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#1  Edited By BoOzak

I completed the game the other day and had a good time. I agree with your point about the map but I would go a step further and say it needed a mini-map or something. I feel like they didnt want to obstruct the screen with too many icons and yet by default the game has all of the controls laid out in the bottom right hand corner of the screen which looks tacky. (thankfully you can alter the hud)

The classic Darksiders jank is also a thing where I found the battle music would occasionally be replaced with some jittery thumping that requires you to relaunch the game in order to resolve. (playing on XB1X)

Thats really it though for complaints, the music in general (when it works) is really great especially in the boss fights which feel pretty climatic. I played through the game on hard and found that it was good challenge, it was also a lot longer than I thought it would be considering its a budget game made by a relatively small team. I was expecting something along the lines of Travis Strikes Again, which wasnt terrible by any means but felt very cheap. I feel like that could have done with some banter between the two protagonists and it would have been nice to switch between both of them since they have unique abilities but nope. One of the nice things in Genesis is early on you get the ability to recover the health of whichever character you arent playing as over time which had me swapping between the two fairly frequently. I also liked how health orbs would be converted into potions over time if your health is full when you pick them up. There are lot of smart design decisions in the game.

I actually didnt mind Strife, not to get into spoilers but he isnt just a one-note quip machine and as the game goes on War gets less angsty and Strife gets less stupid, I felt as if they played off each other quite well.

Oh one final complaint that I almost forgot about. Fuck isometric platforming. The climbing is fine but the literal jumping to platforms is frustrating as hell especially in some sequences.

All in all though much like the OP I would recommend the game to Darksiders fans. I get the feeling this will come to gamepass or something eventually but I felt like supporting the devs. Hopefully we'll see another mainline Darksiders in the not too distant future. (either by Airship Syndicate or Gunfire Games both are fine with me)

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The last time Sega had a plan for a tie in Sonic Boom happend so at this point I think they're just releasing shit whenever and hoping people still care about Sonic.

Also this movie got delayed repeatedly and even bad games take awhile to make. (and if The Witcher Netflix series is anything to go by people will seek out a game regardless of how old it is)

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#3  Edited By BoOzak

I cant speak to the co-op since I played the game solo but to your last point, the giberish voice acting is generally a few repeated weird noises. I imagine they do this so they dont have to do voice acting for various languages. The idea that the voice actors were presented with a script and just opted to yap randomly is quite amusing though. It could also be that some people find it charming. I dont really mind either way, I find it works for some games and doesnt for others. (I hated it in Travis Strikes Again for example)

I enjoyed the game overall but I found that some of the sequences that relied heavily on Gooigi kind of sucked to play by yourself. I also feel like I would have liked the game more if the mansion was more sprawling instead of being level/floor based. Much like Dark Moon it felt like it was designed for a dozen or so short play sessions which isnt how I like to play games.

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#4  Edited By BoOzak

Some of this stuff might be kind of obvious but i'll say it anyway, scan enemies for weaknesses (i'd advise using wait mode) attack enemies from behind, use team attacks frequently, play the DLC after beating the game, (even if much of it takes place at various points throughout the game) last and most certainly least have some engine parts on you at all times. (no big deal if you dont)

The Royal Edition doesnt have the final piece of DLC but you can skip that without missing much. I enjoyed FFXV quite a bit but the story is a damn mess and not in the usual JRPG sense. In order to really understand all of it you will have to watch the Kingsglaive movie and the anime but even then some of the character motivations arent made clear until you play all of the DLC. It's very clear this is a game that went through developement hell. (thanks in no small part to Tetsuya Nomura)

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@ginormous76: I imagine the game will be higher resolution and run better at least on PS4 & PC, not sure about Switch. One of the stretch goals includes extra content that seems pretty different from the base game, which might be quite expensive to produce. (I have no idea)

@epidehl: Ah okay, if I had to guess the rest of the anouncements will probably be in a similar vein. Maybe MadWorld, Anarchy Reigns and Infinite Space will get ports.

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Was this what that 4 was about? Guess that makes sense. (it morphed into a 1 at some point)

I liked Wonderful 101 on Wii U, not sure how well it will work without the touchscreen though.

I was selfishly hoping they were making Darksiders 4 or something unexpected but this is a more reasonable thing considering they already have a bunch of big games in the works.

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@pilgrimm1981: I feel like you answered your own question, VR is a damn hassle, especially if you wear glasses, live with people, have kids etc.

Also it's been a long time since Half-Life mattered. I loved those games and their expansions but Valve hasnt put out anything worthwhile in almost a decade, it's easy to be dismissive of them. I hope Half-Life Alyx is good, I hope all games are good, but there are many reasons people may not be excited by it.

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Fast 8 and Hobs & Shaw proved that it is possible to be too dumb. I'm fine with Han coming back just dont make him a cyborg or a clone. The stuff they did with Letty was fine.

I cant say i'm too hyped about this movie. I feel like they should have stopped after Paul Walker died but of course they didnt. It's still more interesting to me than the dozen or so superhero movies that come out every year though.

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I know it's not the same thing but Nioh & Sekiro already scratched that Onimusha itch for me so i'm gonna go with Dragon's Dogma 2. (or hell even Deep Down coming back in the RE engine might be alright)

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I cant remember the last time I bought a DVD, it was probably over a decade ago. I got the Blu-Ray collection with all the Fast and Furious movies, which at the time was 5. I think I watched each movie twice since then. (the second time was for Film & Forties)