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#1  Edited By evanbrau

I know I'll probably get roasted for this but here goes. Two Worlds, if you are willing to look past some glaring flaws (and I mean really glaring) there is a fun game to be had here. It also has some of the most unintentionally funny scripting of any game I've ever played. ONLY GET IT IF YOU CAN FIND IT FOR REALLY CHEAP!

I am a total WRPG nut so I'm probably a bit biased that way, its also why I ended up playing Two Worlds, there aren't enough wrpgs.

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#2  Edited By evanbrau

Irish here so I usually don't get it till Wednesday. Then I generally listen to that and Idle Thumbs for the rest of the week whenever I'm driving somewhere or working at home.

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#3  Edited By evanbrau
@SniperMOUS: It doesn't change the fact that the person looking at the item is an abomination. In my mind no paedophile should be allowed to breath free air, if they are attracted to children they have it in them to molest or abuse children. If making lolicon a crime gives us one more may of identifying and catching the paedophile then thats totally fine. Its not art, its an outlet for utterly broken deviants to fantasize about so I really hope it stays out of the remit of free speech.

@Cassita: You're post hasn't appeared but can the photograph of a real child be president etc etc. Its not the issue of the item itself but the intention of the person viewing it. Someone who watches lolicon and derives sexual pleasure from it is very much a real person and an incredibly dangerous one at that.

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#4  Edited By evanbrau
@Cassita: I know its not illegal to be a paedophile but possession of child pornography is. You also missed my point, telling the hardcore criminal element is pointless but the law keeps borderline people in check. Something being illegal does curtail the amount of people who will commit the crime.

I don't consider lolicon art or something that should be covered in any way by freedom of speech. It should be classified as child pornography and its consumers treated by the law as such.
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#5  Edited By evanbrau
@Cassita: In my mind looking at any kind of child pornography animated or otherwise makes you a criminal. No innocent person would download of watch anime that was solely based around sexualised children. I almost literally can't believe that you seem to be defending paedophilia and say that child pornography doesn't deserve the harshest possible sentencing. I agree with you that murderers often get off far too lightly but that has no bearing over that sick prick with the child porn from being sent away for a good long time.

You're argument about making something illegal only hurting the law abiding is insane. Something being illegal doesn't stop everyone from doing something, it never could, its within human nature to do certain things that are illegal. You seem to be saying that laws are pointless as they only hurt people who don't break the law, there would be unholy carnage in the streets if laws were removed. There will always be criminals who give no fuck about the law but making something illegal will stop the vast majority of people from committing the crime.
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#6  Edited By evanbrau
@SniperMOUS: The laws against pedophilia are also there to stop pedophiles. I am completely against the censorship of art but when someones "art" is completely based around the sexualisation and eroticisation of girls that are intentionally portrated as being underage then its pretty likely that you are a pedophile and as such represent a serious danger to society. If the feelings generated by viewing lolicon or something similar are the same to viewing actual child pornography the person is a sick bastard either way and should not be allowed to continue living in society where they have access to children.

As for the group being discussed I think that they are being very heavy handed but again if a game features rape for rapes sake and shows rape as a fun and positive thing that can't be a good thing. I don't agree with the groups methods but if rape is presented as a fun gameplay mechanic some questions have to be asked.
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#7  Edited By evanbrau

Urgh what is with all the anime posts. Don't watch it.

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#8  Edited By evanbrau
@OhdK: Agreed, taking out the cutscenes there was about 3-4 hours of an actual game in there. Such a huge letdown after how amazing three was, maybe MGS will be the opposite of the Star Trek movies where the odd numbered games are awesome and the even ones are boring rubbish.

On the other hand I've played a good few games recently that felt just right at ten to twelve hours long, I've also played a few RPGs lately that have eaten my time up. I honestly wouldn't mind if some kinds of games are short and sweet with a multiplayer that I can dip into now and again. I just don't have the time anymore to play huge epic games, it sucks but I now prefer more compact games.
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#9  Edited By evanbrau

Chrome is cool but it sneakily installs google update stuff that doesn't ask for permission and stuff. Firefox 3.5 is fast and really customisable.

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#10  Edited By evanbrau
@nohthink: I hear ya man, I understand completely why people think they suck but as I massacre identical dude after identical dude I have the time of my life. That said I am not a fan of the whole Extreme Legends stuff adding in content that probably should have been part of the game in the first place.