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The Top Ten Games I played in 2015

I don't think I played 10 new to this year games I liked all that much. In fact I think it would be easier to make a top ten terrible games I played in 2015 because while there were some games I liked this year, a lot of games I played I just could not wait for them to be over. So I decided my list this year would be: #1 is the game I could not stand and #10 is the game I actually enjoyed the most this year (bottom 3 games are my top 3 games of the year).

Before you say anything- I know it's confusing, but I like being different.

Like last year these may not all be games that came out this year, but I did not play them until this year. I prefer to do my lists like that these days because there's just too many games to get through in a year unless you get paid to do so.

I also want to mention I did start on Batman Arkham Knight this year but I haven't finished it enough to feel comfortable adding it to this list. Right now I feel it'd be number 4 or 5 in here. It's not the worst game I've played this year, but it's up there.

List items

  • Gamespot raved about this game, but now that I've been able to sit down with it I cannot understand why. It's extremely tedious, aggravating, save system that they probably thought was clever when designing it, but it ends up being incredibly unnecessary and adds to the frustration of playing the game when the enemies often cheat so you die constantly for often bullshit reasons. This game was the worst. They got the atmosphere, tone, and look right. There are times when it's very reminiscent of the original (best) film. Unfortunately, you have to play it, and that part is awful. I didn't even find it scary. Minus one part. It did scare me once. Other than that it was just tedious and frustrating.

  • This game was so disappointing. After how well they handled The Walking Dead I thought "surely they can write a good off shoot companion to the hit TV show Game of Thrones".

    They cannot. They could not have failed worse if they tried. The story was awful, the characters were uninteresting, the choices were bullshit, and they kept seeming to want to one up the show. So much so they fell on their face. The only good thing I can say is the ending mostly happened the way I wanted it to (honestly I wanted everyone to die, but unfortunately they shoehorned in a couple of them living because... fuck you). I wrote a review that sums up my feelings a little better on steam, but I thought this game was awful. The graphics still look the same, but are much more bland in this even compared to their previous works. This game is just dreadful all around.

  • I found this game severely disappointing. It has pretty incredible writing in spots, but this is undermined by really terrible acting. The worst of which is a pretty important character in the grand scheme of the game. I could not stand it. Whenever she had dialogue I wanted to mute the sound. It's so bad. The game is a point and click adventure game, and it wants to be of the same ilk as Sanitarium. Unfortunately it fails... hard. The characters are unlikable, the acting is horrendous, and the writing goes from really good to really bad in moments. It's just all over the place. I liked what they were trying to do, but I expected better.

  • At it's core I do like this game, but it fails to deliver much of substance. You do the same things over and over and over. You have to do some of it, and I did way more out of my own want to do so (which took 60 hours!), but I really am tired of getting suckered into this kind of droll gameplay. Assassin's Creed Black Flag had the same problem. There's just too much filler and not enough substance. It's a shame, too. Chum is one of my favorite new characters this year. The ending to this game is total fucking nonsense- not in a good way. It is worth playing, but do not get wrapped up in releasing the areas from the grasp of Scrotus. It's just not worth it. It's not fun. The main story line is fine, but it doesn't do anything special and it feels like they could have done more with the mechanics. I feel like they held back when making this game. I feel like Avalanche can do better- they just didn't want to.

  • I like the concept of this game, and the acting is phenomenal, however the pretentious bullshit that is "let's not end our game, let's make it so it's over when you feel satisfied." That's a total cop out and bullshit. Guess what! I watched every single video in this game and I still wasn't satisfied. It does not have a conclusion at any point. I like the idea of the game, but the bullshit with the ending really drags it down. I ended up hating this game so much because of that. Kudos to the actress, though, she did a phenomenal job. Her work is not the problem with this game.

  • If you understand the rules of this list, you realize by this point that now are the games I mostly enjoyed.

    I really like these kinds of games. They're simple and they try to tell an interesting story in a short amount of time. It's great for people like me who like to play games, but don't want every single one to be full of pointless filler and last 100 hours but have only 5 hours of substance. The story in this game is not well told, but it's fun. It's unfortunate that it was clearly ripping off PT in some ways, Dear Esther or Gone Home in others. I mostly liked what it was trying to do- it didn't fully accomplish all of it. I just wish, given that it's a video game, the rides were more interesting. They had a cool idea letting you ride them, but I don't feel they totally capitalized on the concept. It also wasn't scary at all which was disappointing.

  • I did enjoy Bloodborne, to an extant, however it's the first Souls-like game I've ever played where I got stuck. It's right near the end too. I just can't beat this one boss. I'll get back to it, and it's pretty great thematically otherwise, but I don't enjoy the playstyle as much as a more proper Souls game. I do appreciate, though, that they tried something different with Bloodborne. I am looking forward to Dark Souls 3 even more now, though, as I want to get back to my shield and sword style of play. I found that more fun to deal with in these games. Even so, it's a fun game and well worth getting into it. I do slightly wish I had waited, though.

  • I have played the Witcher 3 for around 70 hours or so and I still haven't finished it. I'm no longer convinced you can really ever finish The Witcher 3. You just always are The Witcher 3. Witcher 3 Witcher Witcher 3.

    It's really good.

  • I was very hesitant to play this game. It seemed like teenager bullshit the story from the outside. I got into it because of the first episode of GBeast play through of it- I think.

    After having finished I was pleasantly surprised. The writing is really bad, and completely misunderstands the country it's supposedly writing characters in (it's supposed to be the US, but it's totally not the US that I know- it's more like another planet where things work wrong), and they make some silly or outright dumb choices sometimes, but ultimately this game becomes incredibly endearing. Chloe Price is another one of my favorite new characters this year, as well. A very relatable character. I enjoyed every minute of the story- at a certain point- and I also felt the ending I went for fit nicely. A surprisingly good, modern, Adventure game.

  • Despite everyone whining this game is like Fallout 3 I played the shit out of this game- well over 100 hours. If I didn't have so many other games to play, and the want to do other things, I would just play Fallout 4 forever. The shooting is mostly what does it, as it just feels so right in this one, but I also just like walking around the Commonwealth. Best game I played all year. The ending was dumb, but it didn't matter because I don't play these games for story anyway.

    And remember- Don't ever accuse your mom of being a Synth... unless you're right!