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Legends of Wrestlemania + Jeff's Promo Cut

I'm really looking forward to getting myself a copy of Legends of Wrestlemania just because and I'll admit it straight up I love pro wrestling.  Okay maybe not the crap thats on TV now, with the possible exception of TNA, but the stuff I used to watch as a kid back when the WCW and WWF (note WWF ... none of that WWE, Get the F out, Panda shit) were awesome.  I used to get the woman across the street to video tape the Royal Rumble every year because in the UK you could only watch it on Sky Sports via Satalite. Vintage.

I've downloaded the demo and while I have my reservations about the controls, as I think maybe they dumbed it down a little too much, just the fact that you can recreate classic matches with some of the guys who I had action figures of like Hulk Hogan, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and the Legion of Doom is awesome to me.

One major concern I share with Jeff though is the exclusion of a certain Macho Man Randy Savage.  While I'm not big on the whole personal he and Vince McMahon have together, you'd still think that it being a Wrestlemania Legends game that he would be in there.  Same goes for Mankind, especially when the "Relive" section of the demo show's him as the special guest referee for the Rock .vs. Stone Cold bout.

Speaking of Jeff though... anyone remember this little skit from about 2 years ago when Gamespot still rulled and On The Spot was must see net TV ?

Awesome promo cut Jeff... Gotta Love it... SNAAAAKE STYLE !!!!