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@bassguy said:

$399 for just the helmet. Camera/controllers sold separately:

PlayStation VR is the helmet... Those are the required extras, but not actual PS VR.

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#2  Edited By cooperb212

To me, it looks like they want to prop up their platform vs the PS4 by doing a mid-generation performance bump and roping in some PC gamers to bolster their player numbers.

They've probably got a new X1 model with upped clockspeeds thanks to a process shrink and want to regain the performance crown from the PS4. By releasing a X1+, news sites can be encouraged to benchmark it vs PS4, thereby making the X1 platform look better.

Switching to Monthly Active Users would be the other half of the strategy. At the moment, that number only includes X1 players, but as they build up their Win10 audience, they'll roll those players into that number. Since there's something like 40 million gamers on Win10 right now according to Steam, why wouldn't MS want to try to target them. Think about it "It's the same game build, why shouldn't we lump the two together?"

In conspiracy level thinking, this is MS trying to break up Valve's PC platform. Valve is trying to build a plaform of Vulkan+SDL that would work for around 94% of active gamers on Steam. If MS can convince AAA studios to focus on DX12 instead, Valve backs down and Vulkan just becomes the Android low-level API.

From all the PC boards i look at there is a small market. Most people want to build a pc or buy console. Steam box showed us how big that market was.

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So the console market is now just Sony and Nintendo.... This means sony will have an even bigger hold on the market.

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I don't really see how you even compare them. Two completely different systems it all depends on type of games you prefer.

Also 3DS is much cheaper a 200$ Handheld vs a decent pc. Your comparing something 400+ dollars more.

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Fire Emblem vs a game that should have not gotten a sequel. Quite easy of a choice really.

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Thats true, the game posits early that Delilah has a history of sabotaging her own happiness (abandoning her previous boyfriend), and I guess having her do so again here with Hank is kind of in line with her character

Yea thats what i took away at least. Each person will take something different from these games always. I even played with my character flirting with Delilah and tried to get an ending with them together. After trying i honestly just feel that hes meant to go back to Julia and live out his life with her or at least without Delilah.

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It was definitely an interesting story, but I agree the whole Delilah relationship was a letdown. Never actually meeting her in person kind of cheapens their whole relationship. Her excuse for leaving early seemed pretty thin.

Also why did Ned have all that crazy complicated equipment up there?

I'll disagree about meeting her actually i think it makes the game better and the meaning of the story. Henry wasn't dealing with his own life problems, just like Ned and look what happened to him. Hes meant to go home and deal with it and i don't really think Delilah is a part of that. Thats why she left before you and you will never meet her and the summer will be all but a memory.

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@thejhawk said:

I thought it was very disappointing, and it could have been a great game in a lot of ways but it just consistently failed on many fronts. Henry really learned nothing and was in no way redeemed (Even Delilah says something at the end like "You learned nothing, you just ran away from your problems for a bit") and he (or we, the player) was not involved in the story at all, we found a body and that's about it. Also it didn't become Fire In The Sky. The best "reading" I've heard so far is that the game is about the dangers of escaping into fantasy, but that really could have been done a whole lot better, because there was actually crazy stuff happening! Someone was tapping Henry and Delilah's radios, someone was rifling through their belongings, someone was leaving them incriminating tapes, etc. It just all could have been so much better.

I thought the opposite. Im glad they made the story more believable and real in that it was not some government thing or test. That really would have made no sense and i liked how its grounded in reality. The only plot holes of note for me are. How did Delilah not know about that fence being there so long? Its less than a minute from where she is and she might even see it from the tower or maybe im wrong there. Another thing i dont understand is the father actions i don't really get why he did everything and how he got all the equipment from. Especially the stuff that all got burned that almost looked government like if he was really hiding there.

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#9  Edited By cooperb212

It was one of the most depressing endings in any game i have played and maybe even experienced any movie or book. Basically no matter what you end up never meeting Delilah and your forced to go back to things before. The hole summer was basically will become just a memory and go you go back to Julia who has Alzheimer to live out the rest of your life knowing things will never be normal.

I think that is the cannon ending because even when you talk to Delilah she seems very hesitant and not wanting to be with you. Thats why she left first instead of meeting you in the helicopter she did not want to make it harder to say goodbye forever. Even if you ask here to meet up together she seems hesitant about it and making excuses. Overall a great game and it touches on some deem subjects and morals. No idea what i would have done in there shoes and i hope and never will.

The other part of the game was not very compelling with the father and son it felt sort of forced and not fully explained or believable, but that was just an extra the game was really just about Henry and Delilah. That was when the game was most interesting i actually found the game rather boring when i was just walking around with nothing to talk about on the Radio and there was no music.

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Greatest game of all time. This and Chrono Trigger for me at least.