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Banjo "finished"

So just a few minutes ago, I finished up Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. By finished, I mean I beat the final boss battle/challenge thingy. I saw the ending after 38 hours with 82 jiggies out of a total 131, and I'm shooting for them all. Some of those late game challenges are... well challenging, and a great test of wits and engineering. For 40 dollars, this game easily has the best value this year, IMO.

I did get in some multiplayer with Talor/Wesker last night, and that is a blast. I wish we could get the Gears crowd into that stuff, because the 8 player chaos that would ensue there would be amazingly fun. Hell, it was a BLAST with just us two. There's all kinds of battle modes, sports, challenges, races, and straight up the ability to mess around and show off your creations/share them. My favorite from last night is undoubtedly Sumo, which was a raised ring in the center, and the object was to stay in there as long as possible (giving you more points), while battling opponents out.

On a different note, I did recieve Namco Museum Virtual Arcade in the mail yesterday. THAT DISC IS AMAZING! 34 games, including Pac-Man C.E., Galaga Legions, and just about every Namco classic arcade game you could think of for 30 dollars?! Less than a dollar per game! Having a hard copy of Pac-Man C.E. alone makes owning this disc priceless. Check it out!

Well, I'm off to go play more games, later game dudes!

Early morning blogooie

So, as expected, the replies to my last post were along the lines of "really?!" Let me explain it a bit more.

I love creating stuff.

Now you'd likely say to me "Why don't you get LittleBigPlanet?", and I'll say "I don't want to grab the sponge!" LittleBigPlanet offers a lot of options, but with two big downers for me after a while: 1) the 2D plane is very limiting, and 2) it's much more complicated and hard to build what you want.

For me, Banjo is like having a virtual set of Legos with benefits, along with giant, creative worlds to play around with them in. Top that off with lots of missions that test the competancy of your creations, and an addicting overworld (town) with tons of stuff to collect and explore through. It's just all extremely appealing to me.

I know the reviews for this game aren't too favorable, but I really don't give a damn, honestly. I pretty much don't go by reviews anymore, I go by what interests me and give it a shot. Hell, I've been playing so much Banjo I've all but forgot I owned Gears of War 2. That alone should tell you how much I've been enjoying this one.

If you need further explanation, I can't do it. You either like it and understand or you don't. Me? I absolutely love it.

About that Banjo game...

Can't... stop... playing...

Pretty much could be my game of the year. Funny how stuff comes out of nowhere like that, huh?

I've put about 25 hours into it so far, and only have 40 something jiggies (out of 131). I've been on a rabid collection hunt, scouring any and all item boxes and notes that I can get my hands on, as well as building up a storm.

God, I love this game.

Rented a game, bought a game

First, let's start off with what I rented.

I went out yesterday to Blockbuster and was excited to see Mirror's Edge in stock. I gave the clerk a dollar for the night ($1 rentals FTW), and told myself I would finish the game before delving into the other game which I purchased. I loved the demo afterall, so I was prepared for a real treat. What I wasn't expecting though, was for that treat to be a turd covered in ice cream sprinkles.

The game isn't horrible persay, but it's quite possibly the most trial and error game I've ever played. Most of the game, it challenges you to make all these crazy maneuvers and jumps... while getting shot at nonstop from every angle, which makes these parts extremely frustrating. Then there's parts of the game where it's just straight up DEVIOUS platforming, that will make you want to drive your head through the wall with a spike. TINY platforms that will cause you to fall to your death if you even think about touching the analog stick, or if you fail a jump and just walk off (this happens a lot actually). Then there's the grapple detection that just fails sometimes, where you'll be touching right up against a pipe or whatever and just fall, or go right fucking through it.

I could go on and on about the frustration that is Mirror's Edge, but I'll just say that it's not all bad, and that it's at least somewhat decent, but I'm glad I only paid a dollar for this one. I did beat it too, and I got the complete the game without shooting an enemy achievement to boot. I guess it was a good points boost overall, but don't play this game if you don't have patience, because you'll be flinging that shit.

On to what I bought:

I picked this up at GameStop yesterday after toiling away with the demo for hours. I'm in the mood for something light hearted and relaxing after such a dense onslaught of shooters and violent games in a row. I did trade a couple things in to get it... one of which that might get me burned at the stake. I traded in Halo 3 (GASP!) and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. I don't see myself playing Ratchet again because I've already beat it 3 times and unlocked/upgraded everything, and... Halo 3 is NOT Gars/Vegas 2, and that shotty snipers mode can screw off.

I haven't tried Banjo yet, because I was finishing up Mirror's Edge, but I'm about to go give it a try in a few minutes. I'll let you know how it is later.

That wraps it up. Peace.


Yeah, I got it. 

