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This Week... (15th June 09)

I have wanted to do a regular blog for a long time now but I know I couldn't do an in-depth one for a long time. So I have decided to a quick fire blog in the style of The Fast Show's Jesse's Diets.

...I have been playing.

I finally got a 360 back from the repairs but sadly, it wasn't mine, in fact, it was a new one. Am I happy? No. You see while I get a free Elite I don't get my hard drive back, this means I have to re-download all my DLC. This Plus a still busted PC equals wasted gaming time.
So this week has been spent dedicated to Oblivion, and you know it's a fun game and the world is one I can easily get invested in, unlike Fallout 3 where I play the game like a game and not like a person in that world

...I have been Reading.

I Decided to catch up on Deadpool so I picked up; Deadpool #10, Deadpool #11, Deadpool: Games of Death,
Deadpool Suicide kings #2 and Deadpool: Suicide kings #3. Now don't get me wrong i like Deadpool, but that's allot of the Merc with a Mouth so I'm Deadpool'ed out for about a month. A quick ranking is:
  1. Deadpool #11
  2. Suicide kings #2
  3. Deadpoll #10
  4. Suicide kings #3
  5. Games of death

...I have been listening to.

3 new songs hit my ipod this week,