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2017 Top 10+

Best year of the 8th generation !?


The Revenge of 2014 and then some

Japan Comeback

Year of Masterpieces and Master Disappointments

A little something for everyone

Nintendo Switcharoo

List items

  • "Easily one of the best PS4 exclusives. Amazing graphics especially for an open world game, some of the most fun and exciting enemies to fight in an open world game (the machines),a fresh new setting and a surprisingly good story and set of characters. Horizon is the full package and every PS4 owner should at least try it out.

    This is Sony's new big franchise. Glad to see Guerrilla getting the respect they deserve."

    Game of the Year 2017

  • "One of the most badass games I played. The story is gripping and of a high caliber in terms of writing and acting, the gameplay is fun and it felt really fresh to play a beat'em up.

    The games has heart, lots of it. One minute you are biting your nails waiting for what's going to happen, the next you are laughing your top off at something incredibly absurd. The game takes your for a rollecoaster ride of different emotions, more so then most games.

    This is very close to a masterpiece, haven't enjoyed a story and it's characters like this in a long time."

  • (unfinished)

    "Loved this series ever since I watched the Endurance Run of Persona 4 here on Giantbomb, I then picked up and played Persona 3 and enjoyed that a bunch as well.

    Finally after a long wait, I can add Persona 5 to my library.

    And it's pretty much everything I wanted from a new Persona game: Stylish as all heck, Memorable characters, Godly Soundtrack... but it's how well all of these meld together that make it so unique and so great."

    * No reason to bother with this version anymore (unless you have no choice, it's still a very good game don't skip on it) get Persona 5 Royal version.

  • "After so many games they finally nailed it.

    AC Origins is the best game in the series, by far, and also an amazing reinvention of the franchise. To be fair it feels more like a spiritual successor to The Witcher 3 then any of the previous AC games, and that's probably why I liked it so much.

    I kind of want all the previous historical settings to get the same treatment that Egypt got with Origins and I'm really excited for where the series will go next.

    The map is HUGE and beautiful, the combat is finally quite good (still not perfect though), the stealth is also fun now and the characters are worth caring about. One element that still needs improvement is the overall story (especially the modern segment which is at it's weakest in Origins), however small side stories are fairly good this time around."

  • "You know a game is quite good when after finishing it you immediately start playing through it again, eager to try out new knowledge and do things differently. Prey is a game that allows for that.

    It's a mechanically sound game with some good story twists, a game that is fun to play but if played right. Waste to many resources or play your cards wrong and you might find yourself in a pickle."

  • "Loved the exotic, vast, open world of Bolivia. Liked the general premise of the game and found enjoyment in dismantling the cartel Base by base, buchon by buchon, region by region.

    But at some point it all kind of just became mechanical and a bit soulless, I did so many things in this game yet I have a hard time remembering most of it.

    Ghost war on the other hand is an amazing add-on that makes an already good game great.

    This Free update is one of the most underrated PvP multiplayer modes out there, it feels like Rainbow Six Siege in that there is a big focus on tension, stealth and teamwork.

    I would definitely put Ghost War up there with the some of the best multiplayer experiences of the generation and urge people to try it out."

  • "Probably the best Dark Souls inspired game that isn't named Bloodborn.

    Nioh takes place in a world of Japanese Fantasy mixed with real History which I really enjoyed, it features some great character and creature design as well as some nice atmospheric environments.

    It felt surprisingly nostalgic because of the setting, reminding me of titles such as: Onimusha, Tenchu, Ninja Gaiden and even Okami and Fatal Frame at times.

    Loved the feel of the combat, the intricate level design and that great feeling of triumph over a tough foe or situation. The game also has a surprising amount of content to keep you busy for weeks."

  • Voidheart Edition


    + The Bloodborn of 2D Metroidvanias

    + Oozes with atmosphere

    + Clever interconnected world that opens up as you gain new abilities

    + Gorgeous artsyle that manages to be both cute and creepy at the same time.

    + Good soundtrack

    + Responsive controls

    + Good hit feedback

    + Really tough but satisfying

    + Charms are nice and allow you to augment your playstyle

    + Good variety of enemies and environments

    + Plenty of content

    + Surprisingly charismatic characters


    - Having to walk long ways back to the boss is always a pain

    - Rage inducing, as per most games of this type. Not for the impatient.

    - Falling into spikes and acid teleports you back to a safe area. Wished it turned you invulnerable for a while and let you continue. Or just some different alternative.

  • "Nier is a game you have to play multiple times to see all that it has to offer, and there lies both it's strength and it's weakness.

    It's a game that subverts expectations and one that has some pretty important things to say, and it does so in a way that only a video game could. But at the same time, I found the search for the better ending to be a bit repetitive and grew weary of it after the 3rd completion.

