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I'm Makin a Game. Combat

I'm makin an XNA game and I'm updating my progress on my blog here and in video format on YouTube.

Added some new stuff having to do with Combos and Air Attacks

Significant combat update =D

Unfortunately, I only realized after the fact that this video is laggy like crazy. This was prolly due to me not having closed a bunch of open programs prior to running the game and recording it. . . I'll be sure to do it better next time.

In any case, this is a smaller update. For the most part, I added in some more temp art for things like the running. While not super important, it was bugging me that when the player ran, he'd look like he was sliding around trying to hit something with Akuma's ultimate -_-;; In addition to that, I added a chargable attack move. This will increase in strength when you hold down the button to use it. You can't see it due to the laggy video, but his hand actually shakes faster and faster till he hits full strength. I'll be adding in some better effects and sounds to signify this process later on but for now, it suits my needs. Which is just art to have in place so that I can get to the coding.

I'm really unhappy with the actual punch frame though, and I'll prob end up changing that one out sooner than later.

Things to work on next. Increasing the player's moveset. Once I have more moves for the player to pick from, I'll be able to really start getting into the meat and potatoes of the combo system and with that, this whole other thing I've got planned for the combat which should be fun *crosses fingers* and as far as I know, hasn't been done before.

We'll see! I'll update again as soon as I have something to put up.