'll forget about it in a few days.  Then after a few weeks, usually 18 days actually.  The EXACT situation will happen with the same people I've had in the dream.  At first I thought it was deja-vu or some weird feeling, but it has happen enough times it has come to the point where I can tell people what they are going to say before they say it.  When it happened with friends a couple times I thought it was just me knowing my friends pretty well where I can guess what they're going to say.  But then it happened with strangers a couple times... Blows my mind every time.
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Edited By nail1080
Wow you should seek some help if you actually think you are a psychic. There is no such thing as a psychic and if there was they'd be cashing in on the lottery, they would be making bets, they would be working with Governments. How arrogant of you to think that your brain which only exists due to the hard work all your ancestors had to do over millions of years is some kind of magic factory. Bull shit it is there to help you interpret this dynamic world and make descisions for now and in the future, but it does not 'know' exactly what will happen in any situation.
Oh and if you're going to talk about psychics like they actually exist give me some published evidence....oh wait there is none.
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Edited By nail1080
@Bones8677 said:

" Okay so a strange thing has been happening to me lately, nothing major. But it seems that either the planets are aligned or some serious freakin' coincidences have occurred. But for the past couple of weeks I have, to put it bluntly, unintentionally predicted the future! 
I'm sure we've all had instances where this has happened. A single stray thought crosses your mind for only a moment and then quickly discarded, only to be reminded of that thought again from another party shortly after. This has happened to be before, quite frequently back in high school. When my friends and I would talk about random stuff from video games to movies to TV shows. We would jump to topics so quickly and randomly that you would need to write it all down in order to know how one topic segued into another. What would often happen is I would bring up a scene from a TV show, likely The Simpsons at that time, into the conversation.  
"Hey that reminds me of that time where Homer did this..."
And then we would segue into another topic. 
Well, often times, that very episode of which I just mentioned would appear on TV within the week! And Fox rarely pushes advertisement for The Simpsons because it's already so popular so there's no real need, especially when they are reruns. So it was highly unlikely that I saw a commercial which could have put it in my mind subconsciously.  
But after I left for college such things stopped happening all together. Until now, we're not talking about TV now, we're talking about some really weird things.
One thing that happened two weeks ago, I was thinking to myself that I should go give blood. I used to give blood back in high school, and I've always wanted to go back and do it again. Well the very next morning, I'll say that again, the very next morning, I get a call from the American Red Cross asking me if I was interested in giving blood. I was shocked, they haven't called me in years. I took this as a sign, maybe God was saying, "Yo dude you totally should!"

That's where I stopped reading. Clearly you are delusional and do not understand the meaning of  a 
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Edited By kmdrkul

I've had weird premonitions before.  I usually dream and something rather insignificant happens but for whatever reason the memory of that dream is retained in my head, and at a later date what I dreamed of actually happened.  Take for instance, I dream of somebody saying an exact phrase to a certain person, then later I am minding my own business and I hear it. Kind of creepy.

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Edited By Geno

Coincidences happen all the time whether we notice them or not, you just happened to notice a few. Also, none of what you said is all that surprising. If you're a psychic then lottery winners are uber-psychics.  
Simpsons re-run: Fox reruns some of the most popular episodes of Simpsons, which are basically just a handful. It's the same with what channels do with Family Guy. Such a popular episode is poignant in your mind, thus you thought of it when thinking about Simpsons episodes. So you made a maybe 1/10 or 1/20 guess. Not impossible.  
Giving blood: Red Cross calls everyone or advertises about once or twice a year. You had a two day time span in consideration (the day you thought about it, and the day in which they called you), so 2/(365-1) = 0.55% chance. Quite rare, but some item drops in MMO games are much rarer and people obtain them all the time. If someone goes boss hunting for "dragon shields" with a 0.1% drop, and happen to land one on a day that they're "feeling lucky", that doesn't make them psychic. In fact this is what happens to players all the time when they decide to record a video just for that day and just for that one kill and end up with the rare drop. Hundreds if not thousands of these videos are posted on Youtube for many different games.
GoDaddy: You said you check your email several times a day. You knew that your GoDaddy domain were to expire soon. For the sake of argument let's say you check your email on average every hour, that means that on that particular day in which you suspect your domain name to expire there is a 1/10 chance you will receive that email "within minutes" (given that you check your email within waking non-business hours and that they only send emails within such hours). Divide this number by the days of uncertainty you have about the expiration date and multiply by 100% and you get your percentage (1.4% for a week's uncertainty using the given information). Cut that percentage in half for an approximate estimate with business hours included. Again, nothing to get excited about.

