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Storage woes across the board.

I really, really hope Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have learned a lot this generation about hard drive storage, or in Nintendo's case, what happens when you don't do shit.  Sure, there are some out there with their fancy 360 Elites and PS3s with their external 500 GB HDDs, but for the most part, we got screwed.  Some people are stuck with inferior 360 Core systems and 20 GB PS3s... and the Wii, oh the Wii!  It took me less than a year to fill up the puny 512 MB flash drive.  So, what to do?  Well, we can't do much for now, but what can they do next go-around?  Well, I'll go through that with you now.

Nintendo, hello there.  Let me first say that I like what you're doing with the Wii overall.  The motion-sensing and the brilliant 1st party games?  Magnifique!  However, you guys boned it big time with your little flash drive.  512 MB?  Geez, you could've splurged for a 2 GB if you were going that route... I'd spend an extra few bucks for it.  All I need it for is about 100 Virtual Console games and about 20 WiiWare games, and that's over the course of the Wii's lifespan.  However, all is not lost yet... those SD cards can come in handy and if you allow us to play off of those, that will help.  There is those USB ports in the back, too.  Release a Nintendo brand USB flash drive and your problems might be solved.  I'm going to need at least 8 GBs of storage in order to be happy.

Microsoft, what's up?  Let me first say that I like the direction you're taking, going all hardcore and shit.  I do like what you've contributed to online gaming.  However, you sort of messed up with the Core, Arcade, and Premium models.  Yeah, yeah, I know nobody gives a shit about the Core or Arcade SKUs, but people own them and I'm sure they're not fond of those tiny memory units.  I would've had one SKU, the Elite... that's it.  And if there had to be another SKU, I would've upped the 20 GB Premium to a 60 GB at launch.  I think 60 GBs would be sufficient for everyone.

Sony, yo!  Let me first say that I like... uh... I like the PS2 and how you virtually monopolized the console market last generation.  However, you royally screwed up this generation with your Blu-ray.  Sure, every PS3 has a HDD and they come in a range of sizes, but you didn't think about the mandatory installations, did you?  You can fill up a 20 GB PS3 rather quickly if you decide to buy Devil May Cry 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV, you're almost up shit creek.  I applaud your external HDD support and that helps, but I think you could've scrapped the Blu-ray which seems to be the cause of the problem.  However, since you had to push Blu-ray, I think you could've complemented that with a 200 GB HDD right out of the box to please everyone.

So it's pretty much too late for many, but what to do when the Wii 2, Xbox 720, and PS4 launch?  I think hard drives will be mandatory next time, and must be at least 250 GB or larger... preferably of the solid-state variety if the price allows it.  I also think disc speeds must be faster... since I think Blu-ray will likely be the standard, I think we should see 8x Blu-ray disc speeds next time.  Nintendo has to learn that hard drives are necessary, period.

Now if you excuse me, I've gotta cry over the fact that I had to erase Paper Mario to make room for Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner!  That's SBCGfAPE1: HR for short.