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The cursing was a bit much, huh?

"Do you know any swear word in a foreign language? German, French, Polish? When you say it out loud, no biggie, right? Not a problem to use it during a family dinner, I assume?"
"That is how all the f-bombs sounded to us. Being Polish, all the strong language in Bulletstorm was just exotic and fun to us. We did not feel its power. In other words, Epic thought this is what we wanted and respected our creative vision, while we had no idea this vision was a bit more than we really wanted."
"It was only at the end of the development, when I read the Polish translation of the game, that I realized how dirty we were. I swear a lot. A LOT. And yet still I ...kind of blushed."

Well how about them dicktits?

We knew Bulletstorm wasn't exactly going to blow the world away with its less serious take on the shooter, but even the fine people that can fly who work at People Can Fly were surprised that using a naughty word every 4 words can turn off some players. My opinion? I never finished Bulletstorm, but the cursing never bothered me even though I'm of Polish descent... although I never heard the dialogue in Polish. Probably would sound like filthy gibberish. But yeah, too much of a certain thing can hurt a game in the minds of some gamers, even swearing if you can fucking believe it.

Here's a source because that's what the pros do.

And in baseball news, I'm temporarily on the Brewers bandwagon until 2012 when the Yankees begin their road to another championship... preferably without A-Rod, that choking cunt.
