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Here's the world I'm importing into DAII, yours? !!!SPOILERS!!!


Name: Limus FLStyle 
Level: 32
Race: Male Human

Origin: Mage
Class: Mage
Specialisations: Arcane Warrior, Spirit Healer and Battlemage
GF/BF: Morrigan

Origins Story

Dalish vs Werewolves - Zathrian ended the curse, killing himself and the Lady of the Forest, turning the werewolves back to humans. Recruited the Dalish.
Bhelen vs Harrowmont - Destroyed the anvil, killed Branka, put Harrowmont on the throne. Recruited the Dwarves.
Mages vs Templars - Cleared the tower out of the blood mages and abominations, protected innocent mages (Wynne recruitment), saved Irving. Recruited the Mages 
Ashes and Dragon - Used my wordy skills to convince Sten to follow orders, slaughtered the cult, killed the High Dragon, kept the ashes pure
Connor, Demon and Arl Eamon - I cleared out the Magi Tower beforehand so Irving and some mages gave me a hand, I killed the demon, saving Connor, Eamon and Isolde in the process, sent Jowan back to the Circle. 
Landsmeet and Ritual - Killed Loghain, put Alistair on the throne and Anora in a tower. Did the Ritual with my GF Morrigan who was sad to leave. Asked that the Grey Warden's sacrifice never be forgotten again, got a GW statue.
Characters - Recruited everyone, did the missions for Sten, Morrigan, Oghren, Wynne only.
 Combat Limus
 Combat Limus

Awakening Story

Fully upgraded Vigil's Keep, saved Amaranthine. Proclaimed a hero.
Alligned with The Architect against The Mother.
Oghren helped out his kid.
Anders and Nathaniel survived, stayed with the Wardens for a while and left.
Justice was killed
Vellena disappeared into the Deep Roads when she thought she saw her sister.
Sigrun.. did something or went somewhere, didn't care.

Golems of Amgarrak Story

No moral choices of note, killed the boss and left, everyone survived. Assume that with some of DAII taking place in the Deep roads there will be a mention of my warden-Commander fighting the monsters here.

Witch Hunt Story

Left with Morrigan through the eluvian hopefully to return one day with Morrigan and God-child as trio of powerful mages.

European GBers: TNT and Happy Hour starts at 23:00, not midnight

As you know the clocks went back an hour last week, meaning that when Ryan and Jeff say that TNT and Happy Hour starts at 4PM PDT, that means we have to be at at 11PM, or we'll miss the first hour like I just did with this week's Screened's Screening Room this evening.
According to the internet, the USA's own clock change happens this Sunday, so we'll be back to midnight next week.

  You've been warned! 
  You've been warned! 

The UK is getting a dedicated gaming channel - My thoughts


  • It's called Ginx (I don't know what this means)
  • It's by the people who did/still do the UK gaming programme "Gameface" on the Bravo channel which wasn't unwatchable
  • It launches this November
  • It's being billed to do for games what MTV did for music (presumably when it was actually about music and not reality TV) which the guy in charge would know about as he's the former head of MTV Europe


Gaming ads are on TV more than ever so they should be able to make a bit of money, music albums, film trailers, even sports, all fine. Hopefully it won't drift into Disney channel adverts, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I don't know what sort of subscription services they could implement, it seems a lot easier to do that sort of thing for websites. On the other hand you could go the porn route late night. I really hope they don't do that. 


 Anything that doesn't follow awful gaming shows of the past I'm happy with. Yes I'm talking to you Gamezville, with your tournaments starring kids who don't know how to play the games they're on and the apparently constantly high Game's Guru who would answer emails on cheats and gaming history.
 Gamezvile's "Games Guru"
There was only one good UK gaming show and that was Gamesmaster. Reruns of that show would be great, but I would like show good original content. The problem lies in the fact that even with their studios and producers and money I don't believe for a second that they could do anything on Giant Bomb's level. But Gameface gives me hope that they can repeat that level of success and intregrity. I remember once seeing a decent five-minute seqment comparing the pros and cons of Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2. It was pretty obvious stuff, DA:O's story and characters and more developed but Mass Effect 2's gameplay and overall experience is superior (in their opinion, not mine, I love all things Dragon Age and haven't gotten around to trying Mass Effect 1 and 2) but they were far from ignorant.

Will the UK mainstreamers "get it"?

And by mainstreamers I mean people who don't visit this site or any IGNs and Kotakus, people who walk around swearing in public as much as they do on Modern Warfare 2. I wouldn't want them to have any influence on a starting gaming TV channel, but you know that it won't survive without them. So put some FPS content in there and they should be satisfied. If they can give me some RPG time in HD I can make the compromise.

Turn your Twitter Feeds into Newspapers ("Whiskey Media Daily")

No Caption Provided

  You can create 10 Newspapers per user and can create them based on a user, a # tag or a list. It displays all links posted by those included in the feeds (which explains the Engadget link, tweeted by Jeff) and features youtube videos and Live Streams. I think it's a pretty cool little app, thanks to Stephen Fry for drawing my attention to it.

I've bought more PSN than bought PS3 this year

Let's see, Street Fighter IV, Valkyria Chronicles, Persona 4 and those were ages a go. Recently on the PSN I've bought Worms, Zuma, Fat Princess, Final Fantasy VII.
They're cheaper, proven quality and I don't have to leave the house to get them. But I can see myself getting Arkham Asylum, Tekken 6, FIFA 10, Dragon Age: Origins on disc whereas the only downloadable left that I really want is Trine so maybe it's just a case of timing.


Go Manchester United!

Hell yeah I'm ready for Football, the new season starts next week and I couldn't be more excited. My Fantasy Football team is already done and ready to go.
PS. Handegg sucks.


Question for (former) FFVII players (Sticking with 3 characters)

Because of the Materia system I feel no need to change my characters just for Limit Breaks. Also, the changing of Materia has been a tough task. If there's some way of changing without the PHS I haven't found it.

I'm almost set on sticking with Cloud, Barret and Red XIII for the entire game. Any problems with this? Are either Barret or Red XIII killed off before the end of the game (without spoiling how and when)? I'm already staying away from one certain character because I know what happens to her eventually through videos on the net over the years.

Currently I'm one disc one, at Red XIII's home.

Moaning and the Internet Police that follow. Don't fall for it.

I noticed that there was quite a backlash to the Endurance Run today, but there was an equal amount of people moaning about the moaning. So I did a moan of my own to see if I'd get a reaction and I was amused at the results.

My point? If someone rage-posts the best thing you can do is ignore them. The worst? Directly reply to them therefore giving them the attention they're craving.


Oh SFIV Online, you frustrate me so

You've just had a close match after 10 mins of searching, then it won't connect you to any yellow or green bars, but never hestitates to connect to red bars where you're either kicked or have a lag-tastic match. I've never going to be able to compete with my fellow G2ers if I get slaughtered once every 20 minutes of trying to find a match.

Speaking of which, where did all these G2-E people come from who I never fought in G3 who are twice as good as me? Talk about a jump in difficulty. Then I almost beat a G2-A Guile who seemed a slightly above average Guile player to what I'm used to ... what the hell is going on.