    Still, It's a good game that deserves to be noticed and played."

  • "It's been a while since i've been stopped in my tracks out of fear in a horror game, but here comes RE7 to remind me of that. While I eventually finished the game, it wasn't without difficulty, not because of the game being hard but because the horror was effective. Sadly the game is not all great, consistency is a big problem. I liked mostly what the first half of the game had to offer, the later half felt more like a chore to get though so I can see the fairly disappointing ending.

    Still, it's awesome to see this series successfully reinventing itself a second time and I'm glad that this time it chose horror. "

  • "Going back to the world of Uncharted after last year's stellar entry was yet again a blast. Naughty Dog once more prove their mastery by releasing a game that's just as polished and impressive as the last in just 1 year.

    Sure The Lost Legacy doesn't have quite the same ambition and scope as A Thief's End, but It still delivers the thrills, the spectacle and the amazing tech the studio is known for.

    Chloe and Nadine also make for a great pair of unlikely protagonists, and opens up the door for more future entries without series icon Nathan Drake."

  • Positives:

    + The game just oozes style and class

    + Some of the slickest menu and UI design I have ever seen

    + Very informative

    + Can clearly see the passion behind the game

    + I feel rich just playing it

    + Scapes are beautiful

    + Cars look downright real, with great detailed interiors as well

    + Environments have great lighting

    + The music selection is once again Class

    + The online component that actively promotes sportsmanship

    + Beginner friendly

    + Even more fun with the training wheels off

    + Steering with motion controls is a revelation



    - I tend to prefer the more Arcady racers, with more chaos and bumping into eachother. This is not that kind of game.

    - Doesn't feel like it has enough tracks, could use a few extra

    - No dynamic passage of time

    - Lack of interesting weather (Snow, Storms)

    - Some of the online penalty systems can be a pain in the butt

  • Positives:

    + One of the best looking games of the generation (they nailed the 1930's cartoon aesthetic)

    + Oozez personality and charm

    + The soundtrack fits like a glove and is fantastic

    + The designs of the bosses are ace

    + Impossible not to crack a smile while playing or generally just be impressed with what's going on screen

    + Thank god for the simple mode option (easy mode) for people who don't want the regular hard difficulty. Though it's still not easy enough imo

    + Satisfying to overcome all the challenges

    + Fast reloads upon death are a godsend as well

    + Like that you usually have a couple of levels to chose from


    - The very challenging difficulty will keep many from seeing all the amazing art in this amazing game. The simple option should have been a bit easier but it's good that it's there at all.

  • "Destiny 2 is, in many ways, the game that Destiny 1 should have been at launch. The game now actually has a coherent story, characters finally have personality (even thought it can be hit or miss) and the worlds just feel a bit better realized then in the first.

    The game has a couple of changes to it's loot and economy, long story short, I tend to like these changes. It's easier to get your hands on rarer gear and, while still very grindy, I ended up getting much more cool stuff in a shorter period of time then in the first one. However the downside is that gear just doesn't feel as special or as earned as before.

    The multiplayer PvP side is also quite bitter sweet. While I enjoy the competitive playlists and the more intimate nature of matches, I think not having classic 6v6 as an option is a glaring omission."


    The game has received many improvements ever since as well as went Free to Play, so I have raised it up in the top 10. I feel like Destiny 2 right now is peak Destiny and it seems like it's here to stay.

  • "Once again a stunning audio visual presentation, this time with more variety thanks to having all Star Wars eras represented. The few changes added to the multiplayer add an extra layer of strategy and teamwork and space battles are the best they have ever been.

    If you are still looking for cinematic large scale adrenaline fueled moments, this still offers that in spades.

    Sadly as of writing this, the progression system is literally unfinished and feels to slow to unlock what you want.

    The Single PLayer is also very meh and doesn't really grab my attention. I'm glad it's at least there, but it could have been so much better."

  • Battle Royale

    "My first foray into the Battle Royal multiplayer mode that has been all the rage this year, and the old saying "don't knock it till you try it" rings very true.

    I really enjoyed this mode and I can see why some people would spend so much time in it, it's unique (at least for the moment) and tense, seeing as how you only have one life.

    Sadly I feel like developers and publishers will ruin and run this into the grown as it is very successful and fairly simple to implement (Fornite devs did it in a relatively short time).

    I still need to play and experience the rest of what Fortnite has to offer, but as a Free Battle Royal game it fits the bill quite nicely."

  • " I HATE this game, and I feel that way because I kind of love it. It's a unique, fun game and a different change of pace from all the shooters and MOBAs out there (even though it has some elements borrowed from them).

    It's a game that, when it works well, provides one of the best multiplayer experiences this generation (right up there with Rainbow Six Siege and Titanfall imo).