A psychic is someone that can make unexplainably accurate predictions consistently. So far in history, there has yet to be a single person to demonstrate psychic ability that wasn't a magician or illusionist, who only appear to be psychic. All others who claimed psychic power failed in double-blind tests, and were usually con artists in real life. In conclusion, no need to call James Randi.  
@DCFGS3: You are right, and the answer to your question is no. Humans have extremely strong heuristic ability but when it comes to definite outcomes nothing outpaces the power of a computer, as we have already seen in the Chess world where chess engines are now able to outplay the strongest grandmaster. Humans can't predict determinate outcomes (the future) because they don't even know all the variables, and would be incapable of calculating them even if they did know. Machines share the same variable deficiency (since they require humans to program, at least for now) and in addition are not powerful enough to calculate such outcomes anyway. Once we can get a machine powerful enough to predict the flipping of the coin we might be getting somewhere but for now all we can do is label such concepts as "chaotic", "unpredictable" or as airheads like to call it, "free will" when it comes to humans. 

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Bullshit........................ my great granny could read tea leaves yet more bullshit.

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@Bones8677: @Bones8677 said:
" @ViciousAnchovy said:
 P.S. I also used to think I had power over wind. "
lol That must have been awesome. "  
Easily the coolest delusion I've ever had.
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Edited By Synthballs
@TooWalrus said:
" You're experiencing coincidences. I'm 100% sure ESP is bullshit. (The planets aligning causing any effect on us is bullshit too.) "
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Edited By RichardLOlson

I took out a whole base full of evil robots just with my psychic abilities.  It was an awesome scene and I was the hero of the day...then I woke up.

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Edited By Meowayne

What you are experiencing is called the Baader-Meinhoff-Phenomenon or Synchronicity.   Nothing out of the ordinary. It can become spooky because it is self-reinforcing: A single event hightens your attention to things that cross your mind, increasing the chance of noticing relations and instances of these things or concepts in your surroundings, which in turn highten your attention more, etc. 

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Edited By eric_buck
@Bones8677:  The wierdest thing happened to me the other day that's kind of similar. My sister was talking to me and she's like "there's a really old guy in my class in uni", I said, "Is his name Fred?". His name was Fred. I asked if he had dirty blonde hair and that too was true. Also, she wasn't messing with me I met the guy.
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Edited By mutha3

From time to time I freak out when something happens EXACTLY how I dreamed it.
....its called Deja Vu :P

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Edited By Organicalistic_

i have deja vu around 100% of the time... it sucks.

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Edited By DCFGS3
@Bones8677 said:
" I am a bit confused though, isn't Deja Vu a concept surrounding what happened in the past? Rather than a prediction of the future? The feeling that "I have been here before," or "this feels familiar." That happens to me all the freakin' time. As does with everyone else, I'm sure. I think Deja Vu is the exact opposite of what I was describing. "
Yes, deja vu is a feeling of familiarity, 'Ive been here or seen this before'. What it actually is is kind of retarded. When we see things, our eyes send messages to our brain, which creates and interprets the image. Deja Vu is when that message is interrupted and stopped. Then, because this is all happening lightning fast and we're still looking at whatever it is, the eyes resend that info, and it's properly processed. Deja Vu is simply seeing what we just saw microseconds ago, but didn't process it.
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Edited By AlwaysAngry

One time I thought about stabbin' somebody, then I saw a video of somebody getting stabbed. 
Freakin' awesome if you ask me. I even named my Pokemon Lil' STABB.

