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Best of 2009

Brackynews: Best of 2009

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  • This deserves my top spot because 1) it's not a sequel, 2) It beat the odds of being another bad license game -- not having a movie tie-in helps, 3) it sets the bar higher for every aspect of game production. They nailed it.

    Also, the $40 price tag from Wal-Mart didn't hurt none. :)

  • This deserves my second spot because it's everything AC1 should have been, but of course couldn't be. Managing the reconstruction of your own little villa gets high praise from me, just like Actraiser! Many many good sidequests, treasure hunting instead of flag hunting, and a true effort to connect with the larger Creed storyline. I'm glad to see Jade Raymond's name near the top, though I do miss her promoting it.

  • Haven't played it yet, but I know what to expect. A cinematically paced experience, and better gunplay than the first Drake. Don't care so much about the multiplayer, so it's a contained experience that I personally find more interesting than Modern Warfare 2. Adventure movies are my preference to war dramas.

  • Symphony of the Complex. Actually, this could have better music, but whatever. Slo-mo upgrade jingle GET!

  • I was pretty hyped for [PROTOTYPE] but this is a better crafted product. It really is like playing a comic book and that scratches an itch that not many titles can.

  • I am incredibly impressed with Ghostbusters, and can totally get behind Ackroyd's perspective that it is "spiritually" the 4th movie. Original cast, excellent voice work, meticulously rebuilt setpieces, and story that touches on the best points of past movies. I'm not concerned with how funny it is or isn't. I had enough LOL moments to appreciate the authentic casting. Really it's a spooky-mystery flick more than a comedy. The gameplay itself feels right, the Proton pack couldn't be more perfect. It suffers from some difficulty balancing in spots, but those are few and far between. The co-op multiplayer is surprisingly enjoyable and distinct from the career levels. (Sorry PC gamers. ;)

    The fact the game exists is especially notable, with all the license and publisher juggling that occurred. I rank Terminal Reality right up there with Rocksteady for pulling something great out of the assyness that is 21st century game development. I hope TR can tackle a sequel.

  • Plain simple fun, and I've only scratched the surface. I'm going to be waiting for Diablo III a long time, so this was very much needed.

  • I've played a couple hours of DA, and plan to buy the Mac version in the new year. I appreciate games that redefine both an amount of content offered in terms of play hours, and diversity. Replay value through multiple character's eyes is more interesting than with a different set of weapons (ala Ninja Gaiden).

    Seeing characters covered in blood between battles is also making me rethink the context of worlds that exist in RPGs. How comfortable must it be for this lifestyle to be normal, both for the character and for the NPCs encountered...

  • They made Odin Sphere better by adding ninjas.

  • I never would have described HotD as a series with production values, until this one. All of the B-movie madness and voice acting is hilariously campy. The levels are diverse and interesting, the bosses are nerve wracking, and getting from A to B is a well paced fight for survival. The weapon system makes for fun swings for different techniques, and the collectibles are every bit as nifty as seen in RE4 or RE5.

    Dead Space: Extraction could have taken this spot, but Overkill is more fun than frightening. Also, motherfuckers.