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@ssully said:
@humanity said:
@ssully said:

For those interested in a less annoying video:

I think it's an interesting concept, but the bullet spongy nature of the enemies is kind of off putting. It's a mixture of both the large amount of health the enemies have, but also how stupid the AI looks at first glance.

Yah the Destiny part of the game where shooting someone with a sniper in the head causes a glowing 100 DMG to pop up instead of exploding their head like a balloon is something that is really turning me off from it.

I want to hold off complete judgement until I see more of The Division or until I buy it, but there were parts in the video I posted where the player is empyting an entire clip point blank into an enemy and it doesn't kill the enemy. Most of Destiny's enemies go down within a few shots; the one's that take longer are usually larger in size and are "elite" enemies. Even if the enemy in that clip was an "elite" enemy getting filled up with bullet's, it still is weird because he just looks like a regular solider. When I am filling up an alien with hundreds of bullets, I can suspend my disbelief because it's an alient. When I am doing the same thing to, what looks like, a human being, it just seems weird.

Just pre-order it on amazon. You get a key to the beta two days later and you can play it and try it your self. If you don't like the game cancel the pre-order. Thats currently the best way to try it and know for sure.

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I've had my eye on it since I learnt about the Persona style link system so I'll probably pick it up. Unfortunately it isnt out here until the end of the month.

I barely touch my PS3 anymore so I was thinking of picking it up for the Vita. Anyone have any experience with that version? I'm curious how comparable they are.

Vita version is fine, but it looks and runs worse. On ps3 the textures are better and aa is there so its less blurry.

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#3  Edited By cooperb212

It was hardly a dealbreaker, i find the framerate good and can still play it today. PC fan's will tell you otherwise so its really up to you. I'm a console gamer so its perfectly fine for me given the game scale and hardware. Different people have more or less tolerance to different framerates. I would personally not spend 40$ on a game you already own.

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#4  Edited By cooperb212

Given the wii u sales are people really surprised Mario Maker is not higher. Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Fallout 4 reached more people. Plus some people have different taste in games.

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#5  Edited By cooperb212

@winsord said:

@cooperb212: You've already answered your own question: don't play it. While 4.0 had a lot of positive changes to the overall game experience, the core gameplay is still the same, and this expansion's quests were a lot less fun to play than Rise of the Hutt Cartel's. Assuming you don't care too much about seeing specific dialogue choices, just watching it should be fine.

I don't mean to be a dick and not support a game or dev, usually i buy all my games even ones alot of people would watch instead of buying like the telltale games. I find playing always a better experience, but this is a rare game for me where i really enjoy the story lines as being a fan of star wars and kotor. I just never have gotten into an mmo usually its to much of a time investment and not as fun to play alone. I tried many from GW2, Wow, DC Universe Online, Rift. Never got into any of them.

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I've been a subscriber to The Old Republic off and on since two days after launch. Back when it came out my experience with MMOs was getting a character to 30 in DCUO in a weekend. The Old Republic was pretty much my first dive into MMORPGs. I won't sit here and claim it's been a flawless thing; I'd go so far as to say that the game wasn't all that good when it came out. I wasn't a huge fan of playing it, but I stuck around because of the friends I had made and the stories we told in our RP guild on our wonderful RP server. Since launch some quality of life elements have been added, the game has underwent fundamental changes in regards to UI, skill trees, gearing, and everything in between. Today was the release of patch 4.0 and the early access for the new expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is an absolutely different game now.

Before diving into the contents of the expansion itself, it's important that some of the changes from patch 4.0 be brought to attention. With patch 4.0 The Old Republic has essentially become a single player game with a chatroom. Some might argue that it has ALWAYS been this, but it's especially obvious now.

-Main Stats are gone. There are 'eight' base classes in the game and for the longest the classes had a main stat to worry about when gearing. Strength, Willpower, Aim, or Cunning. This was in addition to the secondary stats like Endurance, Crit, Surge, or Power. The main stats have been rolled into one stat known as Mastery. How this will influence drops in dungeons I have no idea, especially since most of the drops in group content is adaptive gear to begin with - now when a chestpiece drops everyone can need it.

-Group Content is reworked. During your time on planets you often come across missions meant for a group of four people. These missions, called heroics in the game, have been changed to be done with two people. And by 'two people' they mean 'you and your A.I. companion'. It's not just the heroics that have changed, story heavy dungeons have been retooled so that you can do them in solo mode. Solo mode was introduced in the last expansion. You get a droid that is a one man raid team to run you through a flash point so you can experience the story without having to group up. Not every dungeon is a solo mode affair now, just the ones important to the overall story of the game. Which is the ones people care about anyway.