Yeah, it's Garz alright.
Yeah, that means it's awesome.
Yeah, the graphics are improved noticeably.
Yeah, the multiplayer bots are dumb as shit.
Yeah, we need to get the crew going again in multiplayer.
Yeah, that's it.
Yeah, I'll see ya.

Far Cry 2 and Fable II Impressions

As you perhaps might have noticed on my gamercard, I've played Far Cry 2 and Fable II. Well, I had some money left over after preordering Gears of War II, so I decided to utilize Blockbuster since it's only a dollar per day to rent games there. So, here you are, my impressions:

Far Cry 2 - As some of you might have known, I was looking forward to this one quite a bit not long ago, so I wanted to get my hands on this one. It's... well... it doesn't click with me or something, or I just don't like it. The controls are pretty terrible (fast look is on heavily and can't turn it off, when sprinting you can BARELY turn), and the voice acting Did they even try? I mean it's not Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom bad (oh no, not even close), but it's like the voice actors were rushing through their lines and not really emoting or having any passion at all for their parts. Oh, and I didn't catch WHAT THE HELL was going on with the story. Way to make me not interested at all. You're just thrust into... shootin' dudes and doing objectives...for some dude. Meh. Overall, the only good thing I have to say about the game is the multiplayer map editor is pretty insanely good, but other than that, I'm going to have to pass on this one.

Fable II - I must admit beforehand that I have had ABSOLUTELY NO interest in this game, and the only reason I rented it is because I know some people that have it, and we could play some online coop. As soon as I could, I invited my buddy Arcavial in and we went on our merry way. Well, not really merry. Look, there's nothing really WRONG with the game, but it's just excrutiatingly boring to me. The voice acting again in this one, minus a couple of characters, is dreadful, and the combat seems laughable so far. I kept standing in place and tapping Y to automatically fire my gun at surrounding enemies. Yep, that's all it took. I plan on giving this game more of a chance today, but so far, my thoughts on this one is: Yaaaawn.

So yeah, reading this post, you'd probably say "Wow, this guy doesn't like anything, does he?" Nah, just coincidence. I LOVED Fallout 3, and had fun with nearly every other game I played this year, just a bad run. I'm going to save the rest of my money so I can rent Mirror's Edge and Left4Dead. ME demo was AMAZING.

Well, that's it for now. Sorry for no video, but I haven't felt like doing one.


Fallout 3 Beaten

Doing minimal sidequests, and being "very good", it took me approximately 25 hours.

I'm about to walk out the door, have some stuff I gotta do, but for now I'll say it's a definite GOTY nominee. Pick it up.

More impressions later when I get a free moment. Perhaps a video? Who knows.

Thank you all + FO3 Impressions

First off, I'd like to an extend a very, very big thanks to everyone who has given their condolences and have helped me through this whole debacle. If it wasn't for you guys, I'd probably still be in super depression mode. There was a time last week where I just crumbled. Felt like just giving up on gaming, and everything and just go into a long depression. But I can't let myself do that. My mom needs me, and so does my family. I tell you one thing this all has tought me though is to cherish every last moment you have. You never know when the ground will shake and your world will collapse. So once again, thank you all.

On a much lighter note, I've been losing myself in the world of Fallout 3. Video games are a fantastic escape, let me tell you.

This game is amazing. It can be quite difficult, but at the same time, it really keeps you on your toes. I've died... a lot, but I'm getting a lot better, and have been able to survive for much longer now. Overall though, I'd classify this game as.... a Survival RPG? I find myself constantly scounging up ammo, health items, and stuff to sell, and still running low on all three, but never to the point of "TIME TO PUUUNCH!", although you could if you really wanted to.

The environment is astounding to look at, and is so varied and interesting (unlike Oblivion, which is one of my main complaints with it). I've had times when I've been asked to travel for quite a long time, and I didn't get bored the entire way because of the sheer amount of detail and care they put into the landscape, along with plenty of interesting locales to investigate. You can quick travel like Oblivion, but only after you've found an area. You can't just hop to whichever city you'd like. I like it better this way, honestly, because it makes the survival aspect more prominent. "Can I get all the way over there?!"

The story and missions so far have been outstanding, with one of the best game intros I've ever seen, and a specific quest that I recently went through that was just AWESOME, and cementing this game into my GOTY nominees.

Speaking of which, you guys have been asking what my second game preorder is, and the answer is..... none. I'm not going to have the money to get a second game, and not sure when I will. I gave the rest of my money to my family and they used it for parking at the hospital, gas, etc. That's alright though, Fallout should last me a very long time, with 15-20 hours into it now and I haven't touched ANY sidequests.

Well, talk to you guys later, and thanks for uplifting me once again, I really appreciate it.
