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Dalai goes commercial.

This generation, we've seen a multitude of commercials for video games, some that were the shit and others that were... well, shitty.  So since I'm bored and I feel like I should talk about video games for once, here are some of the greatest, and not-so-great ads of this generation.

And now, the good.

Da bombs.
Da bombs.
Gears of War

Remember this classic from 2006?  You had Marcus Fenix running across a city that is completely decimated, several monsters ready to destroy him, and that song playing in the background... it all fit seemlessly to create one of the most amazing ads for a game in a while.

Playstation 3

2006 was pretty rough for Sony, but by the end of 2007, they picked themselves up from their boot straps and gave us one of the more impressive ads for a console in recent memory.  It was all flash and lots of game footage, which gaming companies sometimes forget to actually put in their ads... I mean, you want to see the games in action, right?  Well, we saw plenty of past, present, and future Playstation goodness in this commercial.

Wii Fit

There's something about this commercial that just works.  Yes, the people in the ad are diverse and it demonstrates the many features in the game, but the music combined with the camera trickery makes this Wii Fit ad great.  This is one of Nintendo's post-"creepy Japanese guys in suits" ads so it was refreshing to not see them practice yoga or do push-ups.

And now, the bad and the ugly.

Da busts.
Da busts.
Playstation 3

So here's the pitch.  The Playstation 3 is floating in this white room with a plastic baby doll, but the catch is that the baby is really, really creepy... I mean super-creepy... like totally "WTF I'm not buying this thing" creepy.  It laughs, cries, and wants its mommy.  Play beyond?  More like play with a possessed console that can control your precious toys.

Mario Kart Wii

And I thought Nintendo was over with the cheesy ads, but this might go down in history as the worst Wii commercial in history.  In the first 3 seconds, you realize that Cowboy Jed is a total dick and if you listen for another 1.6 seconds, you'll get sick of that banjo playing.  There are a total of 3 of these abominations, and that's 4 too many.

Xbox 360 in Japan

This commercial explains why the 360 has failed to catch on in Japan.  I'm offended by this commercial, and I'm not even Japanese!  I can try to describe it, but just see it for yourself.