-Companions aren't special anymore. Every class has five A.I. companions that join you at various points in the game. (With two optional ones that can be purchased). These five companions all fit into a specific role. You had a healer, a melee dps, a ranged dps, a melee tank, and a ranged tank. Most players used their healer companion because why not. Now, however, every companion can do any role so now you can use your favorites. You want your beefy Force eating monster slave to stop tanking and heal you instead? Now you can. You want your tech savvy, hologram loving scientist medic to stop healing and tank for you? Fuckin' go right ahead. Now you're free to use whoever you want.

-Companions STILL aren't special. Gearing in an MMO is rarely fun. Gearing for an entire team is less so. In SWTOR there was always the guy who needed on a drop 'for companion' without asking. That excuse will no longer fly because companions don't NEED gear anymore. You can equip stuff on them for the sake of cosmetics, but their stats increase as you level and not with gear.

-Seriously, companions aren't important now. In typical BioWare fashion your companions respond based on your influence. You gain or lose approval and that gates their conversations/quests/romance. That's all gone now. Oh sure you still gain points with them, but now there's no direct number attached just a 'so and so approves' or 'so and so appreciates that' or straight up Telltale style 'so and so will remember that'. Rather than gating conversations, quests, and romances by how much they like you, now all that shit is unlocked as you progress in the questing process. So if you spent the whole game ignoring someone, just get to the end of your class shit and suddenly your companions will spill their story even if you don't want them to.

-Questing? Fuck that! Now that the new expansion is out, BioWare REALLY wants you to play it. So much so that they've changed the leveling process. Used to be that you went to a planet, did all the quests in an area (barring a heroic or two) and move on to the next area until you got bored or the planet ended. Now there are side quests which you shrug off and things known as Story Missions. These are the things you'll want to do and they consist of your class specific missions and the planetary questline for each planet. In essence: find the big purple icons and just do those missions. It's streamlined so you can just trim the fat and get the bare essentials all the way to 60.

Those are all fundamental changes to the game that make it easier to play. You really have no reason to group up for anything other than end game gearing/content now. But of course the main draw of the expansion is the new story known as Knights of the Fallen Empire.

Knights of the Fallen Empire feels like what The Old Republic should've been. When it opens, either with you rolling a freshly made 60 or your main character, it acts like a big fat undo button. Any previous companion or story or planet quests get cancelled, the Star Wars title crawl plays, and you're dumped into a series of events that revolve solely around you. It's all largely phased off. The focus is suddenly less on the civil war but more about you, the player.

Essentially the story is about this group called The Eternal Empire of Zakuul who shows up, fucks shit up now that the Republic and Empire are weakened from the LAST expansion, and after shit hits the fan you're frozen in carbonite for five years and, once freed, find yourself having to deal with this Eternal Empire now that there pretty much is no longer a Republic or an Empire. Right from the start this feels way more like a Star Wars story than anything The Old Republic ever had. The antagonists are appropriately menacing and cool sounding, the heroes might as well call themselves a Rebel Alliance for how outmatched, outnumbered, and untrusting of each other they are, and rather than embarking on a series of tangentially related events, you're wrapping yourself up in the conflict directly.

Dialog scenes are much more dramatic. In the base game the conversations were flat. Two people standing and talking with some canned ass animations and repeated dialog from the player. In KOTFE, the conversations are much more engaging to watch. Faces animate! Characters will move their eyes to emote naturally. The camera will actually move to match the action going on. The game will cut to characters in different locations relative to you and watch them converse. It feels like they're telling an actual story. You'll finish a mission and the game will cut to the antagonists being up to evil shit rather than having characters tell you how evil this person is. This is the type of thing that I would've expected out of a KOTOR sequel. Past choices will come up in conversation. Characters interact with each other. You've got your own faux-Normandy/Skyhold. This content FINALLY feels like something BioWare made.

The downside is that...there's not a whole lot of it. As it stands Knights of the Fallen Empire is releasing with nine chapters out of a planned sixteen. The chapters will release monthly starting next year. The chapters are not especially long and there aren't any side missions to do. There's really no exploration involved, either. The chapters mainly consist of one area with some instances. The content is so heavily revolved around the narrative and the parts between that are less interesting. I've got two chapters left and I only played about four hours. I'm not sure if there's enough at the endgame to hold my attention while waiting for the rest of the chapters to come out.

The narrative that's there is at least enough of a carrot-on-a-stick to keep you going and the new characters are absolutely more engaging than the companions of old.

Knights of the Fallen Empire brings some much needed...well..soul to The Old Republic. Cutscenes have life to them. There's an engaging story being told. It might not be Knights of the Old Republic 3 but god dammit it's closer than it's ever been to realizing that dream.

Is there a reason for me to play this when i can just watch all the story on youtube. I dont like the gameplay of the game and tried many times, but love the story.

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#7  Edited By cooperb212

Is this really a surprise to anyone? Look at the recent FF games and Persona games, most of FF fan base is from old games and most recent stuff has been really poorly received besides the remaster's of there past success. Where Persona the series got better over time and last two entries are considered among some of the great's of jrpg's.