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Edited By tranquilchaos
@HitmanAgent47 said:

Don't worry, if they want to, they can make fun of me too, I don't mind. Look if you can manifest stuff with your mind, maybe use it to I don't know build good things about your life. I don't know how credible this guy is, however there is a dr. wayne dyer who talks non stop about this sort of thing. Research him and manifesting. Although it's tough to prove psychic powers, I can say it's no coincidence.  
If your an artist, I am too. You can probally use the other side of the brain and I associate that with dreaming, imagination and maybe possibly psychic ability. The side without language which I mentioned earlier to develope any sort of psychic power, you can't project your interpretation, rather see things for what they really are. Artistic ppl can actually do that. Google hemispheres of the brain.  I'm only saying, that's my theory and I doubt most ppl experience stuff like this.

I dare you to try.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@ninjakiller: Psyhic powers can't kill anything, it's not physical.
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Edited By ninjakiller
@HitmanAgent47:  You should stare at some goats to see if you can kill them. 
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Edited By ninjakiller

There's a German phrase for what you're experiencing.  I just can't think of it atm. 

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Edited By ack

this is crazy talk! 
show how you can shoot psi-balls 

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Edited By HitmanAgent47

Don't worry, if they want to, they can make fun of me too, I don't mind. Look if you can manifest stuff with your mind, maybe use it to I don't know build good things about your life. I don't know how credible this guy is, however there is a dr. wayne dyer who talks non stop about this sort of thing. Research him and manifesting. Although it's tough to prove psychic powers, I can say it's no coincidence.  
If your an artist, I am too. You can probally use the other side of the brain and I associate that with dreaming, imagination and maybe possibly psychic ability. The side without language which I mentioned earlier to develope any sort of psychic power, you can't project your interpretation, rather see things for what they really are. Artistic ppl can actually do that. Google hemispheres of the brain.  I'm only saying, that's my theory and I doubt most ppl experience stuff like this.

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Edited By Bones8677

Just to be clear for the flood of people that will no doubt begin attacking this blog. I do not believe that I am psychic nor do I fully believe in it. But I am fascinated about the concept and have an open mind about it. 
Gotta cover my ass before those certain individuals wake up and find this blog. >.>

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Edited By Gabriel

3-5 times a week i randomly look at my clock at exactly 9:11

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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@Bones8677: Well that's what I see for my psychic powers, deja vu. What your doing is called manifesting, simply creating things out of psychic energy and things happens around you. It's part of the same channel of psychic power i'm talking about at least.
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Edited By Bones8677

Also, have you guys ever walked into a room and immediately felt strange or that something was wrong? There was a moment where my mom was in the living room sobbing silently. I walked out of my room down the hallway into the living room, but before I got there I had a strong feeling of despair. It was super strong to the point that I stood completely still. I'm pretty sure that concept even has scientific merit.

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Edited By HitmanAgent47

Okay, here is another example of psychic power, I was so sure the op had brown hair, that's what I saw. I saw alot of triangles, I thought it was his chin, however it's his hair style. It's weird, I just know these things, then I clicked on his name and saw his picture. He did resemble a bit of what I saw.   
The secret to developing your psychic ability is to see objectively and to let things come to you. Alot of times, using our left brain, we try to project on the world our interpretations. When we start to let things come to our mind and not change it, we begin to get psychic ability. I was researching remote viewing, seeing stuff through walls and boxes, I can almost see the color of things and when I look at it, it's always similar most of the time. I know I sound crazy, it's been helpful knowing things before they happen.

