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10 Geeky Movies That Fall Flat, from

Here's an article about some "geeky" movies that had great potential, but turned out less than stellar. For those too lazy to click the link, the list is as follows:

1. The Mummy 3
2. A.I.
3. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
4. The Time Machine
5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
6. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
7. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
8. Erik the Viking
9. Matrix 2/3
 and 10. Waterworld

What do you think of the list? Are there some movies that should be added, or some that don't belong?

 In my opinion, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy doesn't deserve to be there, and I enjoyed the second Matrix movie, although it doesn't come close to the greatness of the original. If this list was made several weeks from now, I have a feeling the The Clone Wars would be up there. It looks absolutely horrible.



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Edited By FengShuiGod
Here's an article about some "geeky" movies that had great potential, but turned out less than stellar. For those too lazy to click the link, the list is as follows:

1. The Mummy 3
2. A.I.
3. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
4. The Time Machine
5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
6. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
7. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
8. Erik the Viking
9. Matrix 2/3
 and 10. Waterworld

What do you think of the list? Are there some movies that should be added, or some that don't belong?

 In my opinion, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy doesn't deserve to be there, and I enjoyed the second Matrix movie, although it doesn't come close to the greatness of the original. If this list was made several weeks from now, I have a feeling the The Clone Wars would be up there. It looks absolutely horrible.

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Edited By Lies

I really liked the style of Sky Captain :( It was so unique.

I agree with most of the rest, and I agree that Clone Wars will probably deserve a spot on there, although I guess it's a bit early to judge, seeing as it's not out yet :P

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Edited By atejas

I enjoyed League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Nothing special, but it was a good watch.

From what I hear, yeah, Hitchhiker's doesnt deserve to be there either.
Clone Wars ftl.