    The kicker is, that it rarely works well. This game tries it's hardest to make you dislike it: Frequent disconnects from matches making it hard to level up and earn gold not to mention pissing the royal shit out of you, constant player out of sync issues for which the game pauses for a few seconds and breaks the flow of the match ALL THE TIME, pitting you against high level players that just wreck your shit, players that fight with no Honor ganging up on you and spamming annoying moves over and over again. This game throws everything you hate about online games at your face and you will try to plow thorough it hoping for that one good match, but it so rarely comes.

    Still, there is huge potential here and despite all the negative impressions I do want to give this game another chance...when it hopefully fixes it's problems. "

  • "If you still can't get enough of the Nemesis system from 2014's suprise hit Shadow of Mordor and want to slay or dominate even more orcs, then Shadow of War is here for you.

    It's better then the first in almost every way, more content and reasons to keep playing and sink even more time into. But it still can't get rid of some of the weaknesses of the first, such as the story and characters which are only marginally improved upon in this entry but still embarrassingly dull considering the source material and fan's expectations.

    Thankfully the game is still as fun and surprising as the first and then some, but it can also end up feeling very samey and by the numbers at times. The game's clashing tones can also turn some people off."

  • (unfinished)

    + Game is Huge

    + Story is quite good

    + Combat has a layer of strategy that is pretty refreshing

    + Reminds me of CRPG's of old (probably one of the better of the genre)

    + Dialogue choices

    + Companion characters that matter

    + Lighthearted at times, grim at others

  • "Came in with low expectations and left thoroughly surprised. Not only is this a much better game then Deck 13 last try at a "Souls" inspired Action RPG, Lords of The Fallen, it ia also a great game in it's own right.

    The game's core gameplay loops is quite addictive and didn't get old soon, thanks to the dismemberment mechanic.

    Wish there was a bit more variety in both environments and enemies, as well as better and more bosses."

  • "An enjoyable sequel from start to finish (thought the end feels a bit more rushed), liked the more open approach to the game and the addition of optional objectives (however it does feel slightly less diverse then the 1st one).

    It captures the feeling of survival fairly well, especially in the beginning, every bullet found and weapon slightly tweaked is always satisfying and welcomed.

    As far as horror goes, I didn't find the game to scary overall and it becomes less so as the story progresses. It is however quite tense, creepy and sinister; loved some of the monster designs and some of the environments.

    The story is better this time around and so are the characters, still nothing incredibly noteworthy and I hated the "Shadowy Corporation" part, also much of the writing was fairly basic.

    Just like the first one, it does some things well and falters in others. It's still no match for Resident Evil 4, even though it does evoke the title many times, but it does comes closer then some of the Resident Evil games. "

  • "A good follow-up to The New Order with a very solid cast of characters and a narrative that isn't afraid to take risks and aim at controversial subjects.

    To me however The New Colossus falls in line with other sequels for popular new IPs, like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2, where the sequel is just more of the same and feeling less fresh that the former.

    Also I feel like the game centers a bit to much on having strong memorable moments in it's narrative and less so in it's gameplay, which can feel a bit by the numbers."

  • "Netherrealm Studios still have the best Single Player offerings in a fighting game, while also coming with the expected multiplayer modes as well (online and versus).

    Injustice has a great cast of interesting and distinct characters from the DC family (and outside) and pits them against each other in one of the better story campaigns in a Fighting game.

    The gear and customization aspect is something that adds a lot to the replayability of the title as there is always something to earn.

    As far as fighting games go, this is the full package and I fail to see how it could get better (other then better quality of course).

    Do try and get the Ultimate edition as that comes with all the DLC characters.

    In fact this is one of the big negatives of Netherrealm games (or fighting games as a whole) is that it's always better to hold off buying the game until the inevitable Complete Edition."

  • " It felt surprisingly refreshing to play a WWII shooter again, and it's fitting that the old reigning King would be the one to bring it back.

    The single player campaign is no CoD 2 sadly, but it does the job and is enjoyable albeit a bit to short and "by the numbers".

    The Multiplayer is also back to being grounded, which after 3 experiments with advanced movement feels like a welcomed return. But other then that it's still the same old COD formula with a few tweeks and additions here and there.

    Zombies mode was also quite pleasant this time around because it embraced the horror side of it and actually managed to feel unsettling at times. But other then the theme change, this is very much still just another COD Zombies.

    Another pretty good overall package but the series isn't getting any younger, going back to old tricks won't help it in the long run despite feeling fresh now."

