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Monthly Summary - March 2011

Played This Month:

Less games this month due to work, only a couple of games completed: Bad Company and the first episode of BTTF on PSN. Played a few missions on Bad Company 2 and I'm waiting patiently for BTTF Part 2. Lorena and I continued our co-op gaming with Tales From Space: About a Blob and I played impatient observer for Portal. We also got Kirby's Epic Yarn and we're loving the art style and design.

I've been playing lots of Halo Reach online and got both map packs, as well as Killzone 3. Not enjoying the campaign but the online is impressive. Made small amounts of progress on Stacking, TDU2, Trials HD and Rock Band 3. I picked up on Yakuza 3 again and I'm really enjoying it now, though it doesn't always make it easy. Well delve deeper in April. Got Dead Rising 2 and played an hour or so, already prefer it over the original which I struggled with.

Caved in and got a 3DS with Ghost Recon and it is awesome, so glad I picked one up. Still not acquainted with it enough to fully provide my thoughts on the console, but Shadow Wars is great fun and I love the 3D.

Completed This Month:

Battlefield: Bad Company [2008] (3)
1 - It's About Time [BTTF The Game] (4)

Game of the Month:

2011 Release: Killzone 3
Most Played: Halo Reach
Overall: Halo Reach

Game Complete: BTTF Episode 1: It's About Time

Completed: 16th March 2011 (00:10)

Involved: Completed episode to end of story, unlocked all trophies.

Summary: This is the game I hoped would one day exist - something to continue the story of Back To The Future past the 3rd film. It was certainly easy and shorter than Sam & Max 301 (The Penal Zone), which is what I'm also playing through, but they are different in tone and this one gets me more excited to play the next Episode.
Next: Episode 2, which isn't available on PSN yet.

Rating: 4


Game Complete: Battlefield: Bad Company

Completed: 8th March 2011 (22:15)

Involved: Completed game on Normal difficulty.
Summary: I wanted to get this out of my backlog, so I threw it in and got it done in a couple sessions. The gunplay is fine, and the destructible stuff is good, but they layout of the missions sucks and really doesn't vary. It also gave me the WORST headaches, due to the grainy filter over all the graphics and the shaky cam, which caused me to close my eyes sometimes when sprinting, or moving whilst facing a wall.
Next: Bad Company 2 is coming up. Should be much better, though I fear the headaches may return as the movement and camera are identical from what I remember..

Rating: 3


Monthly Summary - February 2011

Played This Month:

Started off the month the way the last one finished - with my Halo marathon. Finished Halo 2 and Halo 3 within days of each other, as well as Halo 3: ODST. Halo 3 is my favourite having gone through them all again, due to how it handles the story and how special it feels within that universe to see all the events play out. Put Halo Wars in and played a bit but it obviously won't grab me in the same way as the 'real' Halo games.
Finished off The Penal Zone which I started in 2010, looking forward to Back To The Future. I'll probably jump back to Sam & Max when Im waiting for a new episode of that. Made some good progress on Stacking, really need to go back and play that more but I've had a fair few distractions later this month keeping me from even turning the console on.
Played some Plants vs Zombies whilst listening to music, bought both Space Invaders IG and Pac Man CE DX in XBL sales, haven't done much with either, a couple of games on each at best. Played some Halo Reach online but I long for the Halo 2 days playing matchmaking with a big group.
Lorena and I made good progress on ilomilo, got a new game called Tales From Space: About a Blob which is good fun until one of us wants to strangle the other for getting them killed or lost off-screen. I'm playing Bad Company to get it out of my backlog and will run through its sequel in March or April. Played and failed some more Hot Pursuit. Played Bulletstorm to the end in 2 sessions - already forgotten about it. Got Test Drive Unlimited 2 but haven't had time to sink into it, its very cheesy and sometimes janky but I like it. 
Picked up Dark Void again to get through it and then on Level 7 it hung on the loading screen every time. Checked the disc and found a horrible dent that can't be wiped or buffed out. Not sure if I care enough to get another copy somehow, but guess I'd like to see it through as it wasn't offensively but, just average. 

Completed This Month:

Halo 2 [2004] (5)
Halo 3 [2007] (5)
Halo 3: ODST [2009] (4) 
Bulletstorm [2011] (4)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [2010] (5)
Dead Space 2 [2011] (5)
The Penal Zone [Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse] (4)

Game of the Month:

2011 Release: Dead Space 2
Most Played: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Overall: Halo 3

Game Complete: Dead Space 2

Completed: 27th February 2011 (01:30)

Involved: Completed game on Normal difficulty.
Summary: An early contender for my Game of the Year, its a very professionally produced single player experience that takes you through some unique experiences. Not scary, but at times intense and it kept me wanting to play on to the end. Graphically it is impressive, and the combat is a solid improvement on Dead Space 1 (which I completed late last year).
Next: Again, I should try the multiplayer as it seems like good fun.

Rating: 5


Game Complete: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Completed: 26th February 2011 (18:00)

Involved: Completed game through to story completion.

Summary: I'm glad I got around to finishing this, because it is REALLY GOOD. The story takes some strange turns at the end and adds to the overall mythos. I had a bad AI issue towards the end that nearly soured the endgame experience, but I got around it and pushed forward. I do think that this game was sometimes a drag in spots, causing me to lose interest in progressing further, and never interesting me in doing all of the side-missions. As an addition to the series, its highly worthy of its place and agree that it is the best so far.
Next: Should play some of the multiplayer.

Rating: 5


Game Complete: Bulletstorm

Completed: 23rd February 2011 (21:00)

Involved: Completed game on normal difficulty.

Summary: Enjoyable gunplay, stupid characters and story, Bulletstorm never really took off for me and was never as exciting as others are saying they found it to be. Give me Gears of War 3 please.
Next: I'll run through the Echoes when I get the chance.

Rating: 4


Game Complete: Sam & Max Episode 301: The Penal Zone

Completed: 3rd February 2011 (01:30)

Involved: Completed episode to end of story.

Summary: I've never really played adventure games, and was not familiar with the characters of the Sam & Max universe. I did, however, enjoy the quirky humour and crazy solutions to puzzles present here. Max's psychic powers provide some unique solutions and the hint system helped me out when my idiot brain gave out.
Next: Episode 2, but I'm really waiting for Back To The Future..

Rating: 4


Game Complete: Halo 3: ODST

Completed: 6th February 2011 (20:45)

Involved: Completed game on normal difficulty.

Summary: Didn't enjoy this one as much, maybe due to the fact I'm looking for more story and it didn't really provide me with anything substantial. The game is well made, takes the player to some interesting places, but the variety that was present on Halo 3 was missing here. Loved the silenced SMG and the dark mood of the city.
Next: That's it for now, I will aim to complete Halo Wars and will go through Reach in multiplayer co-op.

Rating: 4


Game Complete: Halo 3

Completed: 3rd February 2011 (01:30)

Involved: Completed game on normal difficulty.

Summary: When I originally played through Halo 3, I enjoyed it greatly but never paid much attention to what I was actually doing, what story it was telling. Having played 1 and 2 in quick succession and read half of the books released so far, when it came to this one it really blew me away. The story goes in amazing directions, really fits in with my knowledge of the universe and tells an incredible tale. The game looks fantastic, and the levels are all unique with incredible setpieces.
Next: ODST.

Rating: 5