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@clagnaught: Thank you, considering my situation with my current PC that I can't upgrade that is a good thing to know about the port.

@mikewhy: Thanks, I'll be honest I was unclear about how the PC uses the SSD and I do run multiple applications (usually a few different adobe design programs) at the same time quite often and that has lead to some problems with my current PC so that's something good to keep in mind.

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#2  Edited By Eidderf

Hey so first things first I am not really a technical person when it comes to this sort of stuff so please excuse my ignorance.

Basically my PC is getting pretty old and apparently due to how it's built it can't really be upgraded any more by switching parts out so I'm looking to get a new one. I've been emailing around a few places that sell PC's in the UK and got a few different build options back, mostly I will be using this computer for gaming and for design work. I want to get a relatively good one that will last me at least a few years before I have to do anything for it.

Anyway here is my list of options at the moment (the ports and stuff is just for me since I use a tablet and a few other things so I want to keep track)

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What of these do people think is the most reasonable, alternatively any advice on where else to buy PC's (keeping in mind I'm in the UK) or superior PC's at a similar price range would be much appreciated. I don't want to build my own PC if any one is going to suggest that since it's just not something I really want to get into.

Anyway, any advice would be great, thanks!

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@handlas: No it doesn't, if you are right next to an enemy or there is a clear shot then the chance is always 100% (at least where I am currently, there maybe shielded enemies or something later in the game which could effect this)

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Hey I got it early too so in answer to two of your questions (I'm not good with how stuff runs type questions, I've not noticed any glaring issues though at least)

The story actually caught me by surprise to be honest since (without spoiling it) it starts off practically unrelated to Nintendo or the rabbids, I mean it's no Last of Us but I'm surprised they put so much thought into why and how this is all happening. There are a lot of little cutscenes which are quite funny and the world has a lot of cool details and scenes playing out in the background you can look at. It's very charming and it feels like they put a lot more work into the story and world than they needed to to be honest.

The combat seems pretty deep to me at least, I'm only on world one but there have been three varieties of enemies not including the bosses and there is a lot to take into account on the battlefield itself with pipes and destructible cover, using higher ground to your advantage. The skill tree lets you spec characters in a way to suit you as well, for example you can use the Peach rabbid as a healer if you want to go down that path or Luigi has a sentry turret type thing (it's kind of a bomb on wheels) You must pick a team of three so there's quite a bit of variation in who you pick and what strategy you prefer. Seems like there are a good amount of weapons and secondary weapons too. I've not played Xcom so take what I say as you will but I'm surprised how much they've put into it, I'm just before the boss on world one and if you are aiming for perfect scores the game can be pretty tough even.

The music is great too, some nice variations on the classic Mario themes but there is enough new stuff so it doesn't seem like they are overly depending on it. I'm really enjoying it in general so far, great fun.

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To me this just sounds kind of like evolve but with friday the 13th trappings, I'm sure it will be a fun game if you get a good group of people together but it could lose it's appeal pretty quickly (there isn't even the enemy variety compared to that game) and I'm not really interested unless the single player is more significant than it currently sounds.

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If I were to get a game in November it would be Fallout 4, but I'm still getting through MGSV and want to play Soma next so I'm in no particular rush, it'll give them some time to iron out whatever bugs I'm sure will pop up after release.

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I've played all the main entries in the series apart from Peace Walker, I played Ground Zeroes and picked up the story well enough from the recap but I didn't appreciate the story as much compared to previous games because the story heavily centred around two characters who were only really in PW (though I thought the game itself was fun regardless)

Anyway, do you think the story would still hold up for someone who has a limited knowledge of Peace Walker?

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#9  Edited By Eidderf

I kind of didn't like EGX demo I played to be honest, though I'm not sure if it was because of the circumstances or the demo itself, the way they set it up to almost be a time trial and that the time to beat to get through the stage they presented you with kind of spoiled the atmosphere to be honest. I was going in to the demo expecting something like amnesia or at least a horror feel but the way they demonstrated it made it just feel like a very unforgiving stealth game.

Honestly a lot of the problems could have come from the 10 minute time limit and just being thrown in there, but it seemed that the alien was almost too reactive in a way, I had sneaked into dark corners away from it's line of sight but somehow it knew exactly where I was on the map and killed me before I could even react. The thing that made amnesia scary was the back and forth, you were defenseless and this thing could rip you apart at any moment but despite feeling constantly vulnerable you knew that even in the worst possible circumstances there was a small chance you could get away. Basically I don't want to play a game where I just find myself dying over and over again, it takes me out of the experience. I know I wasn't alone in this reasoning since my friend had a similar experience with it all, I'd like to try the demo again in a more calm, less limited situation (or just play the campaign instead of this challenge mode thing which this seemed to be) because despite the graphics and the sound being great I wasn't really enjoying what I played.

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#10  Edited By Eidderf

$84.43 million

Amazing sounds somewhat like eightmazing, the other numbers are random, I should do this professionally.