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Edited By Bones8677

I am a bit confused though, isn't Deja Vu a concept surrounding what happened in the past? Rather than a prediction of the future? The feeling that "I have been here before," or "this feels familiar." That happens to me all the freakin' time. As does with everyone else, I'm sure. I think Deja Vu is the exact opposite of what I was describing.

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Edited By JasonDaPsycho

Oh yes, I also have sudden feelings of nervousness prior to something happening (such as my name being called in class).

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Edited By Bones8677
@ViciousAnchovy said:
 P.S. I also used to think I had power over wind. "
lol That must have been awesome.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47

I usually get deja vus when someone bad is going to happen. I might see something in my mind like I don't know, a phrase or image. Then I don't think about it, then after a few minutes, I see exactly that and it's specific. Sometimes that happens a bit, then more and more, then when it happens minute to minute, something bad always happens. When that bad event is over, then the de ja vus stops completely. It's like the universe is trying to warn me, which makes me think we can't control our future for a few days ahead, yet after a few days, it's unwritten. All of that was already set in motion by what you do in the present. Then again i'm slightly psychic, I sort of know what would happen, however only generally not specific. Of course it's difficult to prove, however that's my experience whether it's some form of psychosis, it's not a coincidence, it always happened to me.  
I think there is some kind of knowing or information out there in a different dimension that we can't see.

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I know what you mean. I used to have that happen a lot, too, especially for The Simpsons. It still does from time to time. I had thought of an idea sort of like Super Smash Bros. at one point, and it was announced not too long after, so I thought that any video game ideas I had would be done soon after I thought about them. Thankfully, some of my more awesome ideas haven't appeared. 
I was waiting for Geno to post some psychological explanation for this kind of thing, but I guess DCFGS3's sub-atomic talk does the trick. 
P.S. I also used to think I had power over wind.

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Edited By JasonDaPsycho

God's way of messing with you?
You really should start thinking about getting money and sleeping with someone. Perhaps both will happen - at the same time!
On the real, as a not-too-devoted-Catholic-who-basically-disagrees-with-everything-in-the-bible-except-for-loving-your-neighbours, I believe it's God.
He moves in mysterious ways (as said by Mrs McReary in GTA:IV).

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Edited By Bones8677
@Red12b: Something particularly silly?
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Edited By Red12b

What am I thinking right now?

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Edited By DCFGS3

The theory behind predicting the future is surprisingly sound. Now you may be surprised, but the future is actually pretty certain (not 100% thanks to sub-atomic insanity, but close to it). Because choice is an illusion (Like in the Matrix!), when offerred a choice, you usually make your decision based on a variety of evidence, you're preferred choice, even if the choice is completely insubstantial, (red hat or blue hat) it can be influenced by your personality, early childhood experiences, etc, so the events leading up to that choice, determine the outcome. This applies to most of the physical world as well, quite simply, cause and effect. Now once you've established that the future is pretty much certain, then there has to be a way of predicting the future, provided you know all the variables (like the toss of a coin can be predicted, provided you know the angle, force, air pressure, wind speed and direction, etc). What's more, because pretty much the entire freaking universe interacts with everything else at a sub-sub-atomic level. You, as a being made up of physical materials part of this universe, at a sub-sub-atomic level, can actually 'know' all said variables. 
The question is simply this; can a human consciousness at any level detect this sub-sub-atomic interaction, and if it can, can it calculate outcomes from the variables provided?

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Edited By Elazul
@XII_Sniper said:
" My coffee told me about this blog.  "
Dude, I'm drinking coffee right now! Is this a harmless coincidence, or a message from SATAN?!!
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Edited By MikkaQ

My coffee told me about this blog. 

