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15 games that will soon be mine 2010 remix: part 1.

Sponsored by Duke Nukem Forever: it just won't go away!
Sponsored by Duke Nukem Forever: it just won't go away!
Oh hey there banner. I need to start using you more often so i can look all professionals and stuff! 
Oh hey there everyone! I'm using an old idea of mine (which came from an idea I stole from someone else) where I list 15 games that are DO WANTS! You know, the games I intend to buy. I almost fulfilled my quest in buying every game on said list, but here's a quick recap on how that turned out. 
  1. Metroid: Other M - came out this week, currently playing, not quite enjoying it as much as I should be.
  2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - bought, defeated Bowser, got every coin possible.
  3. Shadow Complex - PC version ain't gonna ever happen, no 360 means no Shadow Complex for me, sad face.
  4. Borderlands - bought at launch, played a ton of the game, beating the game still eludes me for some reason.
  5. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - also bought at launch, defeated Bowser, need more green stars.
  6. Zelda: Skyward Sword - gave it a name, disappointing live demo folks, coming out eventually.
  7. Left 4 Dead 2 - bought at launch, dedicated about 4 hours to it, got lost in the mess of other releases.
  8. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle - awesome beginning, did not care for the latter half, 4 stars.
  9. Cities XL - hoping for a spiritual successor to SimCity, hopes were dashed quickly, still played the shit out of it the first week.
  10. Rabbids Go Home - eventually bought it a few months ago, Rabbids are funny, currently being stored along the other forgotten Wii games.
  11. Cave Story - downloaded in April, glad to pay 12 bucks for a free game, last part of the game eludes me to this day.
  12. Spyborgs - had a lot of promise, then the reviews came in, saved me some money.
  13. Night Sky - still called Night Game on Giant Bomb, looking like vaporware now, looking less interesting by the day.
  14. Muramasa: The Demon Blade - yeah this game came out last year, sword trees, now on backlog.
  15. Bit.Trip Void - first Bit.Trip game I finished, came out with Bit.Trip Runner months later, shit that game is hard!
So that leaves me with 15 new games to ponder about for the next year or so. Man, looking at that list made me realize that I bought a lot of new games over the past year... and add to that the dozens of Steam releases I purchased on impulse, FUCK! Oh right, the 15 games! 

15. Bloody Good Time

Clowns beating on Playboy bunnies? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Clowns beating on Playboy bunnies? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
The Team Fortress 2 model has been monopolized by Team Fortress 2, but that might soon change if Ubisoft gets its way. Distinctive characters, fun atmosphere, wacky hijinxs, and of course solid, balanced gameplay. Bloody Good Time could be an interesting alternative for those looking for goofy multiplayer mayhem. Not much is known about the game other than it's using the Source Engine and Outerlight is developing it and seeing as they were responsible for The Ship, that's probably a good thing, right? Seriously I never played The Ship so I have no clue. 

14. Bit.Trip Fate

Like this, but with more Fate.
Like this, but with more Fate.
The Bit.Trip series gained a spot on my list this year, but so far all we have is a name. No screenshots, no concept, no nothing. Just a name. Is this the game Commander Video jumps into 3D territory? We shall find out together in the coming days. 

13. Super Meat Boy

He'd make a good hamburger.
He'd make a good hamburger.
A boy made of meat. Super Meat Boy is almost ready for release on XBLA during its Summer of Arcade... in the fall, PC, and WiiWare. Super Meat Boy is yet another one of those throwbacks to the days of old back when we knew nothing of a 3D world and back when games were simple, yet fucking hard! Super Meat Boy will likely be a masochist's dream, but masochists need games, too. Add in all the indie darling cameos and you've got one of the best downloadable games to come out this fall. 

12. Wii Party

Everyone, look like you're having fun! Even you, token black guy!
Everyone, look like you're having fun! Even you, token black guy!
Wii Party, a party game for the Wii. Have there been many party games for the Wii? Seems like they're pretty rare, but Nintendo is about to change ALL OF THAT! Yes, Nintendo is releasing the most generically-sounding game in ages, but I think Nintendo knows a thing or two about party games. Most party games (the few on the market) have been nothing more than a collection of awful minigames filled with bad stereotypes. Wii Party hopefully will be a more robust experience for casuals and gamers alike. 

11. Retro City Rampage

GTA: circa 1988.
GTA: circa 1988.
An 8-bit Grand Theft Auto game? Do my eyes deceive me? I have an affinity for the old-school as many of you know and a love for the Grand Theft Auto series. Combine the two and you make magic! Retro City Rampage should be an accurate representation of the classic sandbox franchise right down to the hilarious store names and brands. Sign me up! 
Happy Labor Day, everyone! Have a durger on me!