  • + Has a ton of charm

    + The floating layered cities/islands are a great concept that is also executed well

    + Love Kat's personality and her as a character in general

    + Raven and many of the other secondary characters are also quite great

    + Funny but also with some hard hitting subjects

    + The gravity powers are awesome but also a bit clumsy (which fits really well with Kat's character)

    + Game looks really good at times and the artstyle is beautiful

    + Music is good and fun

    - The stealth segments can be a pain

    - The game has quite a few frustrating missions/objectives

    - some odd design decisions


  • + Innovative art style that makes 3D look like 2D

    + Awesome over the top moves

    + Cool looking characters

    + Actually interesting story mode that made me want to pit certain characters against each others

    + Rockin' soundtrack

  • "Nice fitting end to the series so far. New character, some new powers, cool new maps. Obv content is quite lite since it's more of a stand alone DLC.

    I wished you had the option of choosing between Billy and Daud (same as Emily and Corvo in 2). "

  • (unfinished)

    "Was caught completely by surprise by this title. It's a really well done game with an awesome art style, great feeling TBS combat and cool characters.

    Again, TBS combat tends to be kind of annoying at times for me (especially when it's a single player campaign game) but this game nails it, along with a few other aspects."

  • "So many questionable decisions with this one: why not have co-op? why have such basic objectives and mission design if it's a single player game? why did this really have to be a new IP when it doesn't bring much new to the table?

    Sadly it's not a great game, but has no ambition to be one .

    It is however not a bad game either, I had fun with it in a B tier kind of way.

    The combat is pretty fun, the world looks nice and has a surprising level of verticality, the Sunday morning cartoon vibe is cool (even though it's not executed as well as it could have been), also the game has some nice touches here and there that redeem it slightly."

  • "Great atmosphere and use of sound, gorgeous graphics (especially Senua), very dark and creepy."

  • "I love how this game pays homage to the previous entries in the series and acknowledges their existence, more games need an Extras mode similar to this. Also more games should allow us to swap the current music with one from older titles for a real great nostalgia overload.

    The story overall wasn't anything amazing but i'm glad it was there and had it's moments, also the game does look good and I love how they just flaunted their cloth tech by using it on as many fighter's clothes as possible.

    However the game disappoints by having a fairly weak character roster with many missing favorites, and it still feels like they are rehashing stuff from years ago with little change."

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • "A great atmospheric little title that's both creepy and charming"

  • (in progress)

  • (unfinished)

    "A remake of the original that also ties nicely and continues from where 0 left off.

    Clearly not as good as 0 but if you are in it for the story and characters and more fighting, this is a good supplement to keep you busy till the next one."

  • Formerly known as Raiders of the Broken Planet

    "I kind of dig the style of this game, I think it has some great character models and some nice cinematics.

    The game is now F2P which I think is the right decision, there's also more content to explore and a better progression system.

    But at the end of the day the game is fairly simple and the gameplay is pretty weak. Not a game I could recommend to everybody."

  • (unfinished)

    "Like it more then the 2015 one, but I still liked Rivals a little bit better (Hot Pursuit 2 and Most Wanted 2005 are my faves)."

  • "Probably one of the most disappointing games of this generation, especially considering it's pedigree."

  • "Glad to finally see this style of game become a thing (Horror multiplayer survival).

    It's a great concept and it is surprisingly addictive, just wished the game was more competently made."

  • "A game I had no clue what to expect from it and even after it's done I'm not sure how to explain it, it's best to play it without knowing anything prior.

    Rarely does a game truly take me by surprise me these days."

  • "Game made me cry at the end, lovely experience. However it wasn't as impressive as I imagined when it was announced years ago."

  • "Liked what little I played of it, shame that it is in a really bad state so soon after it came out. Would love to play it again with more content and hopefully more people playing"

  • (unfinished)

    " Got major Gothic vibes from this (obvs same developer) which is good but it's also kind of sad that it hasn't evolved much past that tittle in terms of gameplay.

    Very rough tittle (especially the combat) but is has a pretty well fleshed out world and I still like what they do with the multiple factions and how alive the world can feel at times."

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

    "What I played of it was ok. Not really in the mood for the kind of game it was, at the time"

  • " Very significant step down from the previous entry.

    Infinite clearly does not refer to this game's budget, in fact this is one of the lowest budget feeling AAA games I have played in recent memory. Everything about it feels rushed, unfunded and unfinished.

    The Story mode can be quite terrible, but there were also hints of good ideas. I feel that with proper funding and time It could have been something pretty special."

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • "I like how dedicated it is to it's own art style, game is fairly ok as well."

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

    "Some Flatout 2 nostalgia, I really enjoyed that game back in the day. FL4TOUT feels like it has pretty much every thing you want from a game in this franchise, just that it's a whole lot more budget feeling now then ever.

    Can't say it's bad, just that I've kind of moved away from the series now, and this game isn't nearly ambitious or improved enough to make me go back."

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (unfinished)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (unfinished)