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Edited By shirogane

Twice isn't enough to even start counting as evidence. Rule of three. You're a gamer, you should understand that by now.
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Edited By CerealTasteGood

I pretty often feel like I have dreams that I forget or something, and then later ill enter this weird deja vu mode where i know ive been there before. Sometimes i can remember what i am going to do next by remembering items. Like  a certain mask will pop in my head during this deja vu and then 3 seconds later i see that same mask. But usually i dont, and end up trying to break the deja vu mode by turning my head or something but then i realize that i did that in the dream too.  This is supposed to be a pretty common thing though, but its still creepy. It makes me wonder about fate.. but I doubt thats real.. the mind is a weird place..

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Edited By DCFGS3

Pretty much the same dude. I have constant cases of de javu, except I know how de javu works (not psychic), things happen how I dreamt them or thought up, not in the vague way like de javu, but literally, I can pin down to the month when I had this random situation jump into my head, and then ,months or years later, it happens. But I don't believe in ESP or any of that business.

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Edited By Elazul

It's weird that you mentioned that happening with the Simpsons because that EXACT same thing used to happen to me quite a bit...
As an eternal pessimist I'm gonna say that those were just freaky coincidences, but as that kind of thing can never really be proven one way or the other, if you genuinely think that there's more to it than that, well, more power to you.

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Edited By Bones8677
@TooWalrus: I'm just being funny. Really weird coincidences though...
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Edited By defaulttag

that's pretty cool. i wouldn't hastily conclude yes or no. but if you notice these things, use it for your advantage. think up something that will benefit you, and maybe it will come true, like winning the lottery! and im not trying to be sarcastic.

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Edited By toowalrus

You're experiencing coincidences. I'm 100% sure ESP is bullshit. (The planets aligning causing any effect on us is bullshit too.)

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Edited By Bones8677

Okay so a strange thing has been happening to me lately, nothing major. But it seems that either the planets are aligned or some serious freakin' coincidences have occurred. But for the past couple of weeks I have, to put it bluntly, unintentionally predicted the future! 
I'm sure we've all had instances where this has happened. A single stray thought crosses your mind for only a moment and then quickly discarded, only to be reminded of that thought again from another party shortly after. This has happened to be before, quite frequently back in high school. When my friends and I would talk about random stuff from video games to movies to TV shows. We would jump to topics so quickly and randomly that you would need to write it all down in order to know how one topic segued into another. What would often happen is I would bring up a scene from a TV show, likely The Simpsons at that time, into the conversation.  
"Hey that reminds me of that time where Homer did this..."
And then we would segue into another topic. 
Well, often times, that very episode of which I just mentioned would appear on TV within the week! And Fox rarely pushes advertisement for The Simpsons because it's already so popular so there's no real need, especially when they are reruns. So it was highly unlikely that I saw a commercial which could have put it in my mind subconsciously.  
But after I left for college such things stopped happening all together. Until now, we're not talking about TV now, we're talking about some really weird things.
One thing that happened two weeks ago, I was thinking to myself that I should go give blood. I used to give blood back in high school, and I've always wanted to go back and do it again. Well the very next morning, I'll say that again, the very next morning, I get a call from the American Red Cross asking me if I was interested in giving blood. I was shocked, they haven't called me in years. I took this as a sign, maybe God was saying, "Yo dude you totally should!" So I go and gave blood. End of story. 
Well just now, I went to bed, lights off, computer off. I was trying to get some sleep, listenig to podcasts and music on my iPod as I normally do, when the most peculiar thought creeped into my head. "I wonder when my GoDaddy domain name will come up for renewal?" 
I got the domain name for my webcomic, but have never used it. There's a two year long ownership of GoDaddy domains, in which you will be asked to renew it. I have forgotten about that domain since I first bought it.
But for no real reason, I got up from the bed and turned on my computer and opened up my email, where sure enough I had just gotten an email from GoDaddy about renewing my domain. wow. Minutes after I had thought of it, I get an email? And I check my email all the time, many times a day. So my inbox was empty when I went to bed.
What the hell is going on? Have you guys had strange instances where something has happened after you thought of it, but had no reason to think of it in the first place? 