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Rain in the forecast means more time to play games.

I've been playing video games pretty sparingly the past few weeks, but this weekend is looking a bit gloomy so I'm thinking of just going all out this weekend just playing games.  So what should I play?  Here's some ideas I've got.

  • Finish the Triforce fetch quest in Wind Waker and finally defeat Ganon.
  • Grind through some Paper Mario.
  • Beat Zack & Wiki.
  • Sonic 1, 2, and 3 marathon.
  • Earthbound endurance run... if I can fix my SNES.


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Edited By Dalai

I've been playing video games pretty sparingly the past few weeks, but this weekend is looking a bit gloomy so I'm thinking of just going all out this weekend just playing games.  So what should I play?  Here's some ideas I've got.

  • Finish the Triforce fetch quest in Wind Waker and finally defeat Ganon.
  • Grind through some Paper Mario.
  • Beat Zack & Wiki.
  • Sonic 1, 2, and 3 marathon.
  • Earthbound endurance run... if I can fix my SNES.
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Edited By Claude

I never finished Wind Waker, just couldn't do it. Loved Paper Mario, but I fell apart during the grind and gave up. I never played Zack & Wiki... my bad. Sonic... Earthbound... beautiful, but not for me.

I'll be playing my last few rounds of Tiger Woods 09 for the Wii, time to make room for TW10 and motion plus. I want to play some more Assassin's Creed, just bought it. My biggest play time will be with College Hoops 2K8, almost at the end of my conference tournament... got to win it to make the big dance.