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#1  Edited By chilibean_3

@kingando420 said:

I feel for DICE. The Battlefield community only care about the multiplayer, and DICE even came out and said that the single player is merely an extended tutorial for the multiplayer. I think if DICE were independent of EA then they probably wouldn't even bother with the single player.

On top of this, alot of reviewers (I'm looking at you Jeff) seem to resent the game due to EA's obnoxious marketing strategy and the way that they have treated review copies.

The fact that the game is still getting reasonably high review scores is a testament to how strong the multiplayer is.

Or a testament to professional reviewers that don't judge a game by the ill will surrounding it. I think I agree with you about the DICE/EA single player situation.

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#2  Edited By chilibean_3

@Niche said:

@Mageman said:

I remember Jeff saying in the quick look that the single player is part of the game and that is strange that some review gave it a high score despite them viewing the single player as not that good and I completely disagree with that.

I found this statement by Jeff a little strange, because it kind of goes against some past Giantbomb reviews. Both MGS4 and GTA4 received very favourable reviews and scores despite the multiplayer being mediocre at best. I haven't listened to the Bombcast yet so maybe he explains this viewpoint better there but to me it seems like it's acceptable to essentially ignore multiplayer in reviews when that is not the main focus of the game but not vice versa.

Now this is a much more interesting discussion point. Maybe because MGS4 and GTA4 didn't tout their multi-player as much? I don't really remember. I didn't try either. I just remember MGS's multi having a more annoying process to sign up for then I felt like doing. Were they actually received as mediocre at best by the gaming community or is that just your opinion?

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#3  Edited By chilibean_3

@Mageman: Your "judging a movie by trailers/popcorn" comparison makes absolutely none sense. It's more like judging a movie based on all of it's acts instead of just the final, climactic act.

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#4  Edited By chilibean_3

You're reviewing the game. Not the publisher, developer or marketing team. But yeah, it seems like EA fucked them around a lot. I'm more interested to see how they rate this game honestly. I'm not sure if the single player and co-op will be as glossed over by GB as it has been with all the other reviews.

Also, yes, Jeff Green is the coolest.

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#5  Edited By chilibean_3

@Animasta said:

@rjayb89 said:

Fuck that, Battlefield does not have any Batman in it and because the only way to review it "right" is by how many Batmans there are in the game. So 0 stars for Battlefield.

but arkham city would only get one star then? are you proposing a one star rating system?

Zero stars or all the stars. You're either bad or good and no in between. Bold. I like it.

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#6  Edited By chilibean_3

@CptBedlam said:

@Dagbiker said:

if its in the game, its part of the game. and cant be ignored.

This. Only reviewing the good parts is ridiculous.

This. It's kind of crazy they are getting a pass for a genuinely bad single player and co-op. I understand where you are coming from but they took the time and effort to develop and market those modes. Two thirds of the game is garbage and people who don't care about multiplayer are going to get burned by the good review scores.

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#7  Edited By chilibean_3

I'm really considering Ebaying off the Logitech wheel and using the funds toward the Fanatec set. Is this set the same quality or better than the G25? I broke down and bought Forza and that's left me wanting a wheel that works on Xbox as well as PS3 and PC.

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#8  Edited By chilibean_3

I'm looking forward to it. The only reason I even recognize the name of this game are the few very quick references during Bombcasts and such.

These videos have been awesome since my first PC games were Half Life, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft. All received on the same Christmas day. It's been a pretty cool to see some of the older games being played as well as getting a brief history of them.

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#9  Edited By chilibean_3

@SonofSeth said:

Like you said, he focused on the negative, is it fair to score the whole game around that one negative out of the mountain of positive, I think not.

It's not really a negative thing either, it just represents a potential for some kind of negative experience.

8 OUT OF 10