I would say this forum is alot more for Persona, compare that to a few other sites/forums where some have FF winning.

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This sucks, so many games in april now that i have to choose between them. Also Dark souls 3 and Uncharted 4 are way to close i wont have dark souls done in that time.

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@xdeser2 said:


Sorry, I had to get that out of the way. I was so hyped, man, I am so fucking glad it delivered. I liked nearly all of this movie, my only real complaints being that:

1: This movie feels like it ends in the second act

2. Why the fuck can Kylo Ren choke a bitch and fling Rey like 30 feet in the air but suddenly not when she has that lightsaber?

3. Why. The . Fuck. Does. An. Organization. That. Is. The. Successor. To. The. Empire. NOT DEFEND ITS SUPERWEAPON WELL ENOUGH!? Fuck, they go so far as to build it into a planet so it doesnt have a fucking exhaust port and take energy from a star so it doesnt have to move around, and they still lose it to a squadron of fighters.

4. This movie is too light on worldbuilding, but enough is implied to get an idea of whats going on and I'm glad they didnt go all super heavy Prequel worldbuilding exposition-fest.

Fuck it, other than that, I loved this movie. Rey and Finn are great characters and John Boyega and Daisy Ridley have fantastic on-screen chemistry. I like the design of Snoke, honestly. I dont think its amazing, but I dont think its bad per se. I dont think Adam Driver is great either, but he's good, certainly not as awful as some people are saying he is, but I totally got that Javier Bardem feel when he took off his mask for the first time. ALSO HOLY SHIT HAN SOLO GOT KILLED BY HIS OWN FUCKING SON! Fuck, man. Star Wars is best when it goes dark, and I'm happy it happened, and that scene is masterfully shot. Granted, you can see it coming the whole time, but I'm glad they spent some real time on it, because thats a scene that despratly needed to ditch (at least for the moment) the lightning fast pace of the movie.

I dont feel like the Death star V. 3.0 is too out of place, either. That is a weapon platform that bears being used. It's too seductive of a device to not invest some serious effort in bringing back, especially one that can fire across the galaxy (Well, implied that its across the galaxy, but unless the scale of the movie is shit, and I'll tell you why think it's maybe not in a second). Besides, everything about the first order mirrors the Empire in a way that doesn't feel like how the rest of the movie mirrors A New Hope. Kylo Ren revers Darth Vader (even going so far as to retrieve his melted helmet at Endor). Snoke Obviously revers the Emperor (He dresses like him and obviously respects the Dark side, though I'm not entirely sure he's a force user himself, despite "training" Kylo Ren. I even think he might have "seduced" Klyo by creating this cult of personalty around Vader) and is grooming Kylo Ren to be his "enforcer", his own personal Darth Vader. The Stormtroopers are the same, yet, different in a way that doesnt feel like just a modern art design.

Also, I think there may be an explanation as to why you can see the destruction of the Republic's capital on that other planet. (Granted, Im totally open to this being wrong and them just thinking its poignant enough to show it instead of caring about distance) When you see that system, briefly, you can see other planets, near to it. and If I remember right, the planet where the resistance lives does not have a Saturn-style ring around it before that scene happens. Thus, I think the First Order has fought its way close to the Republic's lines, the base is actually very close to the capital, and that most of this movie happens within a small radius of systems. but then again, thats a theory, maybe I'm even grasping at straws here. Who knows, maybe we'll see in the next one.

I also have some theories, so I'll lay 'em on ya'll:

1. Rey (may) be Kylo's sister. But she has to be one of Luke's early apprentices, and thats why she's dumped on Jakku and told that her family would "return to find her". granted, that might be hampered by the fact that she says that she thinks Luke Skywalker is a myth.

2. This is almost straight up implied but here: The Republic is reformed, and the resistance is a group of fighters they're supporting in the territories still controlled by the remnants of the empire.

3. Supreme Leader Snoke was a Moff, and is taking control of Imperial Remnants to control and reform the Empire (kind of Ancient Rome style). I dont think he's force sensitive, I think he wants to emulate what Palpatine created.

Right now i think its leaning more to that Rey is Luke's daughter. Maybe it was Kylo that murdered her mother, who knows. Luke seems kinda obvious, but it has to be someone important not just some random person. My guess is Luke or somehow she is little Han and Leia? I don't see that given how you would think Han and Leia would know about her and notice it right away.

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#10  Edited By cooperb212

@mike said:
@cooperb212 said:

Any chance for ps4 release of System shock EE and 3??

I'm not sure about the new System Shock 3, but System Shock and System Shock 2 are far too complex for controllers. Those games would have to be entirely reworked in order to be playable at all with a standard controller setup. I know some people have had some success using tools like Xpadder in order to map all kinds of functions to a controller, but those games really do need a mouse and keyboard.

Just get them on GOG for cheap, they will probably run on almost any PC at this point.

Thanks, ill give them a